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Your experiences with nationalities in conflict in Pattaya


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As an American, I am always shocked when I am disliked by people of other nationalities. I don't represent the American government and they wouldn't stereotype me as being an automatic representative of my country's policies, would they? Besides, my country only wants the present regime in Syria deposed for the good of the Syrian people. I'm sure that things would work out just fine for the generations of Syrian Engineers who have been educated in Russia and for the hundreds (thousands?) of Syrians who are married to Russians. Besides, the opposition in Syria wasn't fomented by us. It was just started by an innocent group of people who want to overturn what they consider to be an oppressive dictatorship. Their country won't fall into chaos. Just look at how well it's worked out for Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Yemen and others. We are actually the world's good guys - championing self-determination and free speech. How could the citizens of any other country, especially Russia, dislike us? Now regarding SE Asia, uh.......

and you left out Iran, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan ... 'good guys' indeed (munitions manufacturers most favourite race)

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Not sure if this relates to the OP's question, but I notice in Pattaya when the morning busloads of tourists arrive to take the speed boats over to the islands they drop the Chinese off at one spot and drop the Indians off at a different spot about 500 metres away. It's like someone has already decided they don't want them on the same patch of beach. Looks kinda funny but maybe there's been altercations in the past?

I work for Chinese .. they loathe Indians

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I guess it shows how simple minded certain people are.

Russia/Ukraine conflict downed a flight full of Dutch people, should I hate Russians for that? Don't think so.

Turkey downed a Russian jet last week which was absurdly unfair, actually I'm quite fond of Turkish people so should I hate them now? Sure not, do I hate Erdogan, yes definitely.

Also I hated it when the UN/NATO couldn't interferre in Syria due to Russia, Iran and China blocking it, Soon after I met a guy from Iran, had a good conversation with.

As a matter of fact most Iranians hate their government, most Turiskh people hate their government.

Russians on the other hand probably love their government but that's just an odd breed, I don't like Russians in particular but that's more cause they don't seem very social, has nothing to do with politics. Americans I find a bit obnoxious in general. I guess people that are from the largest nations on eath have some superiority complex or something, they theirselves would probably call it being proud of their country or whatever. Look at the Chinese as well, also behave like they don't give a shit, don't believe me, ask hoteliers.

Last thing: Go Trump, would love to see him as president smile.png

Actually I don't like Germans, French and people from the UK either.

Yep, this post certainly shows how simple minded some people can be.

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I guess it shows how simple minded certain people are.

Russia/Ukraine conflict downed a flight full of Dutch people, should I hate Russians for that? Don't think so.

Turkey downed a Russian jet last week which was absurdly unfair, actually I'm quite fond of Turkish people so should I hate them now? Sure not, do I hate Erdogan, yes definitely.

Also I hated it when the UN/NATO couldn't interferre in Syria due to Russia, Iran and China blocking it, Soon after I met a guy from Iran, had a good conversation with.

As a matter of fact most Iranians hate their government, most Turiskh people hate their government.

Russians on the other hand probably love their government but that's just an odd breed, I don't like Russians in particular but that's more cause they don't seem very social, has nothing to do with politics. Americans I find a bit obnoxious in general. I guess people that are from the largest nations on eath have some superiority complex or something, they theirselves would probably call it being proud of their country or whatever. Look at the Chinese as well, also behave like they don't give a shit, don't believe me, ask hoteliers.

Last thing: Go Trump, would love to see him as president smile.png

Actually I don't like Germans, French and people from the UK either.

You are the kind of person that makes americans so delightful.

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When asked where I am from and I respond that I am an American, at times I get :"Oh...you Americans!" in a quite derogatory nature, almost spitting out those words.

I respond by saying: "Which Americans do you mean? The Irish Americans? The Polish Americans? The Italian Americans? The African Americans? The Hispanic Americans? The Japanese, Chinese or Thai Americans? How about the French, German, Russian or Dutch Americans? Could it be the Conservative, Liberal, Socialist, Capitalist, Progressive or even Communist Americans? So tell me, which Americans did you have in mind with your "Oh...you Americans remark?" "

It usually either shuts them up are we can progress with an adult and meaningful conversation.

That said, who I find difficult to deal with are the Mid-East Arabs and Mid-East Muslims.

