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Everything posted by treetops

  1. Also came across this Dtac one that seems unusually cheap. Can anyone see a catch apart from it saying it's being shipped from overseas which is unusual for these IME? Shop address lower down the ad is in Thailand however. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/dtac-30-mbps-unlimited-sim-net-30mbps-1-12-30mbps-mobile2you-i5298451056-s22556085252.html
  2. Ctrl and zero.
  3. Are you sure you didn't drink them before posting?
  4. As an alternative to tagging, directing users to incorrectly state the reason for transfer in order to get the "International" annotation is exactly what they have directed a user elsewhere to do. Here was what they said:
  5. The CRS specifies the format of information and yes, the USA doesn't use this format. I have mentioned this elsewhere, but the sharing (by the USA) appears to be done using the "Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes" which is effectively the same thing as the CRS reporting, just using different mechanics, the way I understand it.
  6. Was it a refundable booking? If so you should get a refund without any problem. If it's not I expect you to struggle if indeed the money has actually left your bank and been received by Agoda.
  7. Their 787-8 use the Zodiac Aura Lite seats in 2-2-2 layout so not all have direct aisle access. Google should find you more details on them.
  8. Here's an example of the return leg of a SYD-MNL fare on PAL with dates chosen at random. Different days showing prices with over 700 AUD difference so the charges mentioned in the OP are entirely believeable.
  9. I do pretty much the opposite from you and never hold money in Wise in any currency. I always do my transfers funded from my UK bank account (online transfer) to be deposited straught into to BBL account and I have never experienced any delays of the magnitude noted by other posters. My suspicion is the delays are mostly experienced when the source of funds is the USA and the accounts doing the sending either aren't verified or their link to Wise' transfer partner in the USA is suspect.
  10. Last year it wasn't required (twice for me) so the system is capable of handling it, but this year it's changed. Maybe new policy but I don't know the reason behind it.
  11. If you were at the Second Road/South Road junction you would walk the 150m to Walking Street rather than going the length of Second Road and back down Beach Road in a couple of baht buses, same as in your previous example of going "all the way to Walking Street in one stop". Jomtien is screwed up with the one way road but elsewhere everything is as before.
  12. Apparently the company offering the cheap prices in your example (EaseMyTrip) will call you the next day after you book and pay and ask for more money - their bookings and prices aren't live/real time. Do you want to buy from a shonky Indian company with dubious practices? https://uk.trustpilot.com/review/easemytrip.com?sort=recency
  13. As is Seven Sins next door.
  14. You can get it in Thailand or outside. For UK applicants they don't go to the embassy, and no longer even have to send your passport in.
  15. FATCA gives the USA info on accounts held overseas but does not give overseas governments info on USA holdings which CRS would. However, as mentioned elsewhere, the USA is a member of the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes which is effectively the same thing as the CRS, just using different mechanics the way I read it.
  16. Selecting "Long Term Stay" and sending to Kasikorn should result in the funds being marked as "Trade Finance Deposit" which is their equivalent to BBL's international annotation. Source: https://wise.com/help/articles/2932335/guide-to-thb-transfers
  17. No. "Used to" indicates it's no longer current. Is current.
  18. Sign in to the AIS app and it'll show details of your plan/usage/credit etc.
  19. Using VoLTE for (long) calls if you have a limited amount of data but lots of free call minutes available. You can soon find your data gone and having to cough up for more.
  20. Do you think he's mentioned it as often as his trip to the Singapore Formula 1?
  21. Presumably a room containing the parts (excluding panels) of a solar electric generating/storage set up. Inverter, controller, batteries and anything else required.
  22. The MFA guy interviewed by "Retired Working For You" on youtube mentioned the one day out IIRC. The two days out rule is not specific to DTVs but any border run at specific crossings, according to this thread: https://aseannow.com/topic/1336345-lao-borders-some-at-least-now-requiring-overnight-stay/
  23. They are however a member of the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes which is effectively the same thing the way I read it.
  24. Yes, but you can't get 30 people in like you can with a bus. 🙄
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