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Police hunt thugs who brutally attacked British family in Hua Hin

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I think it is very rare for a family walking down a busy street, anywhere in the world, minding their own business to be attacked without some provocation. CCCTV footage cannot tell us what was said, by whom, in what manner, or tone.

I am not sure that we know those Thais (or the Brits) were drunk. If they were then we can understand how they lost their senses.

Many of the commenters on these pages have made judgments as if all the facts are known at this stage.

What is certain is that terrible violence was inflicted on that family and the offenders have to be punished. What the severity of that punishment is depends on the circumstances of the case as established by the Police and the Courts, via the many witnesses.

Edited by ChrisKC
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For those of you here to blame the victims....

Another person, who says they witnessed the beating, posted on a different forum claiming they overheard a group of Thai men saying they were going to attack "farangs" - a Thai term for white people.

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You need to watch the video in full screen several times to see what happened, what I see is:

Two intoxicated males arguing with each other, both unsteady on their feet.

A farang wearing a black cap and holding a womans hand walk in the opposite direction, one of the drunken Thai men make (accidental?) light bodily contact with his man - he staggered a little and wasn't watching where he was going.

The Thai man took the contact as deliberate and turned after the man, he then pushed him but not hard.

But the farang in the black cap lost his footing and fell heavily against the step and lay there for a moment.

That was the start of the whole thing, innocent bodily contact misinterpreted and fuelled, I guess, by alcohol.

But then the action starts as the foreigners and the Thai's start to talk and then argue, the result pretty quickly is that the female foreigner slaps the Thai mans face and moments later, a white male in the group punches one of the Thai's.

It's game over at that point as the Thai men have lost face and want revenge, the details don't need to be discussed again.

What would you have done? I would have got the group to walk away after picking up the man who fell heavily, if it was me who had fallen I would have picked myself up and walked away, trying to argue and chastise the Thai's in their condition, at that time of night, in that location, was a non-starter - slapping the guys face in public had a highly predictable outcome.

This is the first post in the thread where someone has 'read' the CCTV coverage the same way i read it.

Without in anyway condoning what the outcome was, ie the aggression of the assault, i don't think it was completely unprovoked.

Perhaps a reminder to TAT to make sure tourists understand the power and danger of 'lose of face' in this country.

Again, just to clarify, I am not trying to move blame to the victims, but anyone who has been here for any length of time could have predicted the outcome after the first slap by the lady.

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If you consider the behavior of the English family as normal, then we have not finished to experience such dramas.

1 - The son begins to push Thai in light shirt without even looking at what is regarded everywhere as an insulting attitude.

2 - The Thai pushes him back, but he's probably drunk, he falls hard.

3 - The mother hits the Thai face without knowing what happened before.

This does not excuse the unforgivable violence that followed, but I'm sure that this behavior would produce the same results in our beautiful suburbs. Going to hit our yobs face and see what happens after ...

And use this accident to generally criticize all Thais is a simplistic reaction.

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A disgusting display of cowardice but.......

Watch carefully from where the Black shirted farang get's up. The farang in the pink floral shirt walks to te back of the group, pushes into the crowd and throws the first sucker punch from behind at the Thai guy who the woman had already slapped in the face.
Yes, the Thai's who kicked them when they were down are low lifes, but the tourists are far from innocent in this case

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For those of you here to blame the victims....

Another person, who says they witnessed the beating, posted on a different forum claiming they overheard a group of Thai men saying they were going to attack "farangs" - a Thai term for white people

This 'another person' is a well known Thai basher

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It is time to really affect Thai tourism. Let's share this and make things bad enough for them, until the authorities decide it's time to actually tackle the safety issues.

Don't think this is impossible. Many safe countries were unsafe before, and improved over time.

Don`t you think there are safety issues in all countries? In all foreign lands tourists should be aware of the native customs, the safe areas and the risky areas and actions that may be taboo and to avoid.

It`s not only the authorities because tourists have a certain responsibility towards themselves when abroad.

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Too many ill (un?) -educated wasters here now, often permanently pissed or drugged. It will not improve until the education of the masses improves and the law is enforced. I guess that there is no salvation for the existing wasters but no excuse for churning out more of them.

