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EU referendum: BBC forecasts UK votes to leave


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Interesting times. Already congratulations coming in from Putin, Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump. Well I flagged up the question before whether the UK's exit would trigger the collapse of the EU as we know it? Initial reports say that other countries are clamouring for their own referendums so let's see how that pans out. Also let's see if the Brexit boys can negotiate favourable terms for the separation given that Brussels will be wary. If they give us trading concessions then that will encourage others in the EU to opt out and they won't want that.

Inevitably the pound has crashed twice as much as black Wednesday and billions have been wiped out on the stock market. This was to be expected as there was always going to be short term chaos, what matters is where we are when the dust settles. Cameron resigns as expected and will go by October. Truth is nobody knows how this will pan out. Scotland already saying that they will call for a new referendum with a view to leaving the UK but in reality they will only do that if they are sure they will win. Northern Ireland are also calling for Ireland to re-unite so that they too can remain in the EU.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves though. Today it was announced that Britain will be leaving the EU. This will take a minimum of two years to put into place. Also it is not impossible for the EU to give the UK concessions if they stay. It was always said that if we decided to leave then everything is unknown.

Johnson has won his battle to get Cameron out and open the door for him to run for PM. So far so good for him but good for Britain? I say again, time will tell.

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I'm really enjoying watching the TV news and reading the establishment online press. They are Furious!!!! that all those poor deluded lunatics refused to listen to their betters (those same TV and press people) and vote the way they were being harangued into voting for. The CNNers literally look like they want to spit on their own viewers! And the smug little wretches on BBC can't figure out the size of the Mack truck that just hit them. This is fun!

And you are probably happy to benefit off said establishment. Perhaps you are so in deep with said establishment that nothing can financially harm you. Do you seriously take joy out of hard working pensioners possibly having their retirement ruined by a referendum?

Sniffle. Sniffle. You lost. Deal with it. People want the right to determine their own fate, instead of having foreign bureaucrats rule over them. Money is not their god, as apparently it is for all the Mr. Markets out there who believe that what is good for bankers and financiers is good for the proles who wash their Bentleys.

Personally the vote has cost me money, on paper, so be it. Is concern for others so alien to you? Often Brit posters on here mentioning difficulties due to exchange rates. Personally hope they can get by, your attitude seems to be <deleted> them.

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I'm really enjoying watching the TV news and reading the establishment online press. They are Furious!!!! that all those poor deluded lunatics refused to listen to their betters (those same TV and press people) and vote the way they were being harangued into voting for. The CNNers literally look like they want to spit on their own viewers! And the smug little wretches on BBC can't figure out the size of the Mack truck that just hit them. This is fun!

And you are probably happy to benefit off said establishment. Perhaps you are so in deep with said establishment that nothing can financially harm you. Do you seriously take joy out of hard working pensioners possibly having their retirement ruined by a referendum?

The referendum isn't responsible - a democratic process has decided that we should leave. More people are celebrating than commiserating the decision as they wake up to the news.

The Tories took us in and after a massive gamble to stop the in-fighting within their party, it is the Tories taking us out!!

I have always voted Labour, but Nigel Farage impresses me a lot and if I was in the UK I would consider breaking a 40 year 'grass roots' tradition of voting Labour to vote for UKIP (I can't believe I just wrote that), it must be post-referendum hysteria!!

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I am absolutely gutted about this decision to leave.

Firstly this should never have gone to a referendum. To allow ill-informed individuals to vote on such a complicated matter was always going to be a mistake. With very little economic reasons to leave it was always going to come down to emotion and the scare mongering of the Leave campaign meant that Bridget and Geoff in Sunderland thought the UK was going to be overrun by immigrants and voted accordingly. Cameron has royally <deleted> this up and must now resign. His fear of Nigel Farage and the racists in his own party forced the UK into this and now everyone will pay the price for his conceit. Also expect the Scottish nationalist to insist on another referendum as Scotland voted overwhelmingly to stay and will now insist on independence. And being Scottish myself, I hope this time they get it.

