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Where to buy fidget spinner in Bangkok.


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My son wanted one and we went to a mall here in Phuket. 
A few of the kiosks in the aisles were selling them. 
So, I would imagine if they are here in Phuket, they would be selling them at those little kiosks in the malls in Bangkok too. 
Somewhere in MBK would be my first try. 
A few of his classmates had them too, so, they are making their way into Thailand. 

Good luck. 


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I sell fidget spinners at <snip> and I'll be travelling to Bangkok this June 9-18 (June 11-16 in Phuket). I'll bring plastic spinners but if you're interested with the EDC / metal spinners, let me know. 

Send me a PM.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I must be out of touch, but looks to me like a couple wheel bearings in a useless configuration.. I assume it has some point though, or it is part of the younger generation on Thai Visa these days?

Anyway Lazada surely has them and will deliver them to your door, paid on delivery.


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50 minutes ago, Jdietz said:

I must be out of touch, but looks to me like a couple wheel bearings in a useless configuration.. I assume it has some point though, or it is part of the younger generation on Thai Visa these days?

Anyway Lazada surely has them and will deliver them to your door, paid on delivery.



You are just out of touch.....


These Spinners are just one of the latests crazes for kids.... It was Pokemon Go last year, its been hover boards, loom bands, digital pets, Furby, Zhu Zhu pets... the YoYo is due a resurgence fairly soon I imagine... 

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One of the leading international schools in Bangkok released a letter to parents recently outlining the 'dangers' of these little spinners.... 


... I've seen numerous comments on Facebook about how these things could be dangerous, posted by a couple neurotic Thai Mums (friends of my Wife)... Ironically, the same people who suggest these are dangerous don't use a car seat for their kids !!... 


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I must be out of touch, but looks to me like a couple wheel bearings in a useless configuration.. I assume it has some point though, or it is part of the younger generation on Thai Visa these days?
Anyway Lazada surely has them and will deliver them to your door, paid on delivery.

My grand daughter has one. Can't for the life of me imagine what it's for. Just sits on her dresser.
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4 hours ago, Jdietz said:

I must be out of touch, but looks to me like a couple wheel bearings in a useless configuration.

Me too.

I first learned about it here in the forum.

Since then I can't save me from mentions in reports/radio etc.

In 6 months it will be forgotten like so many toy hypes.

So if you want to get rich in trade, hurry up.


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18 hours ago, bheard said:


My grand daughter has one. Can't for the life of me imagine what it's for. Just sits on her dresser.


Sure. When I was a kid we had spinning tops, and I had a humming top. When I was a bit older my mother bought me a spinning gyroscope.


Later on it was a GSX-R which could spin it's wheels fast enough to make me go 300km/h.


Can't for the life of me imagine the point of stupid toys that have no useful function in life and cannot earn money... I guess just having fun and experience the physics of spinning objects is a bit over-rated right?

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I see them all over... looks like the trend has caught on here, too.


I see the value in fidget objects (being a person always doing something with my hands-- I'm a pen-clicker, doodler, note-writer, and have a set of self-made komboloi beads that I click through sometimes-- those used to save my sanity in horrid traffic) but the spinners seem sort of boring.  They'd be fun to watch for a few minutes, but then I think I'd get tired of it.  Also, I'd probably find it distracting (watch the spinner, forget what I'm supposed to be paying attention to, unlike other types of things that are more of a "background" thing).


I see a lot of other "fidget toys" that look a lot more interesting, but these are apparently what has caught on.

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we stopped at the corner shop to get ciggies and ice with the grandkids in tow...and they leapt out of the pickup to find these googaws displayed at the counter and started jumping about: 'tutsi! tutsi! tutsi!' and I gestured to the freezer in a feeble attempt to interest them in some ice cream as is usual...


no dice...oh, what is grandpa tutsi to do?



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There is a vendor selling them outside my daughter's school in Rangsit. Everyday I pick her up now I get a temper tantrum because she really wants one and I won't buy it for her. (She's 7)


She first saw them on Youtube and then was very excited the day she found out they were available in Thailand. Mean old daddy just won't get with the program.


I am getting very tired of the crying...


Just wait. I'm sure some enterprising individual will set up shop outside your school soon.


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8 hours ago, Salerno said:

Unfortunately not in this case ... all for the sake of $400 (or lack thereof): https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2017/may/03/fidget-spinner-inventor-patent-catherine-hettinger

Oh, that's kind of tragic. Reminds me of the Japanese guy who invented the karaoke machine in the beginning of the seventies but never patented it, and spent his years cleaning the machines and divesting them of cockroach infestations. 

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On 6/14/2017 at 8:55 PM, Monomial said:

There is a vendor selling them outside my daughter's school in Rangsit. Everyday I pick her up now I get a temper tantrum because she really wants one and I won't buy it for her. (She's 7)


She first saw them on Youtube and then was very excited the day she found out they were available in Thailand. Mean old daddy just won't get with the program.


I am getting very tired of the crying...


Just wait. I'm sure some enterprising individual will set up shop outside your school soon.


ogre...don't you realize that by not having the widget your daughter will be ostracized for being 'uncool' and may be damaged for life?


my grandkids are 8 and 5 and our corner shop is across the road from their school...there's no way I was gonna get out of buying them one...or a dozen...


it's sneaky the way these peddlers pick up on the latest fad fer kids and then prey upon them at the school house doorstep...just like dope dealers in the school yard...


I say bring in the tanks and clean up the neighborhood...



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