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Election to be put off until 2018 amid legal delay: NLA


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7 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

roadmap to democracy.  siiiiigh.  But if the so called elected officials don't do what the military wants, they will be overthrown.  That is not a democracy


Seems the road map it is taking the scenic route...   (or a Bangkok Meter Taxi drivers A2B via Z route)

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6 hours ago, robblok said:


You mean when the people rose to oppose the return of a convicted criminal. A situation caused only by the arrogance of said person and the PTP not ruling for the people but to bring their leader home and drop all the criminal cases that are still waiting for him. 

no when certain sections of the population decided that they would make the country ungovernable, and look at the result

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7 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

roadmap to democracy.  siiiiigh.  But if the so called elected officials don't do what the military wants, they will be overthrown.  That is not a democracy

so what. The average Thai couldn't care less if there is an election or not. They know it won't make any difference to their lives whatever political party comes to power, just as in the past. They have always had no choice but to vote for a business party. All major parties have exactly the same agenda. There are no farmers parties, labour parties, socialist parties or green parties.

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I am sure the original road map had a shorter timeline than mid-2017. Can anyone verify this? Also if an election were supposed to be held this year, why haven't they been working on the necessary laws for the past 12 months to make it happen?

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1 hour ago, robblok said:

Yes sure the kids killed in trad were done by the yellows.. same as those other 2 kids killed by a grenade 


That is 4 kids by the reds.. have fun defending that. 


Yes, have fun in defending that on a thread entitled "Election to be put off until 2018 amid legal delay: NLA". Why don't we do the American civil war while we are at it?

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7 hours ago, baboon said:

Here we go again, soon to be followed by 'Well, certainly by mid 2018...'

Still, if turd sandwiches are the the public's diet of choice...


I often find myself agreeing with your posts, but....


The "turd sandwich" is the only thing on offer.There is no choice. it is clearly understood that to introduce any other diet, to oppose or express dissent with any of the juntas decisions, policies and actions will lead to force being used. The people running the country now were the people commanding on the ground in 2010. Any thinking politically aware Thai will know that, and will know their demonstrated  capacity for extreme ruthlessness. if they feel it necessary, or if they feel seriously threatened.


I remember some time ago you saying that you detest violence, again I agree. The only way that any real choice could be achieved at present is through violence, offered by the junta when opposition is presented and responded to by any opposition. At present their seems no appetite for violence. We can only hope that the juntas authority crumbles in some other way before any such appetite mounts. I am not optimistic.

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19 minutes ago, JAG said:


I often find myself agreeing with your posts, but....


The "turd sandwich" is the only thing on offer.There is no choice. it is clearly understood that to introduce any other diet, to oppose or express dissent with any of the juntas decisions, policies and actions will lead to force being used. The people running the country now were the people commanding on the ground in 2010. Any thinking politically aware Thai will know that, and will know their demonstrated  capacity for extreme ruthlessness. if they feel it necessary, or if they feel seriously threatened.


I remember some time ago you saying that you detest violence, again I agree. The only way that any real choice could be achieved at present is through violence, offered by the junta when opposition is presented and responded to by any opposition. At present their seems no appetite for violence. We can only hope that the juntas authority crumbles in some other way before any such appetite mounts. I am not optimistic.

That we generally get along together certainly does not mean you shouldn't express any disagreement with me. That is the difference between us and them: We welcome discourse.


To me, the way forward without violence would be to simply ignore the junta as best as one could. Let the press simply not cover their pronouncements any more. Boycott army days. Tell the pollsters you refuse to answer questions. Close your front door in the faces of anyone sent to 'further understanding' from Bangkok. Return government pamphlets to sender. At least it would send some kind of message, not that it will happen.

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Considering the speed at which the NLA slavishly waved through the Computer Crime Act, the really easy laws, those that would enable the election to be held, should take less than 5 minutes.


What is the role of the NLA anyway? Members have been hand picked by the Junta and certainly not because they would oppose the Junta's will. So what's holding you up?


It can't be their desire to keep the Junta in power for an extended period of time, giving them a fake appearance of legitimacy and democracy? Or would it...

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9 hours ago, SaintLouisBlues said:

I've always assumed the junta took power to stage manage a certain event and its consequences, so there would never be another election until - as we now know - October 2017 is well out of the way


A great deal of exiled Thai academics are also of that belief. There is ample evidence available outside of Thailand if one had the ability or desire to find it. Sadly due to certain laws and forum rules, links or sources to said evidence cannot be posted.


It nevertheless amazes me that posters here continue waffle on about the Article-112-approved reasons that Prayuth and his cronies were allowed/ordered to perform the coup... It's like they live in an alternate reality where the only news source is the NNT and other self-censoring Thai media!

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11 hours ago, webfact said:

“The election should be held around March to April next year.”

But if the elections (and/or Prayut's personal approval of an elected PM's cabinet nominees) were to be delayed until September 2018, the incoming elected government will have no ability to establish the 2019 fiscal year budget that begins October 2018.

The budget submittal by the cabinet and review process by Parliament can take up to three months which means the process must begin in July 2018. Any political election campaign after September 2018 will be very limited to what has already been funded by the Junta and its controlled NLA for FY 2019.  Going foreward after FY 2019 the NCPO-dominated Senate will continue to shape elected government budgets.

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Well why not put election direct to the never ever date....as the Junta not want any elections and they are on the roadmap into a so called democracy any way far from everything!

So any proclamation from this governemt is not worth the paper its written on! Ups its all on internet only so they can trough anyone into prison they like as sure he was  acting against the new internet law!

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4 hours ago, scousesucker said:

elections in thailand = mass vote buying

IIs the same in all countries but perhaps more blatant in Thailand, in the UK you have politicians promising tax cuts and more spending on the NHS but after the election there is always a reason why they canr keep their promises and as for the USA and Trump, well his promises were changing almost daily before the election and he is backpedaling on his promises before he has even taken office 

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