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Trump's sniffles distract viewers at first presidential debate with Clinton


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Trump's sniffles distract viewers at first presidential debate with Clinton


Donald Trump sniffled repeatedly throughout Monday night’s debate at Hofstra University, apparently suffering from an itchy or stuffed-up nose


HEMPSTEAD: -- Someone pass Donald Trump a tissue, quick.


Trump sniffled repeatedly throughout Monday night’s first presidential debate, suffering with an itchy or stuffed-up nose that distracted viewers as he argued against Hillary Clinton – despite months of declaring himself the “healthiest candidate ever”.


While Trump had access to a glass of water, there was no handkerchief in sight.


Trump’s sniffles were particularly unfortunately timed after he called into question his rival’s stamina and his supporters hounded Clinton over her health and occasional coughing fits for months, claiming they were part of larger health issues she supposedly suffered following a fall and blood clot in 2012.


Full story: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/sep/26/trump-sniffles-presidential-debate-clinton-hofstra


-- The Guardian 2016-09-27

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Is this for real? Clinton is going in and out of consciousness, needing at least 2 body doubles, seemingly knocking on heavens door, and all they bleat on about is Donald having a spot of hayfever. MSM is not fit for purpose. When Donald wins he must reform the media. The extreme left slant is not funny any more.

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I didn't see any sniffles as well.  Journalism born of desperation to bring down a un-favorite candidate.  Disgusting.  


If, indeed, there were sniffles--what does a cold or a touch of hay fever make him?  Human?  I could handle that, although the journalist apparently thinks otherwise.

Edited by Fookhaht
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2 hours ago, Fookhaht said:

I didn't see any sniffles as well.  Journalism born of desperation to bring down a un-favorite candidate.  Disgusting.  


If, indeed, there were sniffles--what does a cold or a touch of hay fever make him?  Human?  I could handle that, although the journalist apparently thinks otherwise.


Of course last week the Liberal/Leftist so called Journalists were ignoring Hillary's catatonic seizure, falling face forward into her disguised ambulance. 

Edited by JDGRUEN
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Uuuuuuhhh...maybe he has some incurable disease....he should supply his medical papers...


See...Trumpeteers: this is how we "leftists" don't react, when an elderly man under stress, shows some sign of not-all-that-well being!

Except for his constant brain- f@rts, that is...

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3 hours ago, jaidam said:

Is this for real? Clinton is going in and out of consciousness, needing at least 2 body doubles, seemingly knocking on heavens door, and all they bleat on about is Donald having a spot of hayfever. MSM is not fit for purpose. When Donald wins he must reform the media. The extreme left slant is not funny any more.

Yeah, it's real, dude.

Trumpeters can dish it out but they can't take it.

Get used to taking it.

The orange monster is GOING DOWN. 

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9 minutes ago, Basil B said:

Sniffles ???


Maybe Sobbing... :passifier:

Yeah. Remember what Bill Maher has called that demagogic monster for months already -- WHINY LITTLE (b-word). 


Honestly, it wasn't the sniffles or water thing that sunk him in the debate. It was his general and extremely UN-presidential demeanor. Hillary got under his skin and he took the bait ... 

His facial expressions were terrible. He's mean and nasty and he has no toleration for criticism. He wasn't prepared for the debate for two reasons -- he didn't want to prepare and he is NOT capable. He has NO attention span -- that is well documented. He hasn't read a book in decades. The man that wrote "his" book confirms he's a horrible narcissistic person.


You don't want a NUTCASE like that with the nuclear codes. 


Yes, trump got creamed badly, but he is not yet eliminated. Hillary ought to go in now for the KILL.


I have an idea how they will do that. Just take images of his INSANE and NASTY facial expressions during this one debate and buy ads with that in the swing states. Done and dusted. Bye bye donald  ... from politics anyway. 

Edited by Jingthing
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3 hours ago, JDGRUEN said:

Sniffling ?  No!  Trump was just shedding a few tears for poor pitiful Hillary 


Trump is doing better with undecideds than even with Trump-leaners. He is actually winning. #DebateNight






Smoking the Good Stuff, huh

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6 hours ago, JDGRUEN said:

Sniffling ?  No!  Trump was just shedding a few tears for poor pitiful Hillary 


Trump is doing better with undecideds than even with Trump-leaners. He is actually winning. #DebateNight






Who won tonite's debate? In my focus group, 6 people said Trump and 16 said Clinton. #DebateNight




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7 minutes ago, Chicog said:

He might have snorted a line of coke before the debate. I mean I'm not saying he did, but I've heard a lot of people, lots of people have said it, believe me, believe me.

I don't know if it's true but you might want to google Sally Miller and coffee table.:rolleyes:Since you broached the topic of coke.  Fair is fair eh?

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