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at 1;13 the ferang in the flowery shirt throws the first punch right in the background,that then starts the madness,yes as expats living here we know you can't do stuff like that and are better to walk way ,obviously tourists don't know this ,however its no excuse for the vicious beating.

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These are the children to the women who earn money on foreigners in Pattaya. Nearly every Thai women earn money on tourists even if they have another job or they are married but of course not everybody. There are some woman do everything for their children and have time for them also but they are not many. I think this is something to do with what they believe on. For ex. Boudism or other demons.

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If a strange woman slapped me she immediatly loses the gender and is now treated as an agressive male. I would certainly belt her straight back, too many videos out there showing guys getting slapped,punched and kicked by aggressive women and just accepting that. However getting kicked in the head is dead wrong .

A Thai getting slapped buy a farang woman in font of his friends is the ultimate face loss. They have no problems beating Thai women so the outcome here was going to be horrible.

You are right that the British lady assaulted the Thai man first. Many videos show Thai men kicking the crap out of Thai women so they have no gender bias when it comes to violence.

A bunch of youths beating up an old family is out of order, especially those head kicks and stamps and they deserve severe punishment, not just fined a few baht.

I've seen plenty of Western women turn violent in night clubs and at concerts - assaulting other women, men, the security staff and even police officers. Usually fueled by booze, jealousy, or just plain nastiness or any combination. Shoes (stiletto heels have that name for a reason), handbags, bottles, glasses, ash trays, stools, seen them use all sorts.

All the people, and many do, who post they'd never hit a woman, no excuse for hitting a woman etc have likely never had a woman trying to hit, stab or kick them. There is a limit to self defense though, and kicking and stamping heads when someones down and out is way beyond that limit.

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What I see in the video is that a Thai guy is having some problem with another Thai guy, who does not respond and keeps walking. While those two are ‘engaged’ in each other, the foreigners pass by and one of the foreign guys pushes the Thai guy and keeps walking. The Thai guy that was pushed ,then pushes that foreign guy (black shirt, black cap), who slips and hits his head. An exchange of words between that Thai guy and the foreign woman then starts. A little crowd gathers around the two and there is some pushing and shoving. The foreign woman slaps the Thai guy. The crowd grows and then some Thai guy hits the foreign woman. The Thai guy (that was pushed by the foreign guy earlier) then appears to try and calm things down. The foreign guy (black shirt, black cap) is restraining some Thai guys, including one with a black shirt with red motif. It is this Thai guy who then walks around the crowd and knocks the third foreigner down. The foreign woman comes and stands there and says something and then that Thai guy knocks here down. Then the other foreign guy approaches that Thai guy but the Thai guy knocks him down too. Then some other youths jump in on the ‘fun’ and hit and kick the foreigners that are still down. There is also a second fight going on between a Thai guy and Thai youth.

Not to blame the foreigners, but the foreign guy should not have pushed the Thai guy. It was unfortunate that the foreign guy slipped and fell, which made things look worse, otherwise all could have just apologized and kept walking.

When the foreign guy got up and was alright, they all should have just kept on walking no matter what was said by that Thai guy, who appeared drunk anyway.

It of course in no way excuses the actions by that Thai guy that knocked all down.

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A disgusting display of cowardice but.......

Watch carefully from where the Black shirted farang get's up. The farang in the pink floral shirt walks to te back of the group, pushes into the crowd and throws the first sucker punch from behind at the Thai guy who the woman had already slapped in the face.

Yes, the Thai's who kicked them when they were down are low lifes, but the tourists are far from innocent in this case

Good spot. I'm not sure what that guy had done to deserve a punch at that point. Maybe dad got confused and punched the wrong guy?

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Let me impart my cultural morals and values here. I think I'll be preaching the same ones that are preached by Thais in Thailand:

Never resort to violence. Violence should only be a last resort when using self-defence. Never hit a woman or a child (and I know the son in the story is not a child). Why never hit a woman or child? That's pretty obvious. Also, why would you want to? Inferiority complex? Anger issues? No sane or rational person from anywhere does this.

