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Orlando shooting: “He was an American so he doesn’t represent Afghanistan”


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“He was an American so he doesn’t represent Afghanistan”
By Catherine Hardy


"It is not allowed in Islam to kill an innocent soul"

Orlando killer was the son of Afghan immigrants
“He does not represent Afghanistan”
“Strong, anti-gay views” – father

The Afghan community at home and abroad has been drawn into the weekend shooting in Orlando.

A US citizen, killer Omar Mateen was also the son of Afghan immigrants.

Afghan Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah condemned the nightclub attack.

“This attack once again shows that Afghans suffer such kinds of terrorist attacks daily in Afghanistan and we have already paid a big sacrifice for it,” he said.

“We thank the United States and the international community who are standing with us in combating terrorism.”

How many people have died during hostilities in Afghanistan?
Abdullah Abdullah drew a parallel with civilian lives lost in Afghanistan.

The latest figures from the UN say:

3,500 civilians died in 2015
1 in 4 was a child
7,500 wounded
The UN says this is the highest number of civilian casualties recorded in Afghanistan.

“Strong, anti-gay views”
Mateen had pledged allegiance to ISIL.

Mateen’s father says his son was not radicalised but indicated he held strong anti-gay views.

What the Afghan people are saying
People in Kabul also condemned the attack.

“This man was born in America and he grew up with American culture. He was an American so he doesn’t represent Afghanistan,” said university student Zarif Ullah.

“The Florida shooting is a radical act and radicalism is banned in Islam. It is not allowed in Islam to kill an innocent soul,” added university student, Meer Massih Amarkhil.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-06-14

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"It is not allowed in Islam to kill an innocent soul"violin.gif

I am Sure that all of us non Muslims, will now sleep a lot better at night knowing this. We can also rely upon, the goodwill of our fellow Muslims and the forbearance of reptiles.guitar.gif

R.I.P to the deceased.

Edited by FourAces
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He was an American (born and raised) who beat his wife and was investigated twice for possible ties to terrorists and whatever reason was able to buy an assault rifle and kill and maim over one hundred civilians. More than 30,000 thousand Americans die due to gun violence, suicide by gun and accidental shooting every year. The great majority of gun violence in America is committed by non Muslims. 20% of hate crimes in America are made against the LGBT community most committed by white, non Muslim males. This just to put this incident in perspective.

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“He was an American so he doesn’t represent Afghanistan”

Fair enough. He was also a Muslim. Does that make him representing American Muslims? I don't know, probably not.

I know he was a coward and as such he perfectly represents all the other cowards doing or planning to do similar things.

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This man was only an American because his nutbag parents were allowed to settle in the US, although they came from a country and culture whose very ethical core is anti-Western and un-American. What did people think was going to happen? These people were going to change? Is the dirt magical in America? Once these barbarians step foot on magical dirt, do they suddenly become tolerant, democratic, and enlightened?

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"It is not allowed in Islam to kill an innocent soul"

And of course everything hinges on the twisted definition in Islam of who is innocent and who is not.From what I understand there are very few innocent souls out there in the world.

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It's not a political problem (USA or Afghanistan) but a religious brainwashing problem. So, don't ransack the foreign ministries but those mosques and matrasses - that's where all that hatred comes from.

But that always has been a problem - to mix politics with religion blink.png

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If he was a wife beater,why was it?.A wife beater is usually someone who suffers from an inadequacy to maintain a stable relationship with his partner.He feels insecure,self disgust, and depressed due to feeling inferior.Maybe he had sexual problems with his wife.Maybe his wife had looked at another man.The big question is.Did he himself have homosexual tendencies?

I dont believe that the hatred of gays to this extent, would have lead a man to this kind of violence, unless it was drummed or beaten into him.Maybe he showed these tendencies at home as a younger man which reached the attention of his father.Maybe his father tried to beat it out of him.Maybe his sexual efforts at home were not what the wife expected or maybe he had failings in that area,which would result in his violent treatment of his wife.She would have to be to blame for his failure.Did he have any kids that suffered abuse?

Maybe his Muslim brothers supported him,because in him they saw a prime candidate for self sacrifice.Perhaps,because he himself was gay,he accepted this task,knowing that he would never survive it but in a way,by his own death would cleanse himself of his feelings of self disgust in the eyes of Allah.

