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How many western man live in thailand and are happy


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7 hours ago, villagefarang said:

I get the feeling these kinds of topics are an attempt to justify one’s feelings and garner support from those with similar views.  That doesn’t often work since there will always be those who agree and disagree.




It would seem you have an exceedingly firm grasp of the obvious.

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I have spent time in many different cultures and find being in other cultures more interesting than my own. I like Thailand for the smiles, the easy going and non-confrontational attitudes. There are times that I needed to learn the "why" of a situation, but I kept an open mind. Ultimately, I became involved with my wife's large family and they are great people. We are raising a niece, have dogs and this is very much a comfortable home for me. 


I do live in a village but I have a car and can take a break whenever I want. Having a fast internet connection helps. I can skype with friends back in my home country and though I could afford to return, I have no interest in that. 


Almost all my farang friends here have nice wives and have integrated to a great extent. They can all speak at least some Thai and are independent enough that they can venture out on their own. 


But you have choice and you should not be living somewhere that you are not happy, for whatever reason. 



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11 hours ago, KittenKong said:


I dont quite see the advantage of integrating with local society as it and I have very little in common. I also dont see the disadvantage in just being a permanent tourist, if that is what not integrating means. Though that doesnt stop me from eating Thai food when I fancy it, it just stops me traipsing round hot crowded Thai markets looking at overpriced tat, or pushing my way through heaving crowds of people at the beach, or going everywhere in large noisy groups and chattering fifteen to the dozen like caged birds.


Not integrating and not living like a Thai dont stop me from being happy, in fact integrating and living like a Thai would make me very unhappy.

I'm kinda with you on this one. I live here full time, have done for 7 years, before that I was commuting back n forth. I 'integrate' to a degree, I have Thai friends, eat Thai food when I want, but for the majority of the time I have no problem admitting I live in a western bubble, ie my house. I live in deepest darkest Isaan, so it's not that I have the option of having my ass plonked on a western bar stool all day, which is what I 'think' is the general perception of not integrating.

Overall I'm pretty happy here, lower cost of living etc etc. Some things drive me crazy, but inside my house I can pretty much live exactly the same as I did back in San Diego, and when I choose to dip into the local culture/society I can.


But, it's all down to personality and likes and dislikes. I've had Californian friends who have moved to the midwest and been totally miserable, ending up going back to Cali. Some of us are pretty location tolerant. My job had me stationed in some God awful places across the globe, but so long as I could at the end of the day retreat to creature comforts, never bothered me. So there is no 'one size fits all'

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15 hours ago, georgemandm said:

Happy for you I just ask ok but like some of the people on here like to have a go at someone who puts a post on here if you are happy or not .

i for think thailand dose not have much going for it but that is my thoughts.

and I would not say things have gone up a little I would say a lot just ask thai people not ask me .

you tell me the driving in thailand is ok ?. 

The visas to get in thailand is easy.

lots of think are what make me not like it like I did .

and why did you go to thailand you tell me the truth and not give me some story .



I like my life in Thailand. Its well balanced.  I live in a great location, neighbors are nice, wife wonderful, great extended family. Absolutely none of the drama and nonsense most post about on this site.


As for costs, Agent Sumo said it well, Yes prices have risen but they have everywhere in the world. It appears to me you are equating your happiness on how much things cost and how far your money can go. Its way bigger than that IMHO. 


I think there are 2 groups of Expats in Thailand, Retirees and Employed. Reading most of the posts on this site the ones that are miserable and are not happy, can't hang with it, complain all the time are for the most part the retirees. They likely came here without a plan and thought that their savings and pension would make them "Happy" and that all the women here are just waiting for them. Reality is; Its simply not true(as they have painfully learned). As for the working expats, Its just life as as usual. I am a working and living in Thailand Expat. I am extremely happy. As I said above I find my life balanced. I have Thai professional friends and most speak very proficient English. We go to dinner, hang out on weekends,  talk on the phone, go to lunch during the week. 


As for the Truth why I am here. I like it. I have a life here. I am comfortable and its just an easier way of life in so many ways. I have little to no stress. 



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20 hours ago, kannot said:

Ive found the locals  very far from "live and let  live" seem to want to complain about everything I do but not only me each other as well like little  kids.

So far complaints have been  filling the  holes in the road with concrete (true), cutting down trees up the hill ( false) stealing water  (false have own wells) putting a  hedge out the front of the house (true) despite  many of them in the  village building small structures outside the line of the electric  posts and also planting small gardens in some cases.

