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Blacklisted Englishman desperate to return home to Thailand after being deported as his children suffer without him


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1 hour ago, Basil B said:

As I read it he has returned to the UK if he is a British Subject he can not be refused, maybe he does not want to return because he may have issues to face on his return.

Pedant's corner.

There are specific differences in British nationality law between a British citizen and a British subject. One being that British citizens have the automatic right to enter and live in the UK at anytime; they cannot be refused. British subjects do not usually have that right and, except in very rare circumstances, are subject to UK immigration control..


See Types of British nationality; 5. British subject for more.


Having said that, it appears that Young is a British citizen; so, yes,  it's not that he cannot return to the UK, but that he, for whatever reason or reasons, chooses not to.


1 hour ago, Basil B said:

Also if they are his biological children why can they not come with him?

 See my post above;



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We all screw up and suffer consequences to our actions as we should.  But there are exceptions to rules and in this case two kids need their dad and their moms have abandoned them so I hope the lawyers get him back into Thailand. I do have some empathy for him simply because I have lost my temper before, screwed up and regretted my behavior and will do it again in the future. Called being a human with faults. 

He seems like he loves his kids and a single parent raising kids is admirable and worth a second chance in my opinion. Let him back in please. 

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Why did he not register the children with the British Embassy when bhorn half the problems would no longer apply apart from the major one, that he seems unable to return to the UK. one must then wonder how he is managing to stay in Thailand with no work and not old enough for retirement visa.

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4 hours ago, the guest said:

Very true. All of us are living on a knife-edge, and at any moment there could be a knock on the door, and you could be deported without any reason given. Why would you wish to make any permanent plans in Thailand?

I don't believe for a minute I'm living on a knife edge awaiting deportation for "no reason."


One example was a guy who, sounds like regularly, smashes his car up after drinking. The other example a guy diddling children.Those things should have you on a knife edge,

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37 minutes ago, Happyman58 said:

2 Ladies left him Cant go back to England Why? Good ridence mate u sound dogey Poor kids i feel sorry for not him

There seems to be some misunderstanding by some posters re his circumstances.

I read them as follows.

1. The man is presently residing in England after being deported (black-listed) from Thailand as an undesirable.

2. He mated with 2 different Thai women (who subsequently left him, who produced two children,who now, understandably claim to miss their father.

3. He has been barred from entering Thailand due to his past history of violence and aggression.

Did I miss anything?


Edited by ratcatcher
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The primary consideration must be the interests and well-being of the kids: they miss and love their dad , have no mother in the picture. It is in their best interests for him to return, even accepting that be may well be a bit of a ratbag. I'd give him the benefit of the doubt and let him back under strict conditions. These decisions about deportation should be taken seriously but also need to be flexible when the lives of the kids are adversely affected.

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I don't know about this specific case, but most western countries would put the welfare of the children first. What is best for the children? Will the children be better off with relatives? In Australia, any decision to deport someone, and leave their children in Australia, would be appealable and, I suspect, not win much public sympathy. 

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1 minute ago, ratcatcher said:

There seems to be some misunderstanding by some posters re his circumstances.

I read them as follows.

1. The man is presently residing in England after being deported (black-listed) from Thailand as an undesirable.

2. He mated with 2 different Thai women who produced two children, who now, understandably claim to miss their father.

3. He has been barred from entering Thailand due to his past history of violence and aggression.

Did I miss anything?


No, but the violence relates to a dispute with neighbours about a noisy motorcycle and NYE party; probably alcohol related and, if a one-off, excusable...

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1 hour ago, stravers said:

Maybe he has a long history of violence and domestic abuse. Maybe he is well known by Thai and UK police who had had enough and this resulted in his blacklisting. If all true, we're all better off without him.

But this isn't about you or I is it? It is about the children. Should a child suffer for the actions of its parents?

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1 hour ago, ratcatcher said:

There seems to be some misunderstanding by some posters re his circumstances.

I read them as follows.

1. The man is presently residing in England after being deported (black-listed) from Thailand as an undesirable.

2. He mated with 2 different Thai women (who subsequently left him, who produced two children,who now, understandably claim to miss their father.

3. He has been barred from entering Thailand due to his past history of violence and aggression.

Did I miss anything?


Apparently he is residing in Malaysia, a few miles out on that one.

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There is little or no thought given to these draconian, "zero tolerance" edicts. Same stupidity as the "three strikes, you're out" laws in the USA. The idea of handling things on a case by case basis is just too difficult for the bureaucratic Thai mind.

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5 hours ago, Orac said:

Without an adequate explanation of why he can't return to the UK the alarm bells should be ringing, particularly since he has a conviction for violence in Thailand.

Maybe he doesn't like the cold weather.

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2 hours ago, sawadee1947 said:

Well, good court decision. Whom needs such a bloke. Creating only troubles. By the way his govt. in Britain exercise same law to migrants. So let him go home to his beloved England. And never come back. He will pay his bill for his rudeness.

Well clearly his children need "such a bloke"

 BTW if you have a valid visa and commit a crime a migrant will not be deported and familes broken up. Unless there are extenuating circumstances whereby the individual staying might be a threat to national security. 

Thailand could learn a lot from the UK when it comes to human rights and the value of family. 


But your 'Thailand only' filter won't allow such a radical idea through. Shame really.

Edited by jonclark
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4 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

This is so easy to solve, go home to the UK, change your name by deed poll, get new passport and return to LoS, if a convicted Pedo can do it anyone can :thumbsup:

What about his face and fingerprints soon.Apparently the UK is a problem too.This bloke must have stashed a bit of money away over the last 2 decades.Hang in Malaysia and see the kids when ever you can and do the time.

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9 minutes ago, Golden Triangle said:

Apparently he is residing in Malaysia, a few miles out on that one.

Thanks for that, a good spot, a few miles indeed. I imagine he can see Thailand from his room while listening to the muezzin..

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21 minutes ago, ratcatcher said:

There seems to be some misunderstanding by some posters re his circumstances.

I read them as follows.

1. The man is presently residing in England after being deported (black-listed) from Thailand as an undesirable.

2. He mated with 2 different Thai women (who subsequently left him, who produced two children,who now, understandably claim to miss their father.

3. He has been barred from entering Thailand due to his past history of violence and aggression.

Did I miss anything?


Only the part that he has been reported to be living in Malaysia and has trouble living in the UK.

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My friends wife was good at telling stories for sympathy. She was on tellie with the Salvo's saying how grateful she was for help with her 2 children while putting the money up her arm. U always take your kids no matter what? This guy wants sympathy but appears a thug? Don't know what else to say except if the kids are suffering hope their uncles and aunties and grandparents rally around them.

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29 minutes ago, duanebigsby said:

I don't believe for a minute I'm living on a knife edge awaiting deportation for "no reason."


One example was a guy who, sounds like regularly, smashes his car up after drinking. The other example a guy diddling children.Those things should have you on a knife edge,

I haven't heard of anyone being deported from Thailand for no reason.

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