So an older woman slapped him? Wow! let's play the blame game here then. 80% blame to Thais and 20% to the foreigners? It's that black and white, right? Should the judge sentence these guys to 8 years as opposed to 10? Can anyone imagine a professional judge factoring in the 'she started it' primary school excuse?

I've seen kids in schools hit other kids. The other kid told their teacher, so the teacher grabbed the accused, pinned his arms back, and told the other kid to hit him back. Absolutely shocking, have no idea how to educate children kind of behaviour.

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at 1;13 the ferang in the flowery shirt throws the first punch right in the background,that then starts the madness,yes as expats living here we know you can't do stuff like that and are better to walk way ,obviously tourists don't know this ,however its no excuse for the vicious beating.

Yes, and then the Thai guy comes around to take revenge and knocks him down, and subsequently the other 2 foreigners.

But the ultimate cause was the foreign guy pushing the Thai guy at 00:18.......that put the chain of events in motion.

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I wonder if the Prime Minister will make any comment (or not) in his daily reports whistling.gif

I noticed a few weeks ago when 7 Army officers killed a young recruit nothing was mentioned yet last week he found the time to praise the young thai badminton player.

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Now on the front page of Australia's national newspaper. Free publicity for Thailand's tourism industry.



People need to know whats really going on in this country and how foreigners are just becoming sitting ducks with criminals never punished.

May be if tourism is down they will do something at last.

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You need to watch the video in full screen several times to see what happened, what I see is:

Two intoxicated males arguing with each other, both unsteady on their feet.

A farang wearing a black cap and holding a womans hand walk in the opposite direction, one of the drunken Thai men make (accidental?) light bodily contact with his man - he staggered a little and wasn't watching where he was going.

The Thai man took the contact as deliberate and turned after the man, he then pushed him but not hard.

But the farang in the black cap lost his footing and fell heavily against the step and lay there for a moment.

That was the start of the whole thing, innocent bodily contact misinterpreted and fuelled, I guess, by alcohol.

But then the action starts as the foreigners and the Thai's start to talk and then argue, the result pretty quickly is that the female foreigner slaps the Thai mans face and moments later, a white male in the group punches one of the Thai's.

It's game over at that point as the Thai men have lost face and want revenge, the details don't need to be discussed again.

What would you have done? I would have got the group to walk away after picking up the man who fell heavily, if it was me who had fallen I would have picked myself up and walked away, trying to argue and chastise the Thai's in their condition, at that time of night, in that location, was a non-starter - slapping the guys face in public had a highly predictable outcome.

I have seen exactly the same things as you, I have seen also this lady slapping a Thai man in the face, but made no comment to avoid being insulted by the TV "crowd" only for telling what I saw, even though I do not excuse ANYTHING.

But having spent some of my younger years in a red light district I can tell that slapping someone in the face after a certain hour in some area, who knows, "could" be a death sentence since the reply "could" also be with a knife or even a gun.

Trying to explain that to an ex civil cervant for instance is impossible tongue.png , for he will not listen, insisting it IS a shame to hit an old ladybah.gif blablabla, yes it is a shame, but this is not the subject. Or otherwise its a shame too for sharks to bite teenagers on a surfboard, it is not! The red light districts all over the world swarmed with sharks too, gangsters, pims, junkees and all sorts of fauna many of them psychopath . As far as I'm concerned in those kind of places the danger is everywhere...lets say after midnightsmile.png

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Shocking brutality. Expect the related ministry to visit the victims, offer their assistance in any possible way and a joint statement by the minister and police chief. Sadly no and absolutely disgusting silence.

The "powerful families" (read-Mafia) of the cowardly scum should foot the bill for medical expenses too.

Edited by Dodgydownunder
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If you consider the behavior of the English family as normal, then we have not finished to experience such dramas.
1 - The son begins to push Thai in light shirt without even looking at what is regarded everywhere as an insulting attitude.
2 - The Thai pushes him back, but he's probably drunk, he falls hard.
3 - The mother hits the Thai face without knowing what happened before.
This does not excuse the unforgivable violence that followed, but I'm sure that this behavior would produce the same results in our beautiful suburbs. Going to hit our yobs face and see what happens after ...
And use this accident to generally criticize all Thais is a simplistic reaction.

