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Police refute online claims officer pulled student's hair causing her to come off motorbike


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Police refute online claims officer pulled student's hair causing her to come off motorbike



Picture: Thairath


HAT YAI: -- The police chief in Hat Yai has refuted online claims that a traffic cop pulled the hair of a female student on a motorcycle causing her and friends to come off.


The claims were made by "DJ Jut Songkhla" who alleged that this kind of thing happens frequently.


A video posted online is largely inconclusive. A policeman goes up to the bike but then it goes out of shot.


The Facebook post alleged that the incident happened near the clock tower in the southern Thai city. The post claimed that there were three students on the bike and it was stopping anyway. Thairath reported the incident happened on January 12th at 4pm.


One of the students had a head wound after coming off and hitting a power pole, it was claimed.


The Hat Yai police chief later commented that the officer concerned had ordered the students to stop and did not pull the girl's hair causing her to come off the bike.


Pictures of a girl with a head wound were also posted online.


Source: Thairath

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-01-17
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I was close lined in Pattaya a few years ago at one of their famous 4am back soi stop shake downs. I was actually stopping for them and one ran from the side and took me off the bike. I got up and went ballistic on him, screaming at him, which backed him off and he moved away out of my reach. None of them would come near me until I calmed down. I had a total meltdown on them but eventually pulled it together and they let me go after searching my bike, which was damaged. In hindsight, I should have kept my cool as they could have killed me on that quiet soi and no one would have known. But I snapped with such a rage I foolishly didn't care and wanted to harm the one who caused the accident. Hadn't been that angry in 20+ years and haven't since.


I went to Soi 9 police station and tried to file a complaint but they gave me the run around and wore me out. I was there for 2 hours and got nowhere, they just kept telling me to wait. Useless fecks, all of them.


So yea, these dicks will pull or knock you off a bike. And given a large percentage of them abuse women, I have no doubt they yank women off the bikes all the time. 


I love the internet age where these bullies are caught red handed and outed for everyone to see.

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I believe your experience as I have been "karate chopped" on the arm twice by police. Both occasions the action was unexpected and unprovoked. One time I was doing around 70 kmh and the policeman chopped my arm while riding his motorbike. Extremely dangerous, totally unprofessional and really stupid. (Fortunately on both occasions I never came off)

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3 minutes ago, catman20 said:

good job, she should of stopped when ordered.


So I take it you will be praising them if they ever pull you off a bike or do something dangerous to you.


But wait, I hear you say "I never do anything unlawful and would always stop' but what if they pull you off a bike anyway? Guess you will be kowtowing and grovelling like a good boy

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1 hour ago, dcnx said:

I was close lined in Pattaya a few years ago at one of their famous 4am back soi stop shake downs. I was actually stopping for them and one ran from the side and took me off the bike. I got up and went ballistic on him, screaming at him, which backed him off and he moved away out of my reach. None of them would come near me until I calmed down. I had a total meltdown on them but eventually pulled it together and they let me go after searching my bike, which was damaged. In hindsight, I should have kept my cool as they could have killed me on that quiet soi and no one would have known. But I snapped with such a rage I foolishly didn't care and wanted to harm the one who caused the accident. Hadn't been that angry in 20+ years and haven't since.


I went to Soi 9 police station and tried to file a complaint but they gave me the run around and wore me out. I was there for 2 hours and got nowhere, they just kept telling me to wait. Useless fecks, all of them.


So yea, these dicks will pull or knock you off a bike. And given a large percentage of them abuse women, I have no doubt they yank women off the bikes all the time. 


I love the internet age where these bullies are caught red handed and outed for everyone to see.


Heard it from the fishes mouth, no doubts in my mind. Hope this never happens to me or you again.

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9 minutes ago, Briggsy said:



I believe your experience as I have been "karate chopped" on the arm twice by police. Both occasions the action was unexpected and unprovoked. One time I was doing around 70 kmh and the policeman chopped my arm while riding his motorbike. Extremely dangerous, totally unprofessional and really stupid. (Fortunately on both occasions I never came off)


You're lucky. A 70kmp chop to the arm could have been deadly.

