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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Saw Thomas's line up way back when, and nice looking. But pricy. Now their entry level models are 20k baht more (no govt incentive mentioned) than DECO's, and spec'd about the same.
  2. And all heavy vehicles & trucks, along with teen drivers, real or wishing, that do rabbit starts and hard braking. Another silly ev hater post... ... troll on Off topic, and more appropriate on the ICE vs EV thread
  3. Actually the 'front basket' was a deciding factor, as the dog needs to sit somewhere. Although no longer needs the top basket, as trained not to jump out now. Harley mode optional
  4. We know what extreme you are ... ... your house will burn down ... your phone charger might not work on you motorcycle THANKS ... very helpful
  5. Yep ... buy crap, get crap Where's the motorcycle plug ...
  6. Nothing even close to a DECO Motorcycle battery charger ... My little charger for my ebike is half the size of the DECO charger
  7. The 18k seems to be the govt incentive, if comparing price of the model, with the price in the promo photo. Ours cost mid between that 2.5 yrs ago, but was same price for a couple years. So now 10k cheaper than ours, with a better battery 👍
  8. Charger came with the motorcycle, and branded DECO. Seems decent quality, though can't say I ever peeked at the specs. 3.6kWh battery charges up pretty fast, and usually less than 2 hrs (30-100%). I never go below 30%, though ours doesn't have a % gauge, just idiot bars. When it starts flickering from 3 to 2 bars while driving, then we plug in. At rest it will stay at 3 bars at that point. Since ours is a bit older, newer battery is LFP, and doesn't mind being topped up to 100% daily, if wanting. Ours prefers, like phones, not to be topped up to 100% all the time, although I do, but if using daily, that 4-5 days of riding, as I don't really go that far, since the park and surf, where dog & myself go in the AM is close to home. I haven't noticed any degradation of the battery, over 2.5 yrs, though probably a bit has taken place, but nothing noticeable.
  9. Don't do that, as I'm rarely there, and never at night. Just speculating, as 2000 people really isn't that many. 2000 crossdressing men would be silly, or even 200. Only reason I'd be on that soi is for SOHO Pizza, and that was a while ago
  10. don't know if anyone stated yet, but I'm 99% sure, that photo is photoshopped. Zoom in and there is telltale signs along the arms. And really, who cares if someone is holding a Thai flag.
  11. That why people research & ask questions on forums. Hopefully to get answers from experienced people, instead of people who watch anti EV vids on YT, and are now experts ... warning of pending doom, and the house burning down if owning an EV. Everything is all new to everyone at some point, but some people actually researched, bought in, and are experienced. Others not so much, but happy to give advice, when they probably shouldn't. After the advice is given, still up to the one posing the query to do a bit of due diligence, unless trusting the source of advice. Since we're all strangers of a forum, then go with ... "trust & verify" to be safe. I feel very confident in the advice I give ... ... just don't ask me for relationship advice, as it will come with a disclaimer; 'married 4 times' along with 2 failed live in chickies ... F'me But it was all fun ...
  12. I don't get out of the car when at charging stations. Someone has to unlock & lock the car, beside, all but 1 app is on the wife's phone. She has no problem plugging in, as I see many ladies doing the same when we're charging.
  13. Yep ... can be frustrating as all hell. A lot has to do with your personal experience & knowledge of RE buying and or investing. Also the replies have a lot to do, with the posters experience & knowledge in RE ... ... along with, was the experiences in TH positive or negative ... AND WHY I'm extremely experienced, even had RE License back in USA. Much will also depend on how long you've been in TH, how long you plan on staying, and WHY are you buying ? Last but surely not least, if all goes tits up, can you afford to walk away, as many found out, they couldn't, and it affected their happy factor, apparently for the rest of their life. Actually no different than a divorce and losing everything you thought was yours in farangland. When an OP comes on a forum, and needs to ask 'financial advice' ... I'm going to give them 'RENT', as a knowledgeable & experienced person, wouldn't need to ask IMHO Condo buying is safest bet, as you own it, but will rely again, and your RE savvy, but at least it's yours. Generic questions are tough to answer, and if you have something specific, then better. But that's rare on the forum, so many don't waste their time. Many OPs never acknowledge or repost after receiving info, giving many the 'why bother' attitude, and just tell them to rent, as safest all around. Unless in it for the long haul, more than 5 years ownership, as applies to most countries & RE, and rent is the way to go, especially if only been in TH for less than a few years. You haven't answered 'if TH is for you ?' in that short of time. The culture, heat, smog wears on people who didn't do their research or haven't been here. I lived in Memhis TN USA area for 5 yrs before coming to TH, and 100°F +/- for month wasn't rare. But TH can and is brutally hot, March, April & May till the rains start. Hua Hin & Northward have horrendous smog 4-6 months a year, whether some fail to admit or not, the numbers don't lie. TH is NOT for everyone. That might take a few years to realize, and maybe a year or so in different areas of TH, before buying.
