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Pattaya: Brutal farang vs farang road rage assault caught on camera

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Disgusting excuse for a human being. Go back to whatever country you came from and do us all a favor. Good to see concerned Thai people not allowing him to leave and helping the poor victim of this violent overgrown child. Twenty years ago I very rarely ever heard or saw Foreigners behaving like this. The expats were then a much smaller group and tended to be older. More mature and well traveled. Contractors, business people and generally a more adventurous type of person. Mostly we all got on well. Sadly over time the name of Thailand spread and the younger more ignorant thug types finally arrived. Bringing with them their stupid, childish, arrogant and ignorant thinking and behavioral patterns.  It is one of the reasons quite of a few of us left the UK and other parts of the world. To get away from the people like this. Sadly they came to Thailand. I hope he gets locked up. Because we see so much violence in society world over, we tend to accept it, or find reasons to justify it. No. We should not. The man is a thug and a bully. The 99% of us do not act like this but we are the silent majority. We should not be. People like this I wish would stay back in their own countries, as they have not grown up enough to live elsewhere. Its easy...someone insults you, or says something you do not like, walk away, get in your car and ignore it. Be a real man. Belting someone a lot smaller than you is hardly an act one should be proud of, or justify. Pathetic. I hope the victim of this crime is okay.


Multiple off topic, troll and flames have been trashed also replies to them

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


Another example of foreigners acting out.... and the reason was splashing water from one foreigners car to another foreigners sick child. This is a perfect example of why the whole Songkran experience is out of hand and needs to be controlled. In addition, foreigners acting out in Thailand gives another reason for the powers to be to look at foreigners as being out of control; not able to conform to Thai customs and generally not fit to be in Thailand. 

This could have been defused easily yet one foreigner assaulted another and should be dealt with accordingly. It's no wonder Thais look at us as if we are nothing but drunks and troublemakers.

11 hours ago, tropo said:

The victim's fault here. There's no point aggressively approaching a car to complain about something that has already happened unless he's confident he can defend himself and/or back it up with some firepower. He's lucky the driver wasn't Thai.


If he is married to a Thai and has a kid, then he's been here long enough to know better - especially in Pattaya.

Agreed, the victim was aggressive,  hitting the car and starting an argument. He escalated the whole thing, it was Songkran, then some water will be splashed its unavoidable. Like others say if you start a confrontation like that you put yourself in the spot. It certainly was not right what the other guy did and he will have to be punished but it has to be taken into account that the victim escalated the whole thing. 

54 minutes ago, JerryinTH said:

Not starting a steroid discussion but steroids just intensify your behaviour. 

If you are an an idiot you'll be an even bigger idiot on steroids. If you are a normal tempered guy, you won't suddenly start wearing women t-shirts and become a raging <deleted> - like the guy in the video.

Hope he ended up in soi 9 in lockup. 


Correct, totally correct what you say. Alcohol does far more to get people aggressive. Besides the victim here escalated it..was he on steroids too (i mean what else to explain his aggression :smile:)


Its always fun if a small guy sees a muscular guy its always steroids that got him that big.. never the hours and hours training and eating the right foods. Its the steroids that made him overnight. Just a nice excuse for small guys to be happy with their figure because you can only get big if you take steroids.. :passifier:


...to..... 'prove your prowess' ......by going physical....on an....out of shape....apparently ......'older guy'.........


...is like beating up on ........a woman....or...a child......





Too many people are missing the point- this is Thailand- you are not back on the block- foreigners acting out in Thailand reflects on us all and gives the powers to be just another excuse to scrutinize us more and develop more stereotypes.  If you can't control yourselves- you should not be here.


Quality stuff. There is so much freakin anger around these days. It's seem almost every slight confrontation could become something much worse and sometimes, like this does. Fines and deportation will possibly make things better...wait what, that's worked so well for everything else, phew!!! 


RULE 1: Never get out of the car unless you are prepared to fight.


Shocking??? Just a minor fist fight. I don't know that I would even call it road rage. Just a minor altercation, no weapons involved.

4 minutes ago, Dan5 said:

Shocking??? Just a minor fist fight. I don't know that I would even call it road rage. Just a minor altercation, no weapons involved.

Can hands be considered deadly weapons?
Hands, feet, teeth, can all be considered deadly weapons. The way in which they are intended to be used plays a part in all of this, but if an item is used in a manner to cause serious bodily injury, then it can be a deadly weapon.
Especially when used by 'steroid addicted' brainless idiots.

