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Is a hatred of Thailand and Thais part of being an expat?


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"I've been hanging around this forum (for free) since 2012. I'm a newbie. I've been here long enough to see there's so much whining amongst so many here about how...."

so you're averaging 7 posts a day - a life you should go and acquire.

"Anyway, just wondering if Thailand is ok for a holiday, and if so can you tell me a place where none of you will be because your negativity is awful."

Anywhere - just don't go on ThaiVisa!!

Seriously you do an average of 7 posts a day in an environment that you find awfully negative - stop getting involved. Disconnect the internet and you'll be fine

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"I've been hanging around this forum (for free) since 2012. I'm a newbie. I've been here long enough to see there's so much whining amongst so many here about how...."

so you're averaging 7 posts a day - a life you should go and acquire.

"Anyway, just wondering if Thailand is ok for a holiday, and if so can you tell me a place where none of you will be because your negativity is awful."

Anywhere - just don't go on ThaiVisa!!

Seriously you do an average of 7 posts a day in an environment that you find awfully negative - stop getting involved. Disconnect the internet and you'll be fine

I appreciate the way you think Martin.

But I'd be missed.

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Maybe do a POLL of expats and then you'll see the very premise of this thread is total horse pucky.

Admission of guilt goes against the grain. Its the reason lawyers exist.

You've been here long enough Jingthing, you know it's sadly correct the op.

No need to answer btw,bigger issues in the world.

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I'm an expat and I generally like Thailand and Thai people, and so do most of the expats I know. There are annoyances of course, as there are everywhere, and there are definitely things that are objectively done less well in Thailand than in other parts of the world, but well educated Thais are often as aware of them as anyone else.

You've got to laugh at the people who post variations on the classic "my wife, with whom I can barely communicate, who is 20 years younger than me, whose culture I despise, and with whom I share no common interests, treats me like an ATM". Well, no shit man.

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Maybe do a POLL of expats and then you'll see the very premise of this thread is total horse pucky.

Admission of guilt goes against the grain. Its the reason lawyers exist.

You've been here long enough Jingthing, you know it's sadly correct the op.

No need to answer btw,bigger issues in the world.

Yeah, whatever, dude.partytime2.gif

I've already said all I wanted to say on this "topic" so will now exit da thread.

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You think expats are bad? Sheesh, you should meet my wife.

Her favorite term is "MOMS" = Monkeys on Motorbikes.

Hates the Junta.

Hates yellow shirts.

Thinks Thaksin is a lying crook.

Thinks all silver mini van drivers are high on yabba and M-150, and should all be banned from driving for life.

Thinks all big bus drivers have the IQ of a buffalo.

Thinks "emotional maturity" of Thai men stops at the age of 10 (except for her son, of course).whistling.gif

Thinks the majority of falang men just come here for sex (except for me, of course) biggrin.png

Thinks someone should drop about 50 bombs each on Phuket and Pattaya.

Thinks every Thai with the rank of General (or equivalent), both Police and Military, should be rounded up, have all their assets seized, and then put in prison for life.

Hates Chinese with a passion (despite the fact that she's half Chinese herself.)

Thinks most Thai in Bangkok live in a fantasy world and don't have a clue as to what life is all about.

And those are just SOME of her "pet peeves". cheesy.gif

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You think expats are bad? Sheesh, you should meet my wife.

Her favorite term is "MOMS" = Monkeys on Motorbikes.

Hates the Junta.

Hates yellow shirts.

Thinks Thaksin is a lying crook.

Thinks all silver mini van drivers are high on yabba and M-150, and should all be banned from driving for life.

Thinks all big bus drivers have the IQ of a buffalo.

Thinks "emotional maturity" of Thai men stops at the age of 10 (except for her son, of course).whistling.gif

Thinks the majority of falang men just come here for sex (except for me, of course) biggrin.png

Thinks someone should drop about 50 bombs each on Phuket and Pattaya.

Thinks every Thai with the rank of General (or equivalent), both Police and Military, should be rounded up, have all their assets seized, and then put in prison for life.

Hates Chinese with a passion (despite the fact that she's half Chinese herself.)

Thinks most Thai in Bangkok live in a fantasy world and don't have a clue as to what life is all about.

And those are just SOME of her "pet peeves". cheesy.gif

I think your wife is one of the few thai people that has actually thought about things for a second or two :)

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...it is an eye opener to be 'a visible minority'....and to be on the other side of racism.....

..when it is no longer a holiday....and people commit 'for the long haul'......it is a big step....and not easy...

..and if you want to pretend many of the points of injustice are invalid....sorry I cannot concur.....

..another consideration is those of us that 'went all in'....trusted someone.....and for want of a better term 'got taken'.....

....terrible in one's homeland....a complete nightmare in a strange/foreign land.....

....you have nothing to 'b*tch' about.....I guess nothing happened to you....yet....