It’s done now and as usual life will go on but why this even got to this stage will be questioned for generations to come and the consequences felt throughout the whole of the UK for many, many years.

Of course it should have gone to a referendum, that's democracy!

So you state Britain should not have a referendum, they say Scotland should? You are funny. Make up your mind.

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What started as a trading block,a Common Market,that was OK,

but slowly,slowly,it turned into a juggernaut,of corruption,stupid

rules,trying to control all levels of public life,and they will not stop

EU army,Turkey will join,then they will invite N. Africa,more people

for the Brussels bureaucrats,in the ivory towers to control.

I will never return to UK,but very pleased on the result,it will

be difficult for a while but in the end Britain will be better off.

regards Worgeordie

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finally FREEDOM, ,it s historical day for all nations, thank you all Brits, bye bye massive immigration, bye bye Turkey with its 90 million people, bye bye the criminal gangs of eastern Europe, if EU leaders wanted peace in the world they should have supported Assad and Russia and not side with the terrorists.

GREAT BRITAIN will survive and become stronger it sets the example for the rest of us, time for a change.

Thats what I think.. Great comment nothing to add ..I hope ? other countrys will follow soon and this new type of dictatership will collapse

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What started as a trading block,a Common Market,that was OK,

but slowly,slowly,it turned into a juggernaut,of corruption,stupid

rules,trying to control all levels of public life,and they will not stop

EU army,Turkey will join,then they will invite N. Africa,more people

for the Brussels bureaucrats,in the ivory towers to control.

I will never return to UK,but very pleased on the result,it will

be difficult for a while but in the end Britain will be better off.

regards Worgeordie

I'm with you fella, the EU has lost it's way thats for sure. It needs a massive shake up with some big decisions being made but it moves so painfully slowly. Not what is needed in todays world.

I will go home someday for sure, certainly won't be staying here for the rest of my days. I hope that when I do return it is a solid country with a clear purpose and direction without Brussels bureaucracy and stupid rules that benefit nobody.

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This statementis false

The decision launches a yearslong process to renegotiate trade, business and political links between the United Kingdom and what will become a 27-nation bloc, an unprecedented divorce that could take decades to complete."

What happens now is at the UK's own pace. Firstly article 50 of the EU treaty had to be enacted by the UK this can be done whenever the UK decides to do so this then gives a 24 month (2 years) process to disentangle all UK dealings with EU.

I suspect it will be up to 6 months before article 50 is enacted as a lot of back room negotiates will now start with UK and other EU Goverments. Regarding trade ect ect. As usual press jump to wrong conclusions and try to panic people. As for the £drop in value was to be expected don't panic it will return.

In fact it's a 2 year process to disengage..... and Cameron the wily ole fox he is has said that the process will not start until a new Conservative Leader has been named which will not be until the Conservative party conference in October this year. That also brings to bear whether another unelected person (ala Blair passing the baton to Brown) can be PM or will we go to the polls again!!

The stock markets and currency reactions to the story will settle down as jeab1980 quite rightly points out and in 2-3 weeks time the status quo will be returned until the next upset.....

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I'm really enjoying watching the TV news and reading the establishment online press. They are Furious!!!! that all those poor deluded lunatics refused to listen to their betters (those same TV and press people) and vote the way they were being harangued into voting for. The CNNers literally look like they want to spit on their own viewers! And the smug little wretches on BBC can't figure out the size of the Mack truck that just hit them. This is fun!

And you are probably happy to benefit off said establishment. Perhaps you are so in deep with said establishment that nothing can financially harm you. Do you seriously take joy out of hard working pensioners possibly having their retirement ruined by a referendum?

Sniffle. Sniffle. You lost. Deal with it. People want the right to determine their own fate, instead of having foreign bureaucrats rule over them. Money is not their god, as apparently it is for all the Mr. Markets out there who believe that what is good for bankers and financiers is good for the proles who wash their Bentleys.

