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Will I ever adjust to the weather?


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After 1.5 years (no return back home) I'm starting to doubt it.

As I type this its 11:20 pm, 86 degrees at 86% humidity. I have a fan blowing on me from 5 feet away, which makes the temperature fine, but I can feel a thin screen of moisture on the side of me that isn't getting direct air.

I never use AC and my BMI is a little over 21. 1.5 years in I thought my body would adjust more but it hasn't seemed to at all.

I'm curious if most other foreigners are going through the same thing or not, thanks.

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I never use AC and my BMI is a little over 21. 1.5 years in I thought my body would adjust more but it hasn't seemed to at all.

My BMI is just under 30. I have the aircon on all the time, set to 27 degrees, which is just right to take the excess humidity out of the air (the humidity is what I dont like, not the temperature).

I'm as comfortable and as happy as a pig in sh*t. smile.png

Will I die some horrible and unnatural death at an early age? Quite probably, but I will be comfortable until then.

The other option is to exercise like mad, eat nothing, sweat all the time and maybe live an extra 10 years in discomfort and misery. Nuts to that.

Edited by KittenKong
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It doesn't have to be one or the other. You can live a comfortable and healthy life by getting a bit more clever about your diet and exercise plan.

I don't want to divert this thread so I will stop there.

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I never use AC and my BMI is a little over 21. 1.5 years in I thought my body would adjust more but it hasn't seemed to at all.

My BMI is just under 30. I have the aircon on all the time, set to 27 degrees, which is just right to take the excess humidity out of the air (the humidity is what I dont like, not the temperature).

I'm as comfortable and as happy as a pig in sh*t. smile.png

Will I die some horrible and unnatural death at an early age? Quite probably, but I will be comfortable until then.

The other option is to exercise like mad, eat nothing, sweat all the time and maybe live an extra 10 years in discomfort and misery. Nuts to that.

I gave your post a Like due to the last paragraph, but what is a BMI? Bar Meter Index????

Sorry for my ignorance.

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I never use AC and my BMI is a little over 21. 1.5 years in I thought my body would adjust more but it hasn't seemed to at all.

My BMI is just under 30. I have the aircon on all the time, set to 27 degrees, which is just right to take the excess humidity out of the air (the humidity is what I dont like, not the temperature).

I'm as comfortable and as happy as a pig in sh*t. smile.png

Will I die some horrible and unnatural death at an early age? Quite probably, but I will be comfortable until then.

The other option is to exercise like mad, eat nothing, sweat all the time and maybe live an extra 10 years in discomfort and misery. Nuts to that.

I gave your post a Like due to the last paragraph, but what is a BMI? Bar Meter Index????

Sorry for my ignorance.

Body mass index.


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For a while I rented a cottage in England, where the landlord had not installed central heating, I can remember some winters when it was so cold the washing up liquid would not come out of the bottle.

Sure it gets really hot and sweaty here, but at least We can wash the dishes lol

Another plus with living here and perspiring a lot......the pores in your skin get flushed out, resulting in less unsightly blackheads..... and a tan makes you look and feel healthier.

I have been here five years...... yes I moan about things, as we all do, but the rain last week convinced me that I do not want to go back to a....."wet, windy, muddy life"....in my beloved English countryside.......but it is nice to pay the occassional visit.

Stick with it......when the going gets tough.....think of the negatives in your own country.

Phew I think I need a swim after that..

Edited by DD13
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It doesn't have to be one or the other. You can live a comfortable and healthy life by getting a bit more clever about your diet and exercise plan.

Quite possibly true, but even if I ate better and exercised more and weighed less I would still have the aircon on at home as I simply dont like the humidity here. Only a few weeks around Dec/Jan/Feb time are acceptable without aircon.

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It doesn't have to be one or the other. You can live a comfortable and healthy life by getting a bit more clever about your diet and exercise plan.

Quite possibly true, but even if I ate better and exercised more and weighed less I would still have the aircon on at home as I simply dont like the humidity here. Only a few weeks around Dec/Jan/Feb time are acceptable without aircon.

I am healthy in shape lean.. (high bmi but muscles) (BMI is a useless tool). But I still get hot and use an aircon like you just to get the moisture out of the air during the day. At night I use an aircon to sleep too.

Edited by robblok
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BMI is not an accurate measurement when calculated by height and weight alone. I come up with 35 (obese) when using that but at a relatively short 1.78m and 111kg, my waist is 36 inch. I would prefer 34 inch, but I don't look obese by any means. Some people do exercise a bit, me not more than about 15 minutes 5 or 6 times a week.

On topic, no, you came from the cold, and you will not adjust to the heat.

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Hard to believe that someone would move/retire to another country and then constantly whine about the weather....moaning seems to be hard-wired into some people! Thai weather is absolutely perfect and a blessing! Combo of northeast-southwest monsoons is a dream, as is the occasional tropical squall.

