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Phuket International Hospital poor service.

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Woke up at 2.30 am this morning, sweating and shivering at the same time and feeling really lousy with a headache and a pain around the kidney areas, also feeling a little nauseous.

Tried to get back to sleep but to no avail and was feeling terrible, so decided to take myself off to Phuket International Hospital at around 5:20 a.m. as I thought I might have dengue again or possibly another kidney infection because I don't really believe the last one totally went away.

Anyway arrived at the hospital just before 6 a.m. and the place was deserted with no one on the third floor reception, so I made my way to the emergency treatment area and that was also devoid of life. Nobody to be seen, anywhere, so I opened the sliding doors into the emergency treatment area and couldn't see anybody, so I looked round the corner into the room and there was somebody sitting beside a bed with their upper body laying across it, and they were asleep.

I looked round a bit more and finally spied a lady behind a screen who was stretched out between two chairs, covered in a blanket and playing with her iPhone. At that time I thought about heading off to Bangkok Phuket hospital, however she looked up and saw me.

So BP was taken (148/89, a little high for me) and my temperature and she remarked that I had a fever, which was not too hard to spot as I was a sweating quite a bit.

I sat in a chair and waited and about 10 minutes later a young guy walked in, and it looked like he had just gotten out of bed, or just returned from a party, however it turned out to be the doctor so I was ushered in to see him.

I explained I had a headache, stiff neck, a pain in my back around the kidney area and also broke out into sweats and shivers, with the shivers being so pronounced, that I really couldn't do anything about them. I also explained that I had a kidney infection some months ago, and thought that it might have come back?

He asked if I had a cough, put a stethoscope on my chest and asked me to point out where the paint was on my back (around the kidney area).

He then started writing out a prescription which seemed to consist of quite a few things, so I asked him if it was possible to get a blood test to either check for the possibility of dengue or some other infection, and also if a urine test would show up a kidney infection.

His response was that I would have to wait a total of three days to be able to get these tests done as that was the best time to do them?? I did state that I would rather know what was going on than have to wait almost 3 days feeling like this and not knowing anything, but he was adamant three days was needed and he then gave me the piece of paper to go to the desk to get the medications.

As I was walking over to get them, I had a look at the form with everything written on it and I was extremely surprised when he had ticked off on a checksheet that: – he had checked my throat; my tonsils were normal; my pharynx was not infected and my abdomen was soft and not tender with no swelling.

I say I was extremely surprised because he had never looked in my throat, had never felt around the outside of my tonsils, had never looked to see if the pharynx was infected and had not touched my abdomen or my kidney areas for that matter. In fact the only thing he did was to put a stethoscope on my chest, yet according to this medical report/certificate he had done a lot more!!!!

If that wasn't enough I looked at the medications prescribed in they included Domperidone, Paracetamol, an antispasmodic medication, an antibiotic and one other which escapes me now. In light of the false medical report he had just completed and, in my opinion the overprescribing of medications, I headed back to see him, which was easy because there were only three of us in the whole department, and discussed these medications with him saying that I already had some of them at home and it was not necessary for me to buy them from the hospital (trying to save him face).

In the end I headed off with just two medications, yet I still had to pay almost 2000 baht for all this nonsense, which I did and really didn't want to cause any arguments, not only that I was still feeling extremely rough and just wanted to get out of there.

I still have an appointment for the blood test in a couple of days time, however whether I go there or not is another matter. May have to try Bangkok Phuket hospital?

If Phuket International hospital wishes to put itself up there amongst the best in "Thailand's medical hub" then it has still got one hell of a long way to go and it doesn't even compare to the good old NHS in Blighty, or the equivalent in NZ, both of which are free. Having said that, I don't mind paying for good health care and good service, however this was worse than a joke.


I went to Bangkok Hospital with similar symptoms a few years ago and tests were done immediately and they wanted to admit me. What you were told is rubbish and I think you should complain. Get yourself to Bangkok Hospital! Incidently Phuket International is owned by Bangkok Hospital.

And what was the outcome and the cost ?


A neighbor had a stroke a few years ago, couldn't talk or walk properly, an obvious diagnosis. Initially went to the International where they were told to take a seat, the doctor will see them in about an hour!

His wife took him straight out again, and went to BPH where they treated him immediately as the emergency it obviously was.

Even though PI has been purchased by BPH it seems to operate almost independently. I would never go there.

I attend BPH several times a month seeing various doctors and having comprehensive blood tests each time. Results come back in the hour. I've had two 4 day stints as an inpatient, and joined one of their discount clubs as a platinum member years ago. This gives me substantial discounts on rooms and most treatments, and has paid for itself many times over. Worth doing if you're a regular and not part of the medical Insurance racket. A cheap private room comes to about 3000 with the discount.

Visiting one doctor, blood tests and some medication would usually cost in the 3-4000 baht range. I buy most of my meds at Supercheap.

