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Tech Doctor

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I don't think it will never get back to normal again after this "upgrade"  .  


I want to read unread posts on the app , and it goes to the last post in the thread every time instead of my last unread post. 




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3 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

Quoting should at least quote the last couple of posts.


Now that only the 'quoted' post appears - its being misused to ignore the context and previous posts.


And its a pain in the neck finding, and then '+' ing all the previous posts.


I must have made about 6 posts commenting on exactly this problem. By allowing only one previous post to be quoted when using the "Quote" link, the context of the conversation is lost and, as DD says, it can be misused to deliberately ignore the context of previous comments.


The old system was to limit the number of nested quotes to about 6. But then people who tried to post with more than the allowed limit, simply deleted the first "[ quote ]" which screwed up all the following quotes.


So what I have proposed is that when the nested quotes limit is reached, the inner-most, i.e. oldest, quote should be automatically deleted by the forum software.  This is what I used to do manually when we had access to the BBcode Mode of editing.


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The optimal solution for nested quotes would be:

- Allow users to do nested quotes

- Allow users to filter out all replies with nested quotes. 


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samsung s5 neo. getting the notification my name was mentioned also caused issues when clicking on link... site redirected me to post but notification popup/page stood in front of this page here.  when closing notification this very page went back to top automatically and did not stay at actual post by td. 

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1 hour ago, Tech Doctor said:

Ive just shot the UI team for not testing, it should have been rolled back now.




I hope you're talking about the fact that everything is bold.


I think you should tell the UI Team to stop ****ing about with stuff that is not broken.


FYI: It is still bold. Blindingly bold.


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2 hours ago, JetsetBkk said:


I hope you're talking about the fact that everything is bold.


I think you should tell the UI Team to stop ****ing about with stuff that is not broken.


FYI: It is still bold. Blindingly bold.



@Tech Doctor Phew! Back to normal - thanks, TD.


Edit: We cross-posted! All OK now! :)


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25 minutes ago, Mook23 said:

Posting the above took nearly a full minute saving/publishing.


Quoting this was instant, no delays. Are you sure it's not at your end, or your ISP, etc?


Best of luck finding the problem.


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It's normal loading of the pages most of the time . But then maybe 2 or 3 times during the evening it will not load anything , just wait for 20 sec to 1 minute and back to normal  .


Edited by balo
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