I don't this can be called an accident Joe. Nor do I think the British (where does it say they were English rather than Scottish, Irish or Welsh?) family behaved sensibly. But the extreme violence that followed is unacceptable by any society's standards.

Sure, older people in the UK have had confrontations with younger gangs and been beaten to death - but there the culprits usually get appropriate punishment. Here whether the assault is on another Thai or farang it all depends from which family the culprits come from, and their social class. Look at the amount of Thai on Thai violence reported and you will realize this is a violent society where the violence simmering under the surface can and does bubble up.

Edited by Baerboxer
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Peace loving,buddhist country,

As long you can get away with 500bt and a slap,as long things like that will happen.10 years prison for not liking new constitution,then you know already what are the priorities in this country.As long you let the junta,royalists and bkk elite do what they want,as long you don't get punishment for crimes like that.The whole country is a failed state.Before I fall asleep I always imagine how it would be if 10000 real policemen from Europe or USA would enforce the law here just for 1 year,or if all judges would be from Europe or USA.I guess then half of Thailands population would sit in prison,but then stuff like that would not happen,and as bonus guys like redbull son would rot in prison.Scary country,and please save me from"if you don't like it go home'

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These are the children to the women who earn money on foreigners in Pattaya. Nearly every Thai women earn money on tourists even if they have another job or they are married but of course not everybody. There are some woman do everything for their children and have time for them also but they are not many. I think this is something to do with what they believe on. For ex. Boudism or other demons.

What on earth are you talking about? Nearly every Thai women earn money on tourists even if they have another job or they are married...

One day you might stumble out of whatever sexpat tourist ghetto you frequent and you might have your mind blown when you realise that a nation of over 60 million people doesn't just revolve around foreigners. rolleyes.gif

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Well, after 16 seconds in the Video the Farang hits the Thai man passing, discussion starts and on second 52 the English Lady hits the Thai man in the face.

That are the first hits made in the video.

Even the lady hits the man it is not an excuse for a mob to kick the daylight out of others.

I agree that this violence is absolute not done and the boys need to be tracked down by police and get punished.

But after looking several times I can not agree that the tourist where passive and just passing.

You're joking right? You don't see that the guy came up and pushed the one guy to the ground for NOTHING? Are you blind or a blinded by your love for this shit country?

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It's just hit the UK news

I beg that it gets on TV news not just a side column in the tabloids. SHARE, SHARE, SHARE.... Get this one out there for all to see what Thainess is REALLY like.

In the UK, yes we have thugs but we don't hide it or blame it on other nationalities. Football hooliganism = English disease. We accept it and, in most cases, have dealt with it.

Here, this is the perfect example of what many Thais really think of us. Look at the joy they take in beating them. The big black shirt getting patted on his back after launching himself through the crowd. This started with1 drunk who was in an argument with someone completely different. To my eyes the others that joined in had no connection to him they just saw it as an excuse to beat the sh#t out of a group of tourists. Racist, evil, gutless scum. There was a CROWD of people watching, not 1 or 2, not 5 or 10, not 50 but hundreds and they did nothing. Unless the culprits had guns or knives I honestly believe in most western countries this would have been stopped. Here......gutless, useless excuses for human beings, and I include the ex-pats that were there.

This group of cowards should be made public by name and mugshot. Maybe nothing will happen but at least people will know who they are every time they enter a tourist area.

In all my years living here this has been the worst I've seen. I've always tried to keep in mind that I've never had trouble with Thais in this way but that's because I don't cause trouble nor hang out in crappy areas. This has shown me that you could be anyone in any area and if you're in the way of racist scum you're in for it.

Racist, cowardly sick scum.

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There are no consequences, 500 baht fine each, and of you go ....

Being taken up by the British press now, think that will be bringing down some pressure and also putting the Thai cops under the spotlight, a light that is starting to a little more intense these days. Not expecting miracles but can't hurt.


The link has been blocked. Surprise surprise.

It is not "the link" it is every links to the Dailymail for rather a long time, I use my VPN if I wish to access to a Dailymail article.

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