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Trump called out for appearing to mock disability


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What,s wrong with him saying thousands of muslims were celebrating the 9/11 attack ? It was true and I saw it myself even here in dear old Pattaya Thailand ! In reality it was probably millions, not thousands :(

Because he said there were thousands in NEW JERSEY. Which is a lie.


Trump is currently attempting to muddy the waters by turning this into him being a victim of media bias.

The simple fact is that he lied.

But the Trump fanboys don't care.

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Who has Trump offended so far?
African Americans
war veterans
.. and now the disabled
It simply amazes me that one of the smartest countries in the world with more Nobel prize winners than the rest put together, cannot select a reasonable, sensible conservative Presidential candiddate
They only get a chance of challenging for the top office every 4 years. If the GOP loses and the Democrat does a half decent job, that's 8 years out in the cold.
Maybe he's Hilary's secret weapon.

There are a few others he has offended.

The state of Iowa, whom he called idiots for supporting Carson.

The Chinese, for stealing our money and jobs.

Then there's the media, for having the audacity to question his lies.

And pretty much every other presidential candidate, dems and reps.

I may have missed a few.

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Lets take an accounting of this clown. He hates latino and black people. He probably hates all non white people. He just has not had an opportunity to slander Asians yet, or he does not want to alienate his Chinese investors. He makes fun of people who are handicapped or have physical deformities, or conditions. He hates most foreigners. He made fun of John McCain for being caught during the Vietnam war, yet he himself was too cowardly to go and fight himself. Yet, he felt it was ok to criticize a soldier who was caught by the enemy. He defrauds his investors. He has been sued dozens of times by cities, individuals, and attorney generals, for his business practices. He walked away from 4.7 billion dollars in debt, through four separate bankruptcies. He is a power hungry megalomaniac, with an insatiable thirst for fame, who thinks he is God, and can do no wrong. Plus he cannot ever admit a mistake, or a lie, which he commits several times an hour, every day of his life. He has no policy. He knows very little about politics, and would probably have a very, very hard time working with the congress and the senate to get legislation passed. He has no experience negotiating with foreign leaders, and probably has no patience for it. He has major anger issues, and is a very hostile and hateful man. He is about as full of both himself, and bluster, as a man can be. Is this really a man we would want running the country? Is this a man we would want to be in a position to start a war, or threaten a major world power?

Edited by spidermike007
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Trump isn't the only one that tends to make gaffes, or tell "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor" lies.


If what Biden and Trump did were gaffes, with a very liberal definition of the word, then Biden's was at one extreme end of the scale and Trump's was at the other. In actuality, Trump did not make a gaffe. Biden didn't know the chap whose name he read out was wheelchair-bound. An honest mistake. Trump knew his target was disabled, and purposely made idiotic fun of him.

You offer a very lame, if not offensive, counter to the Trump offense.

Edited by Scott
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Trump isn't the only one that tends to make gaffes, or tell "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor" lies.


If what Biden and Trump did were gaffes, with a very liberal definition of the word, then Biden's was at one extreme end of the scale and Trump's was at the other. In actuality, Trump did not make a gaffe. Biden didn't know the chap whose name he read out was wheelchair-bound. An honest mistake. Trump knew his target was disabled, and purposely made idiotic fun of him.

You offer a very lame, if not offensive, counter to the Trump offense.

The problem is, we used to have gaffes, and the 'gaffers' would be held accountable and made to look foolish.

For whatever reason in our current cycle, stupidity and general outrageousness seems to be valued. This weeks Rolling Stone has a enlightening and equally depressing article:


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Who has Trump offended so far?
African Americans
war veterans
.. and now the disabled
It simply amazes me that one of the smartest countries in the world with more Nobel prize winners than the rest put together, cannot select a reasonable, sensible conservative Presidential candiddate
They only get a chance of challenging for the top office every 4 years. If the GOP loses and the Democrat does a half decent job, that's 8 years out in the cold.
Maybe he's Hilary's secret weapon.

There are a few others he has offended.

The state of Iowa, whom he called idiots for supporting Carson.

The Chinese, for stealing our money and jobs.

Then there's the media, for having the audacity to question his lies.

And pretty much every other presidential candidate, dems and reps.

I may have missed a few.

Well he's right about the idiots comment if Iowa votes for Carson. (Or Trump.)

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I'm the forever optimist. As a Democrat I really relish the idea of a crazy getting the republican nomination.

But with my frontal lobes I'm also a democrat who is appalled by the idea that a stable intelligent democracy could even possibly nominate a pseudo (I'm not sure how much is real and how much is reality TV showmanship) racist as the nominee of a renowned political party for POTUS.

D(d)emocracy works when the participants are sane and somewhat true to the ideals of the Republic.

This is all testing my faith

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Most of the World is laughing at America for even entertaining the notion that this guy could be president. The little credibility that America has left will be finished if this guy does become president!

Nope - politicians around the globe are praying that Trump doesn't get in.