Personally the vote has cost me money, on paper, so be it. Is concern for others so alien to you? Often Brit posters on here mentioning difficulties due to exchange rates. Personally hope they can get by, your attitude seems to be F them.

Money on paper, as you put it, is simply that - do you feel poorer this morning? perhaps have 1 less pint in the pub tonight because of your paper financial losses.

This is all a storm in a tea-cup that will be forgotten next week. Everything will soon return to normal. Why do so many people think it is a bad thing - the only people really crying about 'their loss' are the non-UK Europeans and foreign stock markets!! To me, this is an opportune time to do things better than the Brussels beaurocrat wasters ad their stupid laws. Good riddance to all that, lets embark on a new beginning and do it 'the Brit way'!

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I'll raise a glass or two tonight.

Time to put the great back into Great Britain.

I would raise them this afternoon, because by tonight the pound may have declined another 10%, making your beers 20% more expensive than yesterday.

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There are people who genuinely believe that the EU is at the root of all our ills, and that by leaving it we'll suddenly have all this money! We'll put the Great back into Great Britain! The recession is over! Of course that's what's going to happen especially with intellectual heavyweights like Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson leading the charge, what could possibly go wrong?

And as usual Scotland gets shafted by thickos south of the border. Cheers guys.


The Scots shafted themselfs voting overwhelmingly to stay in the Union, this pathetic protest vote organised by a pathetic sad SNP who belive they will get another vote to leave. The Scottish people made there beds now get over it. I won't throw insults back at you not worth it

Scottish votes to stay in the UK. 55%

Scottish votes to stay in the EU. 62%

Yes. That was an overwhelming vote to stay in the UK...

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I'm really enjoying watching the TV news and reading the establishment online press. They are Furious!!!! that all those poor deluded lunatics refused to listen to their betters (those same TV and press people) and vote the way they were being harangued into voting for. The CNNers literally look like they want to spit on their own viewers! And the smug little wretches on BBC can't figure out the size of the Mack truck that just hit them. This is fun!

And you are probably happy to benefit off said establishment. Perhaps you are so in deep with said establishment that nothing can financially harm you. Do you seriously take joy out of hard working pensioners possibly having their retirement ruined by a referendum?

The referendum isn't responsible - a democratic process has decided that we should leave. More people are celebrating than commiserating the decision as they wake up to the news.

The Tories took us in and after a massive gamble to stop the in-fighting within their party, it is the Tories taking us out!!

I have always voted Labour, but Nigel Farage impresses me a lot and if I was in the UK I would consider breaking a 40 year 'grass roots' tradition of voting Labour to vote for UKIP (I can't believe I just wrote that), it must be post-referendum hysteria!!

I cant believe you just wrote that either. Carry on, women and children first or me, me, me?

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I'm really enjoying watching the TV news and reading the establishment online press. They are Furious!!!! that all those poor deluded lunatics refused to listen to their betters (those same TV and press people) and vote the way they were being harangued into voting for. The CNNers literally look like they want to spit on their own viewers! And the smug little wretches on BBC can't figure out the size of the Mack truck that just hit them. This is fun!
And you are probably happy to benefit off said establishment. Perhaps you are so in deep with said establishment that nothing can financially harm you. Do you seriously take joy out of hard working pensioners possibly having their retirement ruined by a referendum?

Sniffle. Sniffle. You lost. Deal with it. People want the right to determine their own fate, instead of having foreign bureaucrats rule over them. Money is not their god, as apparently it is for all the Mr. Markets out there who believe that what is good for bankers and financiers is good for the proles who wash their Bentleys.

Personally the vote has cost me money, on paper, so be it. Is concern for others so alien to you? Often Brit posters on here mentioning difficulties due to exchange rates. Personally hope they can get by, your attitude seems to be F them.

Money on paper, as you put it, is simply that - do you feel poorer this morning? perhaps have 1 less pint in the pub tonight because of your paper financial losses.

