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Trump: Clinton's foreign policy plan would start WWIII


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Trump: Clinton's foreign policy plan would start WWIII


Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has said Hillary Clinton's foreign policy plan in Syria would trigger World War Three.


He said the US should focus on defeating the so-called Islamic State rather than convincing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to stand down. Mrs Clinton has been proposing a no-fly zone over Syria, which some say could lead to conflict with Russian jets.


The Clinton campaign accused Mr Trump of "playing to Americans' fears".


Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2016-37766786

-- © Copyright BBC 2016-10-26


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45 minutes ago, Pimay1 said:

Trump is absolutely right on this one. Even if I was a Clinton supporter I would be against the no fly zone. Shoot down one Russian plane and it would all start.


Only if you think HRC is expressing an honest opinion on that one. Considering many of Trump's supporters seem to think she's always lying.... There are no "no fly zones". and the US cannot enforce them anyway. Talk is cheap. Then again, if she's elected and does not push for them "no fly zones", I'm pretty sure it would be used to bash her as weak.


Trump's logic circuits somehow erased his apparent willingness to use nuclear weapons against IS, take control of ME oil resources and questioning of NATO's relevancy. All of which could be considered as potentially contributing to the very same thing attributed to HRC.

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9 minutes ago, Morch said:


Only if you think HRC is expressing an honest opinion on that one. Considering many of Trump's supporters seem to think she's always lying.... There are no "no fly zones". and the US cannot enforce them anyway. Talk is cheap. Then again, if she's elected and does not push for them "no fly zones", I'm pretty sure it would be used to bash her as weak.


Trump's logic circuits somehow erased his apparent willingness to use nuclear weapons against IS, take control of ME oil resources and questioning of NATO's relevancy. All of which could be considered as potentially contributing to the very same thing attributed to HRC.


Without doubt people will disagree, but I've come to the conclusion with all the tripe coming out of Trump's mouth he is a traitor to US interests and world stability.

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Considering Trump and his staff's statements with regards to nuclear weapons (why have them if you aren't going to use them!), on more countries having nukes, the fact that he wants Nato allies to kick in more, and the fact that he has offended large groups of people (mexicans, muslims, immigrants, woman, etc) world wide, and his child like responses and ego driven twitter wars... I think Trump being elected president would truly be a danger to start WWIII.  


This is yet another example of Trump projecting his own deficiencies onto others. The grab em by the snatch comments come out he quickly defers blame to Bill Clinton and even suggests Hillary is disloyal to him (completely made up). You point out his long history of racism and he calls you a racist. He criticizes companies for not buying American, and for hiring immigrants, and turns out he is one of the largest offenders. He complains that illegal immigrants aren't paying their fair share of taxes, and turns out many of them are paying more than he is.

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2 minutes ago, simple1 said:


Without doubt people will disagree, but I've come to the conclusion with all the tripe coming out of Trump's mouth he is a traitor to US interests and world stability.


Alright. Let me be the first who disagrees.

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I hve not seen anything where Hillary has advocated a unilateral no-fly zone. Common sense tells you (which is why Trump doesn't realize it) there is no way a no-fly zone would be imposed without agreement of the Russians. There is already in place there very tight cooperation between Russia and the US to be sure planes are not in the same area at the same time in order to avoid potential conflicts.  


Being involved in  4 way civil war is very complicated. I'm not sure Trump even realizes there are at least 4 factions fighting each other in Syria. 


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1 hour ago, Pimay1 said:

Trump is absolutely right on this one. Even if I was a Clinton supporter I would be against the no fly zone. Shoot down one Russian plane and it would all start.


I got to hand it to you, always wrong about everything. You're consistent, right down to your misogynistic signature. :smile:


This is three presidential elections in a row after which GOP insiders say they could have won if only they had nominated the right candidate. It's just get worse and worse and now we get the worstest yet. 


Two weeks before the end of life as you know it. 



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14 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

who knows what she's thinking…she has two positions on everything…..the most untrustworthy and dangerous individual around.


As opposed to Trump, giving one decisive statement one day, sorta pedaling back another, just to maybe reassert himself a week later.


I'd be weary of anyone trying to negotiate with Russia while practicing full transparency of opinion.

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1 hour ago, Morch said:


Alright. Let me be the first who disagrees.


I'm assuming one of the basis for your response is Trump's articulated view to keep all parties off balance regards his actual stance on foreign policy matters. Well and good until someone calls his bluff then loses all creditably. His apparently very loose commitment to long term allies and dalliance with revisionism on nuclear policy and other matters of national security, is in my opinion, extremely foolish.

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6 minutes ago, simple1 said:


I'm assuming one of the basis for your response is Trump's articulated view to keep all parties off balance regards his actual stance on foreign policy matters. Well and good until someone calls his bluff then loses all creditably. His apparently very loose commitment to long term allies and dalliance with revisionism on nuclear policy and other matters of national security, is in my opinion, extremely foolish.


