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Suddenly difficult to get out of bed in morning

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For the last 3-4 weeks I have experienced great difficulty getting out of bed every morning, normally at 6 am, with no problems at all.

This has never happened to me before! When I do get up after a struggle, I'm exhausted by 11 am, and back in bed. Afternoons are horrible, no energy to do anything. Evenings slightly better. No other symptoms. I sleep well.

Recently had medical check up - all routine lab tests clear. In last 12 months had abdomen ultrasound + CAT scan (for back pain) = all clear.

I'm in my seventies and living on shrinking life savings. Reluctant to spend even more on greedy hospitals, doctors + multiple tests.

Based on experiencing similar symptoms (especially the strange + sudden difficulty getting out of bed) does anybody have a clue which tests might pinpoint the cause? Do not smoke. Drink very little alcohol. Good varied diet. Not on any medication.

Suggestions appreciated!

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Do no have any specific medical knowledge but have you had cardio (EKG or stress type) or thyroid check in your testing? You are at an age where these can become issues (been there).


Per above, exercise will tone up your body and give basis for energy. I often have a stiff back and have been taking 400mg ibuprofen before going to sleep. The med helps me sleep better and get up with more spring.


Jko are you getting any exercise, I find if I exercise I become less lethargic.

+1...Try some light exercise and see if that helps. Good Luck !


Jko are you getting any exercise, I find if I exercise I become less lethargic.

That also has been my experience....just try to get in at least 20 mins of a walk daily. I find when I start to lay around it gets worse. Hope it sorts itself out for you, I suppose it is part of the "getting older" thing.


I may be wrong but I know people and have had similar symptoms at different stages of my life , I was told it was a form of depression, where you feel there is nothing really there to get up for and your bed is the sanctuary to get away from those doubts about your life. Plan something to do every day ,shopping , washing clothes , go for a walk, anything as my old man used to say , You have to pull your pants up and get on with it


I'm 73 and experience similar lethargy, which I just put down to my age. Impossible to have the same vitality and zest for life as when you're young. As someone once said, "getting old ain't for pussies".


Sorry to hear this stuff.

I am 67, and also a vitamin and herb consultant.

I would ask you to have blood tests for DHEA and Thyroid Function.

When you wake-up in the morning, your blood sugar is naturally low, which in and of itself will cause lethargy.

Your low Testosterone levels are also a source of lack of energy. I am taking an herb that really made a noticeable difference It is a Thai herb called Butea Superba, available at SuperCheap, and many other places.

I am also doing HGH now, which you can Google about.

Otherwise, the B-Vitamins are very important, especially for healthy red blood cells. Vitamin B-12 is often given to old buggers like us for energy. I have it on hand, and when I feel like I am dragging my ass, I take some. I have the liquid version.

Caffeine is good for the short term, but it is a diuretic, and will cause heart palpitations.

Everybody is right about exercise. Doing anything is better than nothing. Go walk around a mall where it is air conditioned.

And stay hydrated. Lack of proper hydration will cause headaches, confusion and lethargy.

Good luck. I hate growing old.


Don't worry too much - once you get over the 6 years and 10 - the aging symptoms begin -I KNOW because I am in my 85th year! In the last year especially I have experienced diminished eyesight and worst of all real aches in my arms and back!

I just ignore it all as best I can! Like You I have done the rounds of the hospitals and all they give you is medicine - heaps of medicine!

The only answer would be the early coming of the technical SINGULARITY but thats hardly possible for you and I.

Finally watch your WEIGHT! I stabilise mind by having only coffee and a bun for breakfast and then only ONE substantial meal a day

Keep it positive friend and good luck


Though I am much younger, had the same problem 6 months ago. Was so weak couldn't get out of bed.

Turned out to be a hook worm, not difficult to get in Thailand. Nasty.

See your closest pharmacy for worm meds.


Aggree with most of the above. Brisk as you can walk f 20mins per day, having a reason to get out of bed and definitely get your thyroid checked. Mink was under active and caused me to be ough it did creep up on me very slowly, but the medication works really well.


I have this problem but it stems from back issues. One disc has dissolved and a couple more are fading away. It seems like the discs decompress while I'm prone and mobility is zilch until they compress again. They can't operate because of heart problems and my 77 years. I do go to the gym 2 hours a day and sometimes it seems to help.


