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The Bulldozer - one of ISIS most feared members


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The Bulldozer of Fallujah just did something to cement his reputation as one of ISIS’ most feared members

SYDNEY: -- HE weighs more than 200kg. Big belly. Big arms. Big reputation.

Over his shoulder he carries a weapon so large it’s normally mounted to a vehicle before it can be fired.
On his face he wears a mask to conceal his identity — but he is unmistakeable.

People know him as “The Bulldozer of Fallujah” and he’s the world’s most feared terror group’s biggest weapon.
Until this week, the unnamed member of Islamic State tried to blend into the background. His exploits are now front and centre after his treatment of a 14-year-old boy named Omar.

On Omar’s phone are pictures of The Bulldozer. There are also pictures of his own cut-off hand and foot.

In an interview with Channel 4, the teen, whose name has been changed, told a story that haunts him and has left him so devastated he has “given up on life”.

Full story: http://www.news.com.au/world/middle-east/the-bulldozer-of-fallujah-just-did-something-to-cement-his-reputation-as-one-of-isis-most-feared-members/story-fnh81ifq-1227562297763

-- News.com.au 2015-10-08

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Just the sort of media exposure this kind of 'hero' needs; always assuming he can read.
I don't think cutting off a child's foot and hand counts as an exploit. Now, taking off the mask and facing armed special forces units who are in fighting mood, that would count as an exploit ... but somehow, I don't think he'd see that as an appealing way to demonstrate his prowess.
Edited by Jonmarleesco
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Why is it that if these religious savages are so happy to be doing the will of Allah then why do they hide their faces ? Surely they should be proud of doing Allah's will ?

And I can't believe that someone somewhere doesn't know who this person is. He is not someone you could miss easily

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Guess, if true, shows IS & it's members have no allegiance or connection to the Muslim faith.

Just a bunch of mindless, murderous, thugs who need to be exterminated ASAP!!

Unfortunately, they have lots of evidences for their crimes in Islamic law and history. That's why they are called "extremists", because they are taking Islam to the extreme. They have a very strong connection and allegiance I'm afraid.

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Guess, if true, shows IS & it's members have no allegiance or connection to the Muslim faith.

Just a bunch of mindless, murderous, thugs who need to be exterminated ASAP!!

Unfortunately, they have lots of evidences for their crimes in Islamic law and history. That's why they are called "extremists", because they are taking Islam to the extreme. They have a very strong connection and allegiance I'm afraid.

Read "Management of Savagery" makes Daesh reasoning clear.


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Guess, if true, shows IS & it's members have no allegiance or connection to the Muslim faith.

Just a bunch of mindless, murderous, thugs who need to be exterminated ASAP!!

Unfortunately, they have lots of evidences for their crimes in Islamic law and history. That's why they are called "extremists", because they are taking Islam to the extreme. They have a very strong connection and allegiance I'm afraid.

If Islam was a religion of peace then its extemists would be extremely peaceful.

Islam is a religion of brutality and war which is why extremists are extremely brutal and war mongering.

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Guess, if true, shows IS & it's members have no allegiance or connection to the Muslim faith.

Just a bunch of mindless, murderous, thugs who need to be exterminated ASAP!!

Unfortunately, they have lots of evidences for their crimes in Islamic law and history. That's why they are called "extremists", because they are taking Islam to the extreme. They have a very strong connection and allegiance I'm afraid.

Almost as terrifying as those who take capitalism to the extreme.


Edited by metisdead
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An islamic terrorist called The Bulldozer
Considered hiding from Russians a real poser.
When asked where "where will you hide?",
"Anywhere I decide", he replied.
"Those really big bomb craters are getting closer and closer".

Edited by MaxYakov
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Takes a true man to defeat and mutilate a 14-year-old kid. It was only possible with the will of god.

Let's hope he keeps putting his efforts into attacking people on his own side.

Kind of sounds like this guy

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Guess, if true, shows IS & it's members have no allegiance or connection to the Muslim faith.

Just a bunch of mindless, murderous, thugs who need to be exterminated ASAP!!

Unfortunately, they have lots of evidences for their crimes in Islamic law and history. That's why they are called "extremists", because they are taking Islam to the extreme. They have a very strong connection and allegiance I'm afraid.

If Islam was a religion of peace then its extemists would be extremely peaceful.

Islam is a religion of brutality and war which is why extremists are extremely brutal and war mongering.

Islam was never a religion of peace. This misconception arose from a bad translation of the word "Islam", because the root letters in Arabic "S L M" are the same as those for "peace". The real meaning is "Surrender!" or "Submit!" which is exactly what ISIS would want you to do. Don't want to "submit" then there is death or a denigrating tax to live under their crappy shariah. So again, they are living up to Islam in the most precise way. Just like their 7th century predecessors... So yes, we agree...

Edited by LNV
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Guess, if true, shows IS & it's members have no allegiance or connection to the Muslim faith.

Just a bunch of mindless, murderous, thugs who need to be exterminated ASAP!!

Unfortunately, they have lots of evidences for their crimes in Islamic law and history. That's why they are called "extremists", because they are taking Islam to the extreme. They have a very strong connection and allegiance I'm afraid.

Sorry, nobody has cancelled Koran yet. The "extremists" are not taking Islam to the extreme. Islam is extreme.

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