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U.S. Republican senators threaten to bolt from Obamacare repeal effort


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U.S. Republican senators threaten to bolt from Obamacare repeal effort

By Susan Cornwell and Richard Cowan



Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) walks into the Senate chamber for a healthcare vote on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., July 27, 2017. REUTERS/Yuri Gripas


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - As U.S. Senate Republican leaders feverishly tried to pass a slimmed-down Obamacare repeal, some senators threatened to bring the entire effort to a halt unless there were guarantees that the bill would be significantly changed during negotiations with the House of Representatives.


With the Senate digging in for what could be a rare all-night session to debate amendments to a Republican healthcare plan that would roll back parts of the seven-year-old Affordable Care Act, Republican senators challenged their leaders and expressed frustration with the entire process.


“I’d rather get of out of the way and have it collapse, than have a half-assed approach where it is now our problem,” said Republican Senator Lindsey Graham.


Graham was referring to a so-called skinny Republican healthcare bill that would repeal a few portions of the Obamacare healthcare law, formally known as the Affordable Care Act.


“The skinny bill as policy is a disaster,” Graham said at a news conference, adding, "The skinny bill as a replacement for Obamacare is a fraud."


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is trying to get the bill passed so that the Senate and House could then engage in a "conference" to come up with a compromise bill.


Graham and other senators have proposals that they think would strengthen the healthcare bill, including by transferring some powers to the states.


They were withholding their support for the slimmed-down bill unless there are assurances from Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan that his chamber will not simply pass the Senate bill and send it to Republican President Donald Trump for enactment into law.


Earlier on Thursday, Ryan said he would await Senate action on a bill before making any decisions.


The jockeying contributed to an odd situation in which the Senate could be passing a bill while simultaneously begging the House to reject it in favour of something better - with no guarantees that something better can pass either Republican-led chamber down the road.


Some Republican House moderates, including Representative Chris Collins, a Trump ally, called for simply passing whatever bill the Senate approves in coming hours, saying a vote for final action on the lengthy Obamacare repeal effort should come by Saturday.


Republican House conservatives, however, pushed back against the idea.


House leaders, meanwhile, moved to give themselves the option of rushing a Senate-passed bill through their chamber by Tuesday.


(Reporting by Susan Cornwell and Richard Cowan; Additional reporting by Yasmeen Abutaleb, Doina Chiacu, David Morgan, Caroline Humer and Susan Heavey; Writing by Will Dunham; Editing by Frances Kerry and Jonathan Oatis)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-07-28
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Thank God there are at least some Republican Senators with morals and decency, who won't push through a disaster, just to keep Trump happy. It seems blatantly obvious that the bill that has been put forward is totally flawed. It is time to either accept and improve Obamacare, or go back to the drawing board and come up with a proposal that actually benefits Americans of all income levels and which does not strip millions of cover, while lining rich folks pockets.

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19 minutes ago, 212Roger said:

"Disaster?"  Obama care is/was a "disaster!"  A "disaster" which was a planned failure.  A total repair care job is not possible; it must, and I believe come, in pieces, in steps.  

It seems that a very large number of American's disagree with you and the number is growing, including with the Republican base.   



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They'll just build another bill for the benefit of insurance companies and health care corporations built to harvest the wealth of the those who can least afford it.  The government needs to get out of middle of that market.  If you take the pejorative out of the word 'fascism', then fascism or corporatism clearly describes what this is: i.e., the alliance of business and government entities for the benefit of those pulling the strings.  Its sad that a country that use to be based on free market enterprise is now exploring fascist solutions.  My, my -  things have changed since I was born.  

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18 minutes ago, Credo said:

It seems that a very large number of American's disagree with you and the number is growing, including with the Republican base.   



The vocal groups that supports Obamacare are the 20 million benefiting from what is basically free Medicaid or subsidized insurance.  Ask those that are footing the bill with higher premiums what they think. Remember the people who buy their own insurance are the ones getting screwed with higher premiums and are the ones dropping out of buying healthcare insurance because they can't afford it but don't qualify for Medicaid or subsidized insurance. So yes Obamacare did not deliver as promised by the man himself.  It was basically all a lie.  Problem is the Republicans can't seem to get their act together present it to the American people and show whether it is better or worse than Obamacare.  Worthless politicians of both stripes trying to provide health care programs they know nothing about is a joke.  

