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Govt approves 10 year visas for foreigners over 50 

Jonathan Fairfield

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1 minute ago, Andrew65 said:

$10,000 a year ain't that much for health insurance, even in Thailand. I have a few old friends who have had 1 million Baht + medical bills in recent years.


It specifically mentions people who are older and medical tourism. However how is a guy laid up in the hospital supposed to show 100,000 a month salary? Must just be the wording I assume they mean income of any kind. Otherwise the 3 mil makes sense not to be touched as a guarantee of payment should the insurance not cover it.

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3 minutes ago, wpcoe said:


That's only one barrier.  As mentioned by others, excluding all pre-existing conditions makes a policy for an older person somewhat worthless, and many (most?) insurers here won't even issue new policies to folks over 70.


It is the chicken and the egg it is that way because of cost. Well okay it is also risk. It costs a lot because of the risk.


I love you Dick I would allow you and your soi dogs permission to stay forever. Let me make a few calls and see what I can do.

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19 minutes ago, tj916 said:


Thats a lot of trips David if your taking out 3 million baht.

Don't forget all major airports have dogs trained to sniff out drugs, explosives and money/currency.

You try telling the friendly Customs officer that the £70,000 that you have strapped to your waist was 'just for your Thai retirement visa'

Best of luck.???




was not referring to 3 million , only telling you the options , knowing for my E.U only 10000 €  can be not declared pass , but as many you like with  liquid assets declaration form http://fiscus.fgov.be/interfdanl/downloads/2014-02-26-decl-cash-nl.pdf

As long you have proof where the money came from , no problem , for the allowed free amount even is good to have ATM or bank slips , sniffer dogs .... I had them when leaving Schiphol to Thailand once... no problem as documentation to show with me  .

BTW , when i reach75 later i go live back Europe official but part time Thailand , I shall take out the free amount of Thailand every flight ...

Also it is by person , so if you have travel companon or wife ....you can double it

Most important is your planning and documents traceable for them ...

Also Thai ATM cards works in Europe to witdraw....same as my E.U.prepaid card I can load with my Thai bank at 5000€ limit each time and that card can witdraw to my E.U.bank ....so unless Thailand block  account , money can get out Thailand by the backdoor ,even legal  


Edited by david555
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1 minute ago, david555 said:

was not referring to 3 million , only telling you the options , knowing for my E.U only 10000 €  can be not declared pass , but as many you like with  liquid assets declaration form http://fiscus.fgov.be/interfdanl/downloads/2014-02-26-decl-cash-nl.pdf

As long you have proof where the money came from , no problem , for the allowed free amount even is good to have ATM or bank slips , sniffer dogs .... I had them when leaving Schiphol to Thailand once... no problem as documentation to show with me  .

BTW , when i reach75 later i go live back Europe official but part time Thailand , I shall take out the free amount of Thailand every flight ...

Also it is by person , so if you have travel companon or wife ....you can double it

Most important is your planning and documents traceable for them ...



Buy some bitcoins and call it a day.

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2 minutes ago, anotheruser said:


It is the chicken and the egg it is that way because of cost. 


I love you Dick I would allow you and your soi dogs permission to stay forever. Let me make a few calls and see what I can do.



Much appreciated, but I hope the general point is clear - too many base their views on who should and should not be allowed easy 'visas' on their own personal circumstances.....

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45 minutes ago, tukkytuktuk said:

Report every 90 days for the rest of your natural life. Sickening.


Cannot agree with this, sorry.

We are guests in a foreign country.

I f you have nothing to hide it is not a great problem. Take a book, be polite and everything is usually OK.

Yeah yeah, I know it's a pain. But have you ever been stuck on the M6 in rush hour on a Friday night??

That is a pain???

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1 minute ago, dick dasterdly said:



Much appreciated, but I hope the general point is clear - too many base their views on who should and should not be allowed easy 'visas' on their own personal circumstances.....


Well most countries the world over base their visas upon being able to meet certain economic criteria. Thailand is moving closer to this and why shouldn't it?  


Visas only really exist ever to protect the haves from the have nots. There is no other reason to explain why we are all humans on one planet with arbitrary borders. They only serve to protect the wealthy, create nationalism... I will stop you get the idea.

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I have come to the conclusion that TVF has cocked it up again to promote clik bait.The Thai version explains it all.After reading all that i will have a rest from TVF for a while.When it suits them a correction will come out and there will be another talkfest.And they rekon Thai's gossip!!

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1 hour ago, dick dasterdly said:

Weirdly, some of us can live without cars/big bikes/bar life and whooping it up :smile:.


But you think we should be kicked out because we don't live that 'lifestyle'.....


I dont think anyone should be.. and I dont think they will be.. But I think your a fool if you dont have solid backup plans and make non liquid investments when on a 1 year visa..


My response was to those who said I should enjoy being ripped off because I dont wish to live on a budget thats down under 100k.. Hell when I lived on Phuket my villa alone cost almost 100k just for rent and services, before any of lifes costs.. My average life spends down there was well into the 200k a month range. Still without being 'ripped off'..



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M6 in rush hour any night is a pain .. especially when its cold, dark, and pissing down. Glad I don't do that any more.

