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Image of the United States has plunged under Trump, survey shows


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When I was about 14 years old I would walk down the street smoking a cigarette and imagine how people probably thought I was one cool guy.?  The more likely reality is almost no one noticed, and those who did probably thought I was a just another stupid kid. It's ok....I was just a stupid kid....but I've matured since then. What I see here with the internet know-it-alls on this site is eerily similar. I see so many people obviously quoting what they've heard on false news, and have obviously done little to no real research, yet they hope to somehow impress us with their vast knowledge of every topic. The more likely reality is no one really cares. 

Let's try to remember why we joined this forum. Did we really come here to argue and name call like adolescents, or was the original intent for knowledge and conversing with people that share our common interest? 

Sometimes I read the comments here and can only shake my head and smile, because even a sincere response in opposition to such immaturity would surely only be met with denial, hatred and anger. 

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57 minutes ago, bushdoctor said:

The Paris accord did nothing to reduce greenhouse gases, but you wouldn't know that by blindly believing the fake news sources. The US was paying out billions of dollars and getting nothing in return. If you don't like it either vote or run for office....you won't make one bit of difference by complaining. 


You are correct on many points, but not all.  The Paris Accord was just that, an accord, not a treaty. It said nothing more than signatories agreed that global warming was an issue and, as such, would voluntarily attempt to reduce carbon emissions. But being a signatory to the Paris Accord cost the US nothing. By withdrawing from the Paris Accord, Mr. Trump abdicated the symbolic position of President of the United States of also being "the leader of the free world". And that is the first tiny step towards the dollar being replaced as the world's reserve currency.  The eventual cost to the US economy by this ridiculous move will be measured in the trillions and not the billions of dollars.


The US is quickly slipping out of the developed world status and beginning to resemble Thailand more than other democratic European nations. We have a corrupt military, corrupt political parties such as the Republican Party which is owned by the 1%, who also have a controlling interest in the Democratic Party.  We have a second class and crumbling infrastructure, but still tax money is spent on military contracts.  Our public education system has a poor record as does the health system which has poorer outcomes than other developed nations. 


In semi-retirement I work as a tour guide here in the US and have on average 12 guests from out of the country every day. They are gobsmacked by Trump, gobsmacked by our poor infrastructure, our homeless and our beggars in the large cities, our traffic, and the list goes on and on. 


But you are absolutely correct, people must stop complaining and run for office or at least get out and vote.  Even if our electoral system is out of date and frustrating in that at the presidential level it allows the looser of the popular vote to win the election, people must not give up.


And there is no fake news, only fake news organizations, like Breitbart. Mainstream media may not get it right all the time, but they are not the sources of fake news. The fake news story is just Trump attempting to draw attention away from his ineptitude.  But I have to admit, Trump being a professional conman, a wise guy, this fake news ploy is  his masterpiece.

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2 hours ago, RobFord said:

Why are you (your little obnoxious group of bully posters) so fixated on Trump supporters?  There wasn't enough of them to win the popular vote.  


They have no power or influence on the government.  Trump does (and says) whatever his pea brain desires.  The Republican party, and congress, can't control him. 


Do you want an apology from Trump supporters?  Do you want them to admit they only voted for Trump because they hated Hillary?  The bitch was a loser.  Get over it!


The image of the US has plunged because Trump is a doofus.  Not because of his 'stupid' supporters.


You, and the other impotent posters, need to focus on getting Trump out of office, instead of going after nameless nobodies.

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Yes the Americas who voted for The Donald,  are still likely okay with turfing out Obama, as he was not the big savior that everyone thought he was. Trump is a big ego and hopefully will do more good

than harm to the USA.  As of Stephen Harper in Canada,  He is retired and it is Trudeau the Junior that is unfortunately in power today until the next election.


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4 hours ago, bushdoctor said:

When I was about 14 years old I would walk down the street smoking a cigarette and imagine how people probably thought I was one cool guy.?  The more likely reality is almost no one noticed, and those who did probably thought I was a just another stupid kid. It's ok....I was just a stupid kid....but I've matured since then. What I see here with the internet know-it-alls on this site is eerily similar. I see so many people obviously quoting what they've heard on false news, and have obviously done little to no real research, yet they hope to somehow impress us with their vast knowledge of every topic. The more likely reality is no one really cares. 

Let's try to remember why we joined this forum. Did we really come here to argue and name call like adolescents, or was the original intent for knowledge and conversing with people that share our common interest? 