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Had a few less than happy experiences when unable to avoid Russians...right now...after the economic sanctions the US imposed against Russia because of Crimea and Ukraine...the Russian ruble has tanked...causing many Russians to have much less spending money to visit Pattaya...could be why he felt revulsion when being in the presence of an American...since Americans are all the same...right? smile.png

Edited by ggt
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I'm an American. I appreciate your curiosity on this issue, JT. However, as I understand the rules of this forum, we are not allowed to discuss politics; and I don't see how your question can be addressed without going deeply into political beliefs.

Believe me, I have very strong opinions on political matters; those within my country, and those affecting the world on an international level. But, as I said, I don't think that I, or anyone else, is free to express such opinions here. If I'm wrong, I hope the Mods will correct my understanding. But unless that happens, I have to leave it with this one general statement.

I try to accept every person I meet as an individual. I know from personal experience (I worked in Shanghai for 15 months on assignment from Boeing) that governments and peoples are not always of one mind, socially or politically.

Unless the Mods open this discussion to more specific political comments, that's all I'll say on this subject.

You do not need to go into your political rantings to state political differences as the cause of any disagreement. I find political, religious, historical, sports-related, and personality-related differences in most people all the time.

I believe the Americans and Russians still feel the chill of the cold war which is embellished by current differences. To some extent these types of inherited ill-feelings exist between many nationalities all the time.

I was riding with a group of English, Australian and New Zealand guys when I arrived at my German friend's bar. The bar was packed with a bunch of other Germans, many were friends of mine. I couldn't believe the apprehension I witnessed from both sides--the allies (more so the commonwealth, because I am American) vs. the axis. It was if neither group of farangs had ever had a friend from the other side--this happened in 2013. The best part is now the two sides often ride together and hang out and drink at the others' bars.

However, I am witness to disparaging thoughts between many groups of farangs. Look at the numerous jokes which the Polish, the Irish, and the Italians must endure from almost every other nationality. Look at the disdain most English-speaking nations hold for the French. The farangs are not alone. Look at the age-old dislike the Japanese have for the Chinese and Koreans; which is more than reciprocated from each of them toward the Japanese.

As an American, I usually see the anti-American groupies who continually complain the US does or does not do something. I see the former-colonial penchant for dissing the English as is practiced by Australians, New Zealanders, Canadians, and Americans alike. The current and past differences the Scots and Irish have with the English. There is, of course, the hegemonic legacy as demonstrated by the English penchant for snobbery to anyone not English; which is perhaps correlated to the American superiority attitude toward everyone, especially the English.

Certainly, some of the attitude comes from patriotic leanings, but some attitude seems even more vile, often nearing deep-seated hatred and loathing. Ignorance, for the most part is a causal factor. Look how many adults from all countries who are so ill-educated and ill-informed they do not think for themselves and can only repeat what associates have told them.

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As I live in the distant past and have an encyclopedic knowledge of The Battle of Stalingrad, I am always anxious to discuss with

Russians, I meet at the gym, at immi. and on songtaews.

For those at the gym I want to chat about the Inspector Porfiry Rostnikov (a dedicated weightlifter extrordinaire), series, by Stuart Kaminsky.

For Stalingrad, Vasily Zaytsev.

Unfortunately my Russian and their English, adds little, except their bafflement.

I'd like to engage the exquisite Russian girls (ballerinas/athletes ?) working out at a quiet beach near me..but....

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There is such a hotchpotch of nationalities in LoS - why ? not sure.

What I have found is that people are people - the problems comes from the top. For whatever reason the govenrments of the countries cause the problem.

for example - every Iranian I have ever met both here and ouside LoS has been the nicest politest person and spoken pefect English. Many Americans and Brits I have worked with have been complete tossers and could be pig ignorant about many subjects. Other Americans and Brits are fine.

I have worked in 2 former soviet countries, the people are brainwashed and have stubborn mind sets and then a westerner turns up and treats them politely and they don't believe their ears or eyes. China was wierd, the vast majority are loud, dirty and heartless towards everything around them and then I would meet the kindest person who could not do enough for you and take nothing in return ! The vast majority of Chinese you see here are the worst kind you will meet.

When everyone is put in the melting pot here there are is massive scope for confrontation. Queues and personal space are perfect examples. We Brits have orderly queues, in countries where unless you are first you might be dead you jump to the front. I like at least 18 to 24 inches clear space around me. Try that in India or China and you will get trampled on.