We will never know,but had he lived,i think he would have been a psychiatrists or psychologists dream subject.

I think there is more than will ever be revealed here.

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This man was only an American because his nutbag parents were allowed to settle in the US, although they came from a country and culture whose very ethical core is anti-Western and un-American. What did people think was going to happen? These people were going to change? Is the dirt magical in America? Once these barbarians step foot on magical dirt, do they suddenly become tolerant, democratic, and enlightened?

A lot of judgements here based on what? Have you been in Afghanistan, have you interacted with Afghans, do you know his parents? The answer to all these questions is probably No. So everything you say is based on your own intolerance for others and your own Ignorence of other cultures. I was in Afghanistan 4 months after 9/11 and nowhere there did I experience any of the nonsense you are spouting. Barbarians? Based on what....the Taliban? They are barbarians, but they are not the majority of the Afghan people....they are a militant minority much like the Christian Right in America who will shoot a doctor who performs legal abortions because their twisted minds think they are Judge, Jury, and Executioner.....which is basically what you did with all your prejudiced twisted judgements.....so you must be right like them! NOT.

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"It is not allowed in Islam to kill an innocent soul"violin.gif

I am Sure that all of us non Muslims, will now sleep a lot better at night knowing this. We can also rely upon, the goodwill of our fellow Muslims and the forbearance of reptiles.guitar.gif

R.I.P to the deceased.

Koran 5:32

We ordained for the Children of Israel that if anyone slew a person - unless it be in retaliation for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew all mankind: and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all humanity.

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"It is not allowed in Islam to kill an innocent soul"violin.gif

I am Sure that all of us non Muslims, will now sleep a lot better at night knowing this. We can also rely upon, the goodwill of our fellow Muslims and the forbearance of reptiles.guitar.gif

R.I.P to the deceased.

Koran 5:32

We ordained for the Children of Israel that if anyone slew a person - unless it be in retaliation for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew all mankind: and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all humanity.

"....spreading mischief in the land....." probably covers a lot of sins, like preaching another religion, giving vaccinations, holding hands with your girlfriend (even your wife), drinking beer...................

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This man was only an American because his nutbag parents were allowed to settle in the US, although they came from a country and culture whose very ethical core is anti-Western and un-American. What did people think was going to happen? These people were going to change? Is the dirt magical in America? Once these barbarians step foot on magical dirt, do they suddenly become tolerant, democratic, and enlightened?

Have a look in the mirror. You don't sound very tolerant, democratic, or enlightened either. How do we explain that? Are your parents "nutbags"? You could use a little "magical dirt" yourself.

The killer was raised in a culture of violence, intolerance, and tribalism, that is, American culture. Certain politicians do very well by appealing to Americans' fear and intolerance. The politicians are just the tip of the iceberg. As an American, I'm sickened by it.

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So when Trump said in his rant yesterday that the shooter was brought to the US by his parents he was simply lying. I listened to Trump wondering how he would use the opportunity to make political gain from the terrible events in Orlando and as usual he didn't let us down. You never know with Donald if he understands the reality and just twists it to make his manipulative hate speeches more pertinent or if he is actually stupid enough to believe his totally misguided rants.

Either way he is toxic and the future of the USA in his hands would be dangerous, tragic and probably the end of one of the greatest nations in the world.

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He was an American (born and raised) who beat his wife and was investigated twice for possible ties to terrorists and whatever reason was able to buy an assault rifle and kill and maim over one hundred civilians. More than 30,000 thousand Americans die due to gun violence, suicide by gun and accidental shooting every year. The great majority of gun violence in America is committed by non Muslims. 20% of hate crimes in America are made against the LGBT community most committed by white, non Muslim males. This just to put this incident in perspective.

It now turns out he was also gay as well as being a Muslim. Maybe now we can all just concentrate on the mass killing of people going about their lives rather than making this into another case of " We are more victimised than you are " cult of victimhood. Pulse was no different to what happened at the Bataclan. People need to stop trying to make out that this is in somehow worse than the killings in Paris simply because the people concerned were gay

RIP to all those that paid with their lives in Orlando

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Appparently he also spent time on gay websites as well as visiting the club. This could mean that he was gay OR that by visiting the sites and the club he was simply flinhis hatred. In any case the motivation was clearly to kill gays and using his ISIL slant was not the trigger. He was a lone wolf

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HE was what he was,A militant Muslim .How he got there is through the BxLL SHxT that is fed into his head at the mosque schools..Trump is right ,:Keep the AxxHOLES out.

