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Thailand not among world’s top universities


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Thailand not among world’s top universities

By The Nation




The world’s three most famous universities are located in the United States, the latest ranking by Times Higher Education has revealed.


Officially released on Thursday (Bangkok time), the World Reputation Rankings 2017 shows Harvard University on the No 1 spot. Coming next are the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Stanford University. 


Cambridge University and the Oxford University of the United Kingdom have shared the joint fourth place. 


The best-ranked Asian university on the list is Tokyo University, which is ranked 11th. 


The Tsinghua University of China claims the 14th spot, while Peking University – another Chinese institute – is awarded the 17th place. 


“A striking feature of this year’s table is the continued rise of Asia, in particular China, whose universities are overtaking distinguished Western institutions including Imperial College London, the University of Pennsylvania and Cornell University,” Phil Baty, rankings editor, said.


He also pointed out that the University of Tokyo now has a stronger reputation than Columbia University.


The best-ranked Southeast Asian university is the National University of Singapore, which is in 27th spot. 


No Thai institute is on the prestigious 100-institute list.


The rankings are based on the views of experienced published scholars, who are asked to answer questionnaires between January 2017 and March 2017, asking them to offer their views on the standards of teaching and research in their disciplines and in institutions that they are familiar with. 


The responses were then used to determine which universities were considered the most prestigious. 


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/news/national/30318183

-- © Copyright The Nation 2017-6-15
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"No Thai institute is on the prestigious 100-institute list. The rankings are based on the views of experienced published scholars..." 


Once the rest of the world gets its head out of the sand and understands Thainess, they will place Thai universities on top of the rankings. 


I'm sure if they ranked violence among higher education institutes, Thai technical schools would sweep the top 10 spots and leave the rest of the world in its wake.

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A sad situation for yearning students.....to know that the college they wish to attend is so far down the list of suitable institutes.....they should understand, that the institute where they will eventually graduate, will show that their achievements are useless.....Their diplomas are worthless outside Thailand!

And again....or more so, as usual, the government does not give a fig!!

A educational blight on ALL Thai governments....past and present......and at the end of the day, Thailand will continue it's downward spiral academically!!

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Thailand is not nominated among the top 100 universities in the world. That says it all about education in Thailand.

And if the PM has his way it never will be. What hope for an intelligent Thai student? Very sad country!



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No surprise. Why do you think all Elite families send their offspring to the West for post secondary education. Includes many current and past politicians and rulers, educated outside Thailand.

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Just recently helped my missus' nephew with his English homework. He's 11. He had a student book and a workbook. He was struggling with some answers so asked for my help. I was flicking through student book and told him to use it to help with his workbook. He just said to me again "Ah, can you help me, please?" Again, I told him to look at his student book to help him with the questions. I knew what he was getting at, and I told him that I'm not giving him the answers. Look for yourself. I will help and guide him.


After a few grunts he starts looking. He says a few times "it's not in here". I could see it as clear as day (yes, I know I'm a native speaker) and I told just told him to keep looking. He eventually finds the answer he needs and he looked absolutely chuffed with himself. I asked if he works like this at school, but he said the teacher puts the answers on the board and he copies. I just told him to do it himself. He's a good kid, but he's seemingly a product of his educational environment. 


Anyhoo, the thing that struck me the most was his conditioning of how to follow logic within finding answers. In the student book they referenced 'slice of cherry pie" and in the workbook the answer is 'a slice of apple pie'. The picture clearly shows a flag of an apple stuck in the top of the pie. This is how the conversation went:


Me: "Oh, why did you write cherry pie?"

Him: "In the student book it says cherry pie. You told me to copy the student book"

Me: "I didn't say copy it. I said use it to help you. What is the pie you can see in the workbook?"

Him: "It's an apple pie"


I'm not having a go at him. I was genuinely trying to help him. I always encourage him to ask me questions. He is still at that age where he's curious and I want him to remain like that forever by answering his questions or simply encouraging him to look himself. We're not all really clever b*******, but being curious and seeking information is an awesome education in itself. 

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2 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

No Thai institute is on the prestigious 100-institute list.

Deep inward and honest contemplation is probably needed here.  Kind of why Thailand is not on the UN Security Council. 

Edited by yellowboat
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Kids here are very talented and do want to learn, but there are those who do not want kids becoming intelligent for there own reasons. A big shame as I have spoken to many kids my wife tried to help and they really do want to learn about the world and not just the carp within these borders.

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1 hour ago, jaltsc said:

"No Thai institute is on the prestigious 100-institute list. The rankings are based on the views of experienced published scholars..." 


Once the rest of the world gets its head out of the sand and understands Thainess, they will place Thai universities on top of the rankings. 


I'm sure if they ranked violence among higher education institutes, Thai technical schools would sweep the top 10 spots and leave the rest of the world in its wake.

What have you been smoking?  I don't know what it is but must be good stuff.

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37 minutes ago, Gerard052 said:

What have you been smoking?  I don't know what it is but must be good stuff.

Great contribution. Really original stuff. Can't count the number of times I have seen that worthless comment. We are talking about education in Thailand not the drugs you might normally use.

You must be one of the new young generation Thaivisa members referred to by Thaivisa bossman Dan Cheeseman?

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Why would a Thai University rank among the world's best  Delusional They do not know how to teach critical thinking which is probably one of most important

elements in teaching in the west. Thai teach TOW THE LINE and unless and until they teach differently education will be dismal in Thailand   

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Previous rankings had the first Thai university in the high 300s and only one in top 500....


any Thai student worth a damn heads to a western country for advanced degrees...


remember that thai professors are more likely by products of the Thai educational system...


why would an inferior system be expected to turn out superior products?


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Education?!!...Degrees?...are you crazy?!!!....who will do the laundry, build high tech condos or luxury pool villas, maintain the rice farms, the sick buffalos, cook the paneng's and entertain "short time", "long time" or soapy "happy ends" for a fraction of the price,  if modest people start to get educated, claim decent jobs, improve their standards of living and even worse start thinking "differently". and independantly!!?!!:shock1:.......in fact I would recommend  to plainly shut down universities ...shocking!!...really!!!

Edited by observer90210
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To make the best rating, any university should have many professors who visit the university 3 days per year and have many scientific publications. Yes, it is very good but what about the ability of all these clever men to explain the information properly? This have never take into account in such ratings. I would prefer a university with a lower rating but with teachers who can explain the information better.

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That´s something I would never imagine. You know I see this nice university photos in the shops I go to, after that I see the finished student using the calculator for adding 10 and 7 together. Who would have thought that after such a good education?

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