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Thai Men--What Can Thailand Do?


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First, this may come across as a troll post, but it is not.

Over the many years, I have maintained a friendship with one or two Thais who have risen to positions of authority in the government. A few days ago, I had dinner with a friend, as she participated in a small conference of government officials from different specialties to brainstorm solutions to some of the more pressing issues of Thailand's future. Some of the topics were entirely predictable (e.g.,better education of ethnic minorities, birth control, etc.). But the one issue that stunned me was a recent finding regarding Thai men. Apparently, many of the more strident and negative comments on this forum are actually spot on: for every man that works and contributes to the economy, there are 27 women working. Amazing--an employment differential of 27:1. Compared to women, only only 3% of men work in positions that contribute taxable income to the society. Simply stated, they are basically leeches on society. She offered that the concern at the highest levels of government is that there will be no tax base to care for the elderly or the maintenance of infrastructure. Ninety-seven percent of the burden rests squarely on the backs of women.

What I found amusing but sad is that the government knows exactly what the problem is, and freely describe it accurately, albeit not publicly. Data and surveys indicate that Thai men are spoiled and immature. They refuse to work in jobs that are "beneath" them. They are lazy and do not apply themselves. They typically have long arrest records. They are violent and temperamental, even on the job. They abuse drubs/alcohol at extreme rates. They are abusive to women coworkers. They "hide" in the temples to avoid responsibility. They do not pay bills or care for their children. They act impulsively. Sexually aggressive. Because of a lack of educational engagement, they are simply ignorant of fundamental academic skills. Basically, Thai men do not want to work, and they are not compelled to work or even mature. They prefer to goof off for years...and Thai women support/enable them. Those men that do work prefer temporary work that pays under the table, and avoid taxes.

Still, Thai society is so patriarchal that the officials seem at a loss as to how to approach this issue. When I asked if they had considered legal reform, so that rape/murder/assault is punished with predictable imprisonment, rather than a 5000 fine, she sheepishly stated, "No." Increase academic rigor? No. Parent education? No.End the purchase of government jobs? No. Punish those employers that use scab labor? No. Educate women, not only academically, but about the dangers of having kids with Thai scum? No. Basically, as long as Thai men are allowed to enjoy life with no responsibility, the government will not impose any consequences for poor behavior, even if it ultimately bankrupts the country, and places an unjust burden on women. The only positive thing my friend mentioned was that soon, most of the government, and high ranking officials who have EARNED their jobs, will be women. Not by choice, but by default...the men will be in jail, temple, sleeping in their parents' home, or sleeping with a new gf while their wives and children work.

So to bashers of Thai men--apparently, Thai reputation is well earned. And that does not bode well for the future of Thai society, or the Thai economy. The government recognizes this problem, and is even able to empirically measure its massive impact. But it is not enough to prompt a reasoned response, except to launch a public relations campaign about Thainess. Too little too late.

Sooo...as farangs who have a unique vantage point here in Thailand...and since most of us are enjoying a life that we earned...what would you suggest as a solution?

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OP, these figures are true across the board, at every social level?

At what government level was this think-tank established?

I'm not sure about you, but i have worked with Thais for the last 10 years (on my present WP and for the same employer) and the workforce of 40+ seem to be an exception to the rules set by your think-tank.

Would suggest you get out a bit more and evaluate for yourself the percentages you have been given............................wink.png

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An interesting post,

But when I read "Compared to women, only only 3% of men work in positions that contribute taxable income to the society."

It made me wonder how many of us farangs in Thailand fall into the same category?

I myself could be seen that way.

I have an income form outside of Thailand that is not really taxed here as income, and I have a Thai wife who works and pays taxes on her income.

If we are being honest, I think a lot of foreign husbands of Thai women are "samesame, but different.

And, now..

It's time for all of you "Yeah buts" to reply.

Edited by willyumiii
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Come on, a view from one woman, where they maybe some truth in it its hardly the norm, as for increasing the tax base there are many options, to correct other social trends there dont need to "try and work it out" just a matter at looking to other nations to see how certain things get handled.....

Luckily the views by TV members isn't considered worthy to many.

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"They typically have long arrest records."

That told me all I wanted to know about the post and the person that made it. What a crock! I'm no fan of Thai men but to say that kinda crap is absolutely ludicrous.

Please pull your head out.

Edited by bluebluewater
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I would suggest that unless you are married to a Thai man that you don't worry about it. It is what it is. All the suggestions in the world will not change things here. Might as well bang your head on a brick wall laugh.png

These are Thai problems and from what I have learned Thai's don't like foreigners telling them how to do things wink.png

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... for every man that works and contributes to the economy, there are 27 women working. Amazing--an employment differential of 27:1.

