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Public backlash as Thais slam new pick-up passenger rules


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3 hours ago, colinneil said:

For years police have been trying to enforce the wearing of helmets on motorbikes.

That hasnt worked, neither will this 1.

there seems to be a lot of confusion over this. the cops are not trying to get people to wear helmets. they are making a living collecting money from people who choose not to wear a helmet. it is more like a tax for not wearing a helmet to a fine.

Edited by williamgeorgeallen
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Yet another dictum!


When will the authorities learn how to govern rather than just suddenly making announcements that are almost impossible to see through?


Just a matter of days before millions of people hit the road to go home and see family they come up with a cockamamie scheme like this.

Thousands, if not millions of ordinary working Thai citizens have had their holiday plans scuppered by this last minute dictum...unsearched and ill thought out as ever.

It must make those who work all year round to improve road safety in Thailand wonder if there is any point to their job at all.


As for TV’s headline - “The Thai public has given a massive thumbs down”

- this simply isn’t true either - there are a lot of people  - manly those with sedans, I’d guess, who think this is a good idea.


Well the concept of not having people in the back IS a good idea - I think in fact it has been illegal in Thailand for decades - I might be wrong  - but it really isn’t worth checking. Either way the authorities have decided at the last minute to try and stop this practice that has been going on for decades and is considered normal by many Thai families. Every Song Khran millions of pickups take to the roads - loaded with a fridge, motorcycle and a few family members in the back - they brave the elements and the atrocious traffic policing to see their relatives in the poorer regions of Thailand armed with cash, alcohol and good cheer - any government that thinks they can just wipe this away with one sweeping dictum need a serious reality check.

If they were going to do anything about it - an this is what makes it so obviously a knee-jerk reaction - they should have started a campaign months or years ago so that by now the practice would have become a thing of the past.

Lets just say this isn’t the way a truly democratic society runs its affairs - debate and research come before any dictum...it’s about time Thailand adopted this methodology. The government needs to learn it cannot govern effectively by dictum......it just doesn’t work.



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2 hours ago, jaltsc said:

“The Thai public has given a massive thumbs down to the authorities after plans to ban people in the back of pick-ups were announced.


Typical of the thinking that is prevalent. When you are taught what to think and not how to think, you cannot identify the risks and benefits of any action. All these protesters see is the inconvenience and do not have a clue of the dangers involved with having 10+ people riding in the bed of a pickup. Sometimes it is the job of the government to protect its citizenry from their own stupidity and ignorance.


In this case, people will continue to do what is convenient for them. Perhaps the only law that will affect them is that of natural selection. Unfortunately, there will be many innocent children who will affected by their elders stupidity.

Rightfully the people will continue what they think is rkght for them !

It's the will of the people !


Only brainwashed peole who constantly repeat what Governments tell them will think the will of the people is worth nothing.


If you think it's good or bad, right or wrong is irrelevant !


The people have the right to chose for themselves !!!



Btw: It's a stupid law !

Next they do is to make a law telling everybody to eat more broccoli ... because it's healthy and as such good for the people !


Wearing a seat belt or not does not harm anybode else and also does not make traffic more safe !!!

Just like not wearing a helmet affects the safety of the traffic.

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3 minutes ago, kingstonkid said:

I think tht the government is looking at what is done outside the country and adopting those rules.


This is a good idea and should be applauded

If you turn all "good ideas" into rules - you end up tying up a country in red tape.  Not saying it is or is not a good idea, but the changes should be progressive.... Maybe start with things that have little impact, then progressing over time.   Things like implementing car seats in for everyone in a car, limiting the number of people in the back of pickups....  then making changes gradually so it can be absorbed economically.   People don't pile into the back of pickups for comfort, it is because when you live on a shoestring budget every baht counts....  

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So now 90% of the poor families that has a 2 door pickup will have to buy new cars!? Will the government/police hand out new 4 door pickups to all those people affected by this new law!? It is not OK to kick on the average people and then let the rich and powerful do what they want!!!

I understand that they want to get the death tools in traffic down but first they must access the cars that are on the roads and how they are used. For example will more than 50% maybe even as much as 80-90% of all school buses/vans/trucks be illegal to use with these new laws and if they say that they ar exempted then this show even more stupidity from the law makers, just like the move to keep Song Taws out of this new law, the Song Taws should really be exchanged with vans if they really want to work for public safety!

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17 minutes ago, kingstonkid said:

I think tht the government is looking at what is done outside the country and adopting those rules.


This is a good idea and should be applauded

Do you not think it would be more "app-laudable" if they looked inside the country first and came to the the realisation that they have a totally ineffective and corrupt "police" force that is incapable of enforcing any rules and regulations?

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18 minutes ago, kingstonkid said:

I think tht the government is looking at what is done outside the country and adopting those rules.


This is a good idea and should be applauded

you couldn't be more wrong

for decades the Thai government has ignored international assistance and advice from road safety organisations.

If they had paid any heed the death toll on Thai roads woulds be nothing like it is today.

As far as I can ascertain carrying passengers  in the tray of pickups has been illegal at least since 1979.......... so I can't see how you even come to the conclusion that they are learning from outside Thailand - this has patently not been the case for decades - if they had they wouldn't be using dictums like this either.


