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District chief trots out the same old epithets as yet another "sex clean up" of Pattaya goes through the motions

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Although some are ridiculing the authorities for their weak efforts in this escapade.I have the suspicion that most farang do not want the Pattaya clean-up to succeed. 

Just now, owl sees all said:

Although some are ridiculing the authorities for their weak efforts in this escapade.I have the suspicion that most farang do not want the Pattaya clean-up to succeed. Where else in Thailand could you have four ladies in bed with you and still have change from a 1000 Baht note?

When were those prices available, 1985?


Those guys on parade are either involved with the biz (as customers or owners of venues) or they're buddies with those who are involved.  


Next they can walk through a bar and tell everyone not to drink fermented sugars.  


Let he who is without sin toss the first fried cricket.


Ever the pessimist, I find it very difficult to take this serious where, this 'parade' is lead by a representative of an organisation who has major problems with some of it's senior members involved in an underage sex scandal at the moment. Albeit not in Pattaya, but following what has been described as a 'culture' of Thailand.


This, IMO, is real crime and needs to be sorted out before stones are cast in the direction of entertainment (perhaps against the laws of the country but not illegal age sense) that brings in the tourists.


And just a side note for those who thought this was a raid, it wasn't. It was an overt walk-about; any establishment that got caught out during this away-day photo shoot deserves to be shut down.


IMO of course...........................:sleep:

4 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

I do believe the statement blaming westerners to be totally untrue. The sex scene was readily available in every asian country long before any significant western presence occurred. In Indonesia whole villages were and are being maintained by the army solely for the purpose of having somewhere for the soldiers to go and partake, and in places like Bangkok the "Thai for Thai" scene totally dwarfs the Farang scenes evident in the Patpong, Nana Plaza, and Soi Cowboy areas. Westerners come here because they enjoy the ease and availability of things not freely available in their own hypocritical countries. Just because there are brighter lights outside the establishments aimed at the Farang market does not mean anything other than it is now more visible.

Yes but back in the early days 1966/77 when I first visited Pattaya off and on;(and of course to this day); if you wanted a friend you had to bring your own from Bangkok


Seeing a bunch of uniformed thugs walking around gives Thailand a terrible image. They are bringing the place into disrepute more than girls dancing in bikinis. Nobody voted for these people.  Anyway Costa Rica and DR are the sex capitals of the world.  So called Sex tourism create a massive halo effect of jobs and employment.  

2 hours ago, morrobay said:

It also gives the girls a great sense of liberation from the dreary drudgery of village life and agricultural servitude.  The girls choose the guys they go with and spend their time with their friends having fun, drinking and dancing......There is no Peedo or locked brothes scene in Pattaya - less than in some part of the UK and USA. Its a shame the labour led councils in the north of england did nothing to protect the 1400 children from grooming gangs....Perhaps the next time a british newspaper criticizes Thailand the Thai authorities should be more challenging about sex abuse, rape and harassment in the UK. In the case of Rotheram the police and social services had known for years about the mass child rape.................and that's just one city. It's sick and ugly compared to the fun and innocence of Pattaya.


Clean up Pattaya - change the record. It seems we hear this every few months.

If they clean up Pattaya then they will get less tourists so they will need less police and with fewer police why would they then still need a police chief for the area.

34 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

Is there anyone who actually wants the sex industry to go? And those who pay their wife or girlfriend a monthly salary / build a house for don't count.

Nobody in their right mind

7 hours ago, dinsdale said:

This isn't political correctness, it's regressive conservative dogma.

So sad, i tend to think a lot and try to elevate my being to higher places through thought and the teachings of Bhudda. But yesterday it all went to ruin, because after i had reversed out of my garage, i found that my kharma had run over my dogma.


This is just Madame Minister of Tourism strutting her "holier than thou" attitude to the sex scene which Thailand is 

very good at. Her problem is she has no idea of the wealth that it brings to the lower class & support monies that flow

back to Isaan. 

Strongly against drugs & underage workers  but without the Burmese workers this country would struggle in many areas.

