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Inside the Thai sex scene where women are sold like meat


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The usual sensationalizing of the same old and tired of 'poor people' saga story, but it's get the attentions of some readers.......anyway, the point is that this is how is Thailand being portrayed around the world....

This article is from News. com Australia...

WE know about the infamous sex trade in Thailand, but Michael Kaplan gives us a first person account of just what happens on the street.

Grimy, neon-splashed Walking Street, populated largely by young hookers and pie-eyed Western men, is the main attraction of a Thai beach town called Pattaya, reports the New York Post.

Sex for hire there was most certainly what drew Ben Bartanyi, the 49-year-old American real estate broker recently arrested for allegedly performing a sex act on a 20-year-old dancer in one of Pattaya’s many strip clubs as other patrons cheered him on.


Edited by ezzra
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Oh how they spin stories! For me, this isn't the sad part, the sad part is that people believe without question what they read.

And before anyone thinks this is a Thai media release, it isn't. When an article starts with:

"......but Michael Kaplan gives us a first person account of just what happens on the street".

followed by:

"Ten years ago I visited Thailand to do a story on the commercial sex trade there. By all accounts, nothing has changed".
you know its going to be good. I would also like to know what hotel he was staying in:
"I remember my Pattaya hotel selling condoms at the front desk and having signs warning that the age of consent is 15".
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These attempts in Australian media are getting worse

...because they, and many australian woman are now more aware of the number of australian men heading off to Thailand, Bali, Phillipines and other places

Forget outside Australia, a girl would only turn to prostitution if she was desperate or had a drug problem?, is the kind of thing most people want to believe. They never see it in Australia, have no experience with which kind of girls are escorts.

The truth is usually the opposite, you'd have to be an 8/10 or above to even get hired or expect some guy to fork out $300+ for an hour

Edited by uthaithanirules
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WE know about the infamous sex trade in Thailand, but Michael Kaplan gives us a first person account of just what happens on the street.

Grimy, neon-splashed Walking Street, populated largely by young hookers and pie-eyed Western men, is the main attraction of a Thai beach town called Pattaya, reports the New York Post.

I dont know which Walking Street he went to but the one I know of seems to be full of very overweight hookers who are well-past their sell-by date, some Ladyboys, and an assortment of Chinese/Korean/Indian/Arab tourists who look more cross-eyed than pie-eyed.

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Let's be honest, it does go on, and has done for years. But, as someone else pointed out, if they were to uncover the Thai/Thai sex scene, and I am including the boonies, where it is rife, even people living here would be amazed at how big it is.

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Slow news day

no, just the usual bottom feeder australian media.

aus media even get behind an overseas family custody dispute, complete with a hired 'rescue' team.

we gave the world rupert murdoch, so people can understand the moral value of most aus media.

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A real good advertisement. Those readers might believe that sleeping with a 15 year old is the norm here.

"I remember my Pattaya hotel selling condoms at the front desk and having signs warning that the age of consent is 15".

I call this bullshit as I've been to quite a few hotels, but never saw such a sign.

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Inside the Aussie Sex Scene where Women are Women are Sold Like Meat:

US sailors wear out sex workers

May 2 2002

Perth prostitutes were reeling from exhaustion following an influx of United States sailors stressed from a stint in a war zone, a well-known madam said today.

Mary-Anne Kenworthy said she was forced to close the doors of her famous Langtrees brothel for only the third time ever yesterday because her prostitutes were so worn out they could no longer provide a quality service.

When she realised the sex workers just couldn't cope any more she closed Langtrees doors for a day rather than risk the brothel's reputation.

"We're the biggest and the best, I'd rather take nothing than offer a poor service," Ms Kenworthy said.

Langtrees did a week's business in just three days after 5,500 American sailors disembarked in Fremantle on Sunday, many of them stressed from their encounter with war, she said.

Three US warships - the aircraft carrier USS John C Stennis, the guided missile cruiser USS Port Royal and the fast combat support ship USS Bridge - were returning from taking part in the war against terror.

"A lot of it was stress, they'd been in the war zone," Ms Kenworthy said.

"And they were a lot more agitated sexually because they'd been at sea too long.

"All the sex workers in Perth would have been exhausted."


Edited by Rob13
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A real good advertisement. Those readers might believe that sleeping with a 15 year old is the norm here.

"I remember my Pattaya hotel selling condoms at the front desk and having signs warning that the age of consent is 15".

I call this bullshit as I've been to quite a few hotels, but never saw such a sign.