To the OP, I would strongly suggest you get your kidney function tested. (creatinine)


How about maybe going to BPH's new hospital Dibuk?

A neighbor went there after hours with a badly twisted knee. (Yes, our street is full of sick and injured old farts!)

Place was eerily empty, but eventually a 13yo doctor was located who said the patient would have to come back for an x-ray the next day, it couldn't be done then. He then proceeded to place a very crude, too tight plaster cast on an inflamed and swollen knee. My neighbor cut it off when he got home. I lent him an elastic knee brace, gave him some anti inflamatories and the knee settled down in a couple of days, He never went back to the hospital.

I think that place is more like a clinic, good for cuts and bruises and some illness. They refer real sick people on to Vachira or BPH.


It can't be that bad if you were able to type out such a thorough rant!

Downed some para and went back to bed.............still feeling like shyt, but can't sleep, so dictated the post.

Not life threatening but if you've ever had dengue fever (or a kidney infection) then you'll know how I'm feeling!!!!!


If you think you have dengue you should get get a blood test. They can't do anything about it, just load you up with paracetamol. But if it's dengue haemorrhage fever it's life threatening. Tell tell signs are bleeding from gums or big rash. Can't really speak for kidney infections. If you go to hospital the blood test for dengue takes about 24 hours and they will want to admit you if there's anything chance it's dengue.

Many thanks for your concern James HKT and I did have dengue about five years ago, so I am keeping an eye out for bleeding and any rashes that may occur. It was actually at Bangkok Phuket hospital that this was diagnosed and sure enough they wanted to keep me in for a few days, however I checked out when the diagnosis came through later that day.

I don't think I had a version as severe as other folks I know and I managed to get over it within 3 to 4 weeks and my pain was mainly around the head and neck and lower back, rather than just about everywhere.

As for kidney infections, I've had a couple before because of past problems with the waterworks (no fun getting old is it) and the symptoms are very similar with headaches, chills, fever, backache and feeling awful.

Once again, thank you for your concern.


Hope you are feeling better, XP.

The symptoms sound like dengue, and you have a medical history of kidney infection, but if you rule these out, have you considered food poisoning?

As for the hospital service, I wonder what would have happened if you said you were insured. Maybe they would have gone the other way and provided too much service by admitting you, and performing all the required tests, and some, and then overcharge the insurance company.

I don't know your insurance status, and it's none of my business, and I am lucky to have never had ill health here and the need to go to the hospital, but perhaps other members can comment on the difference between going to a hospital here as an insured patient, compared to going to hospital as an uninsured patient.


How about maybe going to BPH's new hospital Dibuk?

Love the place. Always good and fast service and affordable.

Hope you are feeling better, XP.

The symptoms sound like dengue, and you have a medical history of kidney infection, but if you rule these out, have you considered food poisoning?

As for the hospital service, I wonder what would have happened if you said you were insured. Maybe they would have gone the other way and provided too much service by admitting you, and performing all the required tests, and some, and then overcharge the insurance company.

I don't know your insurance status, and it's none of my business, and I am lucky to have never had ill health here and the need to go to the hospital, but perhaps other members can comment on the difference between going to a hospital here as an insured patient, compared to going to hospital as an uninsured patient.

Thanks NKM...........They could probably look on my records to see if I had insurance, but then again, there was no-one there to administer any service!! More to the point anyone being brought in from a traffic accident would have been sh+t out of luck.

The blood/sample testing place was shut so perhaps that's why the Dr suggested I come back another day. Really it was pathetic.

Some time ago at BKK/Phuket hospital when I had a check up they asked me if I had insurance and I said yes but I would pay the bill myself, but they forgot about this when handing me the bill and it was almost double what we had discussed earlier, so I gave it back to them and they then produced a bill for the amount discussed............I've had this happen 3 times at BKK/Phuket hosp, so there is a policy of loading the bill if the insurance company are paying for it.

I am insured with BUPA but not for outpatient treatment.


I pay about $200/mo for insurance. It's an excellent package but it doesn't kick in till I'm admitted. If I had your symptoms I would demand to be admitted to a private room, tests administered...and put on a happy drip. smile.png


My daughter went to Dibuk with dengue and was tested immediately and had the test results in an hour. The only problem was that they had no paediatrician at the hospital so after two days she was transferred to PIH.


Went to PI once with a rash because at Bangkok Hospital no doctors were available due to some conference. Had to walk what felt through half the building form one desk to another until I got to the waiting room for the doc. There one nurse was sleeping and the other playing on her phone. The nurse playing with the phone finally paid attention after I politely disturbed her from her Facebook session. She was visible annoyed. She then directed me to do a blood pressure test as they always do here and spoke in some weird accent which I couldn't understand and had to ask her three times to repeat what she said because I just couldn't make it out.

