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I was assaulted in Walking street. Help


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Hi, im a new member. Was hoping to post this on PA but it appears to be down. Im currently in Pattaya (22). A couple of hours ago perhaps 4.30am, i was walking out of a arab bar after a wonderful night of drinking and dancing. Unfortunately drunken me saw a divider between two bars which led into walking street, rather than walking around i decided to jump over the divider. Now with hindsight that was a mistake obviously. However what followed was pretty distressing, ive never been in trouble with the police, when im drunk im still very polite and respectful. When i jumped over two security guards came over, one relativily young around 25? the other was around 40?. Initially the older one pushed me back, when my slipper fell off. I turned around to get my slipper back after being forcefully pushed back through the divider, at the point the older security guard punched me in the face as hard as he could. I was drunk so it didn't feel too bad or more likely he was not very strong. I was at no point aggressive or showing any signs of violence, nor would i ever contemplate hitting a man older than me.  There were witnesses to this incident. Had i felt as though i had done something very wrong i would not have felt so distressed over the incident, after walking around i went to the tourist police at the end of walking street and reported the incident to a scottish and thai officer. Both went with me to find him however they could not do so as he had likely run away (the younger one had a shocked look on his face as the older one punched me). They advised me to make a police report for the incident and if i was to see the guard the again to report it to the police, the witness confirmed my version of the event to the police. Should i do so? Or what should i do? I feel pretty bad over the indicident, it was unprovoked and ive never been assaulted or given a reason to be assaulted to anyone before. I admit jumping the barrier was stupid but certainly not deserving of a punch to the face. 


Thank you

Edited by ksi2
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Get more drunk next time so you won't remember anything and therefore avoid the stress you are now feeling. And also continue the safe practice of wandering around 4am by yourself totally inebriated. And make sure you wear lots of gold jewelry.

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did you pay the bill before leaving?  sorry you went through this but 4am around pattaya on your own ain't a grand idea but do a Police report and go and see the bar management with the Tourist Police?

Edited by binjalin
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2 minutes ago, binjalin said:

did you pay the bill before leaving?  sorry you went through this but 4am around pattaya on your own ain't a grand idea but do a Police report and go and see the bar management with the Tourist Police?

Yes, i always pay. It was nothing to do with the bar i was leaving. There was a advertising hoarding seperating the arab bar and a african type bar. Obviously it was stupid to do it in the first place, but the bar was not empty and walking street still had many people there. It was just a case of security being violent when the situation did not call for it. Im not Arab(British) just felt like chilling in the bar as they were showing football at the time. A nice arab man came to my rescue though and told the police what happened. I get that I'm not particularly smart for being about at the time, it doesnt excuse the violent approach to security when the situation absolutely did not call for it. Looking around on the internet, it appears this happens fairly often, probably will make a report in a few hours.

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1 minute ago, ksi2 said:

Yes, i always pay. It was nothing to do with the bar i was leaving. There was a advertising hoarding seperating the arab bar and a african type bar. Obviously it was stupid to do it in the first place, but the bar was not empty and walking street still had many people there. It was just a case of security being violent when the situation did not call for it. Im not Arab(British) just felt like chilling in the bar as they were showing football at the time. A nice arab man came to my rescue though and told the police what happened. I get that I'm not particularly smart for being about at the time, it doesnt excuse the violent approach to security when the situation absolutely did not call for it. Looking around on the internet, it appears this happens fairly often, probably will make a report in a few hours.

ok just wondered if you had forgotten to pay and, yes, its horrible. do a Police report then ask Tourist Police to go with you to the place you were assaulted and make a complaint to the management

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Lesson learned, move on.  


The odds that something favorable to you will result are outweighed by the chances that you'll end up either frustrated (best case), or worse off than you are already.


Sucks, but that's the way it is.

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Make a report if that makes you feel better. Move on and control your surroundings better when you are out and about alone at the wee hours. You admit to being a dumbass here so live and learn and be thankful the guard did not clock you with a club or something

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at twenty two you have a lot to learn, and I would suggest having your lesson's in a better

area (walking street/arab quarter/ parts of soi buchow ) or most area's are not the best at 4am so have an earlier bed time say 1am and a pattaya lite area say second road.

after twenty years you will know where to go and when to go and might even still enjoy

the place...best of luck. 

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1 hour ago, ksi2 said:

Yes, i always pay. It was nothing to do with the bar i was leaving. There was a advertising hoarding seperating the arab bar and a african type bar. Obviously it was stupid to do it in the first place, but the bar was not empty and walking street still had many people there. It was just a case of security being violent when the situation did not call for it. Im not Arab(British) just felt like chilling in the bar as they were showing football at the time. A nice arab man came to my rescue though and told the police what happened. I get that I'm not particularly smart for being about at the time, it doesnt excuse the violent approach to security when the situation absolutely did not call for it. Looking around on the internet, it appears this happens fairly often, probably will make a report in a few hours.