Exactly how anyone can conclude that the fat man is not at fault is beyond me.  The fat guy is the one who approached the black car, probably with the intent of assault and battery until he caught a look at who was inside.  In all probability, he would have been FAR more aggressive if the individual IN the car had been smaller than him.  We cannot tell what was said, but it appears that just before fat man leaves, he pokes inside the car, angering the occupant, who only then emerges.  They exchange shoves and the guy in the tank top hits fat man very few times.  He connects with one good punch.  It's not like he gave the guy a pounding after subduing him.  The guy can punch, what can I say?  Fat man should know better than to pick fights.  I say this is a walk-away with no fault.  Watching this, the part that angers me more than any other is the Thais who decide to interfere in what was a fair fight.  Cowards big time.  Anyone can see that tank top guy did not go overboard.  Like I said, the guy simply knows how to deliver a punch, and fat man took a risk with the wrong guy.


Some more troll, flames and baiting posts removed, suggest read the topic from the begining before posting thanks. 

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


The Thais did exactly the right thing by blocking the car from leaving so he police can come and sort it out. Too many people forget this is Thailand...your are not in Los Angeles or London or any Western country where things may get handled differently.

Foreigners bring their bad manners and anger to LOS in increasing numbers and those of us permanent here are sick of it. I don't care who may have been drinking; who may have used steroids or anything else. The police will most likely fine both parties as they are both at fault. However, the person throwing the punch committed assault and battery and he should be paying compensation to the man he struck. Both face the potential of getting deported.

Was this all worth it......given the potential of police action; potential jail and fines as well as Immigration involvement. Foreigners need to control themselves. Your not at home. You are in Thailand and you are not in charge of anything except your own behavior.

13 hours ago, stravers said:

Agreed. You approach anyone aggressively, expect an aggressive response.

Exactly, where does common sense prevail here?


Keep your head down, mind your manners, don't over react to anything, smile a lot and enjoy the weather Lol

A couple of idiots meet to provide us with some early tv entertainment.


They look like Russians to me, they like to have a swing at each other.

13 hours ago, MadMuhummad said:

He had a swing, whether at the car or the person is beside the point. Don't escalate a verbal argument with violence/the threat of violence unless you're prepared to back it up.

Have to agree with this: "Don't escalate a verbal argument with violence or threat of violence unless you're prepared to back it up" ... Mistakes and tempers by *both* men created this situation. But I don't by default side w man who took the worse of the exchange as he initiated and then "escalated" when it may not have been called for ... Exception would be if he was protecting some 'innocent' from harm (e.g. if tall man had almost ran over his kid), but that's not likely the case here. Just tempers + testosterone. Man who took the beating could (IMO should) have de-escalted by walking away after making his point ... but he chose instead to slap the door in a 'one upsmanship' act ... May seem like a trivial act ... but it was definitely an escalation and a mistake. If you're not fully prepared and justified (which is rare) to do battle, always best to keep your cool and de-escalate.


What's happened has happened and the government should be looking at ways to reduce such incidents. As someone else suggested, a certain coloured shirt could be worn so as to let people know not to soak them - I'd go one step further and have some government sanctioned style day glow yellow vest.

32 minutes ago, cromagnon said:

Exactly how anyone can conclude that the fat man is not at fault is beyond me.  The fat guy is the one who approached the black car, probably with the intent of assault and battery until he caught a look at who was inside.  In all probability, he would have been FAR more aggressive if the individual IN the car had been smaller than him.  We cannot tell what was said, but it appears that just before fat man leaves, he pokes inside the car, angering the occupant, who only then emerges.  They exchange shoves and the guy in the tank top hits fat man very few times.  He connects with one good punch.  It's not like he gave the guy a pounding after subduing him.  The guy can punch, what can I say?  Fat man should know better than to pick fights.  I say this is a walk-away with no fault.  Watching this, the part that angers me more than any other is the Thais who decide to interfere in what was a fair fight.  Cowards big time.  Anyone can see that tank top guy did not go overboard.  Like I said, the guy simply knows how to deliver a punch, and fat man took a risk with the wrong guy.

I don't think anyone concluded that the "fat man" was not at fault.       Quote, " I say this is a walk away with no fault.    .......Thais who decided to interfere in what was a fair fight!"    Fair fight!!!   Did you even bother to look at the video?        Conclusion:   The "fat man" was wrong but his beating at the hands of the "big guy" was far to excessive.     

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