Sometimes I read the comments here and can only shake my head and smile, because even a sincere response in opposition to such immaturity would surely only be met with denial, hatred and anger. 

very true!!...spending time here makes one younger....reminds us of the playground scuffs in kindergarten school and the sand pitts!!:cheesy:..sometimes it's amusing...sometimes it's really disturbing and worrying on reading certain extremists who pollute the world...

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5 hours ago, bushdoctor said:

When I was about 14 years old I would walk down the street smoking a cigarette and imagine how people probably thought I was one cool guy.?  The more likely reality is almost no one noticed, and those who did probably thought I was a just another stupid kid. It's ok....I was just a stupid kid....but I've matured since then. What I see here with the internet know-it-alls on this site is eerily similar. I see so many people obviously quoting what they've heard on false news, and have obviously done little to no real research, yet they hope to somehow impress us with their vast knowledge of every topic. The more likely reality is no one really cares. 

Let's try to remember why we joined this forum. Did we really come here to argue and name call like adolescents, or was the original intent for knowledge and conversing with people that share our common interest? 

Sometimes I read the comments here and can only shake my head and smile, because even a sincere response in opposition to such immaturity would surely only be met with denial, hatred and anger. 

Now I am 62 years old and I shake my head in disbelieve at the adolescent behavior of an elected president, that this morning even has his own party begging him to stop his vile tweets as he drags not only himself and his party, but also his country further into the gutter. The big difference was 5 or 6 months my shake of the head like yours was with a smile but now it is shaken beyond belief that not only there is that much immaturity in the US that saw this moron elected but that people still support this mess.  

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On 6/28/2017 at 10:34 PM, bushdoctor said:

Ask yourself why there are millions of people that see the good results from his actions and don't let fake news influence them? Another pointless post. 

Tweeting rants,insults and lies are not actions

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13 hours ago, rijb said:

Why are you (your little obnoxious group of bully posters) so fixated on Trump supporters?  There wasn't enough of them to win the popular vote.  


They have no power or influence on the government.  Trump does (and says) whatever his pea brain desires.  The Republican party, and congress, can't control him. 


Do you want an apology from Trump supporters?  Do you want them to admit they only voted for Trump because they hated Hillary?  The bitch was a loser.  Get over it!


The image of the US has plunged because Trump is a doofus.  Not because of his 'stupid' supporters.


You, and the other impotent posters, need to focus on getting Trump out of office, instead of going after nameless nobodies.

Nevermind that Trump supporters got him into office.  It's the fact that these idiot Trump supporters still influence Trump, which means they can influence government policy.  Why do you think Trump still holds these ridiculous campaign rallies?  It's because Trump supporters still shower him with much-needed adoration that emboldens Trump to keep doing these stupid things that he does, day after day. 

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8 hours ago, Roadman said:

Now I am 62 years old and I shake my head in disbelieve at the adolescent behavior of an elected president, that this morning even has his own party begging him to stop his vile tweets as he drags not only himself and his party, but also his country further into the gutter. The big difference was 5 or 6 months my shake of the head like yours was with a smile but now it is shaken beyond belief that not only there is that much immaturity in the US that saw this moron elected but that people still support this mess.  

45 has not redeeming qualities. As he is supposed to represent Americans he and largely him is diminishing our world stature and democracy. Putin must be so proud.

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9 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

Yes the Americas who voted for The Donald,  are still likely okay with turfing out Obama, as he was not the big savior that everyone thought he was. Trump is a big ego and hopefully will do more good

than harm to the USA.  As of Stephen Harper in Canada,  He is retired and it is Trudeau the Junior that is unfortunately in power today until the next election.


Justin will do just fine and is good for at least 4 terms. He will be in office  longer than his old man P.E.T. That bible thumper just elected as Tory leader will never be P.M.

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Trump continues to denigrate others through personal attacks. Just yesterday he attacked  a  television reporter in a personal attack that shows complete lack of decorum and proves to the World that the man has no tack.


I do not blame the people who voted for him as they represent that desperation in America for someone to  reform the current system that has devastated the middle class. However, I do blame anyone that cannot now see through the lies and deceit of this man who has fooled so many .


Donald Trump and his minions and most of the Republican party are continuing to protect the wealthy off the backs of the middle class and the poor.  The Republican led Healthcare Act is a prime example of this in that it will push almost 20 million now insured into the uninsured category  and at the same time provide tax relief to the wealthiest Americans.  Trump supports cannot attribute everything to so called 'fake news'.  Even Republicans who are being asked by Trump to support this flawed bill- have refused to lend support as they realize that the bill will destroy Healthcare in America.


Donald Trump is truly an incompetent- and his Tweets reinforce this daily. Trump supported the House Republican Health Bill even though it was more flawed than the Senate Bill. He keeps says we are all going to get 'great healthcare'- yet the reality is millions will get no healthcare.


