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British businessman caught with sex pills and drugs

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He is a Businessman drug Dealer. Somebody turned him in. With those tattoos I'm surprised Immigration didn't catch him coming into Thailand. Another quality tourist from Great Britain.

Not defending this guy but I know pilots, doctors and yes even businesses men who's bodies are covered with tattoos. Wearing undershirts and long sleeves you have no idea of these tattoos.

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By sex pills, do they mean Viagra? the pills or the gells. When did they become illegal? I dont know of any other pills,they could mean.

As for the Heroin, that's screwed him for about 15 years. That's another story all together.

Show's you how green i am. I know about the yabba and crystal meth, being passed around, and even a bit of Charlie, but i never knew that smack was readily available here.

4 hours ago, janclaes47 said:


20 packs of viagra, I guess that amounts to 80 pills, wonder what you would innocently do with that at a birthday party.


And how about this innocent "gear"


The officials then searched 16 other rooms in the resort and a bag of a housemaid of the resort and found five methamphetamine pills and a World War Two handgun with eight rounds of ammunition in its magazine in the office.

So what evil intent could you "imagine" he could have with Viagra? Stiff in this case doesn't mean a dead body. Perhaps he needs a few to raise his Eiffel tower. Maybe that's his month's supply! 


And police find things in other rooms and he gets guilt by association? Even with people he hasn't met? Glad you're not a cop. Hysterical over reactionary milk sop? Fun police there's a job.

4 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

By sex pills, do they mean Viagra? the pills or the gells. When did they become illegal? I dont know of any other pills,they could mean.

As for the Heroin, that's screwed him for about 15 years. That's another story all together.

Show's you how green i am. I know about the yabba and crystal meth, being passed around, and even a bit of Charlie, but i never knew that smack was readily available here.

Read the whole thread.  Viagra is only legal if you have a prescription.


A business man?? He could not have been very successful, I thought that successful businessmen would have high IQs.

This guy certainly hasn't judging by the way he has badly disfigured himself with these tattoos.

6 hours ago, tomwct said:

He is a Businessman drug Dealer. Somebody turned him in. With those tattoos I'm surprised Immigration didn't catch him coming into Thailand. Another quality tourist from Great Britain.

"Another quality tourist from Great Britain".  "Great"?????????

8 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Read the whole thread.  Viagra is only legal if you have a prescription.

Mmm, i must have missed that bit. Since when did it become a requirement to have a script for Viagra. They sell it over the counter in the village here. I must admit though, that the pharmacist did tell the customer that it was an Indian copy, But it was labeled 'Viagra' though.I asked him if he had used it before, and he said that he had, and it was rather good. I bought,4x100 tabs 200 baht. I have them still. I haven't tried them yet. I did but a couple of gells about 3 years ago, but i was served easily enough (at a Pharmacy on Soi Buakouw). i had no script.

5 hours ago, mikebell said:

Take these sex pills with plenty of water. I got one stuck and woke up with a stiff neck.


Beware fakes - I took nine last night but only 8 of them worked.


Anyone know any new ones?

So you needed 8 "sex" pills to get it up :cheesy: Who was your partner, the Humpback of Natre Dame?

4 hours ago, chrissables said:

So you think people with tattoos should be banned from Thailand? Or only certain designs of tattoos? If who decides what are acceptable? Not you i hope.

People who cover themselves in tattoos should be picked up by the guys in white coats before the leave any UK airport.


probably some one in the bar got caught with something and grassed him up to get off with a small fine. there's always some one ready to grass you up, just don't do it! do these junkies never learn wherever they are?

5 hours ago, leeneeds said:



Tattoos do not define anyone, the queen mother had a tattoo, 


Buy any number of sex pills and  gel ,  all over Thailand,


Herion , possession just dumb,

There are plenty of full time users who are very successful business men, 







"The queen mother had a tattoo".

The UK Royal Family are no example to follow.

4 hours ago, Lemonltr said:

He had a "small amount" of heroin. It must have been an insignificant amount (if true) otherwise that would have been the main headline, so bit unfair to nail him as a drug dealer unless you include flogging 'viagara' .  50 cops to catch him!!!

If it was him who had the gun and ammunition then that would  have been the headline.

It seems his main crime was to be British and tattooed according to some.


"50 cops to catch him!!!"  Well it makes a change from collecting tea money.

1 hour ago, boike said:


Not defending this guy but I know pilots, doctors and yes even businesses men who's bodies are covered with tattoos. Wearing undershirts and long sleeves you have no idea of these tattoos.