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7 minutes ago, Trouble said:

The vocal groups that supports Obamacare are the 20 million benefiting from what is basically free Medicaid or subsidized insurance.  Ask those that are footing the bill with higher premiums what they think. Remember the people who buy their own insurance are the ones getting screwed with higher premiums and are the ones dropping out of buying healthcare insurance because they can't afford it but don't qualify for Medicaid or subsidized insurance. So yes Obamacare did not deliver as promised by the man himself.  It was basically all a lie.  Problem is the Republicans can't seem to get their act together present it to the American people and show whether it is better or worse than Obamacare.  Worthless politicians of both stripes trying to provide health care programs they know nothing about is a joke.  

"Problem is the Republicans can't seem to get their act together present it to the American people "


Problem is for health insurance solidarity is required, which is totally missing. And because solidarity is required, the only solution is universal health care.

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58 minutes ago, Trouble said:

Problem is the Republicans can't seem to get their act together present it to the American people and show whether it is better or worse than Obamacare.


That's because Obamacare is now more popular than ever: Obamacare's popularity has gone through the roof after Trump’s election


66% want Obamacare kept in place with additional improvements.


So it looks like Trump has accomplished something after all.



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1 hour ago, 212Roger said:

"Disaster?"  Obama care is/was a "disaster!"  A "disaster" which was a planned failure.  A total repair care job is not possible; it must, and I believe come, in pieces, in steps.  

not as big a disaster as Trumps plan would be for ordinary Americans

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One must start with the premise that Universal healthcare is a right not a privilege. Every industrialized country in the World has universal healthcare run by the Government and paid for by taxes .  America is the only industrialized country that refuses to do this and thus its citizens continue to die without proper healthcare; its citizens go bankrupt trying to pay outrageous hospital and pharmaceutical  charges and its politicians continue to protect the insurance industry and  profit off the misery of the ill.


Obamacare while flawed was to be a bridge into universal coverage and some of the wealthier states bought into the concept and  via medicaid their citizens live.  Now with Trump and the Republicans dead set on a repeal- they have to replace it.  Every bill put forward so far is so flawed even some of the Republicans cannot support it. They know that the American public wants and needs universal healthcare and the bills they present does not provide it and instead favors the wealthy through huge tax breaks and throws millions off their current health care.


It is impossible to provide universal healthcare through insurance companies and Big Pharma continues to be greedy and raise the costs of  life saving drugs to levels beyond reason. The UK learned decades ago that this was a Government responsibility and while the British NHS may have some faults- it provided good healthcare for citizens.


This debate cannot be between liberals and conservatives or Republicans or Democrats. The US Constitution states people have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and this has been reaffirmed by the United Nations Universal Declaration of Rights.  It's time the politicians start thinking about what American citizens and Residents need to  stay alive not what wealthy insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies need to make a profit.


The American people need to wake up and demand that their elected representatives move to universal healthcare soonest before more people die and Big Insurance and Big Pharma take more money off the backs of the sick.

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This is a good article on how much of a farce this whole repeal effort has become: The Obamacare repeal debate is now a completely bonkers game of chicken.





The real story is that Republicans, after seven years of promising to repeal and replace Obamacare, are unable to come up with a plan to actually do that, and it has come crashing down on them at the finish line. The Senate is hours away from voting on a bill, without knowing what it is or whether it could become federal law in a matter of hours.


The House and the Senate are now locked in an absurd game of chicken, right before a pivotal vote in the Senate, each side wary the other is about to betray them. It is grand political theater, except health insurance for millions of Americans are at stake.





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Senate Republicans prepare to pass Obamacare repeal few of them back

"They demanded assurances the legislation will only serve as a starting point for negotiations with the House — and not become law."




In other words, they voted for something they hope will NOT become law.



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2 hours ago, Trouble said:

Problem is the Republicans can't seem to get their act together present it to the American people and show whether it is better or worse than Obamacare.


5 times and 7 years.

Now, this:


The Senate agreed to debate a health care bill. Now what?


"The first in what is expected to be dozens of amendments failed Tuesday, 57-43. The amendment — really a full-fledged bill — that if passed would have repealed and replaced Obamacare, unsurprisingly sank late Tuesday night."