I have found that many people including Thais think I am American or Australian - I am Scottish. They are then totally flumoxed coz i don't drink and my English speaking skills are almost perfect. What a surprise that is for them.

In the past when I first came here and got fed up with being asked "Whay you cum flom?" I would make up stories that I was from Peru or Patagonia the country next door to Lichtenstein........I am never challenged about such claims...? Geography eh ? The first subject you should learn before a foreign language.

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As an American, I am always shocked when I am disliked by people of other nationalities. I don't represent the American government and they wouldn't stereotype me as being an automatic representative of my country's policies, would they? Besides, my country only wants the present regime in Syria deposed for the good of the Syrian people. I'm sure that things would work out just fine for the generations of Syrian Engineers who have been educated in Russia and for the hundreds (thousands?) of Syrians who are married to Russians. Besides, the opposition in Syria wasn't fomented by us. It was just started by an innocent group of people who want to overturn what they consider to be an oppressive dictatorship. Their country won't fall into chaos. Just look at how well it's worked out for Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Yemen and others. We are actually the world's good guys - championing self-determination and free speech. How could the citizens of any other country, especially Russia, dislike us? Now regarding SE Asia, uh.......

Fox news and propaganda still have future and potential followers. You don't seem to live in this world or understand the policies of your own country.

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I guess it shows how simple minded certain people are.

Russia/Ukraine conflict downed a flight full of Dutch people, should I hate Russians for that? Don't think so.

Turkey downed a Russian jet last week which was absurdly unfair, actually I'm quite fond of Turkish people so should I hate them now? Sure not, do I hate Erdogan, yes definitely.

Also I hated it when the UN/NATO couldn't interferre in Syria due to Russia, Iran and China blocking it, Soon after I met a guy from Iran, had a good conversation with.

As a matter of fact most Iranians hate their government, most Turiskh people hate their government.

Russians on the other hand probably love their government but that's just an odd breed, I don't like Russians in particular but that's more cause they don't seem very social, has nothing to do with politics. Americans I find a bit obnoxious in general. I guess people that are from the largest nations on eath have some superiority complex or something, they theirselves would probably call it being proud of their country or whatever. Look at the Chinese as well, also behave like they don't give a shit, don't believe me, ask hoteliers.

Last thing: Go Trump, would love to see him as president smile.png

Actually I don't like Germans, French and people from the UK either.

Do you like anyone??????????????????

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When asked where I am from and I respond that I am an American, at times I get :"Oh...you Americans!" in a quite derogatory nature, almost spitting out those words.

I respond by saying: "Which Americans do you mean? The Irish Americans? The Polish Americans? The Italian Americans? The African Americans? The Hispanic Americans? The Japanese, Chinese or Thai Americans? How about the French, German, Russian or Dutch Americans? Could it be the Conservative, Liberal, Socialist, Capitalist, Progressive or even Communist Americans? So tell me, which Americans did you have in mind with your "Oh...you Americans remark?" "

It usually either shuts them up are we can progress with an adult and meaningful conversation.

That said, who I find difficult to deal with are the Mid-East Arabs and Mid-East Muslims.

Oh you Americans! LOLZ.

Agree with your last sentence.

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I'm an American. I appreciate your curiosity on this issue, JT. However, as I understand the rules of this forum, we are not allowed to discuss politics; and I don't see how your question can be addressed without going deeply into political beliefs.

Believe me, I have very strong opinions on political matters; those within my country, and those affecting the world on an international level. But, as I said, I don't think that I, or anyone else, is free to express such opinions here. If I'm wrong, I hope the Mods will correct my understanding. But unless that happens, I have to leave it with this one general statement.

I try to accept every person I meet as an individual. I know from personal experience (I worked in Shanghai for 15 months on assignment from Boeing) that governments and peoples are not always of one mind, socially or politically.

Unless the Mods open this discussion to more specific political comments, that's all I'll say on this subject.

I totally disagree with you that this topic needs to be anything about a political debate in a specific manner.

This is more GENERAL.

There are many nationalities living and visiting Pattaya and most people being normal have at least some level of NATIONALISM.

So when people of different nationalities meet in Thailand, generally a pretty neutral zone when it comes to international conflicts, I'm sure there is friction sometimes. And often harmony and warm human feelings as well.

