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BIB at there best, last night went to Hua Hin night markets for dinner, very quiet hardly any tourist around, parked my bike in an area were bikes are parked everynight if front of some shops which are closed, but BIB must need some weekend cash, 400 baht parking ticket, nothing saying no parking nothing , never ceases to amaze what they can come up with

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Yup, I was down that way about a month ago.  Sitting out front of Fr Ted's bar and watched the BiB doing a roaring trade with helmet less riders.


I thought the BiB where thick as thieves in Chiang Mai, but it seems it may be the same everywhere.


It is a bit annoying though when you aren't aware of local rules. And yes we all know the saying about ignorance...


Did the other bikes get ticketed too?

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Yep did them all, and with bib getting riders not wearing helmets 90% of thais never wear them, and you see police riding around without helmets go figure, what local rules they make them up to suit

Edited by Boedog
Didnt finish
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Hey we all know the saying....Do as I say, not as I do.


Even my dad used to say that to us kids whenever we caught him out, either that or we got a clip around the ears!


However more Thais are wearing helmets up here lately.  It gets a bit expensive if you get pulled up too often.  Even if you pay the "discounted rate" direct to the lovely policeman.

Edited by CMKiwi
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Reading on other thread about displaying tax visibly on the bike and you say knowing the rules, what is the story with that.... I guess it is the rule but does anyone follow it... !? I don't see many stick the tax on display - on my old scooter rentals it was stuck inside, under the seat....


The other day I saw a fairly harmless police guy standing by 7/11, so I approached him and asked him about it, he could hardly understand me, but all in all I pointed having the tax in my pocket, and he said no problem, mai pen rai and all that..... (then again, he is not the one stops me one of these days  ! )

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19 minutes ago, Agusts said:

I guess it is the rule but does anyone follow it... !? I don't see many stick the tax on display - on my old scooter rentals it was stuck inside, under the seat....

Yes, many. It's the law.

Why else would they produce those stickers?

To hide it under the seat?

If you do it gives a good reason to stop you to show the thing.


Rental bikes: almost none.

They have their own law :sleep:


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25 minutes ago, KhunBENQ said:

Yes, many. It's the law.

Why else would they produce those stickers?

To hide it under the seat?

If you do it gives a good reason to stop you to show the thing.


Rental bikes: almost none.

They have their own law :sleep:


What is the damage according to regulation if tax is not displayed outside the motorbike... !?


I was reading that they still the damn thing once it is outside, so wondered that's why not many Thais do it (it's not like the car that you put it inside and behind windscreen...)




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I often read that people are afraid it might be stolen.

Sure the year is printed in large size and the exact date and license plate number are small.

But in the end (at a checkpoint) it would only make sense if the license plate is stolen too.

Would you drive without a license plate?


If the bike is left unattended with no sticker shown, police has reason to assume that the bike is untaxed/uninsured.

By theory they could check back with the license plate no. (via radio), but why should they?


Don't ask me why renters in Pattaya can easily ignore this.


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I put a photocopy of tax disc on bike and  i carry the origional in my wallet. Reason had o e nicked in KK uni pain in the proverbial having to go to police report the theft then back to DTO to get a replacement.

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20 minutes ago, jeab1980 said:

I put a photocopy of tax disc on bike and  i carry the origional in my wallet. Reason had o e nicked in KK uni pain in the proverbial having to go to police report the theft then back to DTO to get a replacement.

That is an idea, but is that black and white or color copy, if they notice they could also pick on that saying its illegal to display a tax copy...!?!  

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Wont let me quote.

I use a colour copy never had a problem. As its in a plastic tube anyway date showing outwards. Im the only person to use the m/c so the origional is always on hand if needed. By the way it was the Police in KK when i reprted stolen tax disk, who suggested a copy would be better carrying the origional.

Edited by jeab1980
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14 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:

Can't you park somewhere else or Buddha forgive that would mean you having to walk.

Its amazing how close people have to get to a shop or entrance even to the extent of blocking the shop door way.  Always remember an argument between husband and wife/gf. Guy parked about 50 m from tuk com front entrance in KK on a m/c she ripped into him big style. To far to walk to hot poir sod his face was a picture.

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18 hours ago, Kwasaki said:

Can't you park somewhere else or Buddha forgive that would mean you having to walk.

If he thought he had found a legal parking spot which was handy, why would he look for another one further away?

 Your comment would require him to have the benefit of hindsight and in any event there would be nothing to stop him being fined in your suggested new spot.

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Many areas of downtown Hua Hin from soi 94 up to the night market, and probably further, have new signs saying parking odd days or parking even days. They are every 50 to 100 metres, so not always obvious. Up to now they haven't been enforced. Maybe they've started. BEWARE!

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To Jeab1980/kwasaki, the shops in question are closed and do not open at night, so l wasnt blocking anyone or anything, and l dont mind walking anywhere and if you think that you are parking legally, have you heard the saying silence is a form of intelligence, probably not because otherwise you wont make stupid comments

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49 minutes ago, Boedog said:

To Jeab1980/kwasaki, the shops in question are closed and do not open at night, so l wasnt blocking anyone or anything, and l dont mind walking anywhere and if you think that you are parking legally, have you heard the saying silence is a form of intelligence, probably not because otherwise you wont make stupid comments

How to make friends !...


Some guys have been here for a long time and have experience in such matters. 


Parking on pavements, in front of shops etc... may look acceptable as many do it. However, once in a while a Police officer who isn't lazy or who has been instructed to do so on the 'latest crack-down' will simply start ticketing people for what appears to be no apparent reason, but in reality for people breaking a law rarely enforced. 


If you don't like being ticketed or having a law enforced it may be best to follow your own advice and stay silent...


"Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." - Abraham Lincoln

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Another <deleted>,  smith237, l was parked on the road <deleted> not on the pavement,  in front of a long line of closed shops, with all the other bikes that thought the same that it was ok to park there

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12 minutes ago, Boedog said:

Another <deleted>,  smith237, l was parked on the road <deleted> not on the pavement,  in front of a long line of closed shops, with all the other bikes that thought the same that it was ok to park there


Assuming that just because someone else is doing something, it must be legal... especially in Thailand is highly flawed logic. 

You were issued a ticket for parking illegally, or at least thats what you have informed us. 

Are you certain the ticket is for this and not for not displaying a tax disk etc or some other infraction? 

The ticket is in Thai - have you read it or had someone translate it for you ?


You can call posters stupid and get angry and annoyed all you like - but this attitude only serves to reflect up on yourself and your attitudes towards others. Not a particuarly healthy trait when posting online requesting advice or comment. 


It would be worth while reeling your neck in a little, chilling out and hope that someone may sympathize, offer you advice and perhaps even a contact of where to contest your ticket if you wish to do so. 



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7) You will respect fellow members and post in a civil manner. No personal attacks, hateful or insulting towards other members, (flaming) Stalking of members on either the forum or via PM will not be allowed.

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