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British man found dead on Koh Tao

Jonathan Fairfield

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Is there anything to suggest this was foul play, other than that it happened on Koh Tao?

Andrew Drummonds blog makes mention of "reliable sources" saying there were multiple injuries to Luke Miller's body, none of which were consistent with the barb wire theory.

The same blog mentions mafia turf wars full on with gunfire which has led to the arrest of a prominent Samui archipelago person mentioned in a post here earlier today.

hahaha...i often lie awake at night listening to the sounds of gunfire!!...mafia turf wars and gunfire on koh tao??...hahah.....have any of you actually been to koh tao??

Yep. I quite enjoyed it.

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Is there anything to suggest this was foul play, other than that it happened on Koh Tao?

Andrew Drummonds blog makes mention of "reliable sources" saying there were multiple injuries to Luke Miller's body, none of which were consistent with the barb wire theory.

The same blog mentions mafia turf wars full on with gunfire which has led to the arrest of a prominent Samui archipelago person mentioned in a post here earlier today.

hahaha...i often lie awake at night listening to the sounds of gunfire!!...mafia turf wars and gunfire on koh tao??...hahah.....have any of you actually been to koh tao??

If you actually read the article then you will discover that nobody mentioned the mafia turf wars as being in KT. It references some recent shootings in Koh Pangnan. Your assuming something before you read it.

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As soon as the Koh Tao police said he "cut his own face on barbed wire climbing a DJ tower," I knew it was foul play. I could see the cogs turning as they concocted a ridiculous story to explain the injuries.

Oh and "Thankfully it wasn't murder or the island would be swarming with senior commanders." Wouldn't want that, would they? Might get in the way of rent-seeking activities.

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Number of visitors to Koh Tao per year- over 100,000 according to wiki

number of suspicious deaths per year? 2 definite last year, perhaps one more..it's not an awful lot.

So it's not "death island"?
it has never been ,in matter of fact its one of the safest places in Thailand.
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Number of visitors to Koh Tao per year- over 100,000 according to wiki

number of suspicious deaths per year? 2 definite last year, perhaps one more..it's not an awful lot.

So it's not "death island"?
it has never been ,in matter of fact its one of the safest places in Thailand.

One would never think that, reading this and the numerous other Koh Tao threads!

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Is there anything to suggest this was foul play, other than that it happened on Koh Tao?

Andrew Drummonds blog makes mention of "reliable sources" saying there were multiple injuries to Luke Miller's body, none of which were consistent with the barb wire theory.

The same blog mentions mafia turf wars full on with gunfire which has led to the arrest of a prominent Samui archipelago person mentioned in a post here earlier today.

"The same blog mentions mafia turf wars full on with gunfire..."

Not on Koh Tao it doesn't.

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Is there anything to suggest this was foul play, other than that it happened on Koh Tao?

That it happened on koh tao and the rtp investigating is enough for me to start with foul play until proven differently buy people with nothing to do with island

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Because I have never believed that David and Hannah were killed on the beach and that the scene was stage, I suggested over a year ago that they should ascertain whether the water in David's lungs was salt water or fresh water. rather strange now that another David has died from drowning, only this time in a swimming pool with cuts to his face and who knows what other injuries.

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Because I have never believed that David and Hannah were killed on the beach and that the scene was stage, I suggested over a year ago that they should ascertain whether the water in David's lungs was salt water or fresh water. rather strange now that another David has died from drowning, only this time in a swimming pool with cuts to his face and who knows what other injuries.

I meant another Miller.

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Although I don't trust the RTP for 1 second, it seems to be a plausible scenario....

Totally drunk, coming home at night, jumping of the roof of a booth near a pool at your bungalow and break your neck whilst doing this. If accurate, I suspect he was not alone while this happened, we 'll find out soon I guess. If there are no witlessness, be prepared for another 500 pages of pure speculation. And yes, what makes this suspicious is cutting your face on barbed wire.......... is their barbed wire near that pool?


Maybe barbed wire to prevent drunken tourists from climbing up to the DJ booth and diving into the swimming pool?

What we need to iknow is if their was water in his lungs which would indicate if not he was dead before entering the water, if he hit his head surely he would gasp and take in water, speculation outside of an autopsy is futile. There again this is Thailand.

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"That's a simplistic view from a simple person"

So, you're trying to say that it's reasonable for a person who is definitely not "stupid, ignorant and negligent" to not even bother doing even a short 30 seconds of research on Google to find out the past history of fellow travelers on Koh Tao before they go there? Really?