Yesterdays was flying my drone on my land 15 rai and now a complaint.................say its noisy  when in fact its way quieter than anyone using a brush cutter which can go on all day, the local loud thump thump music, dogs  barking and cows  mooing, even head of the village had to laugh when he heard it and saw the video. Its only a small drone and I fly within the laws of Thailand. I live out in the country and out of the village, wouldnt be so bad but i reckon if  I fly it twice a month its unusual.


20 hours ago, kannot said:

Ive found the locals  very far from "live and let  live" seem to want to complain about everything I do but not only me each other as well like little  kids.

So far complaints have been  filling the  holes in the road with concrete (true), cutting down trees up the hill ( false) stealing water  (false have own wells) putting a  hedge out the front of the house (true) despite  many of them in the  village building small structures outside the line of the electric  posts and also planting small gardens in some cases.

Yesterdays was flying my drone on my land 15 rai and now a complaint.................say its noisy  when in fact its way quieter than anyone using a brush cutter which can go on all day, the local loud thump thump music, dogs  barking and cows  mooing, even head of the village had to laugh when he heard it and saw the video. Its only a small drone and I fly within the laws of Thailand. I live out in the country and out of the village, wouldnt be so bad but i reckon if  I fly it twice a month its unusual.

Everbody will experience different things and react to them differently. 

I know that the old lady opposite our house gossips a lot about me (I can hear her) but as far as I know, there have been no complaints about me. A bit of gossip yes, but that's just typical village life. 

I know it's not perfect here, but I'm very content here. 

Good luck!

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Is it that hard to accept that some are perfectly happy here and enjoy this country a lot while others just can't adapt or don't like it here enough and they want to go.

The fact is a lot depends on your work / income and how flexible you are yourself. Some Thai girls can't live a day outside of Thailand and not miss it a lot others have no problem doing so. It all depends on your own situation in Thailand and that situation is unique to everyone. 


The guys that lost a lot of money here are usually the guys who think with the wrong head. 


I can perfectly accept that some people would be miserable here. Financially my dad would have no problems living here but he loves his friends back home and he loves to bike. Does not like Thai food that much. He likes going on a holiday for a month with my mom and me but is happy to go home again too. 


Not everyone is the same and not everyone's situation is the same either. That a country changes, that happens all over the world. Prices have risen a bit and our currency has gotten less valuable. I have no problems with that as at the same time my business got much more successful so it was easy.


Just that you left does not mean that everyone should its a personal choice.


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Also let me add, in my 10 years here (some back and forth for work) I think the 3 best pieces of advice I would offer any expat considering moving abroad is(Thailand or not it doesn't matter) is;  


1) If you have never been an adventurist/adaptable type, do not do it. Stay where you are. If you are miserable now moving to Thailand isn't going to fix your problem, in fact only makes it worse.

2) Location is everything(same in any country). Move around before deciding where you might like. I lived in the city, then in a beach area then up North. Spent 6 months or more in each location. Really allows you to see what fits your style. 

3) You need to be honest with yourself about who you really are and your expectations. If you are a social type and like all the western creature comforts moving  to Isaan is not likely going to work. If you are a loner type and hate big cities, BKK isn't going to work. All to often men move here and the first gal they meet is where they will move. It all seems outstanding, but then the sheen wears off and there you are asking your self  'What now"


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One funny thing many people talk about not integrating, often those are the same people who would condemn foreigners doing just that in their own home country. After having lived here for so long I certainly understand foreigners in my home country a lot better and understand that they don't want to integrate (and I dont mind as long as they have a job and commit no crimes)


I myself speak some Thai but I am still a Dutch guy (some things have changed in me) But I don't go full local and I guess almost nobody ever will. I do think that those who can read and write Thai and work for a Thai company (surrounded by Thais) integrate better. I have noticed that my Thai improves a lot when I have to use it a lot. In general I don't have to use it that much because I live alone. Its hard to make good friends unless you speak the language (or are lucky enough to know Thais who speak good English)

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19 hours ago, Agent Sumo said:


Can't argue with this. 


Considering that the prevailing "wisdom" among Western men is that Thai women are "petite", "loving", sexually accommodative and willing to let their man be the "boss", there's a hell of a lot of disgruntled and disillusioned guys only too willing to slag them off at every possible opportunity.


It took me many years here in Thailand to find a woman that I thought I could get along with. I had a few requirements. No gambling, no drugs, no clinging vine or jealousy and no kids. My wife has none of those deal killers. 


