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I would also like to see no job to come to, or job finished no extension or change to visa held.

No free health care for 2 years and only after paying tax for two years.

No unemplyment benefit for at least one year unless you have paid tax for one year and then only for 6 months.

I could go on.

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I would also like to see no job to come to, or job finished no extension or change to visa held.

No free health care for 2 years and only after paying tax for two years.

No unemplyment benefit for at least one year unless you have paid tax for one year and then only for 6 months.

I could go on.

I think you'll get all your wishes....and then some.

But they might not come about by simply 'restricting foreigner access to welfare and the NHS'.


The Labour Party has cost us our membership of the EU

I see this as a sad day for our country.

Corbyn was useless and deserves his upcoming dismissal as leader of the Labour Party.

So we will have Boris as PM (there is nobody else to challenge him,) Michael Gove, no Thersa May, God forbid....is that what we all want?

It could be worse, you could get a Blair type, or even worse again, a Brown, bigger hypocrites than all the other politicians put together.

Y'all need another Lady Thatcher.thumbsup.gif


The Labour Party has cost us our membership of the EU

I see this as a sad day for our country.

Corbyn was useless and deserves his upcoming dismissal as leader of the Labour Party.

So we will have Boris as PM (there is nobody else to challenge him,) Michael Gove, no Thersa May, God forbid....is that what we all want?

It could be worse, you could get a Blair type, or even worse again, a Brown, bigger hypocrites than all the other politicians put together.

Y'all need another Lady Thatcher.thumbsup.gif

Still not as bad as Blair or Brown.laugh.png


The Labour Party has cost us our membership of the EU

I see this as a sad day for our country.

Corbyn was useless and deserves his upcoming dismissal as leader of the Labour Party.

So we will have Boris as PM (there is nobody else to challenge him,) Michael Gove, no Thersa May, God forbid....is that what we all want?

That assumes that is not a Motion of No Confidence in the government. If that happens then the government has 14 days (no extensions at all) to win the vote.

If it does not win that vote then the government HAS to dissolve parliament and a general election is called for.

If that happens no political party IMHO can win a majority and there will be a coalition government.


I would also like to see no job to come to, or job finished no extension or change to visa held.

No free health care for 2 years and only after paying tax for two years.

No unemplyment benefit for at least one year unless you have paid tax for one year and then only for 6 months.

I could go on.

I think you'll get all your wishes....and then some.

But they might not come about by simply 'restricting foreigner access to welfare and the NHS'.

Been living under similar circumstances myself for a good many years.

Never put my hand out anywhere, here or UK.

Done shitty jobs I didn't want to do to keep going and all I see now is the tax I paid and still have to pay being wasted on others who feel they are entitled because the do gooders and system pander to them to the detriment of entitled nationals.


I would also like to see no job to come to, or job finished no extension or change to visa held.

No free health care for 2 years and only after paying tax for two years.

No unemplyment benefit for at least one year unless you have paid tax for one year and then only for 6 months.

I could go on.

I think you'll get all your wishes....and then some.

But they might not come about by simply 'restricting foreigner access to welfare and the NHS'.

Been living under similar circumstances myself for a good many years.

Never put my hand out anywhere, here or UK.

Done shitty jobs I didn't want to do to keep going and all I see now is the tax I paid and still have to pay being wasted on others who feel they are entitled because the do gooders and system pander to them to the detriment of entitled nationals.

Good man.

Stay healthy, stay strong, stay young.


Unfortuately I'm old, tired and got a bad back?.

I do try to stay happy though.

I would have never have guessed.


you guys want to swap leaders?

We will give you Obama and Hillary, for just one of yours.

That Nigel Farage dude might be OK, eh? thumbsup.gif


I for one hope that other countries vote to leave and the EU collapses in on its self. Then from the ashes something like the EEC and the EFTA rises with a select few countries, as it was before Bureaucrats got their fat fingers in the pie and ruined it.

That would be the perfect outcome from this debacle. The overpaid EU bureaucrats were ignoring DC's pleas to provide a clear future vision of a EU that was willing to listen to the concerns of the UK and other members over the bloated payrolls and inefficient and costly way that the EU was run. They refused to listen on the assumption that the UK would not be so foolish as to reject membership of their gilded club.

They are now trying their best to push the UK out of the door before other countries start to consider their own membership of this expensive organisation.

