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Casualties up on last year after 2 days


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Many years ago I was impressed to hear that a large percentage of RTCs take place near to home,  I have just checked this online and fund a UK survey that supports this idea.  My interpretation of their figures is that 63% of crashes take place less than 5 miles (8kms) from home.


I know that we do not live in the UK but the associated ideas also make sense in Thailand. For instance:  "Our research suggests that many drivers appear to be in a comfort zone when driving close to home on familiar roads, hence why such a large proportion of accidents occur there,".  How many times in Thailand have we all heard:  "I do not need helmet, seat belts, lights etc.....it's not far".


The surveyor also made a relevant comment:  "It's so important to keep a full level of concentration when driving, whether you're just popping to the shops or starting or ending a longer journey. These results emphasise this even more." 


As always the good minister's comments do not fail my expectations.



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6 hours ago, baboon said:

"The annual placing of tents by the side of the road staffed by middle aged ladies, there only to collect overtime payments, does nothing to reduce the carnage."


We have that outside our Moo Baan. What are they supposedly there to do?

They are there to sober you up with coffee, water and food if you like.

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9 hours ago, onemorechang said:

I can never tell the difference between a drunk Driver/Rider in Thailand

or a sober Driver/ Rider in Thailand.

They drive and ride exactly the same. ( crazy and  selfish )

Same same but same. :stoner:


In my opinion, the first Thai motorist, who can drive is still not born.

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The semi-annual carnage. It reminds me of the news the day after Bonfire Night in UK in the 60s…..60,000 burnt kids and the like. Eventually sense prevailed and communities did something about it….communal bonfires and fireworks displays.

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They should have learned from Einstein who said 'Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is insanity' They should make a few hours at the local hospital's emergency dept. compulsory for all drivers wishing to get a drivers licence. Maybe if they see the carnage first hand it may instill into their minds and hopefully change their attitudes.

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Where I come from you actually see Police and they actively seek out law breakers.  It is horrible to see the carnage on the roads but it will continue.


Find the Article: SELF DRIVING CARS WILL SAVE TOO MANY LIVES (meaning there will be too many people on the planet)  Food for thought!

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The only statistic that I know off hand for Thailand is that there are, according to WHO, 28 000 road deaths a year, meaning 78 per day more or less.

Some of us may cynically assume that the figures thrown around every year are there to prove that the Road Safety committees are doing their jobs. Or a job.

Oh well, see you again at Song Kran guys, great job.

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My brother in law showed up for dinner at my house on Christmas Eve, music on max in his pickup. Drunk, shouting instead of talking. His kid in the pickup too. Not the first time either. Or second. My wife, of course, refuses to say anything to him. Totally ruined my Christmas dinner.


He's a policeman.

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8 hours ago, The man from udon said:

Come on udon,come on udon..they are proper lunatics up here.we drove passed the scene where 4 people died the night before.glad to park up and close my gate by 8.my wife was saying just get home teerak,not good to be driving tonight.the carnage will continue for another generation or 2.

Tell me about it. I lived in Udon for years, drive an Udon registered pickup but now we live outside Pattaya. Down there, I drive like a bolshy Isaan hoon and most take one look at the rego plates and defer to my arrogant, country bumpkin right of way. I am up here for the holidays and back among these manic bloody eedjits. They have gotten worse! They do NOT give way or back down, pull out to overtake in the face of oncoming traffic and manage to force their way into the smallest of gaps between speeding vehicles. This is absolutely no country for old chickens!

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10 hours ago, robertthebruce said:

As someone mentioned this has been done to death on this Forum.


but actually have you ever heard Thais moaning or speaking in disgust about Driving Tragedys...., Deaths, Careless Driving ??? I Ain't ........


this wont change in our Life Time for sure...


its only us Farangs that are  In Shock and in total disbelief...


Be safe for 2017....



Yes exactly and a life is very cheap here and not just this time if year, but everyday one takes a chance on the roads.
The road blocks well I do not see any proactive action at all.
It is not just drink, but driving under drugs, speeding, tailgating  and a complete disrespect to other road drivers.
Try to be safe out there and not just on the roads, people are getting more and more inconsiderate to each other, but that too is nothing new.
Safe 2017/2560 to you all and such a needless loss of lives.


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On 1/1/2017 at 7:38 AM, PETERTHEEATER said:

It's been beaten to death on this fourum but, until a proper continous driving safety campaign is instituted with daily presentations on Thai TV channels in prime time driving traits will not improve. The snap traffic blocks during holiday times are little more than extended rhetoric.