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Is the whole idea of having tattoos not to show them off?

Is the whole idea of having tattoos not to show them off?

No, plenty of people will not ever show or tell that they have tattoos.

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9 hours ago, ezzra said:

I'm sure that many other ' business men ' keep sex pills and heroin for their

up coming birthdays...

when would the authorities will finally understand that big chunk of 'tourists'

who comes to this country are those who seek cheap thrills in sex with

men/women/ladyboys/under age and lots and lots of easy to get drugs....

Not all of Thailand attracts those particular people but when it comes to places like Pattaya you are pretty much spot on. Nobody living in the sex, drugs and anything goes areas should complain about that because they know the reality and choose to live there.

7 hours ago, Mangkhut said:

As far as I know Viagra is not illegal in Thailand and thus being in possesion of Viagra isnt a crime. So I dont quite get it...?

ok so what sex pills do you think he was in possession of????????????

2 hours ago, possum1931 said:

People who cover themselves in tattoos should be picked up by the guys in white coats before the leave any UK airport.

Behave Possum! :)


I and many people i know have, we don't peddle drugs because of tattoo's you know.

8 hours ago, scorecard said:


There are many other international brands of  'sex pills' on the market, are they all legal? Do they all have approval for sale?


Also, there are dozens of local design / manufacture sex pills. Are they all legal? Do they all have approval for sale?

no mate they are not legal.....prescription only and yet scores and scores will ingest the muck in thailand tonight never once having been examined for suitability by their own doctor


the question to ask : "did he bother me?" Not by taking pills or heroin,not bothered by a gun in a bag.

It does not inflict my eating,sleeping......no problem for me .


If he keeps me up at night with loud music,or let his dog shit in front of my house   ......well ,than he bothers me .

People endangering my life on the road , .......these are things that have to be corrected .

But people who want to endanger their own life ????/ Let them overdose .......this also does not bother me .

Freedom is ,do what you want without bothering other people .

Does the police arrest these guys because they are concerned about their health ?Or the health of their clients?

Or because addicted people cost money to the state?( i dont know if they give a shit about what happens to them ...so)

Or because they make easy money ?

I guess it is the money .......always the money.

to end : i would rather see a crackdown on street dogs, disturbing noises,stinking pollution cars  ,...a crackdown on restaurant waiters who can not remember what you order ,annoying vendors on the beach, .........fill in  100 yourself .




the question to ask : "did he bother me?" Not by taking pills or heroin,not bothered by a gun in a bag.
It does not inflict my eating,sleeping......no problem for me .
If he keeps me up at night with loud music,or let his dog shit in front of my house   ......well ,than he bothers me .
People endangering my life on the road , .......these are things that have to be corrected .
But people who want to endanger their own life ????/ Let them overdose .......this also does not bother me .
Freedom is ,do what you want without bothering other people .
Does the police arrest these guys because they are concerned about their health ?Or the health of their clients?
Or because addicted people cost money to the state?( i dont know if they give a shit about what happens to them ...so)
Or because they make easy money ?
I guess it is the money .......always the money.
to end : i would rather see a crackdown on street dogs, disturbing noises,stinking pollution cars  ,...a crackdown on restaurant waiters who can not remember what you order ,annoying vendors on the beach, .........fill in  100 yourself .

Great post

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12 hours ago, smedly said:

British Business man ????  I was expecting to see someone in a jacket and shirt not some tattooed looking scumbag, perhaps a background check with the UK is in order.  Plus I don't thing police were throwing darts at a map for location or picking numbers out of a hat for the room number.


It's quite possible that a policeman sold him the heroin and paid a routine visit to arrest him and recover the heroin for resale to another foreign sucker.  The connection between Mr David's upcoming birthday party and the amphetamine pills in the maid's handbag and the World War 2 handgun with 8 rounds of ammunition found in the office is unclear. 

41 minutes ago, SunsetT said:

Of course heroin is illegal, but is the possession of viagra illegal?

It must be a fairly lowly narcotics offence because they allow pharmacist shops to sell it, knowing full well that with the exceptions of chains like Boots, Watson and Fascino nearly all are selling it without prescription.  Any drug that the Thai FDA wants to control like prescription drugs in the West, they allow to be dispensed in hospitals only because most pharmacists like to act like doctors and can't be trusted.  In any case the government is now involved in the erectile dysfunction drug trade with the GPO's own version, Sidagra.  The government is happy to sell it to anyone with cash and why not?  Even the UK is thinking of making it an OTC drug in a low dose 25 mg tablet form I believe.

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