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Thaivisa attracts more younger users than ever before


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Thaivisa attracts more younger users than ever before




Thaivisa has announced that its image as a site for moaning old retired expats has been consigned to the bin of history.


In an upbeat set of observations, Thaivisa’s managing director has said that the site is now the go to place for an increasing band of younger people accessing its local and international news and forums representing a wide range of interests.


So much so that every month 250,000 visitors to the site are now under 34 years of age with many of these drawn in by tech news and innovative services that have recently been introduced.


Dan Cheeseman was speaking at a recent meeting where Thaivisa presented its latest developments.


Mr Cheeseman said that the notion that Thaivisa was “just for retired expatriates to troll each other” was a complete misconception these days.


“That observation is patently not the case,” he said, “and actually is a gross injustice to the site.


“One in four Thaivisa readers are under the age of 34 which perfectly illustrates that Thaivisa has mass appeal across all age groups.


“Put another way we can affirm that more than 250,000 unique visitors to the site each month are under 34.”


Mr Cheeseman also spoke of the development of Thaivisa from a forum concentrating on visa matters into an entirely broader entity today.


“Thaivisa has had a complete facelift since its launch 13 years ago when it was pretty much a forum based on visa and immigration matters,” continued Mr Cheeseman.


“Now Thaivisa is recognized as a go to platform for local and international news and very much a product that caters for a wide range of expat needs”.


As evidence of this he itemized such areas as property, car insurance and villa bookings.


“Thaivisa even has a tech site that attracts over 200,000 visitors a month. So no wonder the site has such broad appeal,” said an upbeat Mr Cheeseman.

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-06-08
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19 minutes ago, webfact said:

“Put another way we can affirm that more than 250,000 unique visitors to the site each month are under 34.”

Obviously, another unproven survey must have been carried out, of which nobody on here was aware !

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13 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Feels like the old guys may be kicked to the curb. So unfashionable! Don't want to be associated with them. Bad for business!

Perhaps Thaivisa could create an offshoot, Thaivisa Classic? 

Could open up another forum, something like Thai,far, too, old. then shorten it a bit to something like


That would work.

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The same method TAT uses for tourist numbers   :whistling:

Think of a nunber, halve it, claim that is the age of your readershio and try and flog advertising on the back of that!

I wonder how many actually come here looking for a villa to rent?
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Hmmm while there may be some truth to the demographic changing - I doubt it, my kids rkkk one look at the site and laughed at me :)

 I'd suggest the oldies are dying off and or have been bullied off the forum.


Some of the posters seem to have serious mental issues and perhaps they signed up again as young digital entrepreneur or schoolteacher but it's really the same old geezer sitting close to his so called Paradise Beach.

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1 hour ago, webfact said:

“One in four Thaivisa readers are under the age of 34 which perfectly illustrates that Thaivisa has mass appeal across all age groups.


“Put another way we can affirm that more than 250,000 unique visitors to the site each month are under 34.”

And thaivisa knows this how?  Maybe the MD would like to share with us the technology they use.  Maybe they are also guessing or bsing

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15 minutes ago, Smarter Than You said:

"Thaivisa was just for retired expatriates to troll each other”




I have noticed over the past twelve months that a lot of the long standing "retired expats" have disappeared from these columns. Maybe they have moved, become bored with the repetitive banter or died or ill or have just been moderated into history by enthusiastic moderators. They will be missed.


One thing for sure is that many of those "retired expats" brought a lot of wisdom, humour and common sense with them to these pages. Unlike the quality of the above highly creative post by Smarter Than You that inspired my response to the lead story.


Perhaps Smarter Than You (the name alone says a lot about the person) is one of these new breed of quality readers/contributors referred to by Dan Cheeseman.  

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Glad to hear this.  Now, maybe when someone asks a serious question, there will be more responses than previously, especially WITHOUT the usual snide or sarcastic preface before answering the member's questions.  

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One can only hope that these recently-joined hordes of younger posters will be equally as knowledgeable, erudite or humorous as the previous old-fart stalwarts, amongst whom I venture to include myself ? :whistling:


Thus far I don't see much sign of it, but perhaps their talents will become more apparent, over time ? Or perhaps not  ...  :cool:


Maybe TV should start searching for rappers to report the News, or hire that nice young Stacy Dooley away from the Beeb, to add her earnest enlightenment and social-concerns to my daily fun-fest ? The supply of new posters who admire that nice Mr Thaksin seems never to diminish, sadly. :wink:


Oh well, hope for the best, but expect the worst ! :tongue:

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Cool, the stereotypes and Ageism woven into this article is revealing.  Ranting Rooster and that old boy, Rod, should be worried for their jobs.  Perhaps young Miss Au from Ting Tong Thai, can take Rod's place?  We need more useful "young people" topics like, how to tell your TGF to shut up.  How to order a beer.  How to say you are horny.   :laugh:


Edited by 55Jay
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20 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

ool, the stereotypes and Ageism woven into this article is revealing.  That old boy, Rod, should be worried for his job now.  Perhaps Miss Au from Ting Tong Thai, can take his place?  We need more useful "young people" topics like, how to tell your TFG to shut up.  How to order a beer.  How to say you are horny.   :laugh:

I believe this could be  the universal Horny signal in Thailand. :giggle:




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Perhaps the new younger members are coming here, in the hopes of learning how we retired here successfully, something they'd love to emulate but have no clue how-to-do ? :whistling:


I'd love to give them a few tips, and my consultancy-rates are really very reasonable, in my own opinion natch. :cool:

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7 hours ago, lujanit said:

And thaivisa knows this how?  Maybe the MD would like to share with us the technology they use.  Maybe they are also guessing or bsing

All the tracking cookies I suspect. I'd put the change in demographic on thaivisa down to the changing demographic of foreigners in the country personally.

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