After Trump was elected President- he went to Carrier in Indiana and stated he saved 1100 jobs- yet just this week the plant has laid off staff and is making plans to finish its move abroad with a $7million tax cut from the state of Indiana. Trump sure knows how to cut a deal- doesn't he. 


Donald Trump went to Europe and managed to alienate every NATO leader there with his irreverent speech and his poor manners.  America is now help in low esteem like never before. He then went to Saudi Arabia and basked in the adulation of  the Saudi Royal Family who then conned  US weapons from him and then cut off relations with Qatar- an American ally which is basing 10,000 US troops in a fight against ISIS. Trumps reaction was to support Saudi Arabia against Qatar instead of staying at least neutral.


I can only say to those who continue to support Trump that you are being fooled by a master manipulator and the longer he stays in power the longer America will remain a  country that is failing.

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Donald Trump is President but he is no leader. A leader does not denigrate others; nor do they take actions which hurt the most vulnerable.  As an American, I hoped Trump would change his attitude and demeanor once he became President and come up with some rational agenda that would make America really great.

Unfortunately, Trump has gotten worse not better- he has not done one thing since being in office to advance America as a country nor help its citizens. His support, even amongst his own party continues to dwindle and the World leaders who encounter him are shocked at his lack of knowledge and decorum. Every news report around the World to include the BBC; Agence France; Deutsche Vella; Japan NTT; Australian ABC and many more have documented the fact that the World at large is shocked at the way Trump conducts himself and his lack of understanding of issues. 

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4 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

Donald Trump is President but he is no leader. A leader does not denigrate others; nor do they take actions which hurt the most vulnerable.  As an American, I hoped Trump would change his attitude and demeanor once he became President and come up with some rational agenda that would make America really great.

Unfortunately, Trump has gotten worse not better- he has not done one thing since being in office to advance America as a country nor help its citizens. His support, even amongst his own party continues to dwindle and the World leaders who encounter him are shocked at his lack of knowledge and decorum. Every news report around the World to include the BBC; Agence France; Deutsche Vella; Japan NTT; Australian ABC and many more have documented the fact that the World at large is shocked at the way Trump conducts himself and his lack of understanding of issues. 

Name one action the President has done that has hurt anyone. All I see are steps to protect the country and free people from burdensome regulations.

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Name one action the President has done that has hurt anyone. All I see are steps to protect the country and free people from burdensome regulations.

His tweets are evidence enough ... he is
a bully and is CONSTANTLY making derogatory And personal attacks against people...

Not "presidential" at all

He represents all that is terrible about the USA ..
and makes ALL AMERICANS look like buffoons...

He is trying to hurt 30 MILLION people in the country by stripping them of Healthcare coverage ... that every other Advanced country in the world enjoys ...

Are you REALLY that afraid of terrorists in the USA? .. then look no further than the white supremacist movement that is emboldened by Trump's idiocy...

He is NOT trying to protect anyone (that isn't rich)

Very strange how people can have such different views of Trump's own words ...
To me he is OBVIOUSLY a fool .. in way over his head ...

How can you not see that?
Strange how people's minds Are wired differently

Interesting to me

Sent from my SM-T715Y using Tapatalk

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15 hours ago, Johpa said:


You are correct on many points, but not all.  The Paris Accord was just that, an accord, not a treaty. It said nothing more than signatories agreed that global warming was an issue and, as such, would voluntarily attempt to reduce carbon emissions. But being a signatory to the Paris Accord cost the US nothing. By withdrawing from the Paris Accord, Mr. Trump abdicated the symbolic position of President of the United States of also being "the leader of the free world". And that is the first tiny step towards the dollar being replaced as the world's reserve currency.  The eventual cost to the US economy by this ridiculous move will be measured in the trillions and not the billions of dollars.


The US is quickly slipping out of the developed world status and beginning to resemble Thailand more than other democratic European nations. We have a corrupt military, corrupt political parties such as the Republican Party which is owned by the 1%, who also have a controlling interest in the Democratic Party.  We have a second class and crumbling infrastructure, but still tax money is spent on military contracts.  Our public education system has a poor record as does the health system which has poorer outcomes than other developed nations. 


In semi-retirement I work as a tour guide here in the US and have on average 12 guests from out of the country every day. They are gobsmacked by Trump, gobsmacked by our poor infrastructure, our homeless and our beggars in the large cities, our traffic, and the list goes on and on. 


But you are absolutely correct, people must stop complaining and run for office or at least get out and vote.  Even if our electoral system is out of date and frustrating in that at the presidential level it allows the looser of the popular vote to win the election, people must not give up.