For me the epitome of waste and excess was the tenure of 'Lady' Ashton during her stint as the EU FM. During her time as FM she was ridiculed and lambasted as a complete waste of space. I can vouch for that as my company attempted to get her assistance on a EU related matter and she was just not interested. Yet, at the end of her time she was paid £400k for doing nothing for three years. That on top of a tax-free annual salary of close to £300k for the previous five years plus her gold plated pension. She also expanded her empire to cover 141 embassies/delegations worldwide. That won't be cheap.


That is just one example. No wonder they are running scared.

Get rid of the lot of them!!


A few more- general comments :-

It is notable that the subject of this referendum was one which got 72.2% turnout, to exercise their vote on a rainy day, it clearly was something which the people wanted to have their say on.

Also good that Call-Me-Dave is doing the right thing and bringing-forward his resignation as PM by a couple of years, after such a massive vote-of-no-confidence in his judgement, by the people his party governs.

Jeremy Corbyn has managed to display, well before the next general-election, that he lacks real leadership-qualities or charisma, and that will encourage his MPs to take the necessary action now, rather than later.

Lastly that this may just jolt the arrogant top-bods in the EU into change, reminding them that the organisation needs to be seen to benefit the citizens of Europe, they have no inherent right to their jobs.


I see there is now a petition that's been started for a re-run of the referendum.

IMHO it seems to be those who didn't like the outcome want to have another go at it. Isn't this something the EU has done in the past with Eire and somewhere else?
Surely they should have been lobbying a long time ago before the referendum, to make sure there was a certain percentage voter turn-out and what the minimum winning percentage should be.

Even though the result is apparently not legally binding.


you guys want to swap leaders?

We will give you Obama and Hillary, for just one of yours.

That Nigel Farage dude might be OK, eh? thumbsup.gif

You would have start drinking real ale at room temperature and may have to learn about cricketclap2.gif


I see there is now a petition that's been started for a re-run of the referendum.

IMHO it seems to be those who didn't like the outcome want to have another go at it. Isn't this something the EU has done in the past with Eire and somewhere else?

Surely they should have been lobbying a long time ago before the referendum, to make sure there was a certain percentage voter turn-out and what the minimum winning percentage should be.

Even though the result is apparently not legally binding.

Petition is meaningless, you do not have to be a registered voter to sign it, people could sign it from the EU countries, any Romanian beggar could do it


Lots of snobbery about people who don't have a lot of money.

If someone does not have a lot of money they don't deserve to live here in Thailand?

Surely its up to them where they want to live their life. If they can cope with little money I don't see the problem... some people are not money orientated and don't need tones of money to splash out of designer clothes, families, cars and bikes, big houses and swimming pools etc.

Its a good idea to have health insurance and no matter how little money you have I would always advise getting what health insurance you can.

But if you TRUELY can't afford it you can't afford it (that does not mean just thinking its too expensive to pay or using the money to buy beer and enjoy life)... that might mean not being able to have an operation, but at the end of the day we all are going to die of something that can't be cured or fixed. They would be no better off in the UK.. where they will be put on NHS waiting list for months while their condition gets worse, then they operation is probably botched up and they get a hospital super bug infection that finishes them off.


I see there is now a petition that's been started for a re-run of the referendum.

IMHO it seems to be those who didn't like the outcome want to have another go at it. Isn't this something the EU has done in the past with Eire and somewhere else?

Surely they should have been lobbying a long time ago before the referendum, to make sure there was a certain percentage voter turn-out and what the minimum winning percentage should be.

Even though the result is apparently not legally binding.

Petition is meaningless, you do not have to be a registered voter to sign it, people could sign it from the EU countries, any Romanian beggar could do it


2,777,116 signatures

Parliament will consider this for a debate

Parliament considers all petitions that get more than 100,000 signatures for a debate

Waiting for 2 days for a debate date

  • Deadline 25 November 2016 All petitions run for 6 months
{"name":"United Kingdom","code":"GB","signature_count":2401768},

To all the young people who said that us oldies stole their future by voting out ,well we voted in ,in the first place,now we have changed our minds,live with it


^That's harsh, us oldies won't have to live with the result for very long, my children and grandchildren will have to face the consequences of this terrible result. Once it sinks in you WILL regret supporting leave, I am sure of it.


Good for you Britain! You still have a majority of voters who have refused the Kool-aid.

Here's hoping America can follow up with another rough stick up the bottom of the globalists.

I am sorry that Canada failed horribly in this regard.


Good for you Britain! You still have a majority of voters who have refused the Kool-aid.