This is all a storm in a tea-cup that will be forgotten next week. Everything will soon return to normal. Why do so many people think it is a bad thing - the only people really crying about 'their loss' are the non-UK Europeans and foreign stock markets!! To me, this is an opportune time to do things better than the Brussels beaurocrat wasters ad their stupid laws. Good riddance to all that, lets embark on a new beginning and do it 'the Brit way'!

I was not highlighting myself. Will I be ok? Time will tell. Just commenting on someone's joy that others less well off than themselves may have a hard time.

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There are people who genuinely believe that the EU is at the root of all our ills, and that by leaving it we'll suddenly have all this money! We'll put the Great back into Great Britain! The recession is over! Of course that's what's going to happen especially with intellectual heavyweights like Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson leading the charge, what could possibly go wrong?

And as usual Scotland gets shafted by thickos south of the border. Cheers guys.


The Scots shafted themselfs voting overwhelmingly to stay in the Union, this pathetic protest vote organised by a pathetic sad SNP who belive they will get another vote to leave. The Scottish people made there beds now get over it. I won't throw insults back at you not worth it

Ok, no insults at TV members, but why at the SNP? What about them is sad and pathetic, or are you just feeling unloved at the moment?

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There are people who genuinely believe that the EU is at the root of all our ills, and that by leaving it we'll suddenly have all this money! We'll put the Great back into Great Britain! The recession is over! Of course that's what's going to happen especially with intellectual heavyweights like Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson leading the charge, what could possibly go wrong?

And as usual Scotland gets shafted by thickos south of the border. Cheers guys.


The Scots shafted themselfs voting overwhelmingly to stay in the Union, this pathetic protest vote organised by a pathetic sad SNP who belive they will get another vote to leave. The Scottish people made there beds now get over it. I won't throw insults back at you not worth it

Scottish votes to stay in the UK. 55%

Scottish votes to stay in the EU. 62%

Yes. That was an overwhelming vote to stay in the UK...

Facebook is hardly a trusty barometer of public opinion, but my feed is figuratively beelin' with unhappy people who believe they were sold a pup in 2014.

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It is interesting that it's pro-business that voted Remain while more agricultural and older people went the other way. Reminds me of when Switzerland had a similar referendum (to join or not). Zurich and main business cantons said yes, French speaking, Bern Basel etc said no and the no's won it.

There was then talk of doomsday for Switzerland as well. Didn't happen though. The CHF is practically on par with the Euro (1.08, last I checked, last week)

This is part of the reason why I point to the Muslim invasion as motivation for the "leave" voters. The "ordinary working man" neither fully understands nor cares about macro economics. He cares about the safety of his family, and the preservation of his way of life. While intellectuals preach the philosophy of "open borders" and "one world", the realists who work for a living see the injustice of Sharia Law and absolute suppression of freedom of religion (as well as so many other freedoms suppressed by Islamic rulers).

So, while the article atop this thread, as well as most of the posters here, have focused primarily on the economic issues and impact of the Brexit vote; I must ask again, if the deciding factor in the outcome wasn't the Muslim invasion!

You sir are a racist and therefore your views and comments are not welcome in a civilized debate. There is no Sharia law in the Uk and there never will be. This illusion of a muslim invasion is exactly that; an illusion and fortunately sane people with a proper and respectful perspective on matters are here to tell you where to get off.

It is not racist at all to be concerned. Your reply to genuine concerns by labeling someone a racist is plain wrong.

There are sharia courts in the UK, but under British law their finding are not legal.

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The EU has simply gotten too big for it's boots. The Brexit would have caused some major rethinking by the kiddyfiddling, chocolate munching squad in Brussels even if we stayed in the EU. Now we are free to to shape our own future based on British culture not that of some goat jockey thrust on us to satisfy the left wing liberal politicians in another land.

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I'll raise a glass or two tonight.

Time to put the great back into Great Britain.

So what's the plan this time? Subjugate Africans and Asians at gunpoint and steal their resources? It's the only thing Britan has ever been "great" at. Well it worked last time. May as well give it a go again. There is bugger all else the UK has at its disposal to be "great".

