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Refugees tell of ISIL brutality which forced them to leave Syria


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Refugees tell of ISIL brutality which forced them to leave Syria


Thousands of migrants continue to cross from Serbia into Croatia. Most of them are Syrian and Iraqi escaping conflict back home.

Many have fled because of the gains made by the Islamist extremists known as ISIL, which controls vast swathes of territory in both countries.

“You know, ISIL take everything. Also, (they) take my brother, they kidnapped him. He has been missing for a year and four months,” said one Iraqi refugee from Mosul.

Once in Croatia the migrants are taken for registration. According to Croatia’s interior ministry over 2,000 migrants entered the country over the weekend. They talk of bombs, fighting and destruction as well as life under ISIL.

Mahir El Hallun who comes from Syria told of ISIL brutality – “Anyone smoking they cut off their fingers. Anyone not praying, they cut off their head.”

Croatia quickly sends the migrants onwards towards Hungary.

Their journey may be arduous and their destination unclear but as one refugee put it, “Staying in Syria was not an option, having to watch people being killed for no reason”.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-05
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Makes you wonder....

If things are so intolerable, why aren't the tens of thousands, (hundreds of thousands) of young, fit Syrian men we see besieging Europe doing something beyond running away?

There are other options when one's family, homeland and freedom are in jeopardy.

It kind of seems there's more to the "I wanted was forced to leave because...(hmmm, what will look good on my asylum paperwork?)" story than people are willing to say.

Edited by Hayduke
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Watching them on TV I see that 90% of the migrants are young men of fighting age. Shouldn't they stay to fight for their countries instead of running away? Cowards....

Fight or flight when the real fighting starts for some its a hard choice if your trained and motivated it might be different, but branding them cowards is easy to say from here

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Yeah its too easy to call some one else a coward.. Maybe the west should be training these guys, so they can go back and fight for their own country, with the wests help??

Maybe a LOT more attention should be paid to the Christian refugees, who are persecuted by everybody everywhere in the Middle east. They would likely integrate into European values a lot better than this lot of brain dead sneering and profiteering illiterates.

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Have no fear .... Putin is here.

We'll just let Cameron, Obama talk about it while Hollande and Merkel scratch their axx trying to figure out how to get out of the mess they made for Europe.

While we are at it how about a popular movement to have Jean-Claude junker dropped behind enemy lines.

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Blatant, flagrant propaganda. Genuine refugees are among them, but the majority are economic migrants.

Europe is sleepwalking into decline. The migrants will soon get organised and demand that European countries become more like the countries they ran away from.

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Yeah its too easy to call some one else a coward.. Maybe the west should be training these guys, so they can go back and fight for their own country, with the wests help??

What have we been doing for the last 10 + years in Iraq ? Pouring billions in to make their military stand up and fight.With the sightings of a few thousands Daesh soldiers 20.000+ modern equipped Iraqi soldiers lay down their high -tech arms and let themselves be slaughtered.Useless !!

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Makes you wonder....

If things are so intolerable, why aren't the tens of thousands, (hundreds of thousands) of young, fit Syrian men we see besieging Europe doing something beyond running away?

There are other options when one's family, homeland and freedom are in jeopardy.

It kind of seems there's more to the "I wanted was forced to leave because...(hmmm, what will look good on my asylum paperwork?)" story than people are willing to say.

I bet more than half of these fkrs are ISIL in disguise. We'll find later out I'm sure. The western governments are fools for letting 'em in.

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I guess I miss the good old days when there was the bad guy government (aruguably Assad's regime), and there was the people's revolutionary group or rebels. Now there seems to be the bad guy government, the bad guy Islamic group, and little or no rebel or people's army,

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Yesterday the BBC showed a report from Turkey in which Syrian migrants were interviewed. One lady said the EU was wasting its time warning migrants not to come as nobody would listen since most were unemployed and wanted a better life or in other words economic migrants.

I'm surprised the BBC showed that particular segment as it didn't fit their usual heavily biased, sob story presentations on these poor unfortunates.

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Yesterday the BBC showed a report from Turkey in which Syrian migrants were interviewed. One lady said the EU was wasting its time warning migrants not to come as nobody would listen since most were unemployed and wanted a better life or in other words economic migrants. I'm surprised the BBC showed that particular segment as it didn't fit their usual heavily biased, sob story presentations on these poor unfortunates.

Economic migrants by definition.

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Blatant, flagrant propaganda. Genuine refugees are among them, but the majority are economic migrants.

Europe is sleepwalking into decline. The migrants will soon get organised and demand that European countries become more like the countries they ran away from.


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quote #7 surfinglife "Watching them on TV I see that 90% of the migrants are young men of fighting age. Shouldn't they stay to fight for their countries instead of running away? Cowards...."

quote #9 Steely Dan "And complained about water with red crosses on the bottle and Finnish cuisine."

quote #13 lamecn "Try YouTube to see what's happening in Scandinavia! "


OR try this for a good valid reason

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A refugee is a person who has a well founded fear of persecution for one of the 5 UN convention reason. They may be rich. As a matter of fact, I have met people who flew on private planes, requested and were granted refugee status. I've seen refugees who were as poor as a Church mouse and I've seen everything in between.

I have never met anyone whom I could simply look at and determine if they were a refugee.

Whether or not they should be allowed into Europe is an emotionally charged issue as is the number that can be reasonably resettled, but that doesn't change the definition of what a refugee is.

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