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Shock UK exit poll suggests Britain's May fails to win majority


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4 minutes ago, nontabury said:

And I was comparing the turn out at this election against that at the Referendum. Because for the last year many Remoaners have continually stressed that the 2016 result went against them due to the low turn out, of the younger generation.

 Now they're implying that Labours better showing is the result of a higher turn out, while I' m saying it's the result of Mays dreadfull manifesto.Which has resulted in a higher % of the UKIP vote going to Labour. While of course fewer people placed a vote at this election. 




And what I am saying is that the people coming out to vote this time are to some extent made up of the young people who did not vote in the referendum hence the higher turnout figure against the last general election in 2015.  You have nothing to compare the referendum turnout to as there has only been one.  It isn't rocket science.  I do agree with you that May's dreadful manifesto was a considerable nail in the coffin

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24 minutes ago, nontabury said:

And I was comparing the turn out at this election against that at the Referendum. Because for the last year many Remoaners have continually stressed that the 2016 result went against them due to the low turn out, of the younger generation.

 Now they're implying that Labours better showing is the result of a higher turn out, while I' m saying it's the result of Mays dreadfull manifesto.Which has resulted in a higher % of the UKIP vote going to Labour. While of course fewer people placed a vote at this election. 




In the 21st C it should be possible to cast a vote digitally unless dead; furthermore they should find a way to make voting both attractive and mandatory, inc a box for abstainers.

Edited by evadgib
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1 minute ago, ilostmypassword said:

You have evidence that this is a huge problem there? Like the shoddy quality of their engineering?


Just two that I recall. That's how many got caught. I did intend it as a joke but remember now you're witless.


Have you ever worked in Germany? I have, 3 times. For large manufacturing businesses in Engineering, mechanical and electrical, in senior management positions.

Guess what - German business have all the same issues, challenges and problems as similar businesses in the UK and France.


German quality is very good, usually, but not without issues. Did you hear about VW and their way of dealing with an inability to achieve required emissions standards?


German education - depends what you mean by that. Do you mean Universities, schools, technical schools and to what levels are you referring? 

Do you have evidence that German education establishments lead the world rankings in the various sections?

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16 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Just two that I recall. That's how many got caught. I did intend it as a joke but remember now you're witless.


Have you ever worked in Germany? I have, 3 times. For large manufacturing businesses in Engineering, mechanical and electrical, in senior management positions.

Guess what - German business have all the same issues, challenges and problems as similar businesses in the UK and France.


German quality is very good, usually, but not without issues. Did you hear about VW and their way of dealing with an inability to achieve required emissions standards?


German education - depends what you mean by that. Do you mean Universities, schools, technical schools and to what levels are you referring? 

Do you have evidence that German education establishments lead the world rankings in the various sections?

German technical training is first class and respected. Huge loyalty between management and engineering staff in the Mittelstand.


Top universities at highest level but not as broad based as UK. You want me to list them?


(back in the 70s I had to learn German as part of my degree because of the number of key papers written in German - I used to make chips!)


You don't understand the emissions issues. If you really want to know, PM. (It's the standards that are stupid)

Edited by Grouse
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37 minutes ago, Ricardo said:


In much the same way that Jeremy, with 261 MPs, thinks that Theresa with 316 should stand aside, since he obviously has more of a claim to represent the country  ...  not ! :tongue: 

 But that's not what he thinks...

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44 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

And the old fogies voted for Brexit based on the lies they were told.  They didn't know any better either.

and what gullible fools voted for  Labour  and their uncosted  policies.

SOCIALIST are always good at spending other peoples money. 

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But they've voted for unaffordable freebies for themselves, which they will never actually receive, older voters know about how politicians will always promise the Earth to try to climb the greasy pole, but never then deliver.
But the kids don't know any better  ...  yet ! :cool:

No such thing as a freebie, someone still has to pay for it.

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and what gullible fools voted for  Labour  and their uncosted  policies.
SOCIALIST are always good at spending other peoples money. 

Put your cliches away.
Their manifesto was actually one of the only ones fully costed and it was the Tories who refused to say where the money was coming from which was one of the many criticisms aimed at their campaign.

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
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37 minutes ago, evadgib said:

In the 21st C it should be possible to cast a vote digitally unless dead; furthermore they should find a way to make voting both attractive and mandatory, inc a box for abstainers.

Would agree with you, but then remember how postal voting abuse has worked in some constituencies, such as Tower Hamlets.

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6 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

Put your cliches away.
Their manifesto was actually one of the only ones fully costed and it was the Tories who refused to say where the money was coming from which was one of the many criticisms aimed at their campaign.

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Costed by Diana Abbot

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2 minutes ago, nontabury said:

Would agree with you, but then remember how postal voting abuse has worked in some constituencies, such as Tower Hamlets.

Digitally and tied to NI no, DL or passport.


If they can't devise a way how can we be confident those in this list are safe?

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18 minutes ago, nontabury said:

and what gullible fools voted for  Labour  and their uncosted  policies.

SOCIALIST are always good at spending other peoples money. 

This was an election based on rebuking the Tories to a great extent and people have achieved that.  Without the dire mess that May has made of her time in office there would be a different result.  She greatly misjudged the mood of the people and has paid the price for that.  People voted against May more than for the opposition and I was with them in that.


I never thought for moment that Labour would get a majority, it was all about the protest! 

Edited by dunroaming
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5 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

This was an election based on rebuking the Tories to a great extent and people have achieved that.  Without the dire mess that May has made of her time in office there would be a different result.  She greatly misjudged the mood of the people and has paid the price for that.  People voted against May more than for the opposition and I was with them in that.


