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Do you have trouble with Bangkok taxis?


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By the way, do you guys know about this app? https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dltcheckin Not sure if there is an iphone one or not.

It will allow you to report bad taxis. I've noticed these days that more taxis have both an English letter and Thai letters with numbers on the yellow plates inside, so that should also help.

I just had a look at this app and no, it's a no go, better call the police directly. This app wants to know your location, ok, understandable, but why it's asking for the right to erase data on your sd card? No such apps allowed on my phone..

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I gave up with taxis years ago, same as rob blok i use the bike or the car as its just less hassle, also hav,nt used the bts or any other public transport systems in years, i would but they just dont go anywhere i need to go,

These days the only time i use a taxi is too or from the airport and then its grab taxi and it works out just fine, even then if leaving the car at the airport was a viable option i would take that choice, i find that on the return journey often the driver is grumpy when he realises your destination is,nt pattaya.

Edited to add, in the last year i found that traveling to some areas from bungkum district to khao san or china town its actually much faster to travel by bicycle than even motorbike and 90+ % of the journey off road.

Edited by tingtongfarang
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I have had extremely rare issues with taxi's, mostly lunatic driving. Never had one who did not turn on the meter. I put it down to have a pleasant and happy demeanour, rather than being grumpy, sour and always looking for things to complain about. It really is amazing whenever these types of threads come up, it is the same people over and over who have all the issues.

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I don't ask taxi drivers to take me, I tell them as I would in any other country. And I get in before telling them. If they refuse to use the meter I just sit there until they get bored and offer a rate. I agree, and when we reach the destination I give them what the metered fare would be and walk away. No doubt pisses them off for the rest of the day.

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No need to live in any dreamworld or change your predispositions at the healm of the taxi drivers demands (some would say bend over backwards or bend over and take it like a man). It's simple, if you have a bad experience, report it. If you don't have app installed, report it via phone, email, write a letter, use a homing pigeon, whatever. Then vote with your feet. Just don't use that service unless there is enough confidence in it. That's what I did. Started using GrabTaxi, which was much more reliable and consistent. Also, note that you don't have to be at home to use it, you can put a public place, like an airport, cafe, hotel, restaurant as the pick-up/drop-off location. If you are not near one, just take a walk to the nearest well known public place..Could be a starbucks, KFC, Big C, Tesco Lotus, Bar/Pub, then use that as the pick-up point.

Of course, if you want to feel all superior (but bend over to some taxi drivers demands) you can continue to hail those cabs, and keep your choices limited to just a binary two. One (choice) is of course just to shrug your shoulders and bend over. That's just one choice out of many and for that choice you can always choose No.

Touching as it is, and it may bring a tear to your eyes, from the thread title and OP it is clear that someone feels uncomfortable that some of us are having trouble with Bangkok (City) Taxis and feels he should shout about it. Actually what they are doing is taking taxi drivers advise about where to get dropped-off.

Edited by meltingpot2015
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Have had lots of problems with Bangkok taxis. Only rarely came across a nice taxi driver. Problems range from..driver trying to negotiate fixed fare once in the cab (and not use meter). Speeding, weaving in/out of traffic lanes. Talking on mobile while driving. Saying they don't have change when payment is made.

Started using Grabtaxi and the drivers are well behaved. When you book using the app, the drivers pic, phone number and vehicle registration comes up on screen. Once (after using it many times without problems) I had a driver cancel the booking then turn-up in a car and the registration number was different (to the one seen on GrabTaxi app). I refused to get-in and reported the incident using the "report" feature in the app. (happened in another country, not Thailand)

The support team got back immediately to say thanks for reporting it.

edit: One trip the same taxi was speeding, weaveing in/out of traffic, talking on mobile, saying he had no change...that was a trip from a Hotel in central Bangkok to Swampi airport. The hotel called the Taxi.

"Have had lots of problems with Bangkok taxis...Problems range from..driver trying to negotiate fixed fare once in the cab..."

Make up your mind, lot's of problems or once?

The 2nd paragraph's story wasn't in Thailand.

Anyone who uses a taxi, in any country, without having near enough the correct fare in 100s or 20s doesn't deserve to have the right to complain about the driver not having change. Co-operation is a two way thing.

You misunderstand. Once in the cab, meaning, once inside the taxi...once the passenger has got inside the cab..get it?..and it has happened many times.

the 2nd para story is related because I was using grabtaxi..and the only time when there was a serious problem using grabtaxi. It's was easy to report.

