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What would you do to improve Thailand?


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2 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

Red Bull, Thai air, Bangkok Bank, 

i was thinking along the lines of invitation and quality..


sure Thailand also has Singha....  thai air is ranked pretty low as an airline also.

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4 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

Red Bull, Thai air, Bangkok Bank, 

I think Red Bull is actually Austrian owned. They just took the ingredients of a Thai drink and developed it to Western tastes. Obviously the family here is getting royalties though to pay policeman. 

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4 minutes ago, speckio said:
46 minutes ago, KittenKong said:


Are you completely insane?


There are 7 billion people on the planet which is at least 6 billion too many. Those without children should be praised and rewarded. Those with children, particularly the stupid ones which is most of them, should be penalised and vilified for the inconsiderate and selfish morons that they are.

it is absolutely ridiculous to penalize people who choose not to have children!!


i couldnt agree with kittenkong more..   I would have used much harsher language than "insane" but i am going to try and keep things civil.

read kittenkong again!

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6 minutes ago, wildewillie89 said:

I think Red Bull is actually Austrian owned. They just took the ingredients of a Thai drink and developed it to Western tastes. Obviously the family here is getting royalties though to pay policeman. 

Red Bull has the highest market share of any energy drink in the world, with 5.387 billion cans sold in 2013. Austrian entrepreneur Dietrich Mateschitz was inspired by an existing energy drink named Krating Daeng, which was first introduced and sold in Thailand by Chaleo Yoovidhya.

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8 hours ago, 11223344 said:

SiamBeast: you think too much

Thinking to much is good keeps the brain percolating. When your face looks back at you from the mirror it takes only a few seconds to recognize who it is. I think that people that think a lot keep dementia at bay. I concede as we age nano bits of information break away and float off. 

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Just now, speckio said:

Red Bull has the highest market share of any energy drink in the world, with 5.387 billion cans sold in 2013. Austrian entrepreneur Dietrich Mateschitz was inspired by an existing energy drink named Krating Daeng, which was first introduced and sold in Thailand by Chaleo Yoovidhya.

Which translated means red bull

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Eliminate corruption that has been sucking the life out of this country.  Hang or otherwise remove from this mortal plane anyone found involved in corruption above Bhat 1 million.  The corruption cases would be prosecuted by a special tribunal that must render a guilty or not guilty verdict within a week.  No appeals allowed.  I know, there would be a sharp drop in the population but that's OK it's already too crowded.  

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  • Change TV programming from god-awful prurient preoccupation
  • Prevent banksters from overcharging: limit fees/interest/no compounding/etc.
  • Stop loan sharks 'dead' in their tracks
  • Raise minimum wage to what is liveable
  • Pay more attention to tradition, history and authentic Buddhism
  • License and restrict Red Light and bar districts as opposed to forbidding them
  • No mercy for human traffickers = death sentence
  • Legalize & License drugs except for synthetic composites: latter = death sentence for producers and dealers (no appeal) -- bring back opium dens and their equivalent under local supervision and medical council
  • forced labor/armed service for convicted pimps, including able-bodied fathers/brothers living off wife/daughter prostitution
  • better rewards and trade-education for all farmers with protection from manipulators
  • adapt Japanese protocols to local needs for immigration / visa purposes
  • improve road and transport systems/border crossings with regional neighbors
  • provide suitable vocational training programs post secondary school
  • reduce University seats while improving quality educators and students
  • revamp primary and secondary education to assure more than functional literacy and less administrator corruption
  • assure meritocracy for graduates with bone fides
  • return more autocracy to local administrators balanced by a local/non-governmental board of censors
  • afford legal parental rights for all foreign parents of Thai citizens
  • expel all Jesuits and Muslims from fundamentalist origins





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-make corruption legal, establish fixed prices and publish regularly updates,

-arrest and sentence employees (especially of banks) for making obscene claims such as "cannot" :smile:

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9 hours ago, 11223344 said:

SiamBeast: you think too much

No, I'd say too little thinking just another authoritarian conservative. One of the best things that could happen is to rid Thailand of all the foreign deadbeats and cheapskates--charge all foreigners USD2000 each month to live here.

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  • ban saying 'mai pen rai'
  • allow us to buy land
  • stop 90 day reporting
  • staff immigration terminals properly 
  • ban describing Chang as beer
  • ban describing SongSam as Whiskey when it's Rum
  • no more sinsod 
  • control dogs
  • neuter cats
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I remember reading in the Bangkok Times about a poll where 64% of Thais believe that corruption is OK if they are benefiting from it. With that mentality pervading this society, no changes in rules or laws will fix anything, because those with authority will find ways to make the laws benefit them. The bedrock of a functioning society is education and law enforcement, and Thailand is woeful in both. The keystone cops look highly professional next to the seriously incompetent and incredibly lazy people that paid their way into the lucrative policeman job. There are plenty of laws here but so little enforcement. And the clear tiered justice system (one law for the rich) makes Thai law an international laughing stock. If you have to change anything, here's where you start. However, if 64% support corruption, where do you find an honest candidate to put in the job?

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2 hours ago, ThaiWai said:

I'm with you!  I can take the road rage, the corruption, the litter, the dangerous women, the violence, immigration all of it.  If I could just step outside and wash my truck or sit by the pool or go for a walk without flies swarming my ankles I would be happy.  I am seriously considering amputating my legs below the knees.  I need Bug A Salt rifle ASAP!!



My worries are the millions of  mosquitoes outside and the billions of mini ants in the kitchen, comparatively the rare flys are almost welcome :saai:

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1 minute ago, FunkyDunky58 said:

I remember reading in the Bangkok Times about a poll where 64% of Thais believe that corruption is OK if they are benefiting from it. With that mentality pervading this society, no changes in rules or laws will fix anything, because those with authority will find ways to make the laws benefit them. The bedrock of a functioning society is education and law enforcement, and Thailand is woeful in both.

Thai's "respect" anyone with money, how they got that money is immaterial to them! Until the endemic corruption is stopped and a decent education system put in place - nothing is going to change!

Don't hold your breath!

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One thing that would improve Thailand dramatically would be to repeal the defamation laws.


This would finally allow people here to call a thief a thief and to denounce poor service, corruption and bad practices generally.


I expect there would be a lot of denunciation happening though as there is plenty to denounce.

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This whole thread is pointless and, to be honest, arrogant. All of the changes advocated are issues seen from a Western perspective with no input from the natives! How arrogant is that! Typical of Western people to be honest. They believe that they know best and that the 'developing world' (another Western construct) needs their help in order to grow. It's all BS! 


'East is east and west is west and never the twain shall meet'! Western perspectives do not work here, just as Asian perspectives wouldn't work in Europe of USA.

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1 hour ago, Naam said:

reduce wine prices, abolish bar fines, redirect traffic to the right side, deport whiners and whingers, issue work permits generously to foreign working ladies, sentence all jet ski owners and criminal ladyboys to 10 years hard labour, minimise sunshine, increase cloudcover and number of rainy days...  

Best answer by far till now :clap2:


In my opinion of course, for some would not give a damn for the wine prices and will complain why not the beer prices, other would be  furious with the right side traffic, or some would whinge about too much clouds... but no problem since they will be deported :smile:

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1 hour ago, Naam said:

reduce wine prices, abolish bar fines, redirect traffic to the right side, deport whiners and whingers, issue work permits generously to foreign working ladies, sentence all jet ski owners and criminal ladyboys to 10 years hard labour, minimise sunshine, increase cloudcover and number of rainy days...  

I know...pipe dreams..right. you can aways dream.

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