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PM suggests looking to country’s future rather than focusing on ‘stories of the past’ as plaque mystery rumbles on


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8 hours ago, webfact said:

In response to a potential move tomorrow by activists aimed at reclaiming the lost plaque, the premier said: “I’m not threatening you, but whatever they are doing, they should consider security laws and Article 116 [on sedition in the Criminal Code].”

Sure sounds like a threat to me. Its the old if it walks like duck story.

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2 hours ago, Raymonddiaz said:

He knows more than he's actually saying. Police should interrogate him.

The last person who went to ask prayuth a question got dragged away and hasn't been heard of since.  Prayuth has this little Article 44 he can use against the police.

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4 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Given his attitude, there can be little doubt that he knows exactly what happened to it, and was probably the one who ordered it to happen.

There's not a shadow of doubt that this was done with his knowledge, if not on his orders.


The changing of history is quite sinister and should make everyone very wary.

It's a classic move of juntas worldwide.


Edited by jesimps
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36 minutes ago, Thechook said:

The last person who went to ask prayuth a question got dragged away and hasn't been heard of since.  Prayuth has this little Article 44 he can use against the police.

Always curious can that little article 44 drum up a winning lottery ticket?? Of course silly buy number 44

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4 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

It will be an amicable solution to all parties to remove the new plague and cover the hole with cement or maybe plant a tree. All happy and looking to the future and no more focus on anything. Over to you Khun P. 

I think a kind of plague (not black death kind) would be a kind of likeness of the great man himself like the Romans would do complete with laurel wreath on head, and with hand prints Hollywood style, would be rather fetching don't you think?

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10 hours ago, webfact said:

shouldn’t we rather look ahead to the future

Okay - then tear down the 14 metre-high bronze statues of seven past kings built by the military in the military-owned Rajabhakti Park. Maybe replace with mockups of the new Chinese submarines, missiles and tanks the military recently purchased.  That is truly the future for the nation.

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okay.... but convince people you are serious....

on the topic of the ****future**** (not technically off topic, I hope).....

how about "trading" no riding in pickup trucks..... with School Decentralization....
( hold on a sec.... it's about the future... )...

and letting folks know that that means ****they**** can hire and manage the staff including ajarn locally... where folks know who's who and what's what....

instead of these once a year or so School Vehicle Parking Lot Filling events where "inspectors" arrive from Bangkok and the local folk (if any are present at such an event) see ajarn show up that no one even knew were assigned to that school... including the "krew yeye" himself.... or herself...

plus the occasional ajarn show ups who usually are "doing research in the library".... 


no more need of fingerprint machines at the ****public**** schools...

and the tea money folks get to decide what tea money is spent on....
oh boy!!!! ooooohhh boy oh boy oh boy!!!!!!!!

not sure which would be more difficult otherwise... decentralization... or no riding in pickup trucks...

but maybe can do both at the same time.

****that**** would be thinking about the ****future****.

p.s. I think the PM is doing a good job. he's getting close.


Please PM me your guy's number, my guy just got fired >_>
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13 minutes ago, candide said:

I think the good general is just starting to be in trouble......

I am 99.99% sure this had nothing to do with the General. I would bet good money he was not even aware of the Plaques existence let alone its significance until the story broke.

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1 hour ago, smutcakes said:

I am 99.99% sure this had nothing to do with the General. I would bet good money he was not even aware of the Plaques existence let alone its significance until the story broke.

That's why I wrote he is just starting to be in trouble. ;)

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As it has turned out, the replacement of the 1932 Revolution memorial plaque is raking up old history, bringing an event of 85 years ago back into the minds of people who blissfully went about their daily lives without thinking of it. Was this intentional on the part of whoever is behind this replacement?

Edited by Puccini
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The 1932 Revolution memorial plaque seems to be the third in a series of landmarks associated with 1932 that have so far been destroyed in recent years. The other two were the Supreme Court building in Bangkok in 2013 and the Constitution Monument in Buriram in 2014. What will be next? The Democracy Monument on Ratchadamnoen Avenue?