I applaud the use of roadside breathalyser checks but with paltry fines and allowing the perp to drive off with a paid ticket is nonsense.


Sawadee Pee Mai na Khrap, drive defensively for others as well as yourself.


Question is....if the Thai government did orchestrate a long term nationwide educational blitz and truly enforced the law, would the importance of the matter really sink into the brains of the Thai public.

Continuous and Diligent enforcement of the relevant laws does make a significant difference but just how effective would the educational awareness aspect be in persuading the Thai public ( men far more so than women ) to refrain from driving while drunk.

Where I come from they have been cracking down on drunk driving now for 40 years and it has an effect ...but still there are large numbers of young adults ( mostly ) and older adults driving about while inebriated at any given time , but mostly the evening time and all the more so on the weekends that still get drunk and drive their motor vehicles (but not so many motorcycles though ) while drunk.

What seems to have the most effect is when each individual does finally get apprehended for drunk driving and automatically has their drivers licence revoked for 2 to 5 years and an automatic fine of $ 5000 dollars or more depending on just how drunk you were when apprehended and for the record ...

The stark reality of the situation is such that all your friends and family members and co workers sooner or later hear about your self inflicted problem....and THAT is what really sinks in finally as now the law more or less effects them in any number of ways, directly or indirectly and continually reminds everyone of the ramifications. 

So, in effect, word of mouth and real experiences of other people are a far more effective form of spreading the word and enforcing the law. 

You now can not drive without a licence and now a big daily headache getting around and especially back and forth to work and other aspects of your life that requires a motor vehicle so that becomes a major inconvenience for you and in effect for others in your life that have to now accommodate you and YOUR  <deleted> UP...... while you go down on record as a criminal. 

The law pertaining to driving without a licence is also strictly enforced and if caught driving without a licence then you are simply digging your hole deeper for yourself and if you do get caught driving without a licence and driving drunk, once again, then ...big problem and off to jail you go for 6 months to 2 years...while you can run but you can not hide ..so to speak.

If you do not pay the levied fine of $ 5000 dollars or more, as required and enforced then they will make you pay by way of garnishing your wages or your property or forced to sell your car or ..you do jail time eventually, while the courts are not lenient at all on this particular matter.

End result is, there is this acute awareness amongst the public that drinking and driving is now considered a big social NO, NO .....while everyone knows other people have no sympathy for you and your self inflicted problem with the law and will not listen to your grievances or your wimpy, whingey, whining complaints about "Your" self inflicted demise...when you do get caught out...finally ..while most people will laugh in your face at your more than serious legal predicament as everyone has been well forewarned for 40 years now.

But still there are a notable number of people, mainly youths that take a big chance and literally "skulk" around while trying to avoid and evade the police while they continue to break those particular laws while they continue to flaunt those laws...until they get caught out...... and no leniency for them also...lol


But this is Thailand, so I already know what will happen.......more or less



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14 hours ago, Banana7 said:

When will the  authorities  get serious about reducing vehicle accidents and enforcing the law


When Thailand is officially the no1 hub of deadly roadaccidents, and the whole world knows it.  Maybe then they will install a real policeforce and try to get the numbers down.


Without police it will never ever happen so in that case it's best if they become no1 this year, maybe they will finally see they have to do something to stop it.

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How many countries have such a mass % of its population travel so far in 7 days?  Combine that with the different regions driving styles as stated and poor road designs, lighting, signage, and maintenance its seems hopeless.   Getting maimed or dying in a car crash is my worst fear in life...  how do you think I feel about retiring in Thailand?  Maybe this is part of the attempt to lower immigration?  or population control?  Just think at what these numbers mean in 20 years to the lower population. 

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17 hours ago, baboon said:

"The annual placing of tents by the side of the road staffed by middle aged ladies, there only to collect overtime payments, does nothing to reduce the carnage."


We have that outside our Moo Baan. What are they supposedly there to do?


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12 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

My brother in law showed up for dinner at my house on Christmas Eve, music on max in his pickup. Drunk, shouting instead of talking. His kid in the pickup too. Not the first time either. Or second. My wife, of course, refuses to say anything to him. Totally ruined my Christmas dinner.


He's a policeman.

A prime example of the Thai cultural problem! Until the culture is changed (from the top!) little will improve. :sad:


And if the PM is going to urge the Police to do better, it ain't going to happen. My urge is having an election before blekfast, but nothing happens. Same same?


May 2017 bring you all, Good Health and Happiness.

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