Speaking of a simple-minded person, I don't think the words "due diligence" mean what you think they mean, 555

Edited by SiSePuede419
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Thailand is a corrupt Banana Republic with a police force whose job is to steal as much money as they can to send up the food chain whilst getting a few extra baht for themselves, yet you think they are going to bite the hand that feeds them. Its been like this long before gapyear students, British buytolet landlords and pensioners decided things must change, once they realised things aren't quite how they thought it was.

The Thai government are fascists who took over the country by force, their job is to keep the status quo, a status quo in which the ruling class can continue to rape, murder and do as they please whilst helping themselves to the vast wealth that the people of Thailand produce. Yet you seem to think they care and will change things because of a few murdered foreigners, when the airports bring in an endless supply of sheep from Europe to fleece.

Middle class girls complaining about feral violence on the internet or to the local bought and paid for plod aren't going to change things, and from what i see no one can make things more humane and civilised in this country.

Thailand is the way it is, and if you want safe and civilised stay well clear of the place and go to Cornwall.

As much as I hate saying it, you're speaking the truth there. It's like a pyramid, you take bricks out, it falls apart. Too many interests / money at stake going all the way to the top.

To fight corruption and to see a change it has to come from within, so it will happen when Thai people are no longer "mai pen rai". Maybe in 50 years give or take, if new generations think differently.

It is really a shame that people come on here and try to defend/deflect the obvious..........you honestly are wasting your time

The current Thai government need to take a long hard look at what is going on on these Islands, at least evict these people/scum that are occupying sovereign land, all these Islands are national parks and owned by the King of Thailand and the Thai people, send in the bulldozers and flatten the lot, it is a disgrace

That's highly unlikely to happen unfortunately, exactly for the reasons stated by ffaarraanngg.

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Is there anything to suggest this was foul play, other than that it happened on Koh Tao?

Of course there is and it is all in the minds of the TVF Investigators. It's called imagination, could also add fervent to that. coffee1.gif

Edited by Si Thea01
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Is there anything to suggest this was foul play, other than that it happened on Koh Tao?

Of course there is and it is all in the minds of the TVF Investigators. It's called imagination, could also add fervent to that. coffee1.gif


So why do his sister and friends question the official cause of death?

And why is there a Facebook page setup called "Justice for Luke Miller"?

Is it all in their imagination too? Or are you just pre-determined to defend anything Koh Tao related?

Let's wait until they get his body back and are free to speak about what happened to him, let's see what your excuse is then.

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Is there anything to suggest this was foul play, other than that it happened on Koh Tao?

Of course there is and it is all in the minds of the TVF Investigators. It's called imagination, could also add fervent to that. coffee1.gif

I find that a gross and extremely disrespectful statement, not for me or for any of the posters on here apart from one Maria who still logs in to view the thread.

If you had bothered to do even the slightest bit of research outside of TVF you will see the family are very concerned and have expressed that concern through facebook, TVF, and the BBC including a TV interview. They have evidence that does not agree with the version of events as set down by the RTP who have as far as their concerned completed their investigation.

The investigation is far from over and after the UK autopsy there will then be the official inquest.

Shame on

Enjoy your coffee while the family mourns and waits for the body to be returned home

Edited by jayjay78
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@Si Thea01

You are defending an argument which isn't really being made. Nobody on TVF has really made many speculations about what has happened to Luke despite Koh Tao's history with tourists, but like many other members you automatically jump to the defense of Koh Tao before anything has been mentioned. I honestly thought the board would be rife with accusations against the island but everyone has been quite restrained. The only member who are being very vocal are the same people who defended Koh Tao and want to crucify the B2.

It just shows your bias. Everything you have said is pure speculation. We have zero facts but you assume that an answer already.

You are in a good position now because Luke's family cannot speak on the case until his body is returned. I bet it will be different once they get him back. Seeing how vocal his sister was the day after his death I'm looking forward to what her, and his friends who were there with him, have to say.

So continue on with your Koh Tao propaganda, all it is doing is proving why you are here and that you will defend the Island no matter what happens.

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Is there anything to suggest this was foul play, other than that it happened on Koh Tao?

Of course there is and it is all in the minds of the TVF Investigators. It's called imagination, could also add fervent to that. coffee1.gif

I find that a gross and extremely disrespectful statement, not for me or for any of the posters on here apart from one Maria who still logs in to view the thread.