  14. I don't believe it either but it was in the news, so can't fault the poster for mentioning. Have you been on soi 11 on a busy night, 2000 would be easy. And 20 hundreds is 2000 ...
  15. Excellent quality electric motorcycles are cheaper here to buy ... if you don't need the range or top end speed. I personally would never buy another petrol vehicle, cost more to operate & maintain, and not as enjoyable to ride ... IMHO
  16. You get what you pay for, and a lot of those fires are down to 'user error' #1 avoid charging indoors #2 don't leave unattended #3 if cheap, use fireproof battery bag The uncommon common sense ... doing research. Does someone really have to tell you everything in like. Daddy Google will hold your hand. Holy Buddha, last time I checked, we were all adults on the forum, or suppose to be.
  17. Yes, and one of the few brands that can. The dealer did all that for us. They have a fairly decent dealer network. Probably more than shown on map, as having one locally now, and not on the map. If you don't need range or top end speed, E-MB is the way to go IMHO. Really is fun to drive. I drive ours daily when weather is cooperating, not brutally hot or raining. Had a Honda Wave 125i, and last 5 yrs of owning, I drove to the petrol station to top up fuel & air in the tires, and to the dealer to get oil changed & chain adjustment. Sold that as never used, and bought the DECO and wife is like ... ... W T F, you nuts ... but we both drive it when we can. If going to have a passenger with you most times, or a bit out of town, I'd get one of the 2000w motor versions, w/larger battery. The 1000w motor models have removable battery for condo/apartment charging, hopefully on the balcony, out of sun, or in fire proof battery bag. Ours gets charged in the carport, not problems. The AT***, instant torque is great, comfy, quiet, smooth. *** has selector button on handlebar ... 1-2-3, for changing juice to motor for higher speeds Ours being their largest, will do 90kph, per promo, and I've done 87kph, so that's accurate. Does a bit less range than promo, but more range than manual, that's strange. There's a couple other AN members that have DECO scooters, and enjoy them. One does regret not getting a 2000w vs 1000w, for a bit more range.
  18. Or one really needs to know what they are doing or be very lucky. Think I was both, as 1st Thai wife was typical ... "are you that F'g stupid' ... yep, BUT, smart enough, had POA, and sold the house without her involvement, sort of. Wasn't even at the Land Office during transfer. Lucky with #2 Thai wife, and didn't even bother with POA, though do have usufruct, not to protect against her, but relatives in case she cropped out early. Redundant now, as daughter is on all the paperwork.
  19. .... "Thai victims shared the conflict on social media inciting nearly 2,000 Thai transwomen to gather and attack the Filipina ladyboys." ... (source)
  20. We have an E-motorcycle, and I'd recommend the Deco brand to anyone. 1000w motor w/decent lithium (LFP) battery, with prices starting under 30k baht. I really wouldn't bother with anything else, with less specs. We've had ours SUSU model, for 2.5 years, and love it. Cost wise for ours, largest model & battery is <20 baht, full charge, at a guess. 3.6kWh battery X 5 baht. That would get me 75-90kms. That's a 3000w motor & 72v50Ah battery. Newer version is bit better battery and safer LFP chemistry. Quality battery & charger, and personally wouldn't worry about any fire risk.
  21. As long as you have access to a standard outlet, you'll be able to use the emergency/granny charger that comes with the car. Overnight or when ever, and you' can charge up over 2kWh an hour with it. Ours puts out 2.3kWh, so 8/10/12 hrs on that, and our car gets about 7.5kms per kWh, so 60/75/90 kms range added for those times. We have a wall charger, but rarely use it, since it's on the grid. So we use the granny charger, 99% of the time, as having solar, and home during the day. Depending where you live, I'm not sure relying on a public charger would really be that much of an inconvenience. Download 'Charge Loma' app, as I find it best for amount of charging stations it shows, and can filter fast chargers only, and certain vendors. I filter fast & 4 different vendors that we use; MG, EV Station Pluz, PEA Volta & Elexa. It's fairly decent for a ball park idea, not completely up to date, as the vendor apps are.
  22. That wouldn't be fair either, as supply & demand for 8-10million jacks the prices up, with a huge middle class. If you look at the link, groceries & basics, then not cheaper than TH. As you say, good for a visit, as is the whole area. Czechia always interested me, as friends went there and loved it.
  23. The whole Eastern Bloc, Baltic region interested me, after the fighting calmed down. Also makes you wonder, if many of those now Albanians didn't arrive from Kosovo
  24. Also not cheaper than TH, if comparing like metro areas, these both have shy of 1M population:
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