Because it will signal their demise.

Look - I am no fan of Trump - I agree with some things he says and disagree with others. He speaks his mind though. People are sick of politicians lying and evading questions.

So in the end, I think Trump is good for politics as a whole. It's not as if he'll destroy the world if he gets in, but he is the real "change" in the political system that Obama promised and failed to deliver.

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He is clearly NOT mocking the guys disability.

The media ARE clearly desperate to demolish Trump.

and that is perhaps the main reason he remains so popular, that it is so obvious that the media are trying to get rid of him because he does not align with their interests.

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He is clearly NOT mocking the guys disability.

The media ARE clearly desperate to demolish Trump.

and that is perhaps the main reason he remains so popular, that it is so obvious that the media are trying to get rid of him because he does not align with their interests.

He doesn't need the media to trash him, all they need to do is let him open his gob and let the rubbish come out.

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Yeah, he mocked the guy, it's obvious on the video, but DT says he's not doing that, so that means he's not. Ok, the vid ceases to exist and the news goes on as if it never happened.

DT, the Lance Armstrong of back-pedalling. I sure hope he gets the GOP nomination. smile.png

No more negativity regarding DT, we should all support him and hope that he gets the GOP nomination. I would love to see a presidential election where the GOP gets less than 30% of the popular vote. Trump 2016! Vote with your hands, not with your brain!

If there were Muslim tailgate parties in Jersey on 9/11 (mmmm, beer and pork ribs!) I can assure you there is no way it would have been avoided by Jersey-ites, and it would have been the day the term 'Louisville Slugger' found its way into the Arabic lexicon.


Edited by bendejo
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On the video it is clear he is not mocking anybody, just gesticulating a bit

Absolute rubbish, he's clearly mimicking the bloke.

What a vile, subhuman piece of scum he is.

On the still footage, yes it does appear he is mocking somebody with a gimpy arm. Watching the video footage it is most likely that he is subconsciously mimicking the history rewriting journalists personal attributes, without realizing or trying to do it. It certainly was in no way offensive, although the use of the still photograph captured at just the right nano second is offensive media manipulation. A lie in other words.

I can understand all the frothing over Trump, but he has achieved all he wanted to already. His injection of realism and common sense has appealed to a broad swath of the electorate that have seen PC nonsense, appeasing terrorists and kicking the can down the road doesn't work. The chances of the USA wholesale importing of terrorists is now negligible thanks to one person, Trump.

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Even professional wrestlers wouldn't have been so dumb or mean-spirited to make such a spastic parody of someone. Well, maybe that's going too far to say that because WWF audiences would have lapped it up. There's really not much difference between Wrestlemania fans and Trump fans. Same demographic, I'd guess.


I don't know whether extending this stupidity to "Trump fans" is valid or even necessary. Demonization by association is always transparent. There are good and thoughtful people who like Trump because they like the others less. If this guy genuinely is disabled Trump's antics are inappropriate. However, many people in the US just want the slide into madness to stop.

Edited by arjunadawn
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On the video it is clear he is not mocking anybody, just gesticulating a bit

Absolute rubbish, he's clearly mimicking the bloke.

What a vile, subhuman piece of scum he is.

On the still footage, yes it does appear he is mocking somebody with a gimpy arm. Watching the video footage it is most likely that he is subconsciously mimicking the history rewriting journalists personal attributes, without realizing or trying to do it. It certainly was in no way offensive, although the use of the still photograph captured at just the right nano second is offensive media manipulation. A lie in other words.

I can understand all the frothing over Trump, but he has achieved all he wanted to already. His injection of realism and common sense has appealed to a broad swath of the electorate that have seen PC nonsense, appeasing terrorists and kicking the can down the road doesn't work. The chances of the USA wholesale importing of terrorists is now negligible thanks to one person, Trump.

Nonsense, he is clearly mocking the guy.
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Even professional wrestlers wouldn't have been so dumb or mean-spirited to make such a spastic parody of someone. Well, maybe that's going too far to say that because WWF audiences would have lapped it up. There's really not much difference between Wrestlemania fans and Trump fans. Same demographic, I'd guess.


I don't know whether extending this stupidity to "Trump fans" is valid or even necessary. Demonization by association is always transparent. There are good and thoughtful people who like Trump because they like the others less. If this guy genuinely is disabled Trump's antics are inappropriate. However, many people in the US just want the slide into madness to stop.

You are questioning whether the guy is disabled? With a comment like that you think people will take your view seriously?

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I wanted to read this topic because I was just waiting to hear the excuses from the Trump fan boys and they sure are here

His "jerking motions" and the way he mimicked speech were a clear imitation of a spastic and if you can't see and hear that from the videos your brain in so out of sync you should question your sanity

Last time I saw such a disgusting display was when I was kid in grade school, but unlike Trump, I realized that such actions were not funny but just hurtful and childish

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Even professional wrestlers wouldn't have been so dumb or mean-spirited to make such a spastic parody of someone. Well, maybe that's going too far to say that because WWF audiences would have lapped it up. There's really not much difference between Wrestlemania fans and Trump fans. Same demographic, I'd guess.