"Great" as in Great Britain, is a geographical term & refers to the main island.

The word has been hijacked to mean great as in greatness.

You should read a bit more.

Hope this helps.

The word used to mean coarse or thick, but by your strange reckoning the word has been "hijacked" to mean big. We have been using great to mean very good for over 150 years, get over it.

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Some posters commented on the "slim" winning margin.

I wonder, if Scotland and Ireland were taken out of the equation and the votes for England only were counted, what would have been the winning margin?

Remain = 13,266,996, 46.6%

Leave = 15,188,406, 53.4%

A win for leave, but hardly a decisive one.

Is that right? Looking at this map, I would have thought the winning margin would have been much higher


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lets face it, the whole NWO idea is basically about having one leader, one currency and one power... In recent time thats not working in our favor anymore is it? We get told who we have to let into our borders whilst other countries keep them tightly shut. The UK has become a dumping grounds for people that either dont want to work, want the UK to be a muslim state or maybe a few Polish that actually want to work. Either way Broken Britain is already broken and needs to be fixed... will this be good for it? probably not but at least they got the balls to be the first to do jump into the unknown..

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Cherio Brits, without your negative contribution the EU has now a lot more money to spend on countries in real need. No more rebates, farm subsidies etc. for leeches. Hurray.

LOL..in 2015 the UK contributed 12.5% of the EU budget, and is number 3 on the list after France and Germany...so your comment about leeches is hysterical...so unless your french or German...you could in fact be defined as a leech if your European

Sounds like French they are mindless idiots

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The more i read the more I think that this is being viewed the wrong way.

The headline should read "EU lost the UK as a member".

Lost of people on here bashing and talking nonsense but cut through all the noise and nonsense the question has to be asked "Why did the UK vote to leave the EU?"

If the EU was such a glowing example of nations uniting why does one of the biggest and strongest economies in the World decide to leave the membership?

Surely this is the question that everyone should really be asking.

What I am sure of is the dust will settle, deals will be struck and the UK will continue on and survive, maybe even thrive without the membership payments and EU regulations imposed by Brussels.

But what of the EU? The Eurosceptics can have a field day here, they just can't lose. On one hand they can argue that the EU has lost out and the UK will now gain advantage by negotiating its own terms, or the EU can try and shut the doors on the UK and lose all of the trade benefits and the Eurosceptics will jump on that too.

The remaining EU leaders will need to stop talking about the consequences and start talking about why and what needs to change in order to reform the EU so it can become what it has always claimed to be, a strong body of Nations united to work together for trade, peace and prosperity.

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Some posters commented on the "slim" winning margin.

I wonder, if Scotland and Ireland were taken out of the equation and the votes for England only were counted, what would have been the winning margin?

Remain = 13,266,996, 46.6%

Leave = 15,188,406, 53.4%

A win for leave, but hardly a decisive one.

Is that right? Looking at this map, I would have thought the winning margin would have been much higher


I took the numbers from the BBC: http://www.bbc.com/news/politics/eu_referendum/results

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The more i read the more I think that this is being viewed the wrong way.

The headline should read "EU lost the UK as a member".

Lost of people on here bashing and talking nonsense but cut through all the noise and nonsense the question has to be asked "Why did the UK vote to leave the EU?"

If the EU was such a glowing example of nations uniting why does one of the biggest and strongest economies in the World decide to leave the membership?

Surely this is the question that everyone should really be asking.

What I am sure of is the dust will settle, deals will be struck and the UK will continue on and survive, maybe even thrive without the membership payments and EU regulations imposed by Brussels.

But what of the EU? The Eurosceptics can have a field day here, they just can't lose. On one hand they can argue that the EU has lost out and the UK will now gain advantage by negotiating its own terms, or the EU can try and shut the doors on the UK and lose all of the trade benefits and the Eurosceptics will jump on that too.