If you had bothered to do even the slightest bit of research outside of TVF you will see the family are very concerned and have expressed that concern through facebook, TVF, and the BBC including a TV interview. They have evidence that does not agree with the version of events as set down by the RTP who have as far as their concerned completed their investigation.

The investigation is far from over and after the UK autopsy there will then be the official inquest.

Shame on

Enjoy your coffee while the family mourns and waits for the body to be returned home

is that because you adam and some of the other TV sleuths have contacted the grieving members?? i find that gross and extremely disrespectful that you would try to fill their heads with your own personal anti thailand agenda.

there has been no talk of this unfortunate accident on the island, and certainly not even a whisper of any foul play, its only yourself and the select bunch on here that are trying to make something from nothing.

Edited by frank83628
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Of course there is and it is all in the minds of the TVF Investigators. It's called imagination, could also add fervent to that. coffee1.gif

I find that a gross and extremely disrespectful statement, not for me or for any of the posters on here apart from one Maria who still logs in to view the thread.

If you had bothered to do even the slightest bit of research outside of TVF you will see the family are very concerned and have expressed that concern through facebook, TVF, and the BBC including a TV interview. They have evidence that does not agree with the version of events as set down by the RTP who have as far as their concerned completed their investigation.

The investigation is far from over and after the UK autopsy there will then be the official inquest.

Shame on

Enjoy your coffee while the family mourns and waits for the body to be returned home

is that because you adam and some of the other TV sleuths have contacted the grieving members?? i find that gross and extremely disrespectful.

I take it Adam is someone you know where you live in Koh Tao and think I am him smile.png Its ok Frank think away its not relevant and I really don't care who you think I am.

No I have not contacted her. Why do you think I have some information that may be useful to her and thats why your so anxious I may be this Adam?

But I have seen her interviewed on TV and read the reports. Whats gross and extremely disrespectful about that?

Edited by jayjay78
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Is there anything to suggest this was foul play, other than that it happened on Koh Tao?

Of course there is and it is all in the minds of the TVF Investigators. It's called imagination, could also add fervent to that. coffee1.gif

I find that a gross and extremely disrespectful statement, not for me or for any of the posters on here apart from one Maria who still logs in to view the thread.

If you had bothered to do even the slightest bit of research outside of TVF you will see the family are very concerned and have expressed that concern through facebook, TVF, and the BBC including a TV interview. They have evidence that does not agree with the version of events as set down by the RTP who have as far as their concerned completed their investigation.

The investigation is far from over and after the UK autopsy there will then be the official inquest.

Shame on

Enjoy your coffee while the family mourns and waits for the body to be returned home

I was not referring to the family so how is it being gross and extremely disrespectful. Maybe you should learn to read and also understand to whom it was directed, certainly not the family. And of course they would be concerned, they're family and if they express that concern in the manner you have stated, that is their right. I do not need to do any research to comment as I have, and if it upsets you then it appears you have problem.

If they have evidence contrary to that presented by the RTP, then it would have to come from someone who was at the scene prior to, durng or after the incident. If so, then I'd find it unusual that whoever provided that evidence did not come foward whilst still on the island. If it is from anyone that was not on the island, then anything said would only be hearsay. Don't you find it unusual that his friends took no time at all to distance themselves from the incident and place themselves at the hotel or resort where they were staying. If anything, I'd say their actions are a little suspicious.

Now I'd suggest instead of you letting you emotions cloud your thinking, just be like many of us who will sit back and wait until the matter is finally brought to fruition. However, I wonder what your response will be iif those inquiries corroborate the findings of the Thai autopsy. I have no problem with criticism but please you need to take a deep breath before you lash out in such an irrelevant manner.

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Of course there is and it is all in the minds of the TVF Investigators. It's called imagination, could also add fervent to that. coffee1.gif

I find that a gross and extremely disrespectful statement, not for me or for any of the posters on here apart from one Maria who still logs in to view the thread.

If you had bothered to do even the slightest bit of research outside of TVF you will see the family are very concerned and have expressed that concern through facebook, TVF, and the BBC including a TV interview. They have evidence that does not agree with the version of events as set down by the RTP who have as far as their concerned completed their investigation.

The investigation is far from over and after the UK autopsy there will then be the official inquest.

Shame on

Enjoy your coffee while the family mourns and waits for the body to be returned home

is that because you adam and some of the other TV sleuths have contacted the grieving members?? i find that gross and extremely disrespectful.

I take it Adam is someone you know where you live in Koh Tao and think I am him smile.png Its ok Frank think away its not relevant and I really don't care who you think I am.