About the change for the fare..you are missing the point....100s or 20s. Seriously?. What if the fair is 270Bhat. Would you tell him to keep the change, after the antics he's pulled. (weaving in/out of traffic, talking on mobile while driving etc).

Anyway, no need to raise blood pressure. Remembered his taxi number (displayed inside the cab) and reported him using the DLT mobile app. Some of us would just say "hey, ho" and move on, and the same (or worse) would happen to the next person that takes a ride with that cabbie. Not reporting is purely selfish behaviour, because the person not reporting dosen't care about the next person that takes that cab. SElfish..selfish ..selfish..

Sometimes, you don't need to look far for the solution. It's staring you right in the face.

"Get it"? Yes I get it now that you explained what you meant in the first place. Get that?

You're the one missing the point about change. In answer to your question about a 270 baht fare, just give him 280 baht from the notes that you ensured that you had before that longish journey began. It's not difficult to arrange to have five 20s in your wallet when you know you're going to need to pay a taxi. Get it?

Sometimes, you don't need to look far for the solution. It's staring you right in the face.

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Haha, you must be one of those.. inveterate complainers, and exaggerators, about everything Thai. The common factor is TBS (Thai Bashing Syndrome) people mentioned by an apologist earlier. Personally I think it depends from where you pick up a taxi, (tourist areas are bad) and where you want to get to, ( a difficult and slow journey will be avoided) and whether you will tolerate 'no meter'.

Bangkok Taxi drivers do not have an atrocious reputation for nothing!

"...people mentioned by an apologist earlier."

Apologist? The word you need is realist.

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I think that you know very well what the problem is with those who complain so vehemently about taxis. Most of them are inveterate complainers, and exaggerators, about everything Thai. The common factor is TBS (Thai Bashing Syndrome).

You'll probably find that you also don't suffer nearly as much from, for example, "police harassment and extortion" in the Thonglor area as these same people when that tired old topic is dragged up.

A factually incorrect comment! Anyone who lives in Bangkok and uses or has used the metered taxis knows that a large percentages donot follow the correct rules. Thats why many of us use Uber or other taxi apps. So basically you dont know what you are talking about!

My comment was a correct observation.

What do you call a "large percentage", 10%?

Conclusion? I know exactly what I'm talking about and your post proves it.

proves nothing . You're wrong

Were you stamping your feet in frustration when typing that empty response?

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Sounds like location is a factor here. I've never had a problem getting a taxi from Khao San myself, but then I don't go there all that often. I take them on Sukhumvit all the time without issue, but then I rarely venture much lower down the Sois than 11 or so.

Like you I rarely have problems. Then again I also only take taxis between Sukhumvit Sois 11 and 101, with the occasional taxi to Silom.

I also don't mind asking a taxi to take me and having them refuse. No big deal just ask the next one.

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quite often had problems with them I live a bit outside BKK, but here they are ok. But once in the center of BKK its a totally different story. Plenty of problems there mainly not wanting to go to the destination or when out in the tourist area's not wanting to turn on their meters. Good reason to have my own transportation. I was that fed up with it.

Which destinations, and which tourist areas, though?

I think you may have partially answered your own question SoiBiker. The only times I have ever had problems with Bangkok Taxi drivers is when I am in or near tourist areas and hotels. Outside hotels it is especially prevalent; groups of taxi drivers stand awaiting the unknowing tourist so they can glean extra fare.

The last time I was in Bangkok, an odd thing happened. As usual, when hailing a cab near a hotel, I walked down the street a bit and hailed an on-coming taxi. The driver picked me up and turned-on his meter. The awaiting hoard of hotel taxi drivers stopped my taxi and demanded money from my driver for picking me up. My driver handed over a B100 note, drove off, and went on a tirade about the Bangkok taxi mafiosa and how they were degrading the image of honest drivers.

I have encountered taxi drivers who did not want to go where I wanted, but usually that too is in or around tourist areas during one of the many rush hours. However, I find no real problem in that, I see their point--waiting time and fuel usage may not equal what they may earn from completed fares. So, I usually offer a few baht extra, have the driver stop to buy a couple of cold beers, and enjoy the scenery in a/c comfort.

You see, you only have to be smarter than the problem.

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FBS(Farang bashing syndrom) Its quite unique because it's an affliction that actually affects Farang when they are "in denial"

Very original. Did you think that up all by yourself?

as original as TBS used by the deniers. But that means "Total Bull Shit"
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It is true that being accompanied by a Thai person doesn't always help. Some time ago I picked up my Thai girlfriend fom the train at Hua Lampong at about 10 pm. One of the stationary taxi drivers wanted 400 baht for the trip to Sukhumvit Soi 16. I said something rude to him and we walked to the nearby main road, waived down a Taxi and paid 80 baht inc a tip.

