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Auschwitz: Woman, 91, accused of complicity in murder of 260,000 Jews


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could some of the more knowledgeable posters on here explain to me why Hitler and the Nazis hated jews and why did they feel the need to lock them up in concentration camps and allegedly institute a deliberate program of mass extermination?

A lot of countries in Europe -some 14 nations- still have laws and courts who prohibit historical revisionism or questioning publicly the holocaust and the Nurnberg trials.

Even posting on TV some controversial episodes of WW2 is seen as a crime in some European countries...and there's no difference if the crime/publishment was committed/done abroad...

Ernst Zundel for instance had been prosecuted and convicted for 5 years for writing about the Holocaust with historical references, while some ex-SS-guards of concentration camps were convicted much lesser.


So, the 91-year old German lady from OP can thus be convicted for a second crime if she only tells the -historical- truth !

Edited by Thorgal
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What a bunch of ignorant racists. And I'm being kind. I can't imagine what any of you have contributed to life. If you knew anything at all about the concentration camps, you'd know that every single person who worked in them was in the SS. This woman was part of the SS-Scharführer, a technical unit. They were all volunteers. How else do you think they kept this a secret for such a long time? Getting into the SS was not easy. Only a fraction of those who applied got in. Those who did manual labor, like sweeping up, were prisoners. If you think we should forget about these atrocities because only 70 years has gone by, then you don't comprehend the magnitude of what was done. Comparing one atrocity with another as to which was more important is stupid. Tossing out inaccurate numbers and made up "facts" just shows your lack of intelligence, plus is just what the Nazis did to get their points across.

Not entirely true, the vast majority of guards were Soviet POWs, mostly Ukranians.
The commanders and the technical/organizational staff were Germans, and they were volunteers. The Nazis were quite paranoid about sabotage.

The common excuse I heard from ex-Nazis is "if I wouldn't have done it, somebody else would"

Hopefully we don't have to that kind of "excuse" again.

Edited by micmichd
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could some of the more knowledgeable posters on here explain to me why Hitler and the Nazis hated jews and why did they feel the need to lock them up in concentration camps and allegedly institute a deliberate program of mass extermination?

A lot of countries in Europe -some 14 nations- still have laws and courts who prohibit historical revisionism or questioning publicly the holocaust and the Nurnberg trials.

Even posting on TV some controversial episodes of WW2 is seen as a crime in some European countries...and there's no difference if the crime/publishment was committed/done abroad...

Ernst Zundel for instance had been prosecuted and convicted for 5 years for writing about the Holocaust with historical references, while some ex-SS-guards of concentration camps were convicted much lesser.


So, the 91-year old German lady from OP can thus be convicted for a second crime if she only tells the -historical- truth !

A very interesting legal ruling came out of the second Zundel trial when in the Judicial Summary, the presiding judge ruled that the truth was not a defense. Zundel was charged with denying the Holocaust which he in fact had done. He and his defense team were not smart and spent lots of money trying to defame the dead and make a case that the Holocaust was not as significant as indicated by historians. He was simply charged with denying the Holocaust which he in fact had done. He may as well should have plead guilty and saved lots of money and time.

Edited by Pakboong
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What a joke

The holocaust wasn't a joke. I don't yet know exactly what this woman did back then and what evidence exists to prove it and I reckon you don't either.

No one said the Holocaust was a joke. But some have said that prosecuting this woman seems a joke. I think the point is that first the OP doesn't give any information we can discuss, and two, most people have moved on from what happened in WWII. Most of the world was not alive in WWII. Basically it looks like this woman is being prosecuted for possibly knowing what was taking place and working at the camp. Looks like she was only there a few months so how complicit she was is up to the courts to decide. But to many this seems like it might be stretching things a bit with the little information provided.

Another point someone made is that the holocaust is not the only time in history people have been slaughtered because of their faith, ethnicity, race, or political views. Everyone knows that Stalin did away with far more people than Hitler. Pol Pot caused the death of over a million in Cambodia and think about what percentage that was of the Cambodian population at the time. How much genocide has taken place in Africa in the last 3 decades? Why is the Holocaust seemingly billed as the worst thing that happened in the 20th Century. It seems to get all the attention when even more recent cases of genocide get little attention. I just think many are tired of continually hearing about something that happened 70 years ago. No one is saying forget what happened but it is indeed time to move on from it.