And there is no fake news, only fake news organizations, like Breitbart. Mainstream media may not get it right all the time, but they are not the sources of fake news. The fake news story is just Trump attempting to draw attention away from his ineptitude.  But I have to admit, Trump being a professional conman, a wise guy, this fake news ploy is  his masterpiece.

The Paris accord cost the USA billions. Your claim that it cost the US nothing is just more fake news. Please research before posting things like this. 

If infrastructure is not to your liking, how can you possibly blame a brand new president? Trump wants a trillion dollar overhaul for US infrastructure. 

CNN is totally guilty of fake news. They have had to make several retractions and then there's the undercover video. 

Where have you been getting your information from? 

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Donald Trump has supported a House and Senate Healthcare bill that strips millions of people of insurance coverage and at the same time he has included a tax break for only the rich. Not only does this hurt the poor and middle class- its effect will cause the deaths of untold numbers who could have had access to life saving treatment but either couldn't afford it or simply not get it.


Trumps Immigration policy is deporting literally thousands of people who have committed no crime other than coming to America to work. This policy will hurt agro business as well as the construction industry and other non skilled jobs which Americans refuse to do.   In addition, Trump's border wall will cost  $20 Billion which could be spent on healthcare which he will deny to millions. the border wall will do nothing for anyone.


Trumps  discourse is coarse and his attacking people by name un Presidential. He has made fun of the disabled and used vulgar language to describe people he doesn't like.  His lack of decorum and inability to handle the office of the President with dignity has  decreased the image of the United States in much of the World.  Is every countries major news outlets 'fake news'- impossible, yet some of Trump's supporters refuse to believe the truth of what this man is. He doesn't care about  you -the citizen- he cares only about himself and his family and his rich cronies. He has done nothing for the country- but has hurt it in numerous ways and will continue to do so.


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3 hours ago, Berkshire said:

Nevermind that Trump supporters got him into office.  It's the fact that these idiot Trump supporters still influence Trump, which means they can influence government policy.  Why do you think Trump still holds these ridiculous campaign rallies?  It's because Trump supporters still shower him with much-needed adoration that emboldens Trump to keep doing these stupid things that he does, day after day. 

Good point.  I don't understand the rallies.  Trump doesn't need encouragement...fools have lots of confidence.  However, the rallies might be keeping his naysayers at bay. 

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1 hour ago, bushdoctor said:

The Paris accord cost the USA billions. Your claim that it cost the US nothing is just more fake news. Please research before posting things like this. 

If infrastructure is not to your liking, how can you possibly blame a brand new president? Trump wants a trillion dollar overhaul for US infrastructure. 

CNN is totally guilty of fake news. They have had to make several retractions and then there's the undercover video. 

Where have you been getting your information from? 

I wonder where you get your information from.

1.The Paris accord didn't cost the USA billions.

2. The infratructure will cost a lot of money to take care of, I agree. However if you want a trillion dollars for it, than you have to have a plan to get a trillion dollar, and you don't get this by giving big tax breaks to the super rich.

3. At least CNN will retract a story that was false, good for them. Now everybody else is just waiting for a retraction from the Donald about;

President Obama wire tapped me!

The Comey tapes!

Only I can take care of healthcare!

I will take care of taxes, nobody understand taxes more than I do!

I will never play as much golf as Obama. I will be to busy to leave the WH!

I'm the only one that can defead isis!

Etc, etc, etc!


I can go on for a other hour of so, but people like you don't care one little bit.

So once again,

Where do you get your information from?



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As the POTUS is the head of the US it is common sense that he represents his home country and is a symbol of it.

Now, IOTUS(=Idiot Of The US) -lovers, don't be angry when the majority his own compatriots thinks about him as follows:



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1 hour ago, Thaidream said:

Donald Trump has supported a House and Senate Healthcare bill that strips millions of people of insurance coverage and at the same time he has included a tax break for only the rich. Not only does this hurt the poor and middle class- its effect will cause the deaths of untold numbers who could have had access to life saving treatment but either couldn't afford it or simply not get it.


Trumps Immigration policy is deporting literally thousands of people who have committed no crime other than coming to America to work. This policy will hurt agro business as well as the construction industry and other non skilled jobs which Americans refuse to do.   In addition, Trump's border wall will cost  $20 Billion which could be spent on healthcare which he will deny to millions. the border wall will do nothing for anyone.