"The Senate is expected to vote midday Wednesday on an amendment that would create a clean repeal of the Affordable Care Act that wouldn’t take effect for two years.


"The delay is intended to give lawmakers time to come together on a replacement plan before people lose their health care."



"The delay is intended to give lawmakers time to come together on a replacement plan before people lose their health care."


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What a bunch of  selfish fools- they just have to 'win' rather than do a win for the American people. They should immediately call for meetings with the Democrats and come up with a bipartisan approach to this issue. Their approach is always to 'kick the can down the road while million of Americans look for leadership and putting the citizens first. 

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47 minutes ago, Langsuan Man said:

I just hope that when John McCain writes his memoir he reveals his vote was retribution for Trump's :


  'I like people who weren't captured'

Pettiness is the man-child's forte, not McCain's.

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30 minutes ago, Becker said:

Pettiness is the man-child's forte, not McCain's.


Umm, I wouldn't go that far, ol' Senator Johnny has enough of his own moments on record.  I would hazard a guess that his rage about the 'captured' remark is a key factor in his current decision making, and what he's aiming for goes way beyond a snappy retort.  Revenge is best served cold, he'll make his move at the right moment.  This thing with the health care bill is a shot, but not the KO punch. 

tick tick tick . . .



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On 7/28/2017 at 4:04 PM, dunroaming said:

Well thank goodness for the result. Another fail for Trump, I wonder what happened to all the "winning".  Trump wanted to scrap Obamacare because of his hatred  of the man and not for the good of the American people.  

And the equally scary part is, almost all the Republicans in the House of Reps and almost all the Republicans in the Senate, save a precious few, were fine to vote for a bill that was going kick many millions of Americans off their current health insurance, and raise premiums for millions more among the low-income and elderly.


And there are Americans out there who actually voted for these people, and still support them even now? Totally AMAZING!!!!


Just who exactly would have been greeting them at their next town hall meeting to say -- thanks so much Mr./Ms. Legislator for killing the ACA, and thus kicking millions of us out of our current health insurance and drastically raising premiums on the low-income and elderly???  You did a really great job with that!!!


Don't forget, Donald promised, a "great" health plan that will cover all and not cut Medicaid... :spamsign::spamsign:


What the public should be saying instead to Donald and the rest is, "YOU'RE FIRED!!!"

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On July 28, 2017 at 11:53 AM, Langsuan Man said:

I just hope that when John McCain writes his memoir he reveals his vote was retribution for Trump's :


  'I like people who weren't captured'

Watching how he so dramaticly cast that vote it was without question a 'Screw you" to Trump!

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On July 27, 2017 at 11:20 PM, Thaidream said:

One must start with the premise that Universal healthcare is a right not a privilege. Every industrialized country in the World has universal healthcare run by the Government and paid for by taxes .  America is the only industrialized country that refuses to do this and thus its citizens continue to die without proper healthcare; its citizens go bankrupt trying to pay outrageous hospital and pharmaceutical  charges and its politicians continue to protect the insurance industry and  profit off the misery of the ill.


Obamacare while flawed was to be a bridge into universal coverage and some of the wealthier states bought into the concept and  via medicaid their citizens live.  Now with Trump and the Republicans dead set on a repeal- they have to replace it.  Every bill put forward so far is so flawed even some of the Republicans cannot support it. They know that the American public wants and needs universal healthcare and the bills they present does not provide it and instead favors the wealthy through huge tax breaks and throws millions off their current health care.


It is impossible to provide universal healthcare through insurance companies and Big Pharma continues to be greedy and raise the costs of  life saving drugs to levels beyond reason. The UK learned decades ago that this was a Government responsibility and while the British NHS may have some faults- it provided good healthcare for citizens.


This debate cannot be between liberals and conservatives or Republicans or Democrats. The US Constitution states people have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and this has been reaffirmed by the United Nations Universal Declaration of Rights.  It's time the politicians start thinking about what American citizens and Residents need to  stay alive not what wealthy insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies need to make a profit.


The American people need to wake up and demand that their elected representatives move to universal healthcare soonest before more people die and Big Insurance and Big Pharma take more money off the backs of the sick.

Too much cash in the electoral process there for that to happen. Just look at the Dems who went against Obama (Shumer & Booker) when he wanted to play hardball with the pharmaceutical corporations. Lieberman killed the "public option". 

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