Try & employ a Thai to work in a factory on the minimum wage. I have been unsuccessful in 4 years

The armada of police would be better served by sending them to Pattani to sort out the mega problems 

facing this country or road patrols to try to keep our roads safe from idiot drivers who need mass education

on road awareness

1 hour ago, The manic said:

Seeing a bunch of uniformed thugs walking around gives Thailand a terrible image. They are bringing the place into disrepute more than girls dancing in bikinis. Nobody voted for these people.  Anyway Costa Rica and DR are the sex capitals of the world.  So called Sex tourism create a massive halo effect of jobs and employment.  

DR is?

3 hours ago, geriatrickid said:


Actually I do. My initial specialty was public health solutions. I have read the reports as to the demographics and sociological characteristics of the sex trade in Thailand.  I have also seen my share of the data reports in respect to the infection rates. If it makes you feel better that there are no victims and that no one is hurt, go for it. It still doesn't change the reality.  

Your exchange of banter with a hooker doesn't qualify as reliable information. 

I have no desire to change the world. If you are cool with taking advantage of the disadvantaged, okie dokie.


I am against any sort of forced prostitution, but I am also against banning people from selling their body if they made that decision.

This has little to do with taking advantage of the disadvantaged.


Most girls doing the job do so because either their financial needs are higher than a regular job can provide and/or because being a hooker fits their personality better (i.e. too lazy or stupid to earn well in a regular job), often it is a combination of both, plus pressure from the family to earn money.

Poor families want to live better and get the things they see other people have.

Some (few) persons make the decision for prostitution while many others don't.


I don't think it is the taxpayer's role to bankroll people to prevent prostitution, that only destroys social order and ultimately causes unemployment and bankrupt states.


Simple solution, cut off the electricity, BAN generators as noise polluters, cut off fresh water supply and they will close one by one.........anything less than a total destruction by fire and Walking Street will remain in business forever.  Look how long they have been "Closing Nana Plaza", litterally a couple years after it opened in 1986,  it's 2017 and Nana is still open I see.  In fact ten times bigger than back then.   


The district chief is so right. What this country need is more soapies , lots of warm water , lots pf soapsuds hence ..cleaner sex.

One swallow does not a bar girl make.  Sorry ...where did that come form.?

Why do they think people go to Pattaya in the first place. Sawing the branch over  you are sitting on, comes to mind.

Hopefully people don't come to Pattaya looking for underage or illegal foreign workers. Most sex tourists come for the gogos, bars and massages which are, mostly, operating within the regulations.
2 hours ago, TunnelRat69 said:

Simple solution, cut off the electricity, BAN generators as noise polluters, cut off fresh water supply and they will close one by one.........anything less than a total destruction by fire and Walking Street will remain in business forever.  Look how long they have been "Closing Nana Plaza", litterally a couple years after it opened in 1986,  it's 2017 and Nana is still open I see.  In fact ten times bigger than back then.   

hmmm... why on earth would they do that against legal businesses ?


So Pattaya is no longer the Sex Capitol of the world; it will be know as 'The Raid Capitol of the World. Of course far too many will confuse raid with roid, can't hardly win. 


Its hasn't been the sex capital for several years now, sex show capital-yes. Take this out of the equation and you have a no-show for tourists to this otherwise unattractive city.

Pattaya filling up with zero-dollar Chinese tourists who come to gawk at sex workers and tourists is the evidence of this. They will be gone to when you take away their show.

34 minutes ago, manarak said:

hmmm... why on earth would they do that against legal businesses ?

Because many are owned by foreigners who don't pay up. Once the city reaches a certain threshold of foreign owned apartments and businesses its harvesting time.


If they bothered researching before they entered the market they would have seen the playing field between residents and expats is as uneven as the average Pattaya pool table, instead they have to charge a premium to recoup their losses.

Walking past too many overpriced foreign-owned businesses and apartments makes my legs hurt. Leave Thailand to the Thais, they do it better. 

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