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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. The change, enforcement of incoming funds isn't to target expats specifically. If they wanted to do that, they could have done that a long time ago, by requiring a Thai tax statement at visa extension time. It's targeted toward Thais, and the more well to do Thais, who do vote, and have influence. If they are going to change anything in the future, I would expect it to create loopholes, for those HISo influential folks, to avoid paying taxes.
  2. I drink homemade Kefir everyday. So all good with probiotics here 👍
  3. Yep ... one of the best benefits of living in TH. IF in the USA, Medicare Plan B cost ~$170, ($2040 / ฿73.8k a year) then has $10-20-30 deductibles for the doc to issue a script, or referral to a specialist, with more deductibles. Then $10-20-30 deductibles when buying the meds, if even covered. What a joke. I can't spend that much on my healthcare here, and that includes a full medical check up every year, with full abdominal ultrasound for <฿10k / $277 USD. Less than 2 months Plan B premium which gives you nothing for your money. Premiums of ฿73.8k a year ... I can't get that sick here. Been here 20+ years, so I'm ฿1.5-2M ahead, by not living in the USA. AND YES, that money is in the oops fund here, JIC, if needed, or the wife & kid have a bit extra when I do crap out. Most scripts I get here, cost less than the deductibles in the USA ...
  4. Agree, and killing the bacteria needed to process some nutrients from your food intake, which would have helped boost your immune system. Not on useless against a virus, but detrimental to the very immune system to fight the virus. Bacterial or viral ... your body will handle the infection, in about a 2 weeks time, at most, for most people, without any help. Treat the symptoms for your comfort, if not knowing it is a specific bacteria ... Avoid antibodies.
  5. I guess if people repeat and hear things enough, they think it's true ... ... it's not. I've heard 250w, 350w, and now up to 500w. Mines 1000w, and I know it's illegal, just like all of them that are smaller. There is not exception for size. If it has 2 or 3 wheels and is motorized, no matter the size of motor, it is a motorcycle and needs to be registered and operator needs to be licensed. Adding pedals doesn't negate that. Also why I bought a DECO brand E-MC (3000w), as one of the few brands that can easily be registered, and all done by the dealer, at no extra charge. They also offer 1000w & 2000w motor versions. 1000w scooters have removable batteries for those that don't have outside outlets (condo/apt dwellers). It is the law, though not enforced, usually. "Section 4 Definition: A motorcycle is a vehicle with two tires or less, which is powered with an internal combustion engine or an electric motor. In case it accompanies a sidecar, it may have one more wheel. (other definitions omitted) Section 5 The Minister of Transport and Communications shall be in charge and control of the execution of this Act and shall have the power to prescribe such Ministerial Regulations as requirements of motor vehicles and their engines, standards for mirrors and horns, specifications for license plates, maximum loads and capacities for motor vehicles, etc. Title1:RegistrationofMotorVehicles Section 6 No one is allowed to use a motor vehicle on public roads unless such a vehicle is registered under this act. No one is allowed to use a motor vehicle on public roads which is registered but whose owner hasn’t paid the annual vehicle tax."
  6. Why, when they can get someone else to pay for it.
  7. And they just built all new government buildings a few years back. Wait till they start falling apart before moving.
  8. Hard working but no health insurance or enough to repatriate. Go Fund Me TBH, I never had, but would never have needed. Don't waste the money, BBQ and leave in Thailand.
  9. Silly news-blip, as the photo could be completely different from what is actually being rented. GOGOBIKE has a FB page, which I'm not allowed to post. On that page they do show e-bike, as in bicycle, which would be illegal. Also show a motorbike looking scooter, without tags, also illegal. Was it not the stand on small electric scooters (1st photo) that were the issue, not necessarily 'a problem', except for the competition. These are all e-scooters / bikes / MB/MC, depending who's talking... Illegal ... Illegal Legal ... DECO brand / registered (not same as photo (possibly not registered ?) From GOGO page .. probably what is being rented .. competition not happy ?
  10. Rice debate ... as I've stated before, a lot depends on what, how, when you eat. Eat your crappy food (carbs/sugar), after your fats & protein... I linked his Tik Tok in description ... excellent stuff I'm not allowed to post FB links on the forum as he has a FB also, though I think they are trying to censor him.
  11. Toying with app for Solar inverter, as a crap day, really crap day. While peeking, notice some stats it provides. Haven't a clue on the 'saved' states. Googling what 1 L of petrol burns, and driving ~30k kms so far, produces ~5 metric tons of CO2. About half of what solar saves, so added accordingly. Solar system installed 4 Aug 2022. Self0used is load used, ~35% to ESS
  12. If you plan on swimming in the surf, better go further south & pick the Andaman Sea side, as the Gulf is iffy all the time, besides the half or so year you should avoid being in.
  13. As healthy as YOU make it.
  14. Here you go. Have at it ... https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Average-Travel-Distance-of-Vehicles-3_tbl2_238658930 As posted before I drive 20,000 km a year 10,000 out and about 10,000 local. But only 5,000 knocking around town, the other $5,000 are exploring farther, 50 - 100 kms away. Plus 2500 kms on E-MB, for total of ~7500 kms of non exploring local driving. Doesn't include any type of mandatory commute, since retired. Would think most Thais drive 10-15k kms a year. Which does agree with the chart in the link. Chart more on the high end.
  15. So you ripped the Yank off...😎
  16. And yet, that's exactly what most people would want in their home countries. Immigrants not taking the jobs away from the citizens of. Why every country has immigration laws.
  17. 33k of those are mine ... 😎 Equals about ฿75k saved... like getting an E-MB for free But 1 ... Get 1 ...
  18. Rising seas or sinking into the swamp city .... The weight of all the buildings, and the pumping of ground water is the cause, not rising seas ... IMHO. Google the World Econonic Forum's vid "Bangkok is sinking under the weight of its own skyscrapers" As I'm not allowed to post FB vids, but a few snapshots from the vid. And who's fault is it ... NOT CLIMATE CHANGE...IMHO & OTHERS THAT CONTROL ALL THINGS
  19. Sniffy the Wonder Dog waiting patiently in AC comfort while we eat ... ... and you better save her a bite
  20. Guessing this is a wind up ... But try being considerate to others, and park where that stinky truck won't bother people. Assuming it's diesel, and it IS disgusting.
  21. Might want to call first, as just peeked, to see if open, and saw this review. Don't know camera means the lens section also ...
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