I never thought for moment that Labour would get a majority, it was all about the protest! 

I wish I could argue with that, but I cannot. ?

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5 minutes ago, evadgib said:

May was in a no win situation all the while SNP were unrestrained and Ulster's govt looked set to collapse; she therefore had little choice but to call a GE but FK where we go from here!

Mays election campaign was appalling, she showed very poor judgement by offering a manifesto that was to proove her, and the Tories downfall. Why didn't she con the electorate like Corbyn did.

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15 minutes ago, evadgib said:

Digitally and tied to NI no, DL or passport.


If they can't devise a way how can we be confident those in this list are safe?

As shown in Tower Hamlets and elsewhere  it cannot be secure. Your wife may vote how SHE wants, in many Muslim households that is not the case.  

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With the decimation of the SNP  perhaps Sturgeon will now realise that there are more important matters than her crusade for Scottish independence, like the poor and needy in Scotland.  T May also will /should hopefully realise her self importance was her own downfall too.  It would be good for the Union if these 2  females disappeared from politics all together.



And on another note time will tell if another election is called this year with Labour firmly announcing a 2nd referendum, should it be elected,  with the hope of overturning the Brexit vote.

Edited by whatawonderfulday
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1 hour ago, Grouse said:

Print, borrow, invest, construct, build, negotiate and sell


We're not discussing house keeping!


No, it was called macro-economics, when I studied for my accountancy qualification. :wink:


Debase the currency, borrow until you've driven-up the cost-of-borrowing to unsustainable levels, throw money at your supporters & feelgood-projects regardless-of-payback, wriggle & then retire on your index-linked taxpayer-funded pension  ...  is an alternative way of looking at it.


Any housewife would know that, unless you're confident of winning the Lottery (an idiot-tax if ever there was one) it is a mistake, to keep on borrowing more and more, for luxury-spending.


Now if only Gordon Brown had been a housewife ! :cool:

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1 minute ago, Ricardo said:


No, it was called macro-economics, when I studied for my accountancy qualification. :wink:


Debase the currency, borrow until you've driven-up the cost-of-borrowing to unsustainable levels, throw money at your supporters & feelgood-projects regardless-of-payback, wriggle & then retire on your index-linked taxpayer-funded pension  ...  is an alternative way of looking at it.


Any housewife would know that, unless you're confident of winning the Lottery (an idiot-tax if ever there was one) it is a mistake, to keep on borrowing more and more, for luxury-spending.


Now if only Gordon Brown had been a housewife ! :cool:

Apparently your macroeconomic courses didn't include Keynes.

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1 hour ago, nontabury said:

and what gullible fools voted for  Labour  and their uncosted  policies.

SOCIALIST are always good at spending other peoples money. 

You clearly were not watching


The Labour manifesto was fully costed


The Cons didn't bother

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42 minutes ago, nontabury said:

As shown in Tower Hamlets and elsewhere  it cannot be secure. Your wife may vote how SHE wants, in many Muslim households that is not the case.  

Are they allowed to vote? Good Lord! I had no idea ?

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A second Brexit vote?  Give me a break.


Will probably be a bigger margin than the first time.  Don't confuse today's result with that of Brexit.



There will almost certainly now be a vote to approve the Brexit deal and hopefully one of the options will be to scrap leaving altogether. If not that, it will be very much a "soft Brexit".


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12 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Apparently your macroeconomic courses didn't include Keynes.


They did, of course, a fair point. Also a guy called Marx, who some still believe in.


I'm not sure that it's entirely comforting, that spend-spend-spend is still necessary, in the later stages of a several-year boom.  Sooner or later, the UK will have to face the fact that the North-Sea-Oil bonanza is over, and cut its cloth accordingly.


But my bank-manager always preferred to insist on credible investment-plans & cashflow-forecasts, when I went to ask him for a new loan  ...  he also had a bee-in-his-bonnet about assets to secure the loans, I can't blame him for defending his shareholders' interests.


I wish any of the political-parties could show credible plans for payback, of the massive debts currently being piled-up, except that they're already inflating them away  ...  to the detriment of all those elderly savers with building-society accounts.


Funny old world, innit ? :cool:

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3 minutes ago, Ricardo said:


They did, of course, a fair point. Also a guy called Marx, who some still believe in.


I'm not sure that it's entirely comforting, that spend-spend-spend is still necessary, in the later stages of a several-year boom.  Sooner or later, the UK will have to face the fact that the North-Sea-Oil bonanza is over, and cut its cloth accordingly.


But my bank-manager always preferred to insist on credible investment-plans & cashflow-forecasts, when I went to ask him for a new loan  ...  he also had a bee-in-his-bonnet about assets to secure the loans, I can't blame him for defending his shareholders' interests.


I wish any of the political-parties could show credible plans for payback, of the massive debts currently being piled-up, except that they're already inflating them away  ...  to the detriment of all those elderly savers with building-society accounts.


Funny old world, innit ? :cool:

Actually, inflation is one of the ways the rentiers get their share of the economy cut back to reasonable levels. One of the most important stimulative effects of WW2 was inflation. It vastly eased the debt load of the average consumer and allowed him or her to start spending again. This refers to the postwar situation in the USA and not the UK.

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14 minutes ago, Ricardo said:

But my bank-manager always preferred to insist on credible investment-plans & cashflow-forecasts, when I went to ask him for a new loan  ...  he also had a bee-in-his-bonnet about assets to secure the loans, I can't blame him for defending his shareholders' interests.


You mean you didn't have to give him the shirt off of your back and give him a blowjob under the desk to get a bank loan?  I obviously went to the wrong bank!

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