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Trump says he will bring down the price of wall on Mexico's border


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The real cost of this wall is $40 billion and climbing. The concrete costs alone are in excess of $9 billion. And that does not include a solution for the Rio Grande Valley, which they have not even addressed yet. Any figure Trump tells us is a lie. He lies for a living. Nobody does it better. My guess is that he learned to lie by talking to his grandmother, when he was three years old. And he just gets better at it, all the time. 

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Just wonderful- spend $40 Billion on a wall to nowhere which will not stop illegal immigration while Americans cannot get affordable healthcare; unemployment is cut; and university graduates continue to owe the federal government huge amounts of loan money that they cannot afford to pay. Add in drug companies that are literally killing the American population because of unaffordable lifesaving drugs and Trump concentrates on building walls and unconstitutional executive orders to target Muslims. He wants to increase the defense budget which is already the highest in the World and allow intelligence agencies free reign.

Where is the Immigration plan that will allow needed foreign laborers into America; where is the tax reform that will provide relief to the middle class and poor; where are the big infrastructure projects that will put America back to work; where are the jobs that went abroad that you promised to bring back.

This man is using the terrorist behind every door scare and the illegal immigration nonsense to continue to fool the American public just like he did to get the vote.This is the man who invented 'alternate facts' to attempt to justify his fraudulent statements. He is a serial liar and worse. Undoubtedly the worse President ever and will go down in history as a narcissistic meglomaniac who made America worse.

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The next president to follow Trump can do a "Hoover" and claim that the project was all his idea.
Who will be the Hurry-Up-Crowe for the wall?

The bill approving the wall was pushed through by dems and approved by President Reagan in '86, so in all fairness, Ted Kennedy should get the credit.
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2 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

One of his buddies already turned him down.  A wealthy builder who's from a foreign country.  His reply to Trump: "what side of the wall will you have me on?". LOL

He's trying to find the same people that built the Great Wall of China.

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12 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

He wants to increase the defense budget

He will have to face the limitations under the bi-partisan Budget Control Act of 2011which cut $487 billion from projected defense spending over the next ten years. The act also paved the way for sequestration  which would cut an additional $495 billion from the defense budget, for an overall total of almost $1 trillion in cuts.



While the Act prevented Obama from increasing the military budget, no doubt the Republican-controlled Congress and POTUS Trump will swiftly repeal the Act. But any subsequent increase with appeal of the ACT will tempt waste. For example Congress wants  money to be spent on bases and equipment that the Pentagon says it doesn’t need, continued military manufacturing in largely Republican state districts, and prepare the military to fight prolonged wars like the decade+ Afghanistan war. http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/fact-checking-gop-candidate-statements-on-obamas-military-spending/

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MOst of the illegal immigrants work in jobs that no Americans want or will do. they work as gardeners; pick fruit and vegetables in the American farm industry; process meats and chickens in processing plants and are laborers in the construction industry. The majority of these jobs are minimum wage. If every illegal left today- the American economy would not increase it would decrease because there would be no one to do their jobs. Donald Trump and others in Congress both Repubs and Dems have used the illegal argument to hide the fact that they cannot come up with a fair and balanced Immigration act that will provide an amnesty for those here and provide the correct number of Visas and occupations to allow immigrants to work. Even Thailand has an Immigration and Labor Employment law that works better than the US.


All of a sudden Trump who claims to be the master negotiator can't get an Immigration bill together; can't get a tax plan together and can't get the trillion dollar infrastructure bill together and passed in Congress.

INstead he's concentrating on fighting with the courts over an executive order that does nothing; fighting with the press over 'alternative' facts and commenting on his daughter's loss of business.

Trump is a master at one thing- it's called BS and in 2 years he will find out that the whole Congress has gone Democrat and he will be finished as President.

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6 hours ago, ezzra said:


Speak softly and carry a big stick, Ok, so Trump doesn't speak softly, but his

stick is big enough to show all those that took America for a joke the last 8 years

that he means business..... And about time too....

The CON MAN business?

The stiff your contractors business?
The build bankrupt casinos and effect plight on a major New Jersey city business


Most of the world thinks he's a dangerous, insane clown. As Bloomberg said, if he runs the country like he runs his business ... GOD HELP US. 