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7 minutes ago, Kasset Tak said:

So now 90% of the poor families that has a 2 door pickup will have to buy new cars!? Will the government/police hand out new 4 door pickups to all those people affected by this new law!? It is not OK to kick on the average people and then let the rich and powerful do what they want!!!

I understand that they want to get the death tools in traffic down but first they must access the cars that are on the roads and how they are used. For example will more than 50% maybe even as much as 80-90% of all school buses/vans/trucks be illegal to use with these new laws and if they say that they ar exempted then this show even more stupidity from the law makers, just like the move to keep Song Taws out of this new law, the Song Taws should really be exchanged with vans if they really want to work for public safety!

If a vehicle is modified correctly to take passengers in the back it will be legal....or are they going to make Song Taews illegal too??

if anything road deaths at SK are LESS than the daily average - so without wondering why the authorities have decided that this pickup dictum is a "no brainer" - well it one way or another it is.......

80% of DEATHS - not accidents are attributed to motorcyclists - so they aren't going to make that much of a dent - in fact if they can't travel in the back with the fridge and the motorcycle, many may undertake the journey on a  that motorcycle resulting in an INCREASE in road deaths.

Edited by Notadoctor
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3 hours ago, thequietman said:

Just checked under seat for smart cab. There is no where to bolt a restraint ! <deleted> !

It's an easy fix for a good mechanic to attach a couple bolt anchor points to the chassis........now all you have to do is find that good mechanic.

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This is perhaps the most widespread negative effect on a huge number of citizens. Every village in every province will feel the effects. Wonder if local police will enforce it on their fellow townspeople?

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26 minutes ago, bkkcanuck8 said:

If you turn all "good ideas" into rules - you end up tying up a country in red tape.  Not saying it is or is not a good idea, but the changes should be progressive.... Maybe start with things that have little impact, then progressing over time.   Things like implementing car seats in for everyone in a car, limiting the number of people in the back of pickups....  then making changes gradually so it can be absorbed economically.   People don't pile into the back of pickups for comfort, it is because when you live on a shoestring budget every baht counts....  

The red tape is not a result of the rule or law - it will be a result of the dictum - the way it is introduced - the police now have to enforce this - imagine the road chaos and extra  tea-money and paperwork the police will have to engaging....furthermore the only traffic jams I ever experience at SK are caused by police checkpoints - so that will be an eve greater factor this year.....it really makes the mind boggle how daft this measure and method on introduction is.

Edited by Notadoctor
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6 minutes ago, Mossman said:

It's an easy fix for a good mechanic to attach a couple bolt anchor points to the chassis........now all you have to do is find that good mechanic.

Unfortunately that good mechanic also has to ensure that the seat belt geometry in the cab is correct and the various belts aren't "firmly attached" in a lethal position.

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If a vehicle is modified correctly to take passengers in the back it will be legal....or are they going to make Song Taews illegal too??
if anything road deaths at SK are LESS than the daily average - so without wondering why the authorities have decided that this pickup dictum is a "no brainer" - well it one way or another it is.......
80% of DEATHS - not accidents are attributed to motorcyclists - so they aren't going to make that much of a dent - in fact if they can't travel in the back with the fridge and the motorcycle, many may undertake the journey on a  that motorcycle resulting in an INCREASE in road deaths.

Songtaews are specifically excluded from the new law.
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6 minutes ago, bangrak said:

What about a next regulation: no more than 2 persons on a motorbike...?

Along with a functioning police force! - not going to happen is it! :shock1:

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4 hours ago, colinneil said:

For years police have been trying to enforce the wearing of helmets on motorbikes.

That hasnt worked, neither will this 1.

How can you "enforce" the wearing of helmets when everybody knows the police are away in the evenings.

In Chiang Mai, there wouldn't be one helmet worn in 20 or more motor cyclists once the sun has set.

As for pickups/utes, with 15 or so people squashed into the back, it might be a Thai way of life, but it's also a quick way of ending life.

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4 hours ago, Jeremy50 said:

It's a start, now all the other road madnesses need to be addressed.  Driving on the wrong side of the road, driving without lights, insane overtaking, cutting the corners at junctions, driving slowly in the fast lane, etc etc etc


Lowering the speed limit would be a step in the right direction.

NZ has lowered it's limits and lowers them again during holiday period with zero tolerance over the speed limit at Xmas.

Enforcing helmets is a must.

NZ's lower speed limit has remarkably lowered holiday Rd tolls, I hope the PM is reading this.


THAILANDS MAX LIMIT SHOULD BE 100k country wide and 50k on main Rds.

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I'm always sad to read about people getting killed due to carelessness in and around roads.  Get very concerned driving around reckless people who zig zag at high speeds and do other selfish things on the road that endanger others.  Wish  safety could be enforced on Thai roads, careless drivers genuinely fined and punished, for all our safety.  We need Poncharello 

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

In addition he said that passengers will not be able to use the space behind the driver in the cab to sit in. He said this was not designed for passenger use but was for transporting goods.


WOW really. I hope the big truck manufacturers are listening. 

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14 minutes ago, nahkbin said:

Completely irresponsible for the government to implement rules like this with out proper notice.

How many families have two door pickups with or without extended cab.  Are they expected to replace it today?


+1. And what about the devaluation of those cars ? No one wants them no more as you can only travel with 2 persons max in 1 of those pickups.

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