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Have had lots of problems with Bangkok taxis. Only rarely came across a nice taxi driver. Problems range from..driver trying to negotiate fixed fare once in the cab (and not use meter). Speeding, weaving in/out of traffic lanes. Talking on mobile while driving. Saying they don't have change when payment is made.

Started using Grabtaxi and the drivers are well behaved. When you book using the app, the drivers pic, phone number and vehicle registration comes up on screen. Once (after using it many times without problems) I had a driver cancel the booking then turn-up in a car and the registration number was different (to the one seen on GrabTaxi app). I refused to get-in and reported the incident using the "report" feature in the app. (happened in another country, not Thailand)

The support team got back immediately to say thanks for reporting it.

edit: One trip the same taxi was speeding, weaveing in/out of traffic, talking on mobile, saying he had no change...that was a trip from a Hotel in central Bangkok to Swampi airport. The hotel called the Taxi.

"Have had lots of problems with Bangkok taxis...Problems range from..driver trying to negotiate fixed fare once in the cab..."

Make up your mind, lot's of problems or once?

The 2nd paragraph's story wasn't in Thailand.

Anyone who uses a taxi, in any country, without having near enough the correct fare in 100s or 20s doesn't deserve to have the right to complain about the driver not having change. Co-operation is a two way thing.

I am not in a service business; therefore, I do not carry small change. I use all my small change first to make purchases or for tips. So, oh my, what would I do if I did not have correct change for a taxi? Probably get a larger note changed at my destination. So, please do not try to tell me I have no right to complain when a person in a service business carries no change.

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Very rarely have issues with taxis

They use the meter and on the rare occasions they don't want to, I tell them to stop the car and get out.

If they then agree to use the meter, no problem.

If they don't, I get out and hail another.

If I'm going to a destination that NEEDS a taxi at busy times, I use GrabTaxi

Life is simple

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quite often had problems with them I live a bit outside BKK, but here they are ok. But once in the center of BKK its a totally different story. Plenty of problems there mainly not wanting to go to the destination or when out in the tourist area's not wanting to turn on their meters. Good reason to have my own transportation. I was that fed up with it.

Which destinations, and which tourist areas, though?

I think you may have partially answered your own question SoiBiker. The only times I have ever had problems with Bangkok Taxi drivers is when I am in or near tourist areas and hotels. Outside hotels it is especially prevalent; groups of taxi drivers stand awaiting the unknowing tourist so they can glean extra fare.

The last time I was in Bangkok, an odd thing happened. As usual, when hailing a cab near a hotel, I walked down the street a bit and hailed an on-coming taxi. The driver picked me up and turned-on his meter. The awaiting hoard of hotel taxi drivers stopped my taxi and demanded money from my driver for picking me up. My driver handed over a B100 note, drove off, and went on a tirade about the Bangkok taxi mafiosa and how they were degrading the image of honest drivers.

I have encountered taxi drivers who did not want to go where I wanted, but usually that too is in or around tourist areas during one of the many rush hours. However, I find no real problem in that, I see their point--waiting time and fuel usage may not equal what they may earn from completed fares. So, I usually offer a few baht extra, have the driver stop to buy a couple of cold beers, and enjoy the scenery in a/c comfort.

You see, you only have to be smarter than the problem.

He he, a double cooler. But be smart too when the taxi gets in a police check, as it's forbidden now (yes, for passengers too, one of the not so cool new laws..).

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I've been visiting Bangkok since my mid 40's and am now mid 50's. I'm white, polite, have no tattoos and have hair on my head.

I have mixed results but the refusals seem to be getting much more regular the past few years. I always open the front door (unless they have already dropped the window) & ask if they know my destination and will go on the meter. On Sukhumvit its difficult to find one that will at any time of day, this is flagging moving taxis with the "For Hire" sign illuminated, I've often given up & walked, even dragging a suitcase. When I do get in I always sit in the front and they often have to lean over and slide the seat back to let me in.

Last time in Bangkok was March of this year. I was surprised how bad the issue was considering there was supposed to have been a crackdown and some drivers had their taxi licence rescinded.

Late at night in the Asoke area sometimes need to ask 6 or 7 before finding one who will agree.