....the fact of the matter is...there are many terrible things that happen to non-Thais...every day...in Thailand....

...none of us came here with hatred in our hearts.....quite the contrary.....

...the black man...did not seek out to hate or be hated......

...and I hate no one...I hate lies, cheating, stealing...hostility...animosity...aggression...insults and slurs....and hatred....

...and I have been on the receiving dozens of times....I suspect...because I am non-Thai....

...and it is unpleasant...shocking....

...and I am grateful if I could come on The Forum....and use it as a 'sounding board'....or a 'venting mechanism'.....because yes.....one can feel very alone...

...do unto others....

...hatred...I prefer love......


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you have a point there but see it for what it is..

it's really soooo good that we can seriously enjoy the liberty to go b-itchy about pricing and the driving, how it's all going to s.h.i.t.e etc.. only some all-the-while-forgetting that outside the forum's champion whiners and diners it's actually ineffably good, just watch how many chillies get onto your plate that's all ;-)

Cheers mate,

cos you'll need a cold one when you get outside thumbsup.gif

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You think expats are bad? Sheesh, you should meet my wife.

Her favorite term is "MOMS" = Monkeys on Motorbikes.

Hates the Junta.

Hates yellow shirts.

Thinks Thaksin is a lying crook.

Thinks all silver mini van drivers are high on yabba and M-150, and should all be banned from driving for life.

Thinks all big bus drivers have the IQ of a buffalo.

Thinks "emotional maturity" of Thai men stops at the age of 10 (except for her son, of course).whistling.gif

Thinks the majority of falang men just come here for sex (except for me, of course) biggrin.png

Thinks someone should drop about 50 bombs each on Phuket and Pattaya.

Thinks every Thai with the rank of General (or equivalent), both Police and Military, should be rounded up, have all their assets seized, and then put in prison for life.

Hates Chinese with a passion (despite the fact that she's half Chinese herself.)

Thinks most Thai in Bangkok live in a fantasy world and don't have a clue as to what life is all about.

And those are just SOME of her "pet peeves". cheesy.gif

Welcome to the "see what I'm saying" list.

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Well.... Hate is a bit strong, I think that rather "dislike" or "not enjoying fully" might be a better word(s). It is a bit different to actually live here compared to just spending a fortnight as a tourist boozing, partying, sunbathing and (in some cases f*cking).

It's definitely not a paradise, but I find it quite livable since I usually just adapt and don't give a shit about the annoyances. I've been living here for about three years now mixed in with 6 years in Malaysia and before that 3 years in Dubai. Each place have its ups and downs, and I would get the hell out of here if the downs was too many compared to the ups.

If you can't bitch about stuff that annoys you then you'll just bundle up everything inside until shit happens - and you throw yourself of the balcony at the 20th floor.... So complaing away :-)

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I don't think we hate Thailand, i certainly don't, but moaning is mandatory, if we didn't moan then there would really be something wrong

Could it be that it's the nature of the beast?

When I was in the mob they used to say, and perhaps still do? "a soldier isn't happy unless he's complaining."

When the Falklands war/conflict/skirmish, take your pick, was finished, in conversation with my Commanding Officer he commented "You know, I'm worried about the men, they've stopped complaining."

One man's meat.....

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anybody trapped up in the country without even a partner they can speak or relate late to and essentially counting time and satang until they die is bound to be unhappy.

you dont get much complaint from active productive individuals in well-matched relationships with rich social lives and ample means.

Thai visa is primarily a retirement community. Posts here reflect that.

Edited by HooHaa
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No, not everybody hates or dislikes where they're are at. I find my life in Thailand quite peaceful and full of positives. It serves no purpose to allow in a bunch of negative ideas from people who aren't adjusting too well. I seldom to never read the Comments about the news articles. I've lived as an expat in different countries for many years and always there's some adjustment, but maintaining a positive attitude is the way to forge a path to enjoying life in whatever country you're living in...

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You think expats are bad? Sheesh, you should meet my wife.

Her favorite term is "MOMS" = Monkeys on Motorbikes.

Hates the Junta.

Hates yellow shirts.

Thinks Thaksin is a lying crook.

Thinks all silver mini van drivers are high on yabba and M-150, and should all be banned from driving for life.

Thinks all big bus drivers have the IQ of a buffalo.

Thinks "emotional maturity" of Thai men stops at the age of 10 (except for her son, of course).whistling.gif

Thinks the majority of falang men just come here for sex (except for me, of course) biggrin.png

Thinks someone should drop about 50 bombs each on Phuket and Pattaya.

Thinks every Thai with the rank of General (or equivalent), both Police and Military, should be rounded up, have all their assets seized, and then put in prison for life.

Hates Chinese with a passion (despite the fact that she's half Chinese herself.)