I'll take the 90 day reporting thank you .. and the visa cost. Whichever one I end up going for.

My corner of the sandpit is ok as a half way house, but it's not Thailand .. can't wait to get there full time ..

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24 minutes ago, Falcon said:

My opinion on this one is very simple, why would a person over 50 have more visa benefits than those of us married to Thai's, some of us married for many years already??


it would be far better to give the spouse of a Thai a 10 year visa than a retiree with no connection to Thailand other than wanting to stay here.

My opinion is you are forced to stay here whether you like it or not.I truly want to live here because i love it,no other reason.

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52 minutes ago, bubba1 said:

this is a really good chance to purge Thailand of the undesirables. 

Just wish they would have added mandatory HIV testing as well as part of the visa requirements. 


You have not been trolling long have you Tubba.

Are you fat by any chance?

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7 minutes ago, louse1953 said:

I have come to the conclusion that TVF has cocked it up again to promote clik bait.The Thai version explains it all.After reading all that i will have a rest from TVF for a while.When it suits them a correction will come out and there will be another talkfest.And they rekon Thai's gossip!!


You don't come to TV these days to expect factual information. You come here to gawk at the train wreck that follows these sort of posts. You know you shouldn't look at it yet you do anyway. You go elsewhere for real news and come here just to laugh at all of the misguided over the top reactions. 


People have asked TV for further clarification. From who? No real newspaper will touch them with a ten foot pole and the government won't deal with them. This is a forum not the AP. It is tabloid news dished up for public consumption and entertainment nothing more. That is the bread and butter. 


If that's not your thing there are more credible news sources. Did anybody ever win the prize for the latest survey? lol 

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33 minutes ago, Falcon said:

My opinion on this one is very simple, why would a person over 50 have more visa benefits than those of us married to Thai's, some of us married for many years already??


it would be far better to give the spouse of a Thai a 10 year visa than a retiree with no connection to Thailand other than wanting to stay here.

There seem to be remarkably few fringe-benefits to being married to a Thai, especially in this regard.


Secondly, why should people who choose to be single be made to feel like 2nd -class citizens?

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Just now, Andrew65 said:

There seem to be remarkably few fringe-benefits to being married to a Thai, especially in this regard.


Secondly, why should people who choose to be single be made to feel like 2nd -class citizens?


The logical conclusion being (also as applies to a previous post about why should families matter) that it is perceived that someone married to a local and possibly raising kids deserves the right and feels a greater connection to the country.. Than a single person without attachments.

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Just now, LivinLOS said:


The logical conclusion being (also as applies to a previous post about why should families matter) that it is perceived that someone married to a local and possibly raising kids deserves the right and feels a greater connection to the country.. Than a single person without attachments.


The moral of the story is that marriage is tolerated with foreigners more than encouraged. I am sure the people in Isaan are over joyed at their daughter moving in with some 70 year old dude in Little Switzerland AKA Buriram. 


You have to consider the guy normally builds a house. Why would they want to hand out any additional rights? It is all economics and it doesn't make sense to allow any concessions or any option for that person to be able to lead a life of their own if they divorce. 


So while some people feel marriage should lead to enhanced rights to live here in reality quite the opposite is the case. What economic incentive does Thailand have to dole out human rights?

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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

The vast majority of U.S. people on social security get much less than 100k monthly. 50k is closer to the average.


If this is your situation, it ain't mine.  I'm not an American and not on social security, so what is your point in posting this little titbit? :wai:

Edited by Si Thea01
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4 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:


If this is your situation, it ain't mine.  I'm not an American and not on social security, so what is your point in posting this little titbit? :wai:

"The maximum monthly Social Security benefit payment for a person retiring in 2016 at full retirement age is $2,639. However, the maximum allowable benefit amount is only payable to those who had the maximum taxable earnings for at least 35 working years."


So the maximum social security benefit is still not 100K a month. 

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1 minute ago, anotheruser said:


The moral of the story is that marriage is tolerated with foreigners more than encouraged. I am sure the people in Isaan are over joyed at their daughter moving in with some 70 year old dude in Little Switzerland AKA Buriram. 


You have to consider the guy normally builds a house. Why would they want to hand out any additional rights? It is all economics and it doesn't make sense to allow any concessions or any option for that person to be able to lead a life of their own if they divorce. 


So while some people feel marriage should lead to enhanced rights to live here in reality quite the opposite is the case. What economic incentive does Thailand have to dole out human rights?

Marrying here is indeed a very risky business. Having said that I've known a few 10 year+ marriages, still ongoing, but have heard of many more horror stories.


Secondly, not all married guys with kids are exactly model parents/citizens. I have often thought of Thailand as one of the best places to be single, and the hardest place to be/stay married.


With regard to being single, I think it's one of the few things left in the ultra-liberal West, that one can legally face discrimination for.





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55 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

And also people that you would assume aren't rich - but are actually incredibly wealthy!

Agreed smart people don't flaunt wealth especially somewhere that life is so cheap. I once met a guy in Bangkok who insisted on telling everyone we met he was a millionaire upon first meeting them I haven't seen him for a while I sometimes wonder if he made his backpacking trip around Myanmar Laos and Cambodia.

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