No I have not contacted her. Why do you think I have some information that may be useful to her and thats why your so anxious I may be this Adam?

But I have seen her interviewed on TV and read the reports. Whats gross and extremely disrespectful about that?

Yeah, she posted her opinions on this forum and on Facebook so its a pathetic argument to accuse members of being disrespectful and contacting her when she has made her views very clear without prompting, but of course the shills are always posting pointless arguments and lies to divert attention away from any real discussion or truths. Every time these shills put forward such petty arguments it is all just building up against each of them that they are not here for an open discussion but rather to push their agenda onto the forum.

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Not sure what is going on here - incorrectly calling folk by real-world names..

I should think that attempts to Dox posters may result in swipe of the ban hammer..

Show some respect.

As far as I know I've seen little in the way of speculation, only an understandable lack of confidence in the RTP..

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Is there anything to suggest this was foul play, other than that it happened on Koh Tao?

Of course there is and it is all in the minds of the TVF Investigators. It's called imagination, could also add fervent to that. coffee1.gif

I find that a gross and extremely disrespectful statement, not for me or for any of the posters on here apart from one Maria who still logs in to view the thread.

If you had bothered to do even the slightest bit of research outside of TVF you will see the family are very concerned and have expressed that concern through facebook, TVF, and the BBC including a TV interview. They have evidence that does not agree with the version of events as set down by the RTP who have as far as their concerned completed their investigation.

The investigation is far from over and after the UK autopsy there will then be the official inquest.

Shame on

Enjoy your coffee while the family mourns and waits for the body to be returned home

I was not referring to the family so how is it being gross and extremely disrespectful. Maybe you should learn to read and also understand to whom it was directed, certainly not the family. And of course they would be concerned, they're family and if they express that concern in the manner you have stated, that is their right. I do not need to do any research to comment as I have, and if it upsets you then it appears you have problem.

If they have evidence contrary to that presented by the RTP, then it would have to come from someone who was at the scene prior to, durng or after the incident. If so, then I'd find it unusual that whoever provided that evidence did not come foward whilst still on the island. If it is from anyone that was not on the island, then anything said would only be hearsay. Don't you find it unusual that his friends took no time at all to distance themselves from the incident and place themselves at the hotel or resort where they were staying. If anything, I'd say their actions are a little suspicious.

Now I'd suggest instead of you letting you emotions cloud your thinking, just be like many of us who will sit back and wait until the matter is finally brought to fruition. However, I wonder what your response will be iif those inquiries corroborate the findings of the Thai autopsy. I have no problem with criticism but please you need to take a deep breath before you lash out in such an irrelevant manner.

Perhaps then you should be more specific and seeing as you don't do any research outside of the walls of TVF let me tell you that the friends took photos of the body before they left with certain wounds that are not consistent with the official version of events. Death by drowning even if correct does not rule out serious assaults beforehand that could lead to drowning.

Please if your going to reply try a concise post not an essay

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Is there anything to suggest this was foul play, other than that it happened on Koh Tao?

Of course there is and it is all in the minds of the TVF Investigators. It's called imagination, could also add fervent to that. coffee1.gif

I find that a gross and extremely disrespectful statement, not for me or for any of the posters on here apart from one Maria who still logs in to view the thread.

If you had bothered to do even the slightest bit of research outside of TVF you will see the family are very concerned and have expressed that concern through facebook, TVF, and the BBC including a TV interview. They have evidence that does not agree with the version of events as set down by the RTP who have as far as their concerned completed their investigation.

The investigation is far from over and after the UK autopsy there will then be the official inquest.

Shame on

Enjoy your coffee while the family mourns and waits for the body to be returned home

I was not referring to the family so how is it being gross and extremely disrespectful. Maybe you should learn to read and also understand to whom it was directed, certainly not the family. And of course they would be concerned, they're family and if they express that concern in the manner you have stated, that is their right. I do not need to do any research to comment as I have, and if it upsets you then it appears you have problem.

If they have evidence contrary to that presented by the RTP, then it would have to come from someone who was at the scene prior to, durng or after the incident. If so, then I'd find it unusual that whoever provided that evidence did not come foward whilst still on the island. If it is from anyone that was not on the island, then anything said would only be hearsay. Don't you find it unusual that his friends took no time at all to distance themselves from the incident and place themselves at the hotel or resort where they were staying. If anything, I'd say their actions are a little suspicious.