The working age population of Thailand is approximately 47,000,000.

Taking that 27:1 differential as fact would mean that there are fewer than 1.7 million Thai men in regular employment, which is difficult to believe.

The Thai military alone employs around 300,000 men.

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It certainly describes many Thai males i know , always looking for a hand up or an easy baht, but never looking for employment.

What immediately comes to my mind is the very regular large numbers of posts saying that 'all' Thai women want just a free ride, just want money and just want materials possessions.

Now suddenly a post which suggests Thai women are the saints and It's Thai men who want the free ride.

Strange stuff.

To the OP, please share more details, sources of data, stats., etc., so that the doubters (incl. me) are more convinced of the accuracy of the what you mentioned.

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An interesting post,

But when I read "Compared to women, only only 3% of men work in positions that contribute taxable income to the society."

It made me wonder how many of us farangs in Thailand fall into the same category?

I myself could be seen that way.

I have an income form outside of Thailand that is not really taxed here as income, and I have a Thai wife who works and pays taxes on her income.

If we are being honest, I think a lot of foreign husbands of Thai women are "samesame, but different.

And, now..

It's time for all of you "Yeah buts" to reply.

I am not too worried about it. The amount of tax I pay on wine every year is probably enough to finance half the government anyway. We all pay taxes in one way or another.

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not so sure where the percentages come from but my wife is the manager of a good sized company and the vast majority by a long shot are men be it not highly educated ones. Maybe his figures are for educated males, I know quite a lot of late teens early 20's males that have education and refuse to work unless it is a govt job or one that is suitable to their perceived abilities/station in life, they still live at home and are totally supported by their parents. When we go to her university reunions it is basically very similar percentages to what he has quoted in the attendees, the vast majority are women and they are in all sorts of jobs from lowly ones to higher up ones with very few males amongst them. These women seem to have no problems with any of the work they do and all seem to be very happy with their lives, got to say it does outnumber the amount of males I know that are happy with what they do so some of what the op is saying may well be accurate although I do wonder about the arrest statistics.

Edited by seajae
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^^^ sexist, not racist.

Sexist ​and ​racist and clueless as well.

It makes you wonder what kind of experiences would result in hostility like that.

This sounds like someone who has never gotten beyond Pattaya or the sleazy parts of Bangkok.

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It certainly describes many Thai males i know , always looking for a hand up or an easy baht, but never looking for employment.

What immediately comes to my mind is the very regular large numbers of posts saying that 'all' Thai women want just a free ride, just want money and just want materials possessions.

Now suddenly a post which suggests Thai women are the saints and It's Thai men who want the free ride.

Strange stuff.

To the OP, please share more details, sources of data, stats., etc., so that the doubters (incl. me) are more convinced of the accuracy of the what you mentioned.

The OP can't, apparently this information isn't in the public sector. Makes me wonder where it has been attained as well.

"What I found amusing but sad is that the government knows exactly what the problem is, and freely describe it accurately, albeit not publicly"

Edit: Just reading that extract, how does the government freely describe it accurately, but not publicly?

And who to?

Regardless of the claims from the OP, I would call this a troll post.

Edited by chrisinth
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Given that the minimum income to be required to pay income tax is 150,000 per year, and typical wages for manual labor fall far below that figure, it wouldn't surprise me to see such a ratio.

Nor would it surprise me to find out only a small percentage of the women are "contributing" to the tax base given that minimum wage is about half the tax exemption limit.

Like chrisinth, we have hundreds of Thais working for us, and they're generally pretty good folks. (If they weren't, they no longer work for us- and in short order) Most of the office people are women and most of the field workers are men. Just works that way in the Thai oil business. And they all make enough to pay taxes.

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The reason is "matriarchal" society"...mothers molly coddle their sons...the daughters are taught to take care.

That is Thai culture/society in a nutshell. Shows how little many posters understand about the country they live in. More and more, a nation beyond salvation.

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Troll post or not anyone who has spent time in Thai villages will see many men in hammocks, gambling or drinking all day while the women work farms or go to the city to work in shops.

I agree.

That is the way it appears to work in my village anyhow.

I observe the women returning from work in the afternoon on their scooters and they would easily outnumber the men about 10-1.During the day I see loads of Thai males just sitting around drinking though sometimes they might do a little bit of day labour if they are of a mind to.

An endlessly repetitive cycle of exploitation and poverty,abandoned young mothers scratching for a living,sons encouraged in their outrageous self entitlement by their mothers and the daughters get sent to work to support everybody.

It appears to be a cultural system that cannot be either criticized or changed.Any suggestions that fathers or sons actually seek active employment is apt to be met with verbal hostility or physical threats-from both the males and the mothers.

Edited by Odysseus123
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