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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. It's always over at Songkran, so only another 6 weeks of pollution.
  2. I question all doctors medical skills, half the time I turn out to be more skilled than them.
  3. You're completely right, in this day and age nobody should have to take responsibility for their own welfare, it's always someone else's fault.
  4. Thai Dr. advised on life/death health matter by minimum wage serving staff ...........wonder how good a doctor she was?
  5. You think they're gonna extradite pensioner expats over this? Can't see it happening. Try thinking before posting nonsense! And how much savings would there really be in saving 200 quid a week on a pension payment and then spending 1000 quid a week on prison fees? Not that a custodial sentence is all that bad, they treat old folk in prison better than they treat old folk in care homes.
  6. First away gets slammed by the truck jumping the lights.
  7. I was able to park in the disabled spaces the past 4 months legally. I can now only park in the kids or old folks spaces.
  8. Gold-diggers who hunt foreigners are what they are, best not to introduce them to possible upgrades. If you've got one you want to keep, park them somewhere they can't meet other foreign men. Obviously if yours is different and loves you for your youth, good looks, wit, etc. you won't need these precautions, but I don't have anything but my wallet to attract a woman.
  9. There is no long term VISA to Vietnam, which is why we aren't there.
  10. https://www.expertsforexpats.com/expat-resources/british-expats/finance/barclays-and-other-uk-financial-institutions-are-closing-british-expats-accounts/#:~:text=for British Expats >-,Barclays and other UK financial institutions are closing,accounts%2C what are your options%3F&text=British expats and non-residents,not live in the UK.
  11. My bank account shows no foreign transfers or payments, as I didn't want the police tracing me. I don't want my UK bank to cancel my account either.
  12. If you don't have a link, you shouldn't be posting this.
  13. While the rest of us will be laughing at your frozen 500 pound state pension. Odd that our unfrozen pensions are your business, but your frozen pension is none of our business.
  14. Tell us how much your frozen pension pays you? Just so we can all have a laugh!
  15. Government workers are the laziest and most inefficient people in the world, even if they could do what you suggested, it's too much effort for them to bother.
  16. More of the usual BS, They didn't record past exits/entries .... So knowing if you left may happen today, but it didn't happen yesterday. They also don't know where you went, so again even if they know you left, they don't know if you're entitled to the uplift or not. There have never been any prosecutions of anyone getting pension uplifts while living in a no uplift country. You are not required to sign any documents from DWP except to state you're still alive once you pension has started. Finally, their own published rules state they are not allowed to reduce or stop pension payments unless they think you are dead.
  17. Usual BS. They don't know where you are. They can't get the money back if they did. You shouldn't use your UK bank account for foreign spending as the bank will close your account. All these scare posts link to stories about stopping means tested benefit fraud. Enjoyed my 10% rise last year. Looking forward to an 8% rise this year.
  18. They've already cut Tom and Jerry to remove all the racial jokes.
  19. I don't allow my wife to speak to other foreigners. And I don't mix with foreigners that drag their wife around with them.
  20. Up in Chiang Mai there's been no change in rents, the first condo I rented in the centre was 6kbht/month ..... 15 years later still 6kbht.
  21. The only prices that have significantly gone up in the past 15 years are airfares and barfines. It's as cheap here as it ever was.
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