Are you tired hearing about the holocaust? Bless your heart. Why not just ignore news about it when you hear it and your problem solved.

Personally, I'll always be interested in the subject. Not just the holocaust but everything about that war.

One of my prized possessions is my Dad's WW 2 dogtag with his religion indicated with an H.

Also it is not true that other genocides and potential genocides are not getting attention.

In fact, that's one of the main purposes of Holocaust Museums.

Some people wonder about the attention on the holocaust in the context of a very bloody human history. A major reason is that this was done by the most advanced modern western nation of the era, Germany, and done in a modern industrialized way. Yes dead is dead, by gas chamber or sword chop, but the industrialized methods were very significant in the history of genocides. Also the modern PROPAGANDA methods of the Nazis to racially demonize Jews and get public support for the holocaust was also historically significant. Contrary to what some people think, most Germans DID KNOW and most Germans DID approve.




Quite frankly, yes I am tired of hearing about it. I wasn't born when it happen and neither was the majority of the world's population. No one is saying to forget what happened. It is part of history and most people our age are well aware of what happened in WWII. You are barking up the wrong tree as no one is saying that it was not a horrible thing that occurred. However it seems that there are people who never want the world to forget and desire to keep it front and center. The world has seen many horrific events occur since WWII but let's face it to Jewish people the Holocaust is a more sensitive genocide than others that occurred since then. From your post, obviously you are more sensitive to this issue than some others on TV, including myself. It is part of history and to me a horrible part of it, but no more or less than other genocides. So don't preach to me about ignoring a news article posted on TV.

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Blame the Jews for their own genocide. Judeophobia -- the gift that keeps on giving. To add the guy I am addressing constantly posts bizarre Jewish related conspiracy theories and has even openly said he is sometimes antisemitic when it serves his purposes.

Like I said before I am not thrilled with these cases against B and C level Nazis because it stirs up the mentally ill Jew haters.

The Jew obsessed somehow can't even consider there Might be a good case against this lady. Instead their energy is focused on blaming Jews.

I just want to know why so many people hate the Jews?

Half the problem it seems to me are questions like this. Any negative attitudes towards the holocaust seems to be enough to be called a jew hater or anti-semitic, when that is not the case. For a lot of people the holocaust is just another something you learn in school, it does not stand out from any of the other atrocities that are taught in modern history.

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How long is this nonsense going to continue. Just tell them, "who cares" and ignore their BS and move on. Upto 50 million or more died in that war and these are the only ones still whining. Let it go. Were they the special ones? I think not.

I care, and I don't want it to happen again. Not against Jews, not against Moslems, not against any minority.

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Quite frankly, yes I am tired of hearing about it. I wasn't born when it happen and neither was the majority of the world's population. No one is saying to forget what happened. It is part of history and most people our age are well aware of what happened in WWII. You are barking up the wrong tree as no one is saying that it was not a horrible thing that occurred. However it seems that there are people who never want the world to forget and desire to keep it front and center. The world has seen many horrific events occur since WWII but let's face it to Jewish people the Holocaust is a more sensitive genocide than others that occurred since then. From your post, obviously you are more sensitive to this issue than some others on TV, including myself. It is part of history and to me a horrible part of it, but no more or less than other genocides. So don't preach to me about ignoring a news article posted on TV.

The above a bit like Jean-Marie Le Pen who likes to refer to it all as 'detail of history'.

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What a joke

The holocaust wasn't a joke. I don't yet know exactly what this woman did back then and what evidence exists to prove it and I reckon you don't either.

No one said the Holocaust was a joke. But some have said that prosecuting this woman seems a joke. I think the point is that first the OP doesn't give any information we can discuss, and two, most people have moved on from what happened in WWII. Most of the world was not alive in WWII. Basically it looks like this woman is being prosecuted for possibly knowing what was taking place and working at the camp. Looks like she was only there a few months so how complicit she was is up to the courts to decide. But to many this seems like it might be stretching things a bit with the little information provided.

Another point someone made is that the holocaust is not the only time in history people have been slaughtered because of their faith, ethnicity, race, or political views. Everyone knows that Stalin did away with far more people than Hitler. Pol Pot caused the death of over a million in Cambodia and think about what percentage that was of the Cambodian population at the time. How much genocide has taken place in Africa in the last 3 decades? Why is the Holocaust seemingly billed as the worst thing that happened in the 20th Century. It seems to get all the attention when even more recent cases of genocide get little attention. I just think many are tired of continually hearing about something that happened 70 years ago. No one is saying forget what happened but it is indeed time to move on from it.

