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Trump attacks 'harassment' of Mike Pence at Hamilton musical


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If I went to watch a play and the actors decided to talk politics after the show, I'd want my money back. They are there to entertain, I don't need the opinion of someone who dresses up for a living.

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Brigadoon for you then!
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42 minutes ago, tonray said:

Isn't a regime until he actually takes the oath of office and gets to work. You have convicted him before the actual commission of any wrongs 


He only has one concern: Gay Rights. You'd think he wouldn't care as he spends all his time posting on a forum IN Thailand.

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6 hours ago, AlexRich said:


Mmm. I didn't call you an idiot ... did I? I didn't say that I was intellectually superior ... did I? I didn't have to, you're nonsense above says it all.


Stick to being the imaginary tough guy, and leave the debating to people who's skin is a bit thicker than your own.




Thanks for the confirmation that you are indeed incapable of any sensible debate.

your reliance on making slurs, sarcasm  and malice the main components of your posts show any sensible poster where you are coming from.


As for me being an  "imaginary tough guy", well that's your distorted perspective.


I just dont like people calling me an "idiot" by proxy, you hid behind your sarcasm and unlike most on here I gave you the opportunity to tell me to my face .

If that is me being a tough guy then OK I admit it.

On the other side of the equation you didnt want to tell me to my face that I am an idiot, what does that make you ?


let me give you some advice that may well save your skin in any  future event of you making silly and flaming comments like calling people idiots.  just keep these types of comments hidden behind the anonymity and secrecy  of your  keyboard!

Maybe a good VPN would help as well!


I will now stop  from feeding the Troll! 


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13 hours ago, tifino said:



just a 'Staged' protest, by Dial-a-Protester crowd



As in all the cast of the show and all the audience?  In future I think Trump and Pence should stick to attending redneck events and KKK meetings where they will get a warm welcome.

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Hate to think what reception Donald would have had had he been there in person...


He is in for a big shock, he can not make everybody like him.


Not even in office yet, and probably going to be by far the most hated POTUS in the history of the USA.



Edited by Basil B
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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I was in the audience at a concert when one of the singers had a political rant about something. I was really PO about that. I went to enjoy myself, not pay to be given political speeches.

And that is the same as a statement after the show?

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Hate to think what reception Donald would have had had he been there in person...
He is in for a big shock, he can not make everybody like him.
Not even in office yet, and probably going to be by far the most hated POTUS in the history of the USA.

Yes and he's already the most unpopular president elect in the history of that measurement. The majority that voted for him thought him unfit to be president but voted for him anyway. Nihilism. Let's commit national suicide. Sounds like fun yeah?
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1 hour ago, dunroaming said:


As in all the cast of the show and all the audience?  In future I think Trump and Pence should stick to attending redneck events and KKK meetings where they will get a warm welcome.


I wasn't aware that New York's 21 Club was a redneck or KKK hangout.

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Laughable....who cares what a bunch of gay(or straight) fruitcakes think? We can xpect this sort of stupid behaviour for the next 4 years now....if i was pence or trump i wouldnt even have acknowledged them. 


Cnn is saying that trump is trying to stifle artistic expression....such lapdogs...tge donald is as entitled to speak his mind as the fruitloops are. 

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15 hours ago, SheungWan said:

It was certainly bad manners.


Oh, really?  Pence doesn't seem to think so (see attached).  


This whole thing was just a smokescreen/sideshow put up by Trump to keep the focus off the fact that he basically admitted to defrauding people with Trump University (by his payment of 25 million to make the lawsuit go away), and his recent unconstitutional business activities with foreign diplomats.

Screenshot 2016-11-19 18.34.17.png

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Culture wars!



Trump and Pence vs. ‘Hamilton’ cast: A collision of two Americas

The remarkable moment crystallized the cleavage wrought by a toxic presidential campaign, in which millions of aggrieved white Americans propelled Donald Trump and Pence to the White House and left millions of others — blacks and Latinos, gays and lesbians, Muslims and Jews — fearful of what might become of their country.

“I don’t think Trump understands that beneath the surface of his electoral college victory, there’s a lot of people who simply are not willing to accept the rhetoric of his campaign as the language of government,” veteran Democratic strategist Tad Devine said.




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I don't follow your logic?
Why has trump the presidential clown now tweeted multiple times with such incredible STUPIDITY and DIVISIVENESS about Hamilton. He's not even TRYING to unite the people that he has freaked out so massively. Instead those moronic dictatorial tweets and then the horrible extremist far right wing picks plus Bannon who is an alt-right class of horrors for himself. 


It's the same pathetic pattern of the campaign. trump says crazy, hostile things that would normally kill any candidacy in any normal time, and Pence plays cleanup man. So who's president? 

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15 minutes ago, Saastrajaa said:


Oh, really?  Pence doesn't seem to think so (see attached).  


This whole thing was just a smokescreen/sideshow put up by Trump to keep the focus off the fact that he basically admitted to defrauding people with Trump University (by his payment of 25 million to make the lawsuit go away), and his recent unconstitutional business activities with foreign diplomats.

Screenshot 2016-11-19 18.34.17.png

Well it would appear that all the lefties reacted in the expected Pavlovian way, so I guess Trump knows his audience. Certainly worked, didn't it :cheesy:.

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The hashtag of the moment:




Worth looking at for some laughs!


Some samples --


Little Shop of Homophobia


My Fair Lady Should Not Have Right to Abortion


Anything Goes - except homosexuality, science, a woman's right to choose, marriage equality & the Constitution


I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change Your Sexual Orientation.


There's A Tranny, Get Your Gun


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26 minutes ago, Saastrajaa said:


Oh, really?  Pence doesn't seem to think so (see attached).  


This whole thing was just a smokescreen/sideshow put up by Trump to keep the focus off the fact that he basically admitted to defrauding people with Trump University (by his payment of 25 million to make the lawsuit go away), and his recent unconstitutional business activities with foreign diplomats.

Screenshot 2016-11-19 18.34.17.png


There are a number of ways to respond to a display of bad manners. This was one of them.

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2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Yes and he's already the most unpopular president elect in the history of that measurement. The majority that voted for him thought him unfit to be president but voted for him anyway. Nihilism. Let's commit national suicide. Sounds like fun yeah?


Pity we can not start a pole in this section, listing all 45 presidents, "Who do you hate the most ?"

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It seems Trump's gone off on one at Alec Baldwin and SNL again, complaining about "equal time".

As far as I know, there's only one President elect.

He really is quite the dimwit.



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44 minutes ago, Chicog said:

It seems Trump's gone off on one at Alec Baldwin and SNL again, complaining about "equal time".



I find Baldwin's politics downright silly, however he is an excellent actor and does a great job playing Donald Trump. As long as SNL is funny, I say leave them alone.

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To D. Trump - now POTUS elect - VP Mike Pence is an extension of himself - as well as his mobile phone.

Much ado about nothing - indeed - but it's a case of lese D Trump majesty.


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