Here's hoping America can follow up with another rough stick up the bottom of the globalists.

I am sorry that Canada failed horribly in this regard.

Being a Brit, err, what's Kool-aid?


Singapore markets say it's a slight panic and should reverse a bit soon.

Have to wait and see.

You believe a word they say? They wont even tell their own people that their economy is in full blown recession. They recently uncovered data to show there is evidence to suggest that the economy is experiencing deflation....so they coined a new term....negative inflation.

I wouldnt rely on them to ever speak the truth unless they profit from it.


Singapore markets say it's a slight panic and should reverse a bit soon.

Have to wait and see.

You believe a word they say? They wont even tell their own people that their economy is in full blown recession. They recently uncovered data to show there is evidence to suggest that the economy is experiencing deflation....so they coined a new term....negative inflation.

I wouldnt rely on them to ever speak the truth unless they profit from it.

Singapore is neither in a full blown recession nor was there a new term coined.

In economics, deflation (or NEGATIVE INFLATION) is a decrease in the general price level of goods and services. Deflation occurs when the inflation rate falls below 0% (a negative inflation rate).


^That's harsh, us oldies won't have to live with the result for very long, my children and grandchildren will have to face the consequences of this terrible result. Once it sinks in you WILL regret supporting leave, I am sure of it.

Well it has sunk in and ,no I don't regret it


To all the young people who said that us oldies stole their future by voting out ,well we voted in ,in the first place,now we have changed our minds,live with it

You dont want to start a petition then, something like............. in 1975 I did not understand the question, or my bus was late, it was the wrong question, my thumb did not fit in the space provided, I am voting for my son/daughter ( who have yet to be born )may I have a veto in 43 years time ( I am a fully paid up member of the EEC soon be incorporated into the EU club).


Good for you Britain! You still have a majority of voters who have refused the Kool-aid.

Here's hoping America can follow up with another rough stick up the bottom of the globalists.

I am sorry that Canada failed horribly in this regard.

Being a Brit, err, what's Kool-aid?

A reference to the 1978 cult mass-suicide in Jonestown, Guyana. Jim Jones, the leader of the group, convinced his followers to move to Jonestown. Late in the year he then ordered his flock to commit suicide by drinking grape-flavored Kool-Aid laced with potassium cyanide. In what is now commonly called "the Jonestown Massacre", 913 of the 1100 Jonestown residents drank the Kool-Aid and died.

One lasting legacy of the Jonestown tragedy is the saying, “Don’t drink the Kool-Aid.” This has come to mean, "Don’t trust any group you find to be a little on the kooky side." or "Whatever they tell you, don't believe it too strongly".

The phrase can also be used in the opposite sense to indicate that one has embraced a particular philosophy or perspective.

Alice: Hey, did you hear that Joe is working on the Nader campaign?

Bob: Yeah, he really drank the Kool-Aid on that one.

Chris: I'm thinking about attending a PETA rally

Donna: Whatever you do, don't drink the Kool-Aid!


Good for you Britain! You still have a majority of voters who have refused the Kool-aid.

Here's hoping America can follow up with another rough stick up the bottom of the globalists.

I am sorry that Canada failed horribly in this regard.

Being a Brit, err, what's Kool-aid?

A reference to the 1978 cult mass-suicide in Jonestown, Guyana. Jim Jones, the leader of the group, convinced his followers to move to Jonestown. Late in the year he then ordered his flock to commit suicide by drinking grape-flavored Kool-Aid laced with potassium cyanide. In what is now commonly called "the Jonestown Massacre", 913 of the 1100 Jonestown residents drank the Kool-Aid and died.

One lasting legacy of the Jonestown tragedy is the saying, “Don’t drink the Kool-Aid.” This has come to mean, "Don’t trust any group you find to be a little on the kooky side." or "Whatever they tell you, don't believe it too strongly".

The phrase can also be used in the opposite sense to indicate that one has embraced a particular philosophy or perspective.

Alice: Hey, did you hear that Joe is working on the Nader campaign?

Bob: Yeah, he really drank the Kool-Aid on that one.

Chris: I'm thinking about attending a PETA rally

Donna: Whatever you do, don't drink the Kool-Aid!

OK, thanks. So it's a grape flavoured drink then?


^That's harsh, us oldies won't have to live with the result for very long, my children and grandchildren will have to face the consequences of this terrible result. Once it sinks in you WILL regret supporting leave, I am sure of it.

You like being ruled by foreigners? facepalm.gif

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