Are you tired hearing about the holocaust? Bless your heart. Why not just ignore news about it when you hear it and your problem solved.

Personally, I'll always be interested in the subject. Not just the holocaust but everything about that war.

One of my prized possessions is my Dad's WW 2 dogtag with his religion indicated with an H.

Also it is not true that other genocides and potential genocides are not getting attention.

In fact, that's one of the main purposes of Holocaust Museums.

Some people wonder about the attention on the holocaust in the context of a very bloody human history. A major reason is that this was done by the most advanced modern western nation of the era, Germany, and done in a modern industrialized way. Yes dead is dead, by gas chamber or sword chop, but the industrialized methods were very significant in the history of genocides. Also the modern PROPAGANDA methods of the Nazis to racially demonize Jews and get public support for the holocaust was also historically significant. Contrary to what some people think, most Germans DID KNOW and most Germans DID approve.




Do you have any evidence to support your claim that most Germans knew about and supported the holocaust? If "most Germans" knew then why couldn't the Red Cross find out seeing as they were Germans and were trying very hard to do just that? There was speculation seeing as they kept taking people away, and there was some support which is hardly surprising considering the Jew hating propaganda, but to claim that most Germans knew they were being killed and also supported that is nonsense. What you neglect to consider is that if Germans knew, it would have hampered the Nazi effort to gather all the Jews, they would have been off like a shot if there had of been the slightest inkling that they were to be killed, so it was actually kept a very closely guarded secret that was only known by those who had to know.

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The Jews enjoyed a huge capital sympathy to exit the 39/45 World War, this has earned them a state. But by whining in all world medias on Holocaust for more 70 y they lost this capital and ended up creating new antisemitism.

Have we still right to write this without being accused of primary anti-Semitism today? Not sure...

And I can already announce that cushy will press the button ad hoc for this message to be censored ...

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The Jews enjoyed a huge capital sympathy to exit the 39/45 World War, this has earned them a state. But by whining in all world medias on Holocaust for more 70 y they lost this capital and ended up creating new antisemitism.
Have we still right to write this without being accused of primary anti-Semitism today? Not sure...
And I can already announce that cushy will press the button ad hoc for this message to be censored ...

'New'? The above just a variant of the old type. Not whining but wheedling for the censorship button as they test the boundaries, preferring not to be reminded of that which was.

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Still so many mentally diseased Jew haters in the world and we've got our share posting on this forum. Maybe wait until the evidence is presented in this particular case before anyone passes judgment on her culpability. Again this is what the German authorities decided to do ... it's up to them.

Personally I will be happy to see the last of these cases. The really big Nazi fish either escaped completely, already tried, and/or long dead. These cases against the Nazi flotsam and jetsam seem to largely serve to rile up the Jew haters.

Jew "haters", you say? I don;t think so. Germany is entering it's 4th.generation of post WWII German people. A 70-year apology is looooong enough, sir! Time to move progressively along, especially when we consider that Josef Stalin murdered far more Jews (during the 1930s Kremlin Purges), than Adolf Hitler ever did. Just the facts, sir!

Now, the flip-side to that coin is that the honest people of the world, will always come to eventually hate the "liars" of the world! Let the truth be twhistling.gifld! "You can fool some of the people all of the time; or all of the people, some of the time, but you can never fool all of the people, all of the the time" ~ Abraham Lincoln coffee1.gif

But you certainly seem to have sucessfully made a fool of yourself all the time.
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could some of the more knowledgeable posters on here explain to me why Hitler and the Nazis hated jews and why did they feel the need to lock them up in concentration camps and allegedly institute a deliberate program of mass extermination?

If you want to troll a word like "allegedly'' in the context of the deliberate extermination of millions of people (not only Jews) in Hitlers mad world. You deserve only contempt.
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could some of the more knowledgeable posters on here explain to me why Hitler and the Nazis hated jews and why did they feel the need to lock them up in concentration camps and allegedly institute a deliberate program of mass extermination?

