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First of ‘seven New Year dangerous days’ see 42 killed in road accidents


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1 hour ago, ChrisY1 said:

Doesn't matter a fig what people think of the carnage on the roads.....anytime of the year...the important issue right now is that the general has been named "man of the year"! The MiB rules!

What wrong with him being

''man of the year '' I think he is going ok not like the last lot in power.

you think he can fix thailand over night, no way would need 20 years to fix up thailand after all the last lot did ???? All .

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9 hours ago, Pdaz said:

Here we go again.... Roll up, roll up. Mass carnage imminent. Apart from making every driver in the country attend mandatory re-training and then re-take a real international standard driving test

( And fail those who are useless) little is ever going to stop this death toll.


Also must see serious punishment meted out for breaking the law. Current fines should go up by 10x.


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7 hours ago, puukao said:

If this doesn't affect you, you can laugh and make fun of others dying.


But if this affected yourself, you would be outraged that someone made fun of your friend being dead on the road.


ok, back to meditation...  

Not while you are driving hopefully

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6 hours ago, mikebell said:

The key is law enforcement.  Watch the police sit around laughing their way to the bank with fat overtime payments.  Until they get serious about dealing harshly with drunks/red-light runners/speeders, the carnage will continue.

wrong , its education , starting with the youngest . the present generations are to stupid to learn , hence the ongoing carnage .  you can lead a horse to water , but you carnt make it drink . 

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6 hours ago, sirmud63 said:

wrong , its education , starting with the youngest . the present generations are to stupid to learn , hence the ongoing carnage .  you can lead a horse to water , but you carnt make it drink . 


Yes education from a very young age would solve many of Thailand's issues.

By installing simple messages into the young you are also by default passing the same messages to their family. As a kid I remember many safety and community campaigns at school. Usually starting with a short film, followed by projects, poster making, school visits etc. "keep Britain tidy" Road safety -The Green cross code" amongst others. All these concepts were subliminally brought home by the kids and passed to their family. "Teacher says not to drop litter Dad" 

Early education about motorbike and car safety along with installing the idea of following rules of the road and wearing helmets would save hundreds of lives.

If the royal family could involve themself in a road safety campaign the response would be enormous as their imput is heeded by the entire population.

The situation we have know is that many people purchase a car at 30 yrs old having hardly ever travelled in one previously. They may attend some poor basic training or just go and "buy" a licence and gradually teach themselves. But they just aren't ready or experienced enough to be let loose on busy public streets. We've all seen the terrified looking female drivers ( and men too sometimes) navigating their car at a painfully slow speed, unaware that they are in the wrong lane, still indicating or trying with great difficulty to park correctly.


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Jesus H Christ !

I drove out yesterday, and it was like somebody had transposed some kind of crazy PS game into reality.

In just 30 Minutes, I had to stand the car on its nose to prevent an accident ( IMO - and I am a confident driver).

This lunacy seems to get worse Y on Y., or am I becoming more aware / scared as I get older ?

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14 hours ago, Happyman58 said:

Went driving to day. OMG  This is what i encountered from Thai drivers

1 Speeding

2 Cars half way across the road and stopped  when doing u turn

3 No helmits on bikes

4 4 people on a bike

5 No indication when turning

6 Pulling out in front of you and not looking when coming from side parking

7 coming up wrong side of road with bikes and also cars

8 in wrong lane but still turning same corner as you therefore cutting you off

9 running red lights

10 tailgating

11 taking right away off you

Are any of these bookable offences LOL  I only went driving for an hour  Have i missed anything they do else?



Sounds like a normal day out there on the roads to me.

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This headline should read "365 days of danger"


Thailand's roads stand to be the second most dangerious in the world.

This is down to poor driving standards, poor enforcement of the law, and peoples attitudes when driving their vehicles, and blatent disregard for the rules on the highway. 


If the country wants to be perceived as serious about saving lives, then aforementioned should be considered.

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11 minutes ago, robertthebruce said:

I have given up driving here in Thailand...


Too stressful....

Yes I feel the same when I am driving around thailand , just very dangerous, back home in Australia now and I just feel a lot safer driving here and I know if I have  a accident I not have the bad problems with the cash payment to some one , just leave it to my insurance.

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15 hours ago, PJPom said:

Wait till it goes dark then add no rear light on scooter, no thought of dipping headlights, also no change to any of the points you noted. Stay safe everyone.


How about red lights on the FRONT of the scooter and no lights or reflector on the rear!!


I'm told that this is to fool the ghosts!  Words fail me!


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29 minutes ago, doctormann said:


How about red lights on the FRONT of the scooter and no lights or reflector on the rear!!