Now I'd suggest instead of you letting you emotions cloud your thinking, just be like many of us who will sit back and wait until the matter is finally brought to fruition. However, I wonder what your response will be iif those inquiries corroborate the findings of the Thai autopsy. I have no problem with criticism but please you need to take a deep breath before you lash out in such an irrelevant manner.

Perhaps then you should be more specific and seeing as you don't do any research outside of the walls of TVF let me tell you that the friends took photos of the body before they left with certain wounds that are not consistent with the official version of events. Death by drowning even if correct does not rule out serious assaults beforehand that could lead to drowning.

Please if your going to reply try a concise post not an essay

David Miller's official cause of death was drowning too, right?

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Is there anything to suggest this was foul play, other than that it happened on Koh Tao?

Of course there is and it is all in the minds of the TVF Investigators. It's called imagination, could also add fervent to that. coffee1.gif


So why do his sister and friends question the official cause of death?

And why is there a Facebook page setup called "Justice for Luke Miller"?

Is it all in their imagination too? Or are you just pre-determined to defend anything Koh Tao related?

Let's wait until they get his body back and are free to speak about what happened to him, let's see what your excuse is then.

deleted as inadvertently posted twice.

Edited by Si Thea01
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Is there anything to suggest this was foul play, other than that it happened on Koh Tao?

Of course there is and it is all in the minds of the TVF Investigators. It's called imagination, could also add fervent to that. coffee1.gif


So why do his sister and friends question the official cause of death?

And why is there a Facebook page setup called "Justice for Luke Miller"?

Is it all in their imagination too? Or are you just pre-determined to defend anything Koh Tao related?

Let's wait until they get his body back and are free to speak about what happened to him, let's see what your excuse is then.

Yes, really.

I have no idea why, but that is their right and apparently they have elected to do so.

That is obvious, it would go hand in hand with their questioning the official cause of death.

Many things would be going on in the minds or the family, it is very emotional time for them but I was never making any refernece to them.

No not defending anything about KT, I wish you would come up with something more originial, this has been beaten to death.

Yes, let's wait for the inquiries that everyone is telling us will be carried out. Those findings will be more relevant then anything anyone who was not there can tell us. It may well sustain theThai findings, then it may not so let's just sit back and wait.

You wrote all of that (for the 2nd time) and basically put forward nothing, you are literally just posting here for the sake of posting here.

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Is there anything to suggest this was foul play, other than that it happened on Koh Tao?

Andrew Drummonds blog makes mention of "reliable sources" saying there were multiple injuries to Luke Miller's body, none of which were consistent with the barb wire theory.

The same blog mentions mafia turf wars full on with gunfire which has led to the arrest of a prominent Samui archipelago person mentioned in a post here earlier today.

hahaha...i often lie awake at night listening to the sounds of gunfire!!...mafia turf wars and gunfire on koh tao??...hahah.....have any of you actually been to koh tao??

Interesting response Frank.

Also interesting conversation I had tonight at a social function.

Gathered around were a collection of expats in a country outside Thailand.

The conversation turned to long life>

I submitted to the gathering that the best way to achieve long life was to avoid Koh Tao Island in Thailand.

To my surprise all present were not only well aware of what I had said but the next immediate comment was:

" The whole world should know about Koh Tao" I thought I would have to explain but they all knew.

These people were a mixture of well travelled Canadians and Americans some of whom had recently been to Koh Tao Frank.

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Is there anything to suggest this was foul play, other than that it happened on Koh Tao?

Andrew Drummonds blog makes mention of "reliable sources" saying there were multiple injuries to Luke Miller's body, none of which were consistent with the barb wire theory.

The same blog mentions mafia turf wars full on with gunfire which has led to the arrest of a prominent Samui archipelago person mentioned in a post here earlier today.

hahaha...i often lie awake at night listening to the sounds of gunfire!!...mafia turf wars and gunfire on koh tao??...hahah.....have any of you actually been to koh tao??

Interesting response Frank.

Also interesting conversation I had tonight at a social function.

Gathered around were a collection of expats in a country outside Thailand.

The conversation turned to long life>

I submitted to the gathering that the best way to achieve long life was to avoid Koh Tao Island in Thailand.

To my surprise all present were not only well aware of what I had said but the next immediate comment was:

" The whole world should know about Koh Tao" I thought I would have to explain but they all knew.

These people were a mixture of well travelled Canadians and Americans some of whom had recently been to Koh Tao Frank.

Yes, when I am attending retiree bashes outside Thailand where the silver-haired with money ponder their mortality, I always bring up Koh Tao...

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