The doctor asked a few questions and did a visible inspection of the rash and briefly explained what it could be, wrote a prescription and wanted to send me on my way. I wasn't satisfied and had to ask tons of questions like how long it'll take to go away, what the cause for it could have been, what to do if it intensifies and so on.

I wasn't satisfied with the service and won't be going there again. I'd rather try Mission Hospital next time but still will go with Bangkok Hospital if possible.

Another expat I know, had an operation on his leg because of a pretty severe infection and they botched it up, it reinfected and nearly cost him his leg iirc.

I've actually never heard anyone saying much good about Phuket International Hospital.

Bangkok Hospital is expensive and surely not the best hospital in the world. But at least you are treated decently there.


They misdiagnosed me a few years ago and wanted to do a biopsy which would have cost me around 40 k.

Got a flight back to the UK for about 25 k and was told by a doctor there that they were spinning me a complete load of b-llox and that a biopsy is the last thing he would recommend because of the very high risk of infection. Turned out to be absolutely nothing to worry about

A bunch money grabbing Quacks spring to mind


Been reading this topic from the start. I prefer to use Phuket International for many years and I can't say I have ever been disappointed with service (and price).

Anytime I am forced to use the Bangkok Phuket I have been amazed at how creative they manage to pad out the final bill. I well remember a friend of mine had an eye infection, I wanted to take him to a small eye clinic I use, but no he wanted to go to the Phuket Bankok, so I drove hime there.

No eye doctor on duty, so we waited, the staff suggested he might want a general health check-up at discount (?) price, so he had the check and found himself having a heart problem that he already knew about. He ended up with a big big bill - like 50,000 baht in extra tests.

I've tried the Mission, full full of people, looked like chaos in the reception area, all seats taken, even more standing, and I walked away fast.


I also have a bad experience with Phuket International during the night. Judging from my experience and other reactions here it looks like they are lacking some experienced emergency staff at those hours.

Follow-up to my original post: –

Feeling better than I did early on Sunday morning, however still not 100% and today an appointment had been made to see a doctor and I wanted to progress this as I wanted blood and urine tests done.

Saw a lady doctor and she was good, however was very surprised that the above-mentioned tests had not been done on Sunday morning, so I quickly related my story and said that I was very angry about the whole thing, but she couldn't say anything because, because that's the way it is.

She did ask more questions and also answered some for me, which gave me some comfort, so she arranged for the tests to be done and I duly obliged. I had to wait an hour before the results came through so I went looking for something to eat at the little cafe on the third floor, however they did not have any plain tea, just some scented stuff, however the young girl said there was a foodcourt downstairs, so down I trundled.

One side of this "foodcourt" (a very imaginative term for this room with a few hot dishes available) was open to the lawn and a water fountain, and it was meant to be a place where staff and customers could come and eat and feel comfortable, however the reality was somewhat different. There would have been about 20 tables in all, along with their respective chairs and on just about every one of these tables there were plates of unfinished food and quite some mess, and of course this attracted the sparrows who were all over the place.

I ordered some tea which came in the smallest cup and was beckoned to go and sit at one of the tables, however on inspecting the tables and the chairs they were absolutely covered in bird shyt, so not only did I not want to sit in it, I didn't want to eat from a table which was covered in it.

It was one of the grubbiest things you could possibly imagine and if the hospital management had any sense they would have installed glass windows so the vista was relaxing and quite possibly put in some sort of gazebo with some mesh around it to keep out the birds, but no this seemed to follow the pattern of the place – – pretty hopeless really.

Went back after the hour was up and got the results and although they were good and dengue was ruled out, there was certainly an infection present and luckily enough this doctor was one who specialised in kidney complaints, so at least I was talking to the right person. I was only halfway through the antibiotics and she said to continue the course and see how I felt at the end of it and if necessary if it came back they would do a more thorough investigation.

I really can't find anything good to say about this place, although at one time I thought it was okay, so I won't be going back unless it is to see this particular doctor, whom I would request, and the extremely good skin doctor who has treated my solar keratosis.


I also have a bad experience with Phuket International during the night. Judging from my experience and other reactions here it looks like they are lacking some experienced emergency staff at those hours.

"I also have a bad experience with Phuket International during the night." - could happen anywhere. biggrin.png


Went to Bangkok International in the middle of the night with a friend who had an "episode". They told us the doctor had gone home...

I kid you not.

Third world smile.png


Been very happy with PI even at night time when I had a case of kidney stones. Never been to BKK international but had very, very bad experience with a GP at Mission where my wife has her insurance.

The doc told her she needed a spine operation and the chance of dying was 50-50. and if she not die during the operation she would most likely never walk again. So I asked him where he bought his licence !

Next day went to see a friend (falang, retired chiropracter ?) looked at her did some stuff and voila the old girl is back to normal again!

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