The taxi rank outside Hua Lamphong station, its very difficult to get a driver to agree to use the meter.

Of the taxis I do ride in, most are decent guys and if they can speak a bit of english usually enjoy having a chat about where I come from, where they come from, Bangkok traffic, nice cars we see, whatever.

Sometimes the ID badge displayed will be the taxi owner/opposite shift driver rather than their own.

Usually find drivers aged 50+ are much better . Either they will have been driving a taxi around Bangkok for decades or, quite often are early retired from professional positions and just drive part time to get out from under the wife's feet and earn some pocket money.

Anybody experienced the latest scam that I came across a couple of times earlier this year, as you get in they turn the aircon off then demand extra money to turn it back on because the engine uses more fuel?

Those of you using Grab or Uber, how much more does it cost over and above a meter taxi?

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Haha, you must be one of those.. inveterate complainers, and exaggerators, about everything Thai. The common factor is TBS (Thai Bashing Syndrome) people mentioned by an apologist earlier. Personally I think it depends from where you pick up a taxi, (tourist areas are bad) and where you want to get to, ( a difficult and slow journey will be avoided) and whether you will tolerate 'no meter'.

Bangkok Taxi drivers do not have an atrocious reputation for nothing!

"...people mentioned by an apologist earlier."

Apologist? The word you need is realist.

No, the reality is Bangkok taxis have a bad reputation, for example a recent report of one refusing to stop smoking, the post above mine providing personal issues with them.

To claim it is all simply not true and only 'Thai bashing' is quite ridiculous.

I even had a friend telling me of an incident only yesterday where he was told to get out and pay, somewhat distant from the agreed destination yet still wanting an agreed upon fare. Him being left with a suitcase to drag across a busy dual carriageway.

Edited by jacko45k
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I always open the front door (unless they have already dropped the window) & ask if they know my destination and will go on the meter.

That's not how it works. Just open the back door, get in, and tell them where you want to go. No need to ask them to put on the meter, they do it automatically.

I wonder if this is part of the issue - people are taking the the wrong approach and the drivers are declining because of this?

Those of you using Grab or Uber, how much more does it cost over and above a meter taxi?

Grabtaxi adds 45 Baht to the fare - although I gave up on them because I found their service was unreliable, with drivers either not turning up or phoning me immediately after the booking and trying to speak to me in Thai (I suck at Thai on the phone). Those that did turn up would generally refuse to use the GPS part of the system too. To be fair I haven't tried them for some time, so maybe they've improved things.

Uber, if you use the UberX option, is as cheap as a taxi, or sometimes even a little cheaper. They generally provide a great service, with clean modern vehicles, and courteous drivers who use GPS to find your destination.

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I don't understand it either. I catch countless taxis and very rarely have a problem. Even then its just the driver is lost or one time tried to take me a longer way home, not realizing I did the journey every day. Just people whingeing really. Some taxi drivers will occasionally refuse the fare which is annoying but you can sort of see their viewpoint if they make about 300B a day.

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I've been taking Taxis in Bangkok for over 20 years, so to visit listed SET companies's management which I do on a regular basis. I can say I never had any troubles other then once when the AC went down and so had to change the taxi at no charge. I always tell them I want the meter but quickly add I tip well, which I do. I do not discuss or talk much while in the taxi, especially about politics!

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Haha, you must be one of those.. inveterate complainers, and exaggerators, about everything Thai. The common factor is TBS (Thai Bashing Syndrome) people mentioned by an apologist earlier. Personally I think it depends from where you pick up a taxi, (tourist areas are bad) and where you want to get to, ( a difficult and slow journey will be avoided) and whether you will tolerate 'no meter'.

Bangkok Taxi drivers do not have an atrocious reputation for nothing!

"...people mentioned by an apologist earlier."

Apologist? The word you need is realist.

No, the reality is Bangkok taxis have a bad reputation, for example a recent report of one refusing to stop smoking, the post above mine providing personal issues with them.

To claim it is all simply not true and only 'Thai bashing' is quite ridiculous.

I even had a friend telling me of an incident only yesterday where he was told to get out and pay, somewhat distant from the agreed destination yet still wanting an agreed upon fare. Him being left with a suitcase to drag across a busy dual carriageway.

I didn't say it is not true. My point was that the problems are a small minority and not the majority of taxi drivers and those that say it is the majority are being ridiculous. For example, somewhere on this thread is a post from someone claiming that out of himself and 50 other Australian friends not one has ever found a taxi that didn't give every single one of those 51 a problem.

