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IS attacker: Germans "won't be able to sleep peacefully"


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It is almost impossible to prevent these one man attacks as they are not part of a group structure. The fear factor plays a major part and people in the affected countries quite understandedly will turn against anyone they percieve to be a threat to them and their families. These are desperate times and knee jerk responses are going to take place. This gives the police and security forces twice the headache but is unavoidable. There is no easy way to deal with this.

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It is almost impossible to prevent these one man attacks as they are not part of a group structure. The fear factor plays a major part and people in the affected countries quite understandedly will turn against anyone they percieve to be a threat to them and their families. These are desperate times and knee jerk responses are going to take place. This gives the police and security forces twice the headache but is unavoidable. There is no easy way to deal with this.

They all have Arab nationalities, just ask them all to leave, revoke their German passports (National security risk). That would solve the problem. But first get them all to sew a yellow star crescent on their jackets, so potential risks can be easily identified.

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I Ansback is only 40 minutes away from the city where I grew up. Reading that in the early morning hours makes me sick and angry.

A video on his cellphone showed him declaring loyalty to the Islamic State group and announcing a "revenge act against Germans because they are standing in the way of Islam."

Fly them to Mars and let them have their colony there.

Fly them to Mars and let them have their colony there.

​I guess without the oxygen supply

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So all people of middle eastern decent should be sent back to the country of their birth. Well as many of the people who commit these attrocities were born in the country where they have taken place they are already there. Or maybe just send anyone non pure white to anywhere where there are other non white people? Really grown up view especially for those living in Thailand or any other non "white" country. Of course if that philosophy was applied to all people with immigrant past then America would be pretty empty. Still lets just stick to them coloured folk shall we?

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So all people of middle eastern decent should be sent back to the country of their birth. Well as many of the people who commit these attrocities were born in the country where they have taken place they are already there.

Actually they haven't. Nearly all the recent atrocities (80%+) have been done by people with less than 5 years in Germany.

You just need to remove the naturalized and asylum seekers. You could just limit the 'removals' to people who don't natively speak German.

It's always the agenda of SJWs to label people who don't agree with them as racists, even if it clearly isn't true.

Edited by MissAndry
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Looks like Hitler targeted the wrong group.

Actually, Hitler was in kahoots with the Islamic world against common enemies, though I believe he personally considered them a lower order of people compared to Germans.

Did Hitler consider any order of people not German higher than the Germans? laugh.png

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Germany will reply to all this soon....and nobody is gonna like the answer.

As long as Angela is running the show, the answer will not change, regardless of the implications of the kind of Germany she is trying to hand to her grand-daughters. She knows better for all Germans what they really want............. I just soooooo wish to be wrong!!!

Not too long ago and she's an East German Communist who helped the STASI to spy on people who wanted to go to the West.

There's no more to add.Of course are all documents gone that her friend, Mr. Gauck had against her.

It's somehow crazy that such a woman with an incredible past could become the chancellor of Germany.


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It's totally weird when I think about my time in Germany from 1960- 2000. <snip>


A great one. " Throw the political correctness in the garbage bin where it belongs to. " One Muslim trying to make all the others to peace loving and innocent people?

They had many years to prepare what's happening now. The problem is that it will never have an end and the only solution to it would be that Muslims live in different countries than Christians, or Buddhists do.See south Thailand, Thais also eat pork and are seen as pigs.

But the Christians and Buddhists usually do not come to live in Muslims countries. If you read/hear the news and something happened 10,000 miles away, it's not the same as when you have to live in a country that's full with terrorists, and men with the weird mentality who think they have more rights than German women in a supermarket.

It happened many times that Muslim men just went in front to the cashier and told some German women that they can wait, women have to wait. Men are better and don't wait for women.

Even those women who're trying to help them in social institutions are always touched and screwed with words. How the heck can you deal with such people in your own god damned country?

Do I feel sorry for all the kids and women who had to walk long distances, fleeing from bombs. Of course, I do. Do I feel sorry that so many kids in Africa die of hunger? Of course, i do. Do I feel sorry for a Pakistani who's driving a Benz now and selling heroin in Frankfurt? Guess what......

Would anybody in Germany let his/her kids play outside now? I doubt it. Are Germans now prisoners in their own walls? I think so.

But when i only see the men who're acting like they own their host country, I feel very bad and angry. Should the Germans leave Germany and let them create an Islamic State? Or should the Muslims leave Germany and create their Islamic Sate somewhere else, surrounded by people who also sit on a carpet and pray gen Mekka.

I'm sorry to say that, but the only way to stop that would be to have people who believe in certain religions be separated from peaceful people. . . How many more people will get killed before people in Europe take weapons and go on the streets and start killing Muslims?

Can't you smell that smell and hear the ticking of the bombs? Let's see what happened to Thailand..

Islam in Thailand: 17,000 Attacks in 11 Years.

And it’s only going to get worse. As America’s power in the world continues to diminish under Obama, the forces of evil will become more emboldened, brazen and savage. Growing Muslim support for the Islamic State (IS) from South Asia to the Far East; four new jihadist groups planning an Islamic caliphate comprising Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, and the Southern Philippines.

This is the long-term consequence of Muslim immigration.

“Deep South 11-year toll hits 4,000,” Bangkok Post, January 5, 2015 (thanks to The Religion of Peace) Almost 4,000 victims have been killed in 16,969 violent incidents in the deep South over the past 11 years since the southern violence erupted, figures show. Sunday was the 11th anniversary of a separatist

Source: http://pamelageller.com/2015/01/islam-in-thailand-17000-attacks-in-11-years.html/

I don't think that the ordinary Isaan farmer knows what's going on in his country. News seldom make it to Bangkok and upper north, or northeast.