The remaining EU leaders will need to stop talking about the consequences and start talking about why and what needs to change in order to reform the EU so it can become what it has always claimed to be, a strong body of Nations united to work together for trade, peace and prosperity.

Is that the same as you are such a benefit to Thailand that they should make things easy for you?

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Some posters commented on the "slim" winning margin.

I wonder, if Scotland and Ireland were taken out of the equation and the votes for England only were counted, what would have been the winning margin?

Remain = 13,266,996, 46.6%

Leave = 15,188,406, 53.4%

A win for leave, but hardly a decisive one.

Is that right? Looking at this map, I would have thought the winning margin would have been much higher


I took the numbers from the BBC: http://www.bbc.com/news/politics/eu_referendum/results

Another view, that means that over half of the UK total voted to leave! So, landslide or not still millions of people want out.

So, a serious problem for the EU I think.

The UK will unite under the right policies going forward. People don't throw in the towel because their vote was not on the winning side. This is what democracy is all about...

Don't really see the point of the analysis.

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The more i read the more I think that this is being viewed the wrong way.

The headline should read "EU lost the UK as a member".

Lost of people on here bashing and talking nonsense but cut through all the noise and nonsense the question has to be asked "Why did the UK vote to leave the EU?"

If the EU was such a glowing example of nations uniting why does one of the biggest and strongest economies in the World decide to leave the membership?

Surely this is the question that everyone should really be asking.

What I am sure of is the dust will settle, deals will be struck and the UK will continue on and survive, maybe even thrive without the membership payments and EU regulations imposed by Brussels.

But what of the EU? The Eurosceptics can have a field day here, they just can't lose. On one hand they can argue that the EU has lost out and the UK will now gain advantage by negotiating its own terms, or the EU can try and shut the doors on the UK and lose all of the trade benefits and the Eurosceptics will jump on that too.

The remaining EU leaders will need to stop talking about the consequences and start talking about why and what needs to change in order to reform the EU so it can become what it has always claimed to be, a strong body of Nations united to work together for trade, peace and prosperity.

Is that the same as you are such a benefit to Thailand that they should make things easy for you?

Erm, what? What are you talking about? Did you read my post?

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Well if we are talking NWOs then yes the world is moving towards one currency, one government, one world order. I think the fact that the UK had the cinchonas to be the first to leave is a good thing. I mean its no wonder the US never wanted it to happen but seriously. The UK has been a dumping ground for immigrants and excuses for years and yes, it has impacted the country negatively. The fact that they kept hold of the pound and have now given the finger to the EU shows that they will always choose right ahead of an easy future. Sure the economy will suffer and it wont be easy.... But at least the UK now stands a chance to be what it always has been, an Independant leader that the rest of the world has been following or influenced by for hundreds of years. Just watch now what will happen... And forget the pro EU propaganda that will try and prevent others...
Oh and the trash about the EU preventing a third world war? seriously?

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I'm really enjoying watching the TV news and reading the establishment online press. They are Furious!!!! that all those poor deluded lunatics refused to listen to their betters (those same TV and press people) and vote the way they were being harangued into voting for. The CNNers literally look like they want to spit on their own viewers! And the smug little wretches on BBC can't figure out the size of the Mack truck that just hit them. This is fun!

And you are probably happy to benefit off said establishment. Perhaps you are so in deep with said establishment that nothing can financially harm you. Do you seriously take joy out of hard working pensioners possibly having their retirement ruined by a referendum?

The referendum isn't responsible - a democratic process has decided that we should leave. More people are celebrating than commiserating the decision as they wake up to the news.

The Tories took us in and after a massive gamble to stop the in-fighting within their party, it is the Tories taking us out!!

I have always voted Labour, but Nigel Farage impresses me a lot and if I was in the UK I would consider breaking a 40 year 'grass roots' tradition of voting Labour to vote for UKIP (I can't believe I just wrote that), it must be post-referendum hysteria!!

I cant believe you just wrote that either. Carry on, women and children first or me, me, me?

Wouldn't know - I am not a Titanic survivor!!

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