Unfortunate incident.



I think the lesson learned is that you are 'target' at that time in the morning and it takes little provoke any over-zealous security staff.


To be fair, they are not the brightest spanners in the toolbox and may often be looking for a reason to exercise their role to the fullest extent.

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Feel lucky you didn't have a serious  assisted "accident".....


Roaming around Pattaya with drunken perception in the early morning hours is like asking for headlines & an epitaph.....


Those balcony railings might look like a great hurdle for the alcohol impaired with questionable 4 am judgement.....


Dumb move.....You're not invincible.....

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10 minutes ago, pgrahmm said:

Roaming around Pattaya with drunken perception in the early morning hours is like asking for headlines & an epitaph.....

I finally got home around 4.30 this morning after a night out with mates. I had walked all over the place since our bar hopping ended around 2 AM but I still hadn't sobered up enough to drive home any earlier... so I walked some more. Guess what?


Nothing happened!!


That's way too dull to be any sort of epitaph so I guess I will have to try harder next time.

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Go back with the local rugby club I could help you out there all it would cost is 15 return fares from London to Bangkok (preferably business class as some of them are rather on the large side) a weeks hotel for 15 and a few (well actually quite a few) drinks.


Problem sorted and a good time will be had by all they could even have a game of rugby in walking Street using the security guard as the ball. :smile:


Seriously make sure you file a report with the police they are reportedly taking these sort of incidents seriously now. Bad for the image of Pattaya :tongue:

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Personally, if not really injured, I would forget about it. Let's say that the security guy has some influence and tells a different story about how you jumped the barrier and assaulted him. Could end up with you being in jail or fined. I doubt that this has never happened before.

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As has been stated by others .....get more drunk next time so that not only will you not feel the assault, but you wont even remember it either. That or go home earlier...........any other action you take now so long after the event will be of absolutely no benefit to anyone.

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7 hours ago, jerojero said:

Get more drunk next time so you won't remember anything and therefore avoid the stress you are now feeling. And also continue the safe practice of wandering around 4am by yourself totally inebriated. And make sure you wear lots of gold jewelry.


Jerojero easy on the lad he is just a newbie. If he is lucky he will survive to see 2018. Anybody got a rabbits foot they can lend him??

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If you didn't deserve a weak punch in the face by an old security guard then what was it you did deserve? Perhaps you got a bit more than you deserved but it wasn't all that much more. Let this one go. Exactly what kind of revenge you looking for here?

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Wow, what seriously bad advice given here. Most of the guys giving you advice here would be the same lot that would blame the girl for being raped because she was wearing a short skirt! 

You were assaulted in an unprovoked attack and have witnesses to verify your story. Absolutely you should report the guy as this sort of thing happens far too much in this country. Currently there is a big thing from both the police, tourism board and top politicians to 'clean up' Thailand's image for tourism purposes and Pattaya is very high up on the list. There's been a lot of some very bad publicity recently so hopefully you will get justice or at the very least this violent thug will lose his job. You did nothing seriously wrong so stand by your principals, go find the idiot that did it and get some justice. You never know; you might just be saving someone else from getting a lot worse from the same person.  

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Well, I can speak from experience. 

I was violently attacked by a baht bus driver.

It was painful but there wasn't any damage needing a hospital visit. 

It didn't even occur to me to report it to the police. This isn't Kansas. 

There are dark forces afoot here, deeply embedded, and the rational response is avoidance of both thugs and/or police if you possibly can. 

If my attack incident had caused damage needing emergency medical help, it may not have been possible to avoid police attention. But as it didn't, and your incident didn't, that's my suggestion. AVOIDANCE, and do NOT go anywhere near that bar again!

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Oh dear. I'm sorry you were assaulted. Whatever state you were in is no excuse for a physical attack.

Shame to see the bitter Thai Visa Puritans out in force spouting their usual venomous bile because their 'wives' don't allow them to spend any of their own dwindling pension money/meagre TEFL 'salaries' in bars anymore (it can only be used to support her family).

I'd say it could have been a lot worse for you and you got off lightly.

Assaults like this can happen for a number of reasons.

Either you inadvertently did something wrong in the bar or something that angered the man and his 'small man' mentality which given the low self-esteem level of some of these cretins doesn't take much.

I'd steer clear of the area for a few days and let the whole thing blow over and go into the book of 'experiences I learn from'.

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funny - though this happened only a few hours ago you don't suffer a hangover at all, you almost wrote a book about your misfortune (no mis-spell, no grammar mistakes) ... I think you anticipated already about a week ago what was going to happen - just to be on the safe side you started your story book at that time - lots of hindsight ... thanks anyway for pure fiction

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