Edited by lostinisaan
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I do not think that the local population in europe will accept these attacks, rapes and crimes much longer.
As much hatred and anger has already dammed.
It will not be long and it pops up huge.
Let's see when the first mosque is on fire.
If the politicians do not react immediately with measures to reverse the flow of refugees, then we certainly have soon a civil war.
This is the sad result of a misguided policy.

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Germany is just the beginning - As a rule germans are very appolagetic about their history and would hate to repeat it again, unfortunately this puts them at greater risk as they are just too politically correct now and dont have any cahonas to say no GET OUT... The scum are taking advantage of this just as they have taken advantage of the UK and their lax laws and ofcourse France too.

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It's totally weird when I think about my time in Germany from 1960- 2000. <snip>



As Americas power in the world continues to diminish under Obama,


As Obama's / Democrat's "no boots on the ground" mantra continues to bear fruit...

"Leader of the free world" ?? Give me a break!

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The muzzlim situation in all of europe, US, Australia and the UK can be likened to dirty water.

You can filter dirty water.

How the hell do you filter out the filth in this religion?

Reverse osMOsis.

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It's totally weird when I think about my time in Germany from 1960- 2000. <snip>



As Americas power in the world continues to diminish under Obama,


As Obama's / Democrat's "no boots on the ground" mantra continues to bear fruit...

"Leader of the free world" ?? Give me a break!

If you can pull god on your side when you go for a war, everything is possible. "We've got god on our side" G. W.B's words.......cheesy.gif

P.S. The woman in the interview should be Germany's chancellor.....thumbsup.gif

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Germany will reply to all this soon....and nobody is gonna like the answer.

Well one of the ways it would be to collect all young, male refugees and put them forcibly into the german army (Bundeswehr).

Then four weeks quick training.

After that, Germany can send them back in their countries of origin as soldiers.

That might even work.

Edited by tomacht8
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It's totally weird when I think about my time in Germany from 1960- 2000.

Being a member of the green party, trying to help here and there, then the various Nazi demos where I almost got thrown in jail because I "completely disagreed" with these brainless guys, their hateful posters, boots, clothes and behavior.

I couldn't believe it when four of them were trying to kick my backside and the cops were protecting the brown rats?

Genetically modified maize plants near our town, no way and we destroyed a few Rai. Of course did that go to court because the American company wanted to have a lot of cash for something that shouldn't be allowed to grow. Comparing the brown boys with the Arabic counterparts is like comparing apples with durian.

Having a 15 year distance to the country where I was born and grew up should make it easier to come to a conclusion how to solve all the problems Germany is suffering of \these days.

But, hell no, I start to believe that the brown boys were right with their posters that there are too many non Germans who rape the system.

I changed my mind regarding the green party, as well as my opinion of certain politicians who had a very big mouth when they're a couple of years younger.

Does Germany really need a new Baader Meinhof group to make a wake up call?

Scary for me is that I'd rather sympathize with the brown boys now than with some radical Muslims who demonstrate against their pork eating enemies who feed them, give them shelter and education?

I feel very sorry for the younger generations who'll have to grow up in Multicultural circumstances, pay taxes for all the rapers, thiefs and medical expenses for all who knock on Germany's door.

If I were 19 now and live in Germany, would I really like to have kids in such an environment? I don't think so.

It's way too late to send those back who only left their countries because they want a Mercedes Benz, not a little Fiat. It's way to late to find out who all the sleepers are, as they seem to have more fake passports than the German government can print in one month.,

When all the Mohammed's became Franz, Hans and Nina some politicians might wake up and resign.

Just the thought I prefer that Neo Nazis to some Jihad warriors gives me a big headache.

I'm more than happy that I'm far way from Europe and that I'm maybe too old to see the downfall of Europe.

If countries like the UK believe that they're better of, they're wrong.

Please try to find a native dutch speaking guy in Amsterdam, not long and it's similar in Germany.

It isn't yet called Muslimland, when I still lived there people called it Deutschland.

Thais do not seem to understand that they are basically in the same boat and already lost the war in the south. They're pretty good in not reporting killed Buddhist people, usually teachers and those who are in their way.

This is a great and unique post, thank you. I just want to mention something you observe, from a different perspective. You muse "does Germany need a new Bader Meinhof" to...

My fears may be wrong but the facts are pretty leading...current events are being cultivated by State actors. No matter whether we accept it or not, Germany and other EU countries are enabling this- they are facilitating this current crisis- 100%. More alarmingly, they are totally aware of this and are bent on expediting the process.

Operation Gladio is not theory or speculation, it is a fact. Stay behind teams and agitating and motivating the Red Brigades and Bader Meinhof are exactly what was being done by the State. So, when you muse about Bader Meinhof you touch on the fact the the State has previously used proxies against the people for political purposes. It is a disagreeable fact of history.

IMO, the State actors have now become just as culpable as the aggressors because they double down, lie, obfuscate, etc.

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Looks like Hitler targeted the wrong group.

Actually, Hitler was in kahoots with the Islamic world against common enemies, though I believe he personally considered them a lower order of people compared to Germans.

Try Googling Hitler and the Grand Mufti Of Jerusalem.

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Who said "comedy was dead at the BBC?" Hillarious BBC rucksack bomber headline......


This morning on BBC, the presenter referred to the church attackers as islamic sympathisers.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

Well at least that's an improvement. When the pregnant lady in Germany was killed with a knife,it took the BBC a few hours before they would even report it. And then they never mentioned his name as being Ali.

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Looks like Hitler targeted the wrong group.

Actually, Hitler was in kahoots with the Islamic world against common enemies, though I believe he personally considered them a lower order of people compared to Germans.

Try Googling Hitler and the Grand Mufti Of Jerusalem.

Thanks for the lead.

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