Trumps  discourse is coarse and his attacking people by name un Presidential. He has made fun of the disabled and used vulgar language to describe people he doesn't like.  His lack of decorum and inability to handle the office of the President with dignity has  decreased the image of the United States in much of the World.  Is every countries major news outlets 'fake news'- impossible, yet some of Trump's supporters refuse to believe the truth of what this man is. He doesn't care about  you -the citizen- he cares only about himself and his family and his rich cronies. He has done nothing for the country- but has hurt it in numerous ways and will continue to do so.


Bullshit Trump's main thrust is to break up the insurance monopoly screwing working americans and supported by Obama's half baked plan.  Trump is more a liberal than anything if you care to do a bit of thinking and research.  Trump has proposed allowing someone to opt out of insurance.  Why should an umemployed or poor American be fined fro not having insurance he cannot afford?


We all know the real solution is a well managed single payer government run health plan similar to Canada and other countries but it is a huge task to bring to light with the corruption and payoffs in Washington.  Interestingly in the past Trump has supported such an idea.  Where was Obama on this?  Wake up.

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Rhis is not about Obama and while I never liked Obamacare the purpose of the mandate was to ensure enough people obtained healthcare to spread the cost.  If Trump is supporting the current version of healthcare by the House and Senate- he is pandereingto the Insurance indistry and Big Pharma.  The insurance industry would love to knock people with pre conditions off the rolls; double and triple the rates for older Americans and pay as little as possible to cover claims.  

At one time Trump did support a single payer system but he has backed off of it because as a Republican and a wealthy person he wants the support of the insurance industry and Big Pharma.  the only solution to healthcare in America is single payer where everyone has access and it is paid for by people who are working. Once retired or unemployed- it should be free.


As much as I wish Donald Trump was the answer to what ails America- I can tell he is not. The man is rude and crude and thinks only of himself.  Obama at least waas a gentleman who tried to do the right thing and was respected by millions in America and  Overseas.  Trump is the opposite- he is not even respected by his own party and foreign countries despise him.

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And now Trump's newest verbal  excess against journalists, Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough, "Crazy Mika" und "Psycho Joe", show again that this man does not have self control. And such a man is able to press the atomic bottom.


That and other very negative qualities of its president should not lead to the result that the image of the US has plunged :shock1: ?



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2 minutes ago, puck2 said:

And now Trump's newest verbal  excess against journalists, Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough, "Crazy Mika" und "Psycho Joe", show again that this man does not have self control. And such a man is able to press the atomic bottom.


And that should not lead to the result that the mage of the US has plunged :shock1: ?



Ana Navarro is a republican pundit I often disagreed with, but her comment of Trump's "Crazy Mika" tweet is right on the button:




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3 hours ago, CutiePi said:

Name one action the President has done that has hurt anyone. All I see are steps to protect the country and free people from burdensome regulations.

there are many, but here are a few. . . . .


>>>>  after his initial Muslim ban, there was a young couple from Iraq who had prior permission to come to the US to get surgery for their baby.  The baby had a heart defect. The Iraqi couple had spent a lot of time and resources arranging for their baby to get surgery.  Trump's ban disallowed the baby from coming the US.


>>>>  Firing dozens/hundreds of people who were doing their jobs well.  Most notably, the highly respected Federal judge in NYC.  Why as he fired?  Because he was investigating Trump.   In case you don't know, when a professional gets fired, that affects him/her and their family severely.  Trump doesn't care.  He relishes firing people.


>>>>   Trump has openly hoped the NY Times and the Washington Post go out of business.  You know why: they report uncomfortable truths about Trump's (and his cohorts') law-breaking.  If those two large and highly respected newspapers go out of business, many good people will be jobless.  Trump would like that.

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2 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

there are many, but here are a few. . . . .


>>>>  after his initial Muslim ban, there was a young couple from Iraq who had prior permission to come to the US to get surgery for their baby.  The baby had a heart defect. The Iraqi couple had spent a lot of time and resources arranging for their baby to get surgery.  Trump's ban disallowed the baby from coming the US.


>>>>  Firing dozens/hundreds of people who were doing their jobs well.  Most notably, the highly respected Federal judge in NYC.  Why as he fired?  Because he was investigating Trump.   In case you don't know, when a professional gets fired, that affects him/her and their family severely.  Trump doesn't care.  He relishes firing people.


>>>>   Trump has openly hoped the NY Times and the Washington Post go out of business.  You know why: they report uncomfortable truths about Trump's (and his cohorts') law-breaking.  If those two large and highly respected newspapers go out of business, many good people will be jobless.  Trump would like that.

The Washed Up Post is a political paper designed to work against Trump?  Why because it is owned by Bezos and Trump has in the past talked openly about enforcing anti trust against monopolies such as Amazon which is a good thing.  You need to wake up.

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