What an Axx. He was an American. He was a crazy American who had access to assault weapons. Why do we need access to assault weapons? Because Republicans are owned by the NRA. He was crazy, like the last one, like the next one, all with access to guns

This is not an act of terrorism. It is just another mass shooting, like the last mass shooting, like the next mass shooting because the Republicans are owned by the NRA.

Trump and his lemmings aren't right about anything.

The wingnuts are glowing today with their righteousness because the guy was a Muslim terrorist. They're pathetically wrong, just another crazy axxHOLE with access to assault weapons.

Edited by Pinot
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HE was what he was,A militant Muslim .How he got there is through the BxLL SHxT that is fed into his head at the mosque schools..Trump is right ,:Keep the AxxHOLES out.

What an Axx. He was an American. He was a crazy American who had access to assault weapons. Why do we need access to assault weapons? Because Republicans are owned by the NRA.

This is not an act of terrorism. It is just another mass shooting, like the last mass shooting, like the next mass shooting because the Republicans are owned by the NRA.

Trump and his lemmings aren't right about anything.

This is not an act of terrorism.

How would you describe an act of terrorism?

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This was a terrorist attack, 100 percent, and also a homophobic attack as it's clear he specifically targeted gay men, also 100 percent.

Whether the terrorist had had gay sex or was tempted is irrelevant. He targeted gay men specifically. Like someone who has had gay sex can't be homophobic, that's as stupid as suggesting someone with a Jewish background can't hate Jews. It's rather common actually.

Suppose a similar scenario with the proven Islamist terrorism links and the person also had some connection to Jewish ethnicity and he murdered a roomful of Jews after calling 911 proclaiming loyality to ISIS, and chanting Alah Akbar while shooting. That would be a radical Islamist / anti-semitic TERRORIST attack.

Same deal.

Edited by Jingthing
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Further to my previous post regarding the profile of this man.I have been watching CNN news channel and ,as well as most of you know by now,he had been a visitor to the Pulse night club for some 3 years.In fact many of the people spoken to reported having seen him there on numerous occasions and had even spoken to him.So he was well known.This may have a bearing on my suspicions earthlier post.

His wife was on the television but seemed rather vague when asked about his behaviour at home.

I still say that there is still a lot of stuff,to be revealed about him yet.

Hilary Clinton made a sensible statement on tv tonight,when she said that no body who is being watched by the FBI should be able to buy a gun.

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Apparently he was a frequent visitor to Pulse Nightclub. So could he just have been very frustrated?

Hard to say. No man has yet come forward to claim he had sex with him. As such, there is no evidence he ever did, at least yet. He appears to be kind of an intense, mean dude, but he was certainly attractive enough to hook up (for sex) on Grindr or at a gay bar if he actually wanted to.

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Apparently he was a frequent visitor to Pulse Nightclub. So could he just have been very frustrated?

Hard to say. No man has yet come forward to claim he had sex with him. As such, there is no evidence he ever did, at least yet. He appears to be kind of an intense, mean dude, but he was certainly attractive enough to hook up (for sex) on Grindr or at a gay bar if he actually wanted to.

This guy had a lot of issues. It is uncommon to find people who have this type of fascination with gays who don't have some major sexual issues. It was probable that he was gay and his reaction was a sort of conversion reaction.

People who don't like gays generally try to stay away from them, they would not be found in a gay venue. His fascination and activity around gay venues and gay lifestyle indicates he was leaning in that direction, but couldn't deal with it. It doesn't take 3 years to scout out a place for a terrorist act, especially if surrounded by people that you strongly dislike.

Someone like him also has serious control issues and like a lot of people who can't control their own impulses, he could only control them by controlling the people who cause those feelings and that was other gays. By eliminating those people, it would help him not have those feelings.

Did he actively engage in sex? Not sure, but I would guess he was involved in anonymous sex with men. He was not capable of entering into anything which even remotely resembles a real, meaningful emotional relationship. The interview with his first wife gives an insight into his inability to emotionally relate to others.

His psychological issues do matter, but it doesn't change anything.

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