Edited by Jingthing
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MOst of the illegal immigrants work in jobs that no Americans want or will do. they work as gardeners; pick fruit and vegetables in the American farm industry; process meats and chickens in processing plants and are laborers in the construction industry. The majority of these jobs are minimum wage. If every illegal left today- the American economy would not increase it would decrease because there would be no one to do their jobs. Donald Trump and others in Congress both Repubs and Dems have used the illegal argument to hide the fact that they cannot come up with a fair and balanced Immigration act that will provide an amnesty for those here and provide the correct number of Visas and occupations to allow immigrants to work. Even Thailand has an Immigration and Labor Employment law that works better than the US.
All of a sudden Trump who claims to be the master negotiator can't get an Immigration bill together; can't get a tax plan together and can't get the trillion dollar infrastructure bill together and passed in Congress.
INstead he's concentrating on fighting with the courts over an executive order that does nothing; fighting with the press over 'alternative' facts and commenting on his daughter's loss of business.
Trump is a master at one thing- it's called BS and in 2 years he will find out that the whole Congress has gone Democrat and he will be finished as President.

US citizens used to do all those jobs, and they used to pay better.

Jobs will not go undone, wages will just go up.

The left (apparently) wants to saturate the market with (generally) poor, ignorant, unskilled labor and then jack up the minimum wage to prove how much they care.

When minimum wage was $2 an hour, I could make $50-70 a day picking oranges.
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7 hours ago, pokerface1 said:

The illegal immigrants are Mexican, perhaps he will round them up and put them to work building the wall.In effect Mexico would then be paying and building there own wall all President Trump has to do is supply the materials and machinery lol


So, if Mexico supplies the labor, they will pay for the wall because we only have to pay for the "materials and machinery"?


Well, I think you must have forgotten about the purchasing of the land easement for the wall, and of course housing and camp management, vehicles, office supplies, office space, access roads, etc.,, ad infinitum.


So, tell me again how Mexico is paying for it.

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Those in power; the wealthy; and the Company owners will never raise the wages of people until they are forced to do so. Th problem in  the industries where illegals work is that these are backbreaking jobs that most Americans cannot do nor will they do the,  Illegals are absolutely essential to these industries. All you have to do is make them legal. To do this provide a fair and workable Immigration law which allows for these type of workers. Instead, Trump and other politicians are using illegal immigrants as strawman stating they are taking jobs from middle America or there are terrorists involved.  Pure BS.. Trump is using these issues to hide the fact that he cannot deliver on the things that need to be done- He is a master manipulator but he forgot one thing- he can get thrown out of office and he will because he can't deliver.

Edited by Thaidream
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1 hour ago, mogandave said:


US citizens used to do all those jobs, and they used to pay better.

Jobs will not go undone, wages will just go up.

The left (apparently) wants to saturate the market with (generally) poor, ignorant, unskilled labor and then jack up the minimum wage to prove how much they care.

When minimum wage was $2 an hour, I could make $50-70 a day picking oranges.


So you was working 25 to 35 hours a day!

keep dreaming my friend and pretty soon you will pay a extra 2 dollars for tomatoes on your big mac.

Just keep supporting your clown president and please, don't complain later.

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10 hours ago, rooster59 said:

"When I do, just like with the F-35 FighterJet or the Air Force One Program, price will come WAY DOWN!"

I don't think either one will fly. More Mexicans are returning home thanks to that big sucking sound and any wall would just impede them from returning. The walls time has come and gone. Waste of money.

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Fake news flash!

Russia on the sale of Alaska and France on the sale of the Louisiana Territory to the US were bad deals and demand to renegotiate. Mexico also complained that the US took its territory what is no part of  the Western US without compensation and demands payment. 

About as ridiculous as Mexico paying for the Trump Wall.


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1 minute ago, oby said:

lots  to think About.

More likely it will be Congress and Trump's Cabinet that have lots to think about.


Global economic relationships in place for decades are complex, albeit even Mexico admits sometimes have become outdated and welcomes new discussions. But intertwined in trade relationships are security issues whose value is not as identifiable nor predictable as trade revenues. So while a more favorable trade policy towards a trade partner might be forced on a partner, retaliation might come back in the form of more expensive security and social requirements. Trade relations are not like property rentals.

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On 2/12/2017 at 2:34 PM, mogandave said:


US citizens used to do all those jobs, and they used to pay better.

Jobs will not go undone, wages will just go up.

The left (apparently) wants to saturate the market with (generally) poor, ignorant, unskilled labor and then jack up the minimum wage to prove how much they care.

When minimum wage was $2 an hour, I could make $50-70 a day picking oranges.



Pay was never better, its just the cost of goods rose faster than salaries. And nowadays, there are so many "want" items on peoples list, things such as iphones, big screen tvs, etc. More places for people to waste their money.


Stop denying that America benefited from these unskilled labor who pick up jobs that Americans no longer wanted to do. Cost of goods are cheaper due to these unskilled labors. Them being poor is not their fault, you calling them ignorant makes you the ignorant one.

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