If you want to troll a word like "allegedly'' in the context of the deliberate extermination of millions of people (not only Jews) in Hitlers mad world. You deserve only contempt.

Indeed. The Jew haters and holocaust deniers also love to do what he did as well ... snarkily suggest that the Jewish people somehow DESERVED the "alleged" (his word) genocide of themselves. Like I've been saying, this level of Jew hating is arguably a contagious mental illness. But it's quite a common one and spreading yet again in our era, often with "anti-Zionism" as the lame excuse.

Edited by Jingthing
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This is a really ugly subject and I suspect always will be. I have been in the world a long time. I have personally never known a single person who openly hated Jews. I have known many who have hated Israelis.This 20 year old German woman may have been the murderer of many and the most vile person of her time. I have my doubts about that and if there are facts, it would be helpful if all if those facts were included in the initial press release. Serving as a clerk in the commandant's office hardly makes the nazi radar spike. It should be obvious to all that a junior soldier in the front office would have to toe the party line or she wouldn't make it in that particular job. She certainly could not ignore her orders and do a sit-in because of what the camp was doing to Jews. All the hands on work was done by sondere kommandos and they were Jews in the same boat. If anybody was going to refuse to work, it would have been these guys. The reasons for this is so obvious, I can't begin to believe why anyone would not get it. If there actually were any of these sondere kommandos who did refuse, they were likely shoved into the gas chamber with every one else.

The business of using Euphemisms such as Anti Zionist or whatever simply do not matter as we non-jews simply do not care what any particular Jew thinks of us. In order for that to matter, somebody has to care and I really don't think anyone does. I for one, use anti-zionist when referring specifically to Israeli Jews. I certainly do not care if anybody thinks that is anti-semetic.The vast majority of these threads are about Israeli Jews and their interaction with their Arab neighbors. Any body could get anti-semetic at any time. doesn't matter. It has been my experience that Jews like to use censorship more than the rest of the world. I don't really care, it is simply something I don't get. If somebody says something I don't like or would disagree with, the last thing I want is for it to be censored. If I am right or wrong, I want everybody to know my position on the subject. Censorship to me is simply an admission of guilt either by association or otherwise. I have nothing to hide so I would never argue for censorship of anything.

I have worked with a few Israeli soldiers back in the 70s and early 80s and must say I found them to be normal in their issues regarding race and whatnot. I do recall comments about Arabs but nobody cared and most didn't even notice. My organization in the national capital region had a very minor play in the Jonathan Pollard case and I can say first hand it turned a lot of heads. If anti-semites are created, this probably did more than any thing I can think of in that particular regard. But, most people hardly noticed.

I guess it is not paranoia if they are really out to get you.

Rant over!

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This is a really ugly subject and I suspect always will be. I have been in the world a long time. I have personally never known a single person who openly hated Jews. I have known many who have hated Israelis.This 20 year old German woman may have been the murderer of many and the most vile person of her time. I have my doubts about that and if there are facts, it would be helpful if all if those facts were included in the initial press release. Serving as a clerk in the commandant's office hardly makes the nazi radar spike. It should be obvious to all that a junior soldier in the front office would have to toe the party line or she wouldn't make it in that particular job. She certainly could not ignore her orders and do a sit-in because of what the camp was doing to Jews. All the hands on work was done by sondere kommandos and they were Jews in the same boat. If anybody was going to refuse to work, it would have been these guys. The reasons for this is so obvious, I can't begin to believe why anyone would not get it. If there actually were any of these sondere kommandos who did refuse, they were likely shoved into the gas chamber with every one else.

The business of using Euphemisms such as Anti Zionist or whatever simply do not matter as we non-jews simply do not care what any particular Jew thinks of us. In order for that to matter, somebody has to care and I really don't think anyone does. I for one, use anti-zionist when referring specifically to Israeli Jews. I certainly do not care if anybody thinks that is anti-semetic.The vast majority of these threads are about Israeli Jews and their interaction with their Arab neighbors. Any body could get anti-semetic at any time. doesn't matter. It has been my experience that Jews like to use censorship more than the rest of the world. I don't really care, it is simply something I don't get. If somebody says something I don't like or would disagree with, the last thing I want is for it to be censored. If I am right or wrong, I want everybody to know my position on the subject. Censorship to me is simply an admission of guilt either by association or otherwise. I have nothing to hide so I would never argue for censorship of anything.