If I'm meeting someone as an individual, I try to deal with them as an individual. Not a stereotype.

It's about the HUMAN stuff, not the specific political issues.

No need to bring up Ukraine here or the U.S. bungle in Iraq or thousands of other political bones of contention impacting international relations.

That is NOT the point of this thread.

No need to bring up Ukraine here or the U.S. bungle in Iraq or thousands of other political bones of contention impacting international relations.

Well, but when it comes to discussions you are not forced to agree with your country's politics. So there might be an open discussion no matter what national you are. Do you agree?

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Your country has been at war/conflict since before it's start (which is when my family left,after 150 years, as the domestic terrorists were taking over)

Oh please....where's the puke bucket? Nothing more than a veiled attempt to spin an ancient grudge using pretentious self-righteousness.

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As an American, I am always shocked when I am disliked by people of other nationalities. I don't represent the American government and they wouldn't stereotype me as being an automatic representative of my country's policies, would they? Besides, my country only wants the present regime in Syria deposed for the good of the Syrian people. I'm sure that things would work out just fine for the generations of Syrian Engineers who have been educated in Russia and for the hundreds (thousands?) of Syrians who are married to Russians. Besides, the opposition in Syria wasn't fomented by us. It was just started by an innocent group of people who want to overturn what they consider to be an oppressive dictatorship. Their country won't fall into chaos. Just look at how well it's worked out for Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Yemen and others. We are actually the world's good guys - championing self-determination and free speech. How could the citizens of any other country, especially Russia, dislike us? Now regarding SE Asia, uh.......



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when I was younger I hated the world , then I became an immigrant in another country and then other immigrants became my best and most trusted friends . What I learned in life was to be polite and try to help others , then you become the face of your nation and get to change other people's perception/steriotype of you . I'm British by the way and feel no shame in saying it .

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I'm American and do my best to avoid Americans, although I have met a few who were OK. When I attend the embassy outreach once a year, I end up in a room full of Americans. Have chatted with a few, but unavoidably listening to some of the conversations around me usually makes me cringe. Nothing to do with politics. Too many want to either reminisce about their past lives in the US (and recite a lengthy biographical resume that they assume is interesting) and/or whine about how they don't understand this or that in Thailand. Very needy, clingy sort of people, many of whom have never mentally left America and seem disoriented regarding where they actually are.

Whatever we may think, we tend to carry our prejudices with us, which probably influences how we act and how people react to us. I've lived out of the US for about 40 years and have had good Indian, African, British, Canadian, Australian, et al friends mainly through work, many with whom I keep in contact and in a few cases visited back in their home countries. I don't really think of them first and foremost in terms of their nationalities and I have never carried on about or purposely advertised my nationality. After all these years my accent is more vaguely British than American, so just opening my mouth doesn't pinpoint my origins.

Having lived outside the US for most of my adult life, if someone does ask "where are you from," answering "America" seems an inadequate response since it seems to imply I came straight from the US to Thailand. But for the most part I don't encourage people who appear to want to get chummy regardless of their nationality because their apparent need to attach themselves often opens something of a Pandora's Box that can be exceedingly hard to close again. Quite happy with the few Thai and farang friends I have and feel no need to expand the roster unless it may happen through some mutually shared interests.

Edited by Suradit69
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Over the last 16 years I have lived in Thailand I have gone to Pattaya an average of about once a year, sometimes just for a weekend and sometimes for as long as a week. So, my experience is limited perhaps, but I have never had any memorably positive or terribly negative interactions with other nationalities. Though I got clocked in the face with a deliberate elbow thrown by a really big Slavic kind of a guy, maybe Russian, maybe Ukrainian, who knows, he wanted to push past me and catch up to his friends in a narrow 7-11 shop. They had bought their stuff and were quickly leaving. I was the one standing in a long queue and blocking his way. So, he couldn't pass and shoved me brutally out of the way and slammed me with an elbow. He really slammed me hard in the face, if he'd aimed better he could have broken my nose. It was just sheer hostility and malevolence which apparently I deserved for being smaller than him and not having eyes in the back of my head to see he wanted to get by me. But shit happens. Another time in the Pattaya Central food court this shit faced drunk Russian guy, literally carrying and swigging from a bottle of Chivas, sits right down at the table where my wife and were having lunch and starts grabbing our food and shouting in Russian. His girlfriend was in tow, looking sober but powerless to stop the guy from vomiting all over himself shouting and barging into our lunch. Pretty shocking but we just got up and left and left him to what was left of our lunch, a few pizza crusts and some Kuay Teow detritus.