After we started living together, I did find out why she was never married at 35 years old. No Thai man would ever be seriously interested in her. She knows EVERYTHING and likes to be the boss. She is not at all jealous and when I go alone on a road trip, her friends tell her that she is stupid to let me have all the freedom I want. She is always welcome to go with me on my little trips but she works part time for the electric company and actively farms. She tells her friends that she knows that I love her and that I'll come back home when I am ready. Her being the boss was the only serious problem. That wasn't an easy problem to work out. I told her that if she wanted to be the boss, she would be living alone and the same if she ever decided to have a family member move in the house. She knows that I mean it. I still have a condo in my name. I can be out of the house in a day. It's important to work out differences before you tie the knot. I must say that she is very independent and she can get along just fine financially without me.


I will admit that if anything should go wrong with our marriage, I wouldn't be living alone in the boonies. I'd be headed back to my condo in the farang ghetto. She may keep me. She says that now at age 48 she is too old to train another farang. :D

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6 hours ago, JAFO said:


I like my life in Thailand. Its well balanced.  I live in a great location, neighbors are nice, wife wonderful, great extended family. Absolutely none of the drama and nonsense most post about on this site.


As for costs, Agent Sumo said it well, Yes prices have risen but they have everywhere in the world. It appears to me you are equating your happiness on how much things cost and how far your money can go. Its way bigger than that IMHO. 


I think there are 2 groups of Expats in Thailand, Retirees and Employed. Reading most of the posts on this site the ones that are miserable and are not happy, can't hang with it, complain all the time are for the most part the retirees. They likely came here without a plan and thought that their savings and pension would make them "Happy" and that all the women here are just waiting for them. Reality is; Its simply not true(as they have painfully learned). As for the working expats, Its just life as as usual. I am a working and living in Thailand Expat. I am extremely happy. As I said above I find my life balanced. I have Thai professional friends and most speak very proficient English. We go to dinner, hang out on weekends,  talk on the phone, go to lunch during the week. 


As for the Truth why I am here. I like it. I have a life here. I am comfortable and its just an easier way of life in so many ways. I have little to no stress. 



Good happy for you .

you are so wrong I don't put my life on a price I am saying how things have gone up .

i just ask why man move to thailand and  trying to understand why .

but lots go to thailand because of the women and it dose not work out and are left with nothing.

if you are happy great but I think most go for the woman is that true or not .

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1 hour ago, georgemandm said:

Good happy for you .

you are so wrong I don't put my life on a price I am saying how things have gone up .

i just ask why man move to thailand and  trying to understand why .

but lots go to thailand because of the women and it dose not work out and are left with nothing.

if you are happy great but I think most go for the woman is that true or not .


I stand corrected, it seemed as if you were some how balancing cost of living here into some happiness factor. No problem


I would agree with you, a huge number come here for the women. Bad decision in my honest opinion. Its almost like a drug to these older men. Never understood  it quite honestly. They are just women not some elite rare special race. Women are women!!! I suspect most are lonely and they receive an overwhelming amount of attention, smiles and ego stroking that they never received back home and it becomes euphoric. As for the ones being scammed or left with nothing. Hmmm. That's no ones fault but their own. I have zero sympathy. I would venture to say there are as many happy content men as well they just do not post on forums. I do as I want others to know life can be very good here.


Reading Thai forums can be very dangerous if you cannot filter the media well. This thread (like the hundreds of others just like it) only bring out the people who got burned or are bitter or like the video from the one guy posted a few days back.. Chose your friends and the people you want be around carefully. Its no different then your home country. For some reason a large number of Foreigners leave their common sense at the airport after they get their passport stamped as "Arrived"

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I moved here after being very pleasantly surprised during two lengthy visits..... Loved the people & the country.....Was already a happy person......Think that has a lot to do with the reflections seen on TVF.....


Found a gal that had already ascended the ladder of life that was also happy & optimistic in outlook and life.....Made a family & nary an unhappy moment or complaint..... She colors my life better every day.....


Was happy as a solo knockin' around.....


Much happier married.....



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You will find foreigners here well integrated in Thailand  who learned the language and appreciate the culture . I think they are more happy than foreigners living in the tourist places only hanging around with other westerners and never tried to understand the culture.  They are the first ones who will return back home after a few years. 




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Yesterday I jokingly said to my wife that, due to the recent bombings, I wanted to take a break from accompanying her to the market and asked if she wouldn't mind going by herself for the next little while. 


For me, having a sense of humor, being resilient, and having a reason for getting out of bed in the morning are the keys to being happy here.

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On 8/14/2016 at 10:37 AM, dick dasterdly said:

I shouldn't be responding on this thread as I'm not a Western male.  But my (limited) experience is that those who make the most effort to tell everyone how happy they are - are the ones in trouble, and far from happy.

That's deep man.

