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Have you had a good or great life?

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 I think of life as a fairground  and As i come to the last part of the fairground ride i have had called life , some people  just walked around and looked at the rides ,others went on the slow ones while some were a little more daring and went on the faster ones , myself i seem to have gone on the big dipper and boy was it a ride ,from the start and i hope there is a few more ,before the end 

how was your life ,what are the best things happened to you? 

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It's been a good life with many great times and memories, travels, sports, businesses & accomplishments, lot's of ladies, good (and a few bad) people, family, and pastimes....Been thrown off about everything you can been thrown off of from horses, to skis, jet skis, motorcycles, snowmobiles, & other things along the way....Stayed active as a participant - not a spectator....Broke both ankles playing a few sports - was told on the first one I couldn't play anymore and I'd always limp & no more running - so started running up hills as soon as I could and proved them wrong....Came back stronger....Do have some aches now and again but offset by the enjoyment & camaraderie along the way....


Eagerly jumped on all/most of "life's" rides - learned early on to stay away from the spinning/dizzying ones....


What's next......?!!!!:smile:

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Went out to eat last night with Grandma who is now 75 years of age.  We had been to the same restaurant when she was 25 years old.  Kind of puts things in perspective.  She was better looking than Mama Noi who I'll post a picture of at the bottom with Bob Hope about the same year I was eating out with Grandma.  Mama Noi died last year.  Sad to see her go.


Mama last year.jpg

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I lived in London in the 60s ,went to so many partys and as i knew an actress quite well met many famous people ,most who were just starting out on their journeys , lots of rock stars , then they were just lads like us ,even though they had made a few hit records ,that was just the start .

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A good life I think, been very lucky working in 42 different countries ( some good, some bad ) met some interesting people.
13 years good marriage ( 2 kids ), divorced ( my fault ).
20 years bad marriage ( no kids ) divorced ( her fault but I instigated divorce ).
2 years relationship in Thailand, going great.

Some low points ( apart from 2 divorces !! ), lost my brother, me 19 , him 22 .
Lost my mother aged 72 in an unsuspected illness.

Gave up smoking 20 years ago, drinking 2 years ago.
Healthwise, okay, need to lose a couple of k and more exercise, just lazy.

All in all a good life, would I make changes if I had the chance...... of course I would !!

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I see my life as a book and I want this book to be interesting, full of surprising game changers, ups and downs, failures and successes. When the day comes to write the words "The End", I want to be proud of this book and I hope that others will be inspired by it. 

This way of thinking also helps me making the right decisions now.


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I have said it a few times on here before......I have had a life beyond my wildest dreams for the past 16 years....the last 38 years prior to that (since the age of 14) were a living hell on earth (gradually getting worse as time passed on). If I died tonight it would be in absolute joy for having been given another chance at life.

   Nothing to do with money.

      16 years ago I was released from the obsession of alcohol.

   ( Thanks due to God).

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I can honestly say i would not change a thing ,there has only really been one "bad" time in my life and that was my first divorce ,it took me a long time to settle down having spent such a great time in the swinging 60s and 70s partying ,when i finally got married i thought it would be forever , was i wrong !! however ,it turned out getting divorced was one of the better points in my life ,i always thought when one door closes another opens , and it did .

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On 7/23/2017 at 10:43 AM, thehelmsman said:

My children.

I once did a workshop about dealing with people nearing the end of their life.. to the question 'what is the greatest achievement of your life'.. the overwhelming response is 'my children'..

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Great life.  Only about 10  years in the grist mill of 9-5 working for someone else.


The rest has been lots of sex drugs and rock and roll whilst traveling various countries. 


Happily married now and thankfully no kids to worry about.

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Yes, good, but I always have the feeling I could have done much more...too much lost time. Now I am 60, started my own business, this brings new challenges and new hope. If it fails, at least I tried.
I just don't want to fade away, I want to stay active with a cause/ purpose until the day I die.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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1 hour ago, Foozool said:

My life is very simple, but It is a great life  to compare to millions of others with miserable life. 


Good comment, I think Thailand is ideal for the simple lifestyle, truly a place where finally ones income can easily exceed expenses, leaving the peace of mind so many strive for but never attain in the places most of us hail from. I'm just beginning to appreciate that benefit, and therefore I can honestly say that for today I'm having a great time, I don't worry too much about tomorrow, and yesterday? Gone. (except for Visas of course!) :smile:

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