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Altercation on the MRT as Thai man tells foreign tourist to “go back your <deleted> country”

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4 hours ago, steven100 said:

I think the Thai guy overreacted ....  the chinese guy probably looked at him a few times and the thai guy took it the wrong way and therefore got upset.


A bit of a jerk if you ask me .....  he was showing off in front of other thais ...

I am sure the chinese guy meant no harm ... and will probably be glad to see arse end of Thailand.


I guess the reaction of the Thai man is a product of the official attitude.

Come, leave your money, depart.

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Let's not condemn all Chinese please. Having taught at a few schools here, the Chinese teachers who worked with us teaching Mandarin were educated, polite, helpful and quite charming. Not to mention their work ethic put many of the NES teachers, who could not show up on time or disappeared at midterms, to shame.

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4 hours ago, steven100 said:

I am sure the chinese guy meant no harm

Well then, if you're sure, then it must be the Thai who is in the wrong. Quite a surprise here at TV to find someone blaming Thais for everything and anything. 


12 minutes ago, hansnl said:

I guess the reaction of the Thai man is a product of the official attitude

It happened in Thailand, not the US or UK.



Come, leave your money, depart.

How unusual. Most countries want tourists to stay forever and not spend any money.




Edited by Suradit69
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Some very high class stuff right here. The Chinese guy was not in the wrong, he was calm and tried to calm the situation down  while the other was o verreacting. Very surprising that Chinese have so much patience, I'd probably have done something crazy way before that.

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3 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Another quality advertisement for Thai Tourism. Thankfully the Thai guy was all mouth and no trousers, so at least no one got hurt.

Just as well for him, as the Chinese guy would hav knocked this Thai lady boy (well he sounds like one) out with one punch.  ???

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16 minutes ago, stjp8729 said:

In general Mainland Chinese behaviour is unacceptable in all countries. 

This has nothing to do with the Chinese guys behaviour.

It's the Thai male stupidity appearing again on the news.

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30 minutes ago, Suradit69 said:

Well then, if you're sure, then it must be the Thai who is in the wrong. Quite a surprise here at TV to find someone blaming Thais for everything and anything. 


It happened in Thailand, not the US or UK.


How unusual. Most countries want tourists to stay forever and not spend any money.




not sure what your getting .... I'm not biased either way with anything, I look at the facts on hand and that's what I see ....  I am not against thai or chinese although your comment points to that.

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31 minutes ago, SiamBeast said:

Some very high class stuff right here. The Chinese guy was not in the wrong, he was calm and tried to calm the situation down  while the other was o verreacting. Very surprising that Chinese have so much patience, I'd probably have done something crazy way before that.

When u hav lived in Thailand for a long time u will realise it's just not worth getting too involved with a Thai male, as we all know most of them are either drunk, drugged up, big ego & hate loss of face. So just let them get on with their own little fantasy world. ?

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5 hours ago, rooster59 said:

"go back your <deleted> country"

Some years back I was treated to the "This is my country, I can do what I want"-version of the above statement. My reply was: "No, it's not your country, it's my country. I bought it yesterday from Yingluck. For five baht." It took probably all of five minutes for him to process all the cultural taboos I had just violated, at which point he could finally close his jaw.

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3 hours ago, midas said:

huh ?:blink:What on earth are you talking about? When he sits down briefly he talks in Thai to the other passengers.

How does someone need to look to qualify as being Thai in your eyes?

He also curses his opponent in Thai calling him "phisat" (roughly, "bastard")

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i don't get how some here can quickly assume that the tourist is chinese. his accent doesn't give away where he's from. he could be korean, japanese, taiwanese, etc. one thing is clear though, he seems very confident he hasn't done anything wrong since he threatened to go to the police. on the other hand, the thai seems hell-bent on having a go at the tourist. very strong hints who's the aggressor here.

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2 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

I live in rural Thailand and can assure everyone that I cannot find any labour for 500 baht per day plus free beers at 6pm. And there are no layabouts that I have seen.

I have been offered some Cambodian labour after all the house and business projects are finished. (ie when it really starts to rain)

Thailand is not going down the drain. At least not in the rural areas. Thriving is how I see it.

Meanwhile my wife and I must try to finish the new duck yard fence and coop on our own. sigh 

Well I don't know where u live but ur wrong. Iam now up country for las 18mths in a border village near Myanmar. An I can tell u now there are a lot of Thai males in the 20-40 age group sitting around in their shacks or by the river drinking whisky or glue sniffing. Whilst most of the Burmese that hav come over are working 7 days a wk for 200b a day doing the Thais dirty work. As in cleaning out cow shit on farms, picking vegetables, harvesting the rai's of Thai owned land in the searing heat, building construction, 

An only last year I had a hair salon built for my gf at the family hse, we had 10 Burmese workers an 2 Thai who were just sitting around watching all day.

So yes the majority of the Thai male population are just plain LAZY. ?

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4 hours ago, Credo said:

There is a huge cultural dissonance between the Thais and the Chinese.   I've ridden on the BTS numerous times when Chinese tourists have gotten on and been very pushy.   On more than one occasion a small group very deliberately pushed people and bumped them with suitcases.   They were often loud, blocked the door, and made it very difficult for people to exit or enter.   In most of these cases, it was unnecessary.  


Public courtesy is the exception rather than the rule with the Chinese.    


It's difficult to believe they are on the same continent.   

Agree. As individuals, the Chinese are normally polite and responsive. When they are in groups, a different mindset rules.

Shopkeepers in Chiang Mai dread them. A couple I know have even gone so far as to ban them from their shops, saying they are not worth the trouble.

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"It is not known the reason for the argument or why the Thai man challenged the tourist to a fight."


One small clue might be when he explains at 0:45 what happened- that the Chinese dude smashed into his leg. He asks the woman if she saw it and she nods. 


Of course that's one side of the story but being shoved aside by Chinese people isn't too far-fetched. 

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Its a common theme thats been recently revived in asia: locals hating on expats who are better paid than them, and are seen as stealing local jobs.


There's an entire community of these retards in singapore too…..they have their own forum. It's amazing the kind of garbage that festers 

in their infected brains.

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3 hours ago, robsamui said:

Seems to be an educated Thai man with a good command of English - you can tell he is middle class because he keeps asking the other guy if he wants to fight. If he had been more street-wise he would have just started punching without mouthing off so much.


Oh . . . . wait . . . no. Because he was on his own and could nip off and call 10 of his chums to help him. That's why he didn't start fighting.

He was on his own, he was hoping for a few thais to join him and make it a fair fight, 8 on 1 is about right.

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Its a common theme thats been recently revived in asia: locals hating on expats who are better paid than them, and are seen as stealing local jobs.
There's an entire community of these retards in singapore too…..they have their own forum. It's amazing the kind of garbage that festers 
in their infected brains.

Expats don't really steal locals job. If Thailand wants to move to open economy, they should should embrace expats and open up economy. People here are not hungry enough to work hard and innovate so closing the country doesn't work unlike China. This is same for other ASEAN countries too.

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

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