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On 8/14/2016 at 11:31 AM, 55Jay said:

We live a few hours drive NE of BKK the past 3 1/2 years we've been in Thailand full time.   The shine has definitely worn off, exacerbated by living so far from the ocean, which has always been a significant part of my life until now.  So I'm not "happy" here, Thailand doesn't interest me anymore, but it's ok for now.  Wife has lived outside Thailand with me for several years, she definitely isn't happy up here and would probably run me over getting to the airport leaving this country altogether.  But, life is on hold as we (me) are financially fit to stay and take care of her aged Mom, 86, while all the siblings are still slogging it out down in BKK.  We get back to the US once a year, for 1 or 2 months at a time, and that helps keep us happy and sane. 


When the wife's Mom eventually moves on, so will we. Very possible we will wind up in San Diego area.   We went to explore Florida this year for a month.  It's ok but San Diego is my home ocean.  Maybe one day when I'm too old to be humping up and down Pacific swells out in the boat, move back to Thailand to die, and get burned up in the big pizza oven out back.  :lol:

You can get burner up in a big pizza oven in Imperial Beach.  save the airfare

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On 14/08/2016 at 10:37 AM, dick dasterdly said:

I shouldn't be responding on this thread as I'm not a Western male.  But my (limited) experience is that those who make the most effort to tell everyone how happy they are - are the ones in trouble, and far from happy.


I think the main reason we see people talk about how happy they are here is as an attempt to counter the relentless negativity that pervades this forum.

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7 hours ago, joeyg said:

You can get burner up in a big pizza oven in Imperial Beach.  save the airfare

Or just set my corpse adrift off IB/Tijuana river estuary.  Ought to be dissolved within 48 hours, bones and all.  :(






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On 14 August 2016 at 11:13 AM, georgemandm said:

I am very happy for you I am not having a go at thailand , ok just I can't handle it .

if you are happy good on you .

you have know idea what I do when I go to thailand and you are having a go at me you are so wrong.

one think you forget and lots of man do who live in thailand is if it was not for your western country you would not be in thailand to day .

You love thailand I like thailand but I can't live with the way things are done and you trying to tell me thailand is cheap now I think not I look at prices in thailand and my country and not much different and my thai partner tells me the same think .

If your country is as cheap as Thailand where are you from ? 



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i know few americans and europeans who do business and living in thailand. they have been harrassed and finger pointed. i always tell them you cannot bring your culture or your point of view to people here. the comfort and nature is wonderful in kingdom of thailand but i see a lot of "farangs" go through struggle. you have to remind yourself, will your partner okay in your motherland? 

Edited by squid master
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Thailand isn't perfect, USA (my origin ) has it's issues, and I'm not remotely close to perfect.  I find Thailand an adventure and in contrast to the ruts many find themselves in the developed world, it is IMO a great place to live.


Lived here as a young man and now middle aged. I never dreamed my life would be as pleasant as it has been. Happy people are happy regardless of where they live, but what a ride it has been.

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On 14/08/2016 at 2:13 AM, georgemandm said:

I am very happy for you I am not having a go at thailand , ok just I can't handle it .

if you are happy good on you .

you have know idea what I do when I go to thailand and you are having a go at me you are so wrong.

one think you forget and lots of man do who live in thailand is if it was not for your western country you would not be in thailand to day .

You love thailand I like thailand but I can't live with the way things are done and you trying to tell me thailand is cheap now I think not I look at prices in thailand and my country and not much different and my thai partner tells me the same think .

Am interested to know which country you come from after saying there is not much difference in costs, hope you do not mind me asking

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20 hours ago, Agent Sumo said:


He says he's from Australia but his English suggests he's naturalized.


13 hours ago, stupidfarang said:

Am interested to know which country you come from after saying there is not much difference in costs, hope you do not mind me asking

Agent sumo 

tell me you a doctor in English? .

i would say you are a Pom 

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13 hours ago, stupidfarang said:

Am interested to know which country you come from after saying there is not much difference in costs, hope you do not mind me asking


13 hours ago, stupidfarang said:

Am interested to know which country you come from after saying there is not much difference in costs, hope you do not mind me asking

Here you go was in Australia on Tuesday went and bought hair  shampoo for $3.50 a bottle 

to day in Bangkok was 159 thai  bht a bottle is $6.40 dose that   Answer  Your question.

the only thing in Australia , it cost more to eat out at restaurants .


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On 8/16/2016 at 10:26 AM, SoiBiker said:


I think the main reason we see people talk about how happy they are here is as an attempt to counter the relentless negativity that pervades this forum.

V good point re. this forum.


Some long term expats are the same, which is why I restricted my comments to those I've known personally who tell everyone (in real life) how happy they are, whilst being nothing of the sort.  The Western version of not wanting to 'lose face' I suppose.

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