Source: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/politics/2017/04/15/1932-revolution-plaque-important/

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16 hours ago, webfact said:

“Arguing over history won’t do any good. It’s a matter of everyone’s intention as to how they will move the country forward,” he added.

Prayuth is moving the goalposts. The primary argument is that this is an act of vandalism, theft and usurpation of public space. By shifting the topic to "history", he's saying it's all a matter of opinion. It's not. Somebody vandalized and stole public property.

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11 hours ago, JAG said:

I do wonder when the really big reset ( returning to calling the country Siam) is coming...

That won't happen in my view. The country was renamed as Thailand by the fascist sympathizer Phibulsongkram in the 30s as a gesture to  the fashionable ideas of volk and blood of the time. It said to be a true Thai you need to claim Thai ethnicity and language . It's leftist historians like Charnvit Kasetsiri who argue for the name to be changed back to Siam 

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37 minutes ago, WhizBang said:


Please enlighten us.  

I tried it indirectly on an earlier post, my post was quickly deleted.  Now if that doesn't give you enough information to deduce the obvious, I'm afraid you can't be helped.

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12 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

It will be an amicable solution to all parties to remove the new plague and cover the hole with cement or maybe plant a tree. All happy and looking to the future and no more focus on anything. Over to you Khun P. 


Agreed. The truly offensive thing about the theft of the original marker is not in the brazen attempt to eradicate established history but in the naive idea to replace it with something totally irrelevant to Thai cultural inheritance.


If there is nothing and nobody guilty of this shameless theft then by the very excuses currently being fobbed of on the Thai people there can be nothing wrong and nobody guilty of removing this insulting replacement.


But we all know that any attempt to remove the new marker will not meet with the same indifference currently shown by the police and army. Oh no......go ahead and try and you will soon find out just how unimportant it all is.


For shame on all those posters who think this regime is better than the last. Naivety has it's price and now it will be paid out in full.

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9 hours ago, smutcakes said:

I am 99.99% sure this had nothing to do with the General. I would bet good money he was not even aware of the Plaques existence let alone its significance until the story broke.

Why? Do you have inside information? You seem so certain


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2 hours ago, Denim said:


Agreed. The truly offensive thing about the theft of the original marker is not in the brazen attempt to eradicate established history but in the naive idea to replace it with something totally irrelevant to Thai cultural inheritance.



No, I disagree. Both are equally offensive

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10 hours ago, Denim said:


Agreed. The truly offensive thing about the theft of the original marker is not in the brazen attempt to eradicate established history but in the naive idea to replace it with something totally irrelevant to Thai cultural inheritance.


If there is nothing and nobody guilty of this shameless theft then by the very excuses currently being fobbed of on the Thai people there can be nothing wrong and nobody guilty of removing this insulting replacement.


But we all know that any attempt to remove the new marker will not meet with the same indifference currently shown by the police and army. Oh no......go ahead and try and you will soon find out just how unimportant it all is.


For shame on all those posters who think this regime is better than the last. Naivety has it's price and now it will be paid out in full.

You are right to point out that any attempt to remove the new marker would not be met with the head shrugging complacency regarding the original piece of vandalism.


There will be those who genuinely wonder what all the fuss is about.After all it's just an old marker.Nobody was hurt and nobody had their civil rights breached.It's only a piece of symbolism of no interest to ordinary people.


And yet...and yet.There's something profoundly disturbing here - the care devoted to the removal, the precautions taken, the blanket official silence and lies.A random bit of vandalism would pass without comment but this was something different.For those who organized this event, the stakes were very important.A clear message was being sent out.


Symbols are important.When historians of the future consider this period in Thailand, the significance of this incident will be a feature.How the bigger picture plays out is hard to predict.But we can be sure that some moron will always be on hand to invoke Thaksin!

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