Thinks most Thai in Bangkok live in a fantasy world and don't have a clue as to what life is all about.

And those are just SOME of her "pet peeves". cheesy.gif

So you're saying your wife is just as screwed up as you are? My condolences.

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You think expats are bad? Sheesh, you should meet my wife.

Her favorite term is "MOMS" = Monkeys on Motorbikes.

Hates the Junta.

Hates yellow shirts.

Thinks Thaksin is a lying crook.

Thinks all silver mini van drivers are high on yabba and M-150, and should all be banned from driving for life.

Thinks all big bus drivers have the IQ of a buffalo.

Thinks "emotional maturity" of Thai men stops at the age of 10 (except for her son, of course).whistling.gif

Thinks the majority of falang men just come here for sex (except for me, of course) biggrin.png

Thinks someone should drop about 50 bombs each on Phuket and Pattaya.

Thinks every Thai with the rank of General (or equivalent), both Police and Military, should be rounded up, have all their assets seized, and then put in prison for life.

Hates Chinese with a passion (despite the fact that she's half Chinese herself.)

Thinks most Thai in Bangkok live in a fantasy world and don't have a clue as to what life is all about.

And those are just SOME of her "pet peeves". cheesy.gif

Well maybe she is not hating but just being observant

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Hatred of everything is part of being an expat.

That's why they left their home country (hatred of their home country).

('hatred' may be a bit too strong, 'dislike' may be a better word to use)

You say "they".. So you don't count yourself as an expat?

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If you open a newspaper of any country ( i can only verify this for three ) you will find people bitching about their own country so it would be a bit strange if they didn't have a go when they live in a foreign country with a completely different culture

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You think expats are bad? Sheesh, you should meet my wife.

Her favorite term is "MOMS" = Monkeys on Motorbikes.

Hates the Junta.

Hates yellow shirts.

Thinks Thaksin is a lying crook.

Thinks all silver mini van drivers are high on yabba and M-150, and should all be banned from driving for life.

Thinks all big bus drivers have the IQ of a buffalo.

Thinks "emotional maturity" of Thai men stops at the age of 10 (except for her son, of course).whistling.gif

Thinks the majority of falang men just come here for sex (except for me, of course) biggrin.png

Thinks someone should drop about 50 bombs each on Phuket and Pattaya.

Thinks every Thai with the rank of General (or equivalent), both Police and Military, should be rounded up, have all their assets seized, and then put in prison for life.

Hates Chinese with a passion (despite the fact that she's half Chinese herself.)

Thinks most Thai in Bangkok live in a fantasy world and don't have a clue as to what life is all about.

And those are just SOME of her "pet peeves". cheesy.gif

Fantastic! No wonder you married her! The only thing I would add is that it's not just Thai men and the maturity thing. Time after time you see the Thai birds reading comic books at work! My missus thinks much the same but she adds the Thai soap operas to her list!

Edited by Alwyn
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All of us, or maybe most of us, do the "Thai bashing" thing, myself included at times, but in reality, at least for me, I love living here. I'm in Chiang Mai, and can't think of anywhere else I'd rather live. The coup and the Junta really don't have any bearing on my life. The protests, both red and yellow, had no effect on me. I've only had 1 incident, about 5 years ago, when 4 Thai boys tried to rob me. It didn't turn out well for them. I spent the better part of 4 years traveling around the North & NorthEast on my CBR once a month (prior to my stroke), and never had any problems. In fact, on some of those trips I met some of the nicest people you will find anywhere. This is Thailand, and it is what it is. You either accept it, with all it's variables, and deal with it, or you sit here and be miserable. Or move to someplace else, where you'll find something else to moan and complain about most likely. It's not the U.S., because if it was, I'd move from here as well. Overall, I have a good life here, and no intentions of changing it.

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On the rare occasion something bothers me or gets on my goat, I remember the nanny state I came from and a warm, beaming smile spreads across my face.

I always show respect for Thai people, and try my best to understand and accept their culture. Sure, it's different. But this is their country and their way. Although I have lived in Thailand for only 4 and a half years, I feel a much greater feeling of belonging here than I ever did in Oz.

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So dislike of corruption and bad road manners is "hatred"?

Are you saying there is no corruption or bad road manners in the west? Are you stupid?

No but you are as it seems as you seem to think the thai level of corruption is the same in the west. Take off your rose-tinted glasses and smell the shit in Thailand, your delusions of Thailand is at an alarming level.

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On the rare occasion something bothers me or gets on my goat, I remember the nanny state I came from and a warm, beaming smile spreads across my face.

I always show respect for Thai people, and try my best to understand and accept their culture. Sure, it's different. But this is their country and their way. Although I have lived in Thailand for only 4 and a half years, I feel a much greater feeling of belonging here than I ever did in Oz.

unfortunately, as far as officialdom is concerned at least, that feeling is one sided.

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