Your last point only emphasises that to accept a taxi off the meter is probably asking for trouble, just wait for the one that will take you without issues

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"Have had lots of problems with Bangkok taxis...Problems range from..driver trying to negotiate fixed fare once in the cab..."

Make up your mind, lot's of problems or once?

The 2nd paragraph's story wasn't in Thailand.

Anyone who uses a taxi, in any country, without having near enough the correct fare in 100s or 20s doesn't deserve to have the right to complain about the driver not having change. Co-operation is a two way thing.

I am not in a service business; therefore, I do not carry small change. I use all my small change first to make purchases or for tips. So, oh my, what would I do if I did not have correct change for a taxi? Probably get a larger note changed at my destination. So, please do not try to tell me I have no right to complain when a person in a service business carries no change.

You don't need to be in a service business to carry 20s, I'm not either. Instead of using it all "to make purchases" why not save some to use when you purchase the taxi trip, what's the difference? Unless you're just being an arrogant idiot cutting off you nose to spite your face by not trying to make your trip as easy as possible.

Why not change your larger note before you get to your destination? That wouldn't make sense, would it?

If you're in a position to ensure that you have 20s, and it's really not that difficult, and you don't bother because "you're not in a service business" then you really don't have any right to complain. Perhaps the driver gave his last bit of change to the person before you. Are you arrogant enough to think that the previous passenger didn't deserve the change as much as you?

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"Have had lots of problems with Bangkok taxis...Problems range from..driver trying to negotiate fixed fare once in the cab..."

Make up your mind, lot's of problems or once?

The 2nd paragraph's story wasn't in Thailand.

Anyone who uses a taxi, in any country, without having near enough the correct fare in 100s or 20s doesn't deserve to have the right to complain about the driver not having change. Co-operation is a two way thing.

I am not in a service business; therefore, I do not carry small change. I use all my small change first to make purchases or for tips. So, oh my, what would I do if I did not have correct change for a taxi? Probably get a larger note changed at my destination. So, please do not try to tell me I have no right to complain when a person in a service business carries no change.

You don't need to be in a service business to carry 20s, I'm not either. Instead of using it all "to make purchases" why not save some to use when you purchase the taxi trip, what's the difference? Unless you're just being an arrogant idiot cutting off you nose to spite your face by not trying to make your trip as easy as possible.

Why not change your larger note before you get to your destination? That wouldn't make sense, would it?

If you're in a position to ensure that you have 20s, and it's really not that difficult, and you don't bother because "you're not in a service business" then you really don't have any right to complain. Perhaps the driver gave his last bit of change to the person before you. Are you arrogant enough to think that the previous passenger didn't deserve the change as much as you?

You get up, need cash, go the ATM. Notes dispensed are large denominations.

Hail a taxi to take you to your destination, how is it your fault for having only a 1,000 baht note ?

I'm sorry, but anyone in a service industry should make sure they are in a position to tender the correct change.

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"Have had lots of problems with Bangkok taxis...Problems range from..driver trying to negotiate fixed fare once in the cab..."

Make up your mind, lot's of problems or once?

The 2nd paragraph's story wasn't in Thailand.

Anyone who uses a taxi, in any country, without having near enough the correct fare in 100s or 20s doesn't deserve to have the right to complain about the driver not having change. Co-operation is a two way thing.

I am not in a service business; therefore, I do not carry small change. I use all my small change first to make purchases or for tips. So, oh my, what would I do if I did not have correct change for a taxi? Probably get a larger note changed at my destination. So, please do not try to tell me I have no right to complain when a person in a service business carries no change.

You don't need to be in a service business to carry 20s, I'm not either. Instead of using it all "to make purchases" why not save some to use when you purchase the taxi trip, what's the difference? Unless you're just being an arrogant idiot cutting off you nose to spite your face by not trying to make your trip as easy as possible.

Why not change your larger note before you get to your destination? That wouldn't make sense, would it?

If you're in a position to ensure that you have 20s, and it's really not that difficult, and you don't bother because "you're not in a service business" then you really don't have any right to complain. Perhaps the driver gave his last bit of change to the person before you. Are you arrogant enough to think that the previous passenger didn't deserve the change as much as you?

You get up, need cash, go the ATM. Notes dispensed are large denominations.

Hail a taxi to take you to your destination, how is it your fault for having only a 1,000 baht note ?

I'm sorry, but anyone in a service industry should make sure they are in a position to tender the correct change.

ATMS dispense 100 Baht notes.

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