As for countries in conflict, I find it ironic that people from some of our so-called allies tend to be the most rude and abusive and frankly prejudiced of those i regualrly encounter in Pattaya. It seems its OK to make insulting comments to Americans if you are from the UK, it happens too often, I have long ago reached the fed up point, I have given up on expecting a Brit to be even civil from the get go once they know where i am from. Perhaps Brits are that way to each other but too many of them seem to despise us. Just the way we speak and our mannerisms are like nails on a chalk board to them and seem to get interpreted to mean that we are superior which it does not. Seems the British are the ones who are superior last time i checked with their wonderful language that belongs to them and not to us who ruin it. I remember talking with an American friend and laughing about something inconsequential, he was telling me about one of his hapless friends back home, again in a 7-11 in Pattaya. This Brit overhears us and out of the blue, I've never seen the man in my life, starts shouting in this enraged, utterly indignanat sarcastic tone, "Well! I guess we know who the Americans are in here tonight don't we?! (He then switches into a fake American accent) Hey Mike! Looks like there are some Americans here with us! How is everything in America?! (Back to the British accent) You had enough yet?! You like some more from me?! I'll give it you right now!" We just sort of stood there silently, stunned waiting for him to stop which he did when we just said nothing and looked at him, like...huh? The guy wasn't even drunk or partcularly thugish just absolutely out of his mind with his aversion for Americans and wouldn't tolerate the sound of our accents in his space. Brits really are number one on my keep your distance list from in Thailand along with Arabs whom I have been beaten up by in Bangkok, for bascially just looking American and being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I have spent an entire month in Britain and met nothing but pretty cool people, there seems to be something about the kind of Brits who leave or what happens to them once they leave, they seem to get nasty.

Edited by Shaunduhpostman
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The problem is people confuse people with there countries political positions. Most Americans

are great people but many disagree with there foreign policies. The same goes for

Russia. Putin is a kleptocratic megalomaniac but I don't blame the Russian people. I have

no problem with them on the whole (maybe a bad example, many are obnoxious drunks.)

But I am sure you get the point. thumbsup.gif

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I guess it shows how simple minded certain people are.

Russia/Ukraine conflict downed a flight full of Dutch people, should I hate Russians for that? Don't think so.

Turkey downed a Russian jet last week which was absurdly unfair, actually I'm quite fond of Turkish people so should I hate them now? Sure not, do I hate Erdogan, yes definitely.

Also I hated it when the UN/NATO couldn't interferre in Syria due to Russia, Iran and China blocking it, Soon after I met a guy from Iran, had a good conversation with.

As a matter of fact most Iranians hate their government, most Turiskh people hate their government.

Russians on the other hand probably love their government but that's just an odd breed, I don't like Russians in particular but that's more cause they don't seem very social, has nothing to do with politics. Americans I find a bit obnoxious in general. I guess people that are from the largest nations on eath have some superiority complex or something, they theirselves would probably call it being proud of their country or whatever. Look at the Chinese as well, also behave like they don't give a shit, don't believe me, ask hoteliers.

Last thing: Go Trump, would love to see him as president smile.png

Actually I don't like Germans, French and people from the UK either.

Who do you like?

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As an American, I am always shocked when I am disliked by people of other nationalities. I don't represent the American government and they wouldn't stereotype me as being an automatic representative of my country's policies, would they? Besides, my country only wants the present regime in Syria deposed for the good of the Syrian people. I'm sure that things would work out just fine for the generations of Syrian Engineers who have been educated in Russia and for the hundreds (thousands?) of Syrians who are married to Russians. Besides, the opposition in Syria wasn't fomented by us. It was just started by an innocent group of people who want to overturn what they consider to be an oppressive dictatorship. Their country won't fall into chaos. Just look at how well it's worked out for Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Yemen and others. We are actually the world's good guys - championing self-determination and free speech. How could the citizens of any other country, especially Russia, dislike us? Now regarding SE Asia, uh.......

Your delusional ....worked out better?..........son where are your glasses? Last time the western press bothered to report on the places you mentioned it was like the american wild west of the mid 1800's.

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