Most likely oxygen deficit . You could have has a minor heart attack in your sleep or advancing heart failure that is finally symptomatic. I'd look there first.


You say, "shrinking life savings". So, soon you will not have enough to extend your visa. Then, you will have to return to your country of origin, right?

Go to the government hospital where charges are much lower.


Might be some kind of stomach/intestinal parasites.

There are natural cures for some of them, just look online.

I think I read that raw papaya seeds may kill some of them.


Well I am sure your routi e tests are enough to assume general good health. So perhaps a more mundane reason may range from iron deficiency through to transitive depression. You need a bit of excitement in life too.


Jko are you getting any exercise, I find if I exercise I become less lethargic.

That also has been my experience....just try to get in at least 20 mins of a walk daily. I find when I start to lay around it gets worse. Hope it sorts itself out for you, I suppose it is part of the "getting older" thing.

I go fo a swim 4 times a week for an hour each time and this helps. With the general walking aroundthe house and shopping, Ifind this keeps me somewhat fit. The real problem being, old age never comes alone!


I have this problem but it stems from back issues. One disc has dissolved and a couple more are fading away. It seems like the discs decompress while I'm prone and mobility is zilch until they compress again. They can't operate because of heart problems and my 77 years. I do go to the gym 2 hours a day and sometimes it seems to help.

Yeah, I was going to suggest back problems.

Do your legs seem to hurt for no reason, when you press on them? Like pressing the area between the bone and the muscles?

Do you get any groin pain, or calf pain sometimes?

If you think it could be back problems, try some long lasting panadol or tynadol, take 2 every 4 hours and see what happens. These are the 650 mg slow release ones.

If it is back trouble, get in the pool and do some aqua arobics, I am sure there are google sites with exercises. I drive 20 Km to the pool everyday and do an hour. Great for everything.

Also oil massages are cheap in Thailand. B 500 to 600 for 2 hours.

Try and get a massage at least 3 times a week, with a good person for 2 massages and the third one ...... try a different person.

If you find that the tynadol work, then maybe have a go at a low dose Santos, I think they are called, or lycros, something like that, they are prescribed to diabetics with nerver damage, and when my legs are so sore I can't sleep because of my back, I take these for a couple of days, no more, for me as it knocks me around.

A small dose of meloxicam 7.5 mg can work wonders if it is your back and it works for you.

It's all a balancing act with med, exercise, rest, massage etc. You've gota see what does and doesn't work.

The above is only if you do have a bad back causing the problems.smile.png


Come on, OP, you're experiencing a significant change.....so go see a doctor. Asking for medical advice here is simply foolish.


..heal yourself by what you eat...

..onions, garlic, greens, like Kale...

...extra virgin olive oil...extra virgin coconut oil...even a spoon a day will do..

...make sure you hydrate...

...maybe lacking potassium....

,,,buy some natural cocoa...and make yourself some...

...avoid white sugar and white flour...even white rice...

...get some fish or fish oil in your diet....

...exercise regularly....go for walks....

...something might have changed in your diet or your surroundings or your habits...that you are not aware of...

..did anything emotional happen in your life in the past year....

...go out and make new friends...

...do not set your mind that 'something is wrong with you'...and....do not go see doctors that will just medicate you...

...a natural source multi-vitamin might help as well...

..get enough light or sun.....daily...


You may have an electrolyte balance. Sweating and drinking lots of water can deplete the system of magnesium, potassium, and sodium. Low potassium and sodium will make you tired. Bananas are good for potassium. Make sure the water you're drinking is mineral water. Just check the ingredients listed on back of water bottle to make sure that there are minerals added.

It's not as common for men to be iron deficient but depending on what you eat and how your body metabolizes iron, that could also be part of the problem. Supplementing with iron is trickier however-especially for men and has been linked in the scientific literature with heart attacks + alzheimers. Google dietary sources (e.g. red meat, spinach etc). Hope that helps! best wishes!


Many years ago, i heard of a similar case. Healthy man in his seventies suddenly loosing strength slowly week after week till he was almost paralysed and his son arrived to take him home to Malta where he recovered completely in 3 months. It was alledged that his wife who was in her twenties was smearing some kind of herbal poisons on her privates and forcing him to ingest it.

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