Nope. Nothing halfway as articulate or contrived. I simply don't see Trump as having a coherent world view, hence no betrayal. And besides, he says a lot of things. I'm not sure he fully realizes what he says sometimes, more like a compulsion to opine. Doesn't mean I do not see him as potential threat to stability or to the US, but betrayal is too tall an order.

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1 hour ago, Pimay1 said:

Trump is absolutely right on this one. Even if I was a Clinton supporter I would be against the no fly zone. Shoot down one Russian plane and it would all start.

Russia did not go to war with Turkey...


Needs somebody to stand up to Putin instead of brown nosing him.

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One of the advantages of an experienced politician is that these politicians understand the basics of US nuclear policy, such as why it is the policy of the US to prevent to spread of nuclear weapons.  A child can understand that, but apparently Donald Trump doesn't.


Clearly Donald Trump didn't understand this when he publicly stated that maybe Japan, South Korea, and Saudi Arabia (source of 15 of the 19 9-11 hijackers) should acquire nuclear weapons.  In case nobody has explained to Donald Trump why this is a bad idea, here's a simple explanation than even a child can understand:  If our allies acquire nuclear weapons, then the enemies of our allies will acquire nuclear weapons, and they will spread all over the world.  Eventually, through incompetence or malice, one of these nations with nuclear weapons will provide them to a terrorist group, and that group will smuggle that weapon into Trump's home of New York City--the greatest target in the world.


Will someone please pass this explanation on to Donald Trump.  It might help if they added a clear argument of self-interest, after the bomb goes off in NYC, Trump's properties there, the basis of most of his wealth, will be worthless.


I have many reasons to vote against Donald Trump, but his dangerous ignorance of nuclear weapons and US nuclear policy is at the top of the list. 


For those who think that the risk of nuclear war went away with the end of the cold war--you are very wrong.  The risk of a nuclear war involving thousands of warheads has greatly declined, but the risk of a rogue nation or terrorist group using a nuclear weapon has increased.  In our globally interconnected, technology dependent world, the consequences of a single above ground nuclear blast in the wrong place will be devastating all over the world.


If you want an interesting sphincter puckering read, google the phrase "starfish nuclear test".  Keep in mind that the power lines that caught fire hundreds of miles from the test were thousands of times more rugged than the microelectronics we depend on in our daily life.




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8 minutes ago, Morch said:


Nope. Nothing halfway as articulate or contrived. I simply don't see Trump as having a coherent world view, hence no betrayal. And besides, he says a lot of things. I'm not sure he fully realizes what he says sometimes, more like a compulsion to opine. Doesn't mean I do not see him as potential threat to stability or to the US, but betrayal is too tall an order.


OK my use of the word 'traitor' is strong in connotation. There again if he gains power & leads the US into unnecessary conflict and destabilisation, in my POV his has violated the trust placed in in him - betrayal.

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19 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Clearly Donald Trump didn't understand this when he publicly stated that maybe Japan, South Korea, and Saudi Arabia (source of 15 of the 19 9-11 hijackers) should acquire nuclear weapons. 


But he never said that! I heard him say so! It must be true!  Wibble Wibble!

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3 hours ago, Pimay1 said:

Trump is absolutely right on this one. Even if I was a Clinton supporter I would be against the no fly zone. Shoot down one Russian plane and it would all start.

Nothing happened to Turkey...and now they re Butt brothers

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3 hours ago, Pimay1 said:

Trump is absolutely right on this one. Even if I was a Clinton supporter I would be against the no fly zone. Shoot down one Russian plane and it would all start.


I agree. I'm totally a Hillary supporter, I've already cast my vote and think she'll be a good president. However, the no-fly zone is not a good idea. Putin is not stupid, and he's not Hitler, and he doesn't want a general war any more than anyone else does, and letting him have his share of influence in Syria doesn't amount to a Munich-level capitulation. I think something can be worked out, and I hope I'm not proven wrong ... 

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3 hours ago, Morch said:


Alright. Let me be the first who disagrees.

Let me be the second.....HRC will be like all other female national leaders and try and take her country to war, it doesn't matter to her, her husband is too old and she only has a daughter......to hell with anyone else!

I may not like Trump, at least he's straight up with his lunacy but Hilary, how could America even contemplate that evil mealy mouthed back stabbing incompetent post menopausal shemale!!! :post-4641-1156693976::sad::wai: 

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Well first of all the decisions about Syria are not all about what the USA does or does not want to do.  There are several countries involved with the Syria crisis and decisions would very much depend on agreement with them.  It is important to recognise that the situation in Syria is very complicated and the main focus must be protecting the innocent men, women and children that are being killed every day.  IS are being defeated in Syria but there is no silver bullet as far as that is concerned.


Trumps comments just confirm that he has absolutely no idea of the reality of how things work and that makes him a very dangerous liability indeed.

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41 minutes ago, TPI said:

Let me be the second.....HRC will be like all other female national leaders and try and take her country to war


Can you list all the other female national leaders then.

You know, the ones that tried to take their countries to war.



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