Anyhow, best way to adapt for a newbe is to do exercise (if able) in a non-aircon environment during the day, use a ceiling fan when at home, and aircon only for sleeping at night....of course if you cannot exercise for medical reasons, consult a doctor first...

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Use an AC to sleep. There is no valid excuse not to, if you are suffering. Buy an inverter. They cost a bit more, but consume a lot less electric.

Also, how much meat do you eat? Many cultures believe meat creates alot of heat in your body. You may want to experiment and see if cutting back helps.

Lastly, if you are living in Bangkok, consider moving. It is a real hotbox.

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What do you were ?

button down shirts breath , T shirts do not ,

and cotton not man made fabrics ,

I wear long pants too because I sunburn easily , but I also think not having direct sun on you is cooler ,

that and a hat during the day....

Works for me ! blond hair (now grey) and blue eyes......

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The other option is to exercise like mad, eat nothing, sweat all the time and maybe live an extra 10 years in discomfort and misery. Nuts to that.

Happy and fat - being happy wins regardless of the facade. Exercise to excess and wonder if I'm as happy as most the blubber bound people here. Not sure!

As for acclimating, it hasn't happened and going on 7 years in Thailand.

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BMI is not an accurate measurement when calculated by height and weight alone. I come up with 35 (obese) when using that but at a relatively short 1.78m and 111kg, my waist is 36 inch. I would prefer 34 inch, but I don't look obese by any means. Some people do exercise a bit, me not more than about 15 minutes 5 or 6 times a week.

On topic, no, you came from the cold, and you will not adjust to the heat.

Correct. BMI is a load of pseudo-scientific cobblers because weight is proportional to the cube of height, not the square.

I see another thread running about the related subject of de-humidifiers. Anyone intending to live in Thailand long term needs to get acclimatised and not just stay in an air conditioned, de-humidified box all the time.

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I never use AC and my BMI is a little over 21. 1.5 years in I thought my body would adjust more but it hasn't seemed to at all.

My BMI is just under 30. I have the aircon on all the time, set to 27 degrees, which is just right to take the excess humidity out of the air (the humidity is what I dont like, not the temperature).

I'm as comfortable and as happy as a pig in sh*t. smile.png

Will I die some horrible and unnatural death at an early age? Quite probably, but I will be comfortable until then.

The other option is to exercise like mad, eat nothing, sweat all the time and maybe live an extra 10 years in discomfort and misery. Nuts to that.

I gave your post a Like due to the last paragraph, but what is a BMI? Bar Meter Index????

Sorry for my ignorance.

Body mass index.


I'm 6ft tall (50 years old) and rake-thin, except for some extra padding on my upper body.

At a BMI of 26 I am 6kg overweight, on this scale you'd have to be very thin indeed not to be classed as overweight.

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I doubt it.

I'm from Florida so Thailand is a lot like home to me = I like the weather.

I worked up near Chicago for 10 years and NEVER got used to the cold.

Anything less than 78F & my teeth start chattering.

well, I've no idea at all what "86 degrees" or 78F is, but here in Chiang Mai it is a pleasant 27C.

Maybe you should move to a cooler clime.

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I have adjusted after many years, but not enough for this year, when it has been very hot, and the rainy season has just upped the humidity without giving us that much rain (in Chiang Mai). Most days the Realfeel temp is around 37-38. When the rain does fall I get energised by the lower temps and it's lovely. Ditto for winter, but it's just too hot from March onwards and I aim to relocate for maybe four months over the hot season.

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I never use AC and my BMI is a little over 21. 1.5 years in I thought my body would adjust more but it hasn't seemed to at all.

My BMI is just under 30. I have the aircon on all the time, set to 27 degrees, which is just right to take the excess humidity out of the air (the humidity is what I dont like, not the temperature).

I'm as comfortable and as happy as a pig in sh*t. smile.png

Will I die some horrible and unnatural death at an early age? Quite probably, but I will be comfortable until then.

The other option is to exercise like mad, eat nothing, sweat all the time and maybe live an extra 10 years in discomfort and misery. Nuts to that.

I gave your post a Like due to the last paragraph, but what is a BMI? Bar Meter Index????

Sorry for my ignorance.

Body mass index.



Thanks. One learns something new everyday I suppose. I've been blessed with a slender frame so I never heard of BMI before.

I weigh the same today as I did when I was 18, though my waistline seems to have increased from a 28 to a 36, I still weigh the same.

I'm shaped like an egg now. thumbsup.gifbiggrin.png

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I don't have a problem with any weather, hot or cold, I couldn't care less.

If it's the heat you're having a problem with maybe take note of which animals do best in the heat.

Ever notice that some animals have no problem with being in the sun all day long?

Some animals have to sleep for two days after eating and have to stay in the shade and pant.

I eat only plants, so I think that is why I have never had an issue with the heat when many many

heavy meat eating Thais can't take the heat even for a short period.

The heavier the oil, the hotter the engine runs. The more fat you have in your system, the hotter you're going to be.

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