Of course it is B.S.

I've never seen such signs either.

I have seen many signs alluding to "Thai lady not allowed back in guesthouse".

but i guess that doesnt sell.

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A real good advertisement. Those readers might believe that sleeping with a 15 year old is the norm here.

"I remember my Pattaya hotel selling condoms at the front desk and having signs warning that the age of consent is 15".

I call this bullshit as I've been to quite a few hotels, but never saw such a sign.

Depends how old you are, doesnt it? And where you're from? For rural Thai guys 18 - 21, it seems fairly normal.

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Boring we have all seen it, most been there and done it.

Sold like meat !!stupid statement.

Most are there because they make more money than they can working in a shop or rice fields.

Exactly Colin,what about the "most families would be horrified if they knew what they where doing' where does this jerk do his reasearch,i know for a fact my ex wife and her sister were the best looking of the girls in the family,basically their scumbag father told them they had to go and work in Pattaya,so he could have money to drink Lao khao,lie around in the hammock and shag his mia noi,their mother was dead against it,but he beat her this foul excuse of a man into submission,she also had a child by that stage.So the assumption the families would be horrified is pure crap,most know exactly what is going on and pray the girl hooks a falang so they can live on easy st,i have been down this path,now i am not there they are panicking. this article is lazy.sensationlist journalism,the bloke should be ashamed to call himself a reporter.

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The trouble with articles like this is that they play into the common myths which arouse from the glut of TV documentaries which hit the screens in the 1980s and early 1990s when the documentary makers chose to blur the lines between the seamier 'Thai' scene and the less seedy 'sex tourism' scene to gain a sensational angle usually about 'evil' Western Men' exploiting ' Poor Asian Women' (under-age or trafficked women' regularly featured in these documentaries) which led to a rake of misinformed articles in the common media who were also unable to distinguish between the twain.

It remains a sad fact and a cross that we must bear that Thailand, and the role of Western men there, will always be portrayed thus in the Western Media who don't like the truth getting in the way of a few clicks or a few paper sales.

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The Thai/Thai, Thai/Lao,Thai/ Burmese sex scene is huge. And who do you think owns all those massive "massage parlours" in Petchaburi Road and Praram 9 ?Most hotels I have stayed in in Issan have condoms next to the orchids on the pillow!

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Wordwide: Prostitutes sell their "meat", soul not included. Is this something new?

But in Thaland, the ladies have (like in no other place in the world, discovered witch buttons to push as far as Farangs are concerned. Mixing meat.with minor components of soul). This push button syndrome hardly ever works with Thai Males.

The "Lucky Ladies" have ended up in Europe or in a big mansion, somewhere in the Isaan.

The other ones, that have failed to convey the illusion of meat and soul in a credible way are now working as "Mama San's" in bars as a person of "authority" and this is their last source of income. (Aged between 55 and 60 in the meantime.)

Never easy for me to encounter a "lady of the past" while visiting Pattaya. Their weight could compete with a Baby-Elefant and their facial expression would indicate that some "Botox" Treatment did not have the desirable effect.

The "new talents", filtering into Pattaya, are already overweight by the the time they disembark from some overland bus.

Pattaya was yesterday, at least to me.


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Ladyboys are the new meat on the street. To tell the difference these days is becoming near impossible. Most men don't care anymore as long as they enjoy. But sadly the Issan girl is being replaced by Burmese. Free lancers has also gone south. If your coming for some fun try your local nightclubs where you'll meet normal girls looking for fun too. The good old days has got to sleazy in tourist spots. Theres no romance, just one nighters now.

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A real good advertisement. Those readers might believe that sleeping with a 15 year old is the norm here.

"I remember my Pattaya hotel selling condoms at the front desk and having signs warning that the age of consent is 15".

I call this bullshit as I've been to quite a few hotels, but never saw such a sign.

Of course it is B.S.

I've never seen such signs either.

I have seen many signs alluding to "Thai lady not allowed back in guesthouse".

but i guess that doesnt sell.

I remember signs in south Pattaya saying" No fragging Arabs allowed". (removed) .

I almost forgot it. My wife, our son, at this time maybe six years old and i went to Khao san road looking for a guesthouse to spend one night.

When we came in and i was asking the clerk if they'd have a room he only pointed at a sign that said:

Thai women are not allowed in this guesthouse. I pointed at our son and told him that we'd be married, but no way to get a room.

I'm not making this up. Please think about an American hotel/guesthouse where Americans are not allowed to check in...

Edited by CharlieH
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