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Ive had a policeman attempt to pull me off my bike when going through and intersection he was blowing his whistle at directing traffic, luckily his grip on my tshirt was not sufficient otherwise I would have gone backwards off the bike.

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I've had 2 incidents like this. The first one I was stopping for them (actually I was in the middle of an emergency stop as he jumped out on me at the last minute) and he grabbed my left arm which pulled the bike so it ran into the kerb, I managed to keep the bike upright and told him there was no need to nearly make me crash as I was stopping anyway - just got a $h1t eating grin.


Second time I wasn't stopping as it wasn't remotely safe to do so - there was a pickup undertaking me and a car behind which was tailgating me (totally stupid of the cop to jump into the middle lane to try and stop me) so the cop did a kind of jumping punch downwards into my left shoulder. Again, the bike stayed upright and I carried on my way.


The way they jump into the road at the last minute is really dangerous and doesn't leave you time to stop safely - madness.

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Totally believable that it happened, in BKK there are vids too of this happening. A cop even got in trouble for it because it was so clear on the vid. Some of the cops are totally unprofessional here. However many people try to go though those checkpoints without stopping (not that it justifies this) and the cops can get frustrated with that. 

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36 minutes ago, mikebell said:

Another day - another nail in the coffin of the police's reputation.  When will reform take place?  When will Thailand join the rest of 1st world countries?

too much money to be made in the status quo,, until that changes it will never change.


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I can see the cop moving aggressively towards the bike.I concluded that he has indeed touched 1 of the girls. Let's say if the driver intended not to stop the cop could have easily chased them on his bike rather than pull or push the rideriff which can easily cause serious damage. 


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2 hours ago, PremiumLane said:


So I take it you will be praising them if they ever pull you off a bike or do something dangerous to you.


But wait, I hear you say "I never do anything unlawful and would always stop' but what if they pull you off a bike anyway? Guess you will be kowtowing and grovelling like a good boy

Hasn't happened to me yet, perthaps because I stop when instructed to.

If they want people to stop I suppose they should set up a suitable roadblock, or something a little further down the road. But as to someone refusing to stop, and perhaps even dodging the policeman and speeding up, (as i have seen a few times), I would not feel sympathetic and feel they deserve what they get.


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5 hours ago, webfact said:

The claims were made by "DJ Jut Songkhla" who alleged that this kind of thing happens frequently.

I have seen this on more than a few occasions with the policeman using a traffic cone to knock the students off there bike. he did ask them to stop, so some will say deservedly. It definitely happens regularly.

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Yes, it certainly looked from ththe video, like the policeman went to grab one passenger, and the bike hit the kerb.


There was a strong possibility that he didn't grab the girls hair THIS TIME, but the video shows that the bike had little time to respond, even if he had told them to stop.


Things will never change, amateurs trying to do a job of a professional - it's a bit like the cop chasing a guy around BKK for an hour and eventually shooting his tyres out. No one got killed THAT TIME.


They need to change their methods, but it will never happen.

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The police do this because, typically Thai, they can see no possible consequence of their action. Such as you crashing and being severely injured or worse, or losing control and injuring or killing someone who isn't involved but just happens to be in the wrong spot at the wrong time. The only thing their little brains can assimilate is that they might lose their 200 baht donation.

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I remember seeing a clip on a TV show about 15 years ago, before I moved to Thailand. I think the show was called Maximum Exposure or something like that ( a video clip show). Many times they showed how the Thai police were dealing with the street racers at that time as there were large groups of sometimes hundreds of racers racing down the street.


The police were standing on the side of the road with baseball bats and knocking the drivers off their bikes (at speed) with full homerun swings.


Don't know if anyone died from that.


So this doesn't surprise me at all. The cop lying about is isn't a surprise either.


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