I have worked with a few Israeli soldiers back in the 70s and early 80s and must say I found them to be normal in their issues regarding race and whatnot. I do recall comments about Arabs but nobody cared and most didn't even notice. My organization in the national capital region had a very minor play in the Jonathan Pollard case and I can say first hand it turned a lot of heads. If anti-semites are created, this probably did more than any thing I can think of in that particular regard. But, most people hardly noticed.

I guess it is not paranoia if they are really out to get you.

Rant over!

Would you kindly stop including other people in your racist rants. We dont subscribe to your views and most people with half a brain would not agree with you if you actually asked them. It is beyond my comprehension that openly racist posts are allowed on TV.
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This is getting more and more bizarre.

The denial of the Holocaust is just one of the stages of national (or international) amnesia, and nothing really new.

Most (if not all) Germans were fully aware of the progroms against Jews in the 1930s, and they must have noticed how they disappeared. They simply didn't care because it was of their personal advantage.

For every German it was mandatory to read Hitler's "Mein Kampf", so every German must have known what would happen to Jews under Hitler's leadership.

After WW2 all these Germans suddenly claimed amnesia. Those that couldn't because their involvement was too obvious claimed that they only obeyed to authorities.

What were these "authorities"?

Rules and regulations, set up by the Nazi "positive law" with the intent of excluding parts of the population from society. Additionally "medical science", ie experiments on humans, with the intent of making career.

There was only one trial after WW2, the "Nuernberger Aerzteprozess", about the underlying process that lead to the Holocaust.

I'm not a Jew, but I feel responsible in a way.

For me, today's questions are: What did exactly happen, how did it happen, and could it happen again?

For me, the last question is the most important, leading to the ultimate question: What can be done to avoid another industrial genocide?

Edited by micmichd
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Still so many mentally diseased Jew haters in the world and we've got our share posting on this forum. Maybe wait until the evidence is presented in this particular case before anyone passes judgment on her culpability. Again this is what the German authorities decided to do ... it's up to them.

Personally I will be happy to see the last of these cases. The really big Nazi fish either escaped completely, already tried, and/or long dead. These cases against the Nazi flotsam and jetsam seem to largely serve to rile up the Jew haters.

Au contraire, these cases are normally brought up by Jewish organizations.
So you're just here to rag on Jews ... is that it? Dude what about THIS case? Is the German government pressing the charges a Jewish organization?
Settle down jinkathing....you don't have to label the guy but let's put it into perspective, the war is long gone 70 years, plenty of time in the first 20 to get criminals to trial, the real truth is Jewish organisations want to keep reminding us, there not interested in letting it rest, at this late stage it's an act of vengeance of the worst kind these telegraph operators, the guy counting the stolen money etc just small fry under orders pure and simple.

Before you shoot your mouth off take a look at how Israel have handled the Palestinian problems to date, if there ever was a people who know how it feels to be homeless and victimised it should be the Jews, I will leave it there, time for these trails to end.

Ps of course the Germans are taking this woman to court only because of Jewish pressure, even if not seem it's there somewhere, why do you think Israel still survives? Because of American Jews, who were responsible for the formation of the state of Israel after world war 2? UK Jews, they will never let us forget and that's fine but what about Stalin's region of terror, pol pot and a few more.....

Edited by AlexRRR
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Still so many mentally diseased Jew haters in the world and we've got our share posting on this forum. Maybe wait until the evidence is presented in this particular case before anyone passes judgment on her culpability. Again this is what the German authorities decided to do ... it's up to them.

Personally I will be happy to see the last of these cases. The really big Nazi fish either escaped completely, already tried, and/or long dead. These cases against the Nazi flotsam and jetsam seem to largely serve to rile up the Jew haters.

Au contraire, these cases are normally brought up by Jewish organizations.
So you're just here to rag on Jews ... is that it? Dude what about THIS case? Is the German government pressing the charges a Jewish organization?

Settle down jinkathing....you don't have to label the guy but let's put it into perspective, the war is long gone 70 years, plenty of time in the first 20 to get criminals to trial, the real truth is Jewish organisations want to keep reminding us, there not interested in letting it rest, at this late stage it's an act of vengeance of the worst kind these telegraph operators, the guy counting the stolen money etc just small fry under orders pure and simple.