I don't know whether extending this stupidity to "Trump fans" is valid or even necessary. Demonization by association is always transparent. There are good and thoughtful people who like Trump because they like the others less. If this guy genuinely is disabled Trump's antics are inappropriate. However, many people in the US just want the slide into madness to stop.

I seriously doubt that there are good and thoughtful people who like Trump (present company on this forum excluded, of course). "Liking" him because they like others less is simply being polite. Choosing the lesser of several evils does not mean "like".

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Most of the World is laughing at America for even entertaining the notion that this guy could be president. The little credibility that America has left will be finished if this guy does become president!

Nope - politicians around the globe are praying that Trump doesn't get in.

Because it will signal their demise.

Look - I am no fan of Trump - I agree with some things he says and disagree with others. He speaks his mind though. People are sick of politicians lying and evading questions.

Geez, are you kidding me? You're "sick of politicians lying and evading questions?" That's EXACTLY what Trump does. A five year old child also speaks his mind. Because he doesn't know any better. It doesn't mean he's ready to be President.

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What,s wrong with him saying thousands of muslims were celebrating the 9/11 attack ? It was true and I saw it myself even here in dear old Pattaya Thailand ! In reality it was probably millions, not thousands sad.png

He did not say thousands of muslims were celebrating the 9/11attack, he said thousands of muslims were celebrating the 9/11attack in Jersey City but being a Trump supporter I would excuse you for not knowing the differencewhistling.gif

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Most of the World is laughing at America for even entertaining the notion that this guy could be president. The little credibility that America has left will be finished if this guy does become president!

Nothing would make any difference to the people the post refers to.

All the same give up any hope or thinking Donald Trump could be elected POTUS.

Trump still has to prove he can win the Republican party nomination for president and no one has voted yet. Voting in the states won't begin until February. The nominating convention is next summer. Voting in the states finishes in June. So simmer down.

It would be a blessing if Trump did win the nomination because in the ge the Republican party would win maybe a dozen states. It would be a wipeout.

If Trump gets nominated it would be conclusive proof God finally decided to become a Democrat. biggrin.png

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Most of the World is laughing at America for even entertaining the notion that this guy could be president. The little credibility that America has left will be finished if this guy does become president!

Nothing would make any difference to the people the post refers to.

All the same give up any hope or thinking Donald Trump could be elected POTUS.

Trump still has to prove he can win the Republican party nomination for president and no one has voted yet. Voting in the states won't begin until February. The nominating convention is next summer. Voting in the states finishes in June. So simmer down.

It would be a blessing if Trump did win the nomination because in the ge the Republican party would win maybe a dozen states. It would be a wipeout.

If Trump gets nominated it would be conclusive proof God finally decided to become a Democrat. biggrin.png

Still not sure he is not doing this to get his good friend Hillary elected president.

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Most of the World is laughing at America for even entertaining the notion that this guy could be president. The little credibility that America has left will be finished if this guy does become president!

Nothing would make any difference to the people the post refers to.

All the same give up any hope or thinking Donald Trump could be elected POTUS.

Trump still has to prove he can win the Republican party nomination for president and no one has voted yet. Voting in the states won't begin until February. The nominating convention is next summer. Voting in the states finishes in June. So simmer down.

It would be a blessing if Trump did win the nomination because in the ge the Republican party would win maybe a dozen states. It would be a wipeout.

If Trump gets nominated it would be conclusive proof God finally decided to become a Democrat. biggrin.png

Still not sure he is not doing this to get his good friend Hillary elected president.

How could one call it a conspiracy theory when it is a conspiracy fact giggle.gif

Truly hard to believe some people actually think that. facepalm.gif

This is not a conspiracy or a Trump-Clinton plan or occurrence of any kind or nature. It's the rightwingnutosphere at work before our very eyes. All of 'em swinging the wrecking balls at the rest of 'em within the Republican party. For a Democrat anywhere in the USA, this is a godsend. If it's a conspiracy, it's one made in Heaven among the angels and by God Himself.

It is an obvious and gross mismatch driven by Trump's ego and idiocy.

Go Trump Go !!! clap2.gif

Edited by Publicus
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Even professional wrestlers wouldn't have been so dumb or mean-spirited to make such a spastic parody of someone. Well, maybe that's going too far to say that because WWF audiences would have lapped it up. There's really not much difference between Wrestlemania fans and Trump fans. Same demographic, I'd guess.


I don't know whether extending this stupidity to "Trump fans" is valid or even necessary. Demonization by association is always transparent. There are good and thoughtful people who like Trump because they like the others less. If this guy genuinely is disabled Trump's antics are inappropriate. However, many people in the US just want the slide into madness to stop.

And making fun of a disabled person is not a slide into madness?

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