I'm told that this is to fool the ghosts!  Words fail me!


Never hard that before just ask the gf she not heard about it as well .

but I believe you that go's to shows how stupid some people can be .

Edited by georgemandm
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No surprises eh? Yesterday I went along the ring road not far from where I live and I saw a 'mixed concrete' truck having a race with a tour bus...least that's what it looked like. Both went across the red light at the intersection. I'll have to buy a dashboard camera...

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11 minutes ago, Langsuan Man said:

Since the New Thai Visa is big on pop up ads, why can't we have a pop up that would instantly update us on the totals in real time 


You could put it up on the top next to the time and date and would save us all this clicking around to find the latest  score 




What pop ups ?



thmbs up.jpg

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13 hours ago, georgemandm said:

You did miss over-taking on the wrong side of the road and making you get out of their way by  flashing their lights at you .

This one takes the cake, and amazes me to no end. Thai drivers are so ignorant that they actually think they own both sides of the road.

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42 * 365 = 15695
That's not much different from the admitted total number of deaths per year.
My idea: lot of traffic but mostly jam packed, moving slowly, close to zero chances for crazy overtaking.
"Admitted": Thailand only counts those as road fatalities who die on the spot (not rushed to hospital).
International standard seems to be that every person who dies within 30 days from the causes of the accident is counted.
That's why other statistics show about 24000 deaths per year.

I concur...traffic is so slow on the major highways that fatal crashes are rare. Lots of fender benders though (often see 5+ cars involved)

Now I am hoping that maybe you could answer a question that I repeat a lot, but that no one has ever answered: Where is the information that Thailand only reports death at the scene? I used to tell my family and friends the same thing and then my mother said "That's ridiculous...show me a link". So I searched and besides forum members (99% TV links) making the statement, I can't seem to find a credible source. So do you know for a fact that it's true or are you repeating what you heard on TV? :unsure:
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What really strikes me about driving in Thailand is not the recklessness and lack of good sense (though that is plentiful), but it's the lack of basic skills of controlling a motor vehicle!


Seriously, watch a Thai trying to get out of a parking space, or leave a parking lot or garage, or even just enter a driveway.  Most Thai drivers can do one thing, and one thing only effectively with a car: drive at high speed on a straightaway.  Throw in any required nuances in speed, maneuvering, etc., and to the casual observer, it appears a 7-year old (or a 97 year old) is behind the wheel.

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Well  2016  is  ending  much  like 2015  did.    It  is  sad  but  true,

  Nothing will change  in the  next  10 to 15 years,  and  that is  if

the present  or  next  Government  get  serious  about the  rules  of

the  road  and  the  enforcement  of  those  rules.

  I  can  only  hope  that  people  will settle down  a bit  after



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1 hour ago, SABloke said:


I concur...traffic is so slow on the major highways that fatal crashes are rare. Lots of fender benders though (often see 5+ cars involved)

Now I am hoping that maybe you could answer a question that I repeat a lot, but that no one has ever answered: Where is the information that Thailand only reports death at the scene? I used to tell my family and friends the same thing and then my mother said "That's ridiculous...show me a link". So I searched and besides forum members (99% TV links) making the statement, I can't seem to find a credible source. So do you know for a fact that it's true or are you repeating what you heard on TV? :unsure:




4th paragraph.

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2 hours ago, ocddave said:

This one takes the cake, and amazes me to no end. Thai drivers are so ignorant that they actually think they own both sides of the road.

Yes very true I am home now Australia so now have to put up with thai bs driving till I go back to thailand in 6 months with my  mrs 

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Children as young as 7 years old a plenty riding mopeds in town and major roads without crash helmets with the police turning a blind eye  as they ride pass the poster that says Crash Helmets 100%  .  Pickups and lorries filled with unsecured passengers . Overladen commercial vehicles which damage the roads and jeopardise the safety of motorcyclists . 

We have all seen the stupidity of driving standards and inconsiderate behavior of Thai drivers . Its not going to change any time soon so you just have to take off your western hat and accept that what you see is the norm . Never assume a Thai drivers next move even if they are giving an indicator signal .  Be careful out there . 

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I'm so glad that this year (for the first time in 10 years)  I was able to find a train ticket! I've even traveled in one of the two new sleeping coaches recently bought by Thai railways: modern, super clean and comfortable. Even better (and cheaper) than the airplane!

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15 hours ago, robertthebruce said:

I have given up driving here in Thailand...


Too stressful....

yep , me too . but it can work both ways . like the other night i picked up a really cute thai chick and she asked if she could drive me back to her place . i said cool ,things were looking up until she did a perfect reverse park in the garrage and i thorght ,haaang on a minute.:shock1:

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