Before you shoot your mouth off take a look at how Israel have handled the Palestinian problems to date, if there ever was a people who know how it feels to be homeless and victimised it should be the Jews, I will leave it there, time for these trails to end.

Your post was 100 percent irrelevant to what I said in my post. Please desist in replying to my posts so absurdly, just to do yet another Israel demonization / "anti-Zionist" garbage dump. Not saying you can't post your silliness, that's your business, just please do not USE my posts for your troll baiting. Thank you.

Also there are usually active Israel related posts just waiting for another predictable, mindless rant about how Jews should know better, and how Jews are like Nazis. Blah blah blah for the 10,000th hateful time.

Edited by Jingthing
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In that case your off topic and labelling a TV member, please refrain and stay on topic yourself.

No problem. I didn't label YOU BTW. I correctly characterized the very sleazy nature of your post and I want no part in such nasty games.

There is clearly NOTHING productive for anyone in the world in any further "communication" between us.

Welcome to my ignore list.

Edited by Jingthing
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This is getting more and more bizarre.

The denial of the Holocaust is just one of the stages of national (or international) amnesia, and nothing really new.

Most (if not all) Germans were fully aware of the progroms against Jews in the 1930s, and they must have noticed how they disappeared. They simply didn't care because it was of their personal advantage.

For every German it was mandatory to read Hitler's "Mein Kampf", so every German must have known what would happen to Jews under Hitler's leadership.

After WW2 all these Germans suddenly claimed amnesia. Those that couldn't because their involvement was too obvious claimed that they only obeyed to authorities.

What were these "authorities"?

Rules and regulations, set up by the Nazi "positive law" with the intent of excluding parts of the population from society. Additionally "medical science", ie experiments on humans, with the intent of making career.

There was only one trial after WW2, the "Nuernberger Aerzteprozess", about the underlying process that lead to the Holocaust.

I'm not a Jew, but I feel responsible in a way.

For me, today's questions are: What did exactly happen, how did it happen, and could it happen again?

For me, the last question is the most important, leading to the ultimate question: What can be done to avoid another industrial genocide?

I'm not Jewish and I don't feel anything other than disgust for the murder but having said that lets get real this sort of thing happens a lot over history even been mislead by leaders who drag us into a war that's still brewing.

Yes it can happen again, we have the Middle East in flames right now.

Nothing can be done about it because greed is involved.

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In that case your off topic and labelling a TV member, please refrain and stay on topic yourself.

No problem. I didn't label YOU BTW. I correctly characterized the very sleazy nature of your post and I want no part in such nasty games.

There is clearly NOTHING productive for anyone in the world in any further "communication" between us.

Welcome to my ignore list.

Your name calling and insinuating actually very childish if you can't be on top ridicule it, have a nice day thingaling.

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could some of the more knowledgeable posters on here explain to me why Hitler and the Nazis hated jews and why did they feel the need to lock them up in concentration camps and allegedly institute a deliberate program of mass extermination?

If you want to troll a word like "allegedly'' in the context of the deliberate extermination of millions of people (not only Jews) in Hitlers mad world. You deserve only contempt.

I believe HJ was referring to the fact that no documented evidence has been found from the millions of documents seized after the end of the war stating that there was a deliberate policy to exterminate the jewish people

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could some of the more knowledgeable posters on here explain to me why Hitler and the Nazis hated jews and why did they feel the need to lock them up in concentration camps and allegedly institute a deliberate program of mass extermination?

If you want to troll a word like "allegedly'' in the context of the deliberate extermination of millions of people (not only Jews) in Hitlers mad world. You deserve only contempt.

I believe HJ was referring to the fact that no documented evidence has been found from the millions of documents seized after the end of the war stating that there was a deliberate policy to exterminate the jewish people

Good Grief man, if you want to post on such serious subject at least take the trouble to do a tiny bit of research and you will find that you are totally wrong. It was a stated policy of the Nazis and there is tons and tons (literally) of documentary evidence that it was a deliberate policy to eliminate Jews and many other "undesirables" ; plus to completely eliminate the whole of the Polish population and all the populations of captured Russian territory, either by direct means or starving them to death - yes starving them to death as a policy. I am doing you the courtesy of assuming you are simply ignorant of the